* International action weekend: Stop the occupation - Brussels 19 March 2006


Why we marched in the streets:

BAGHDAD, Mar 29 (IPS) - Three years after the occupation, calls for unity in fighting it are gaining ground across Iraq.
The memory of the invasion brings sadness, but Iraqis still take heart each year when they hear and see the demonstrations of solidarity with them all over the world.
Although the anniversary always brings new frustration in Iraq, there is some hope too. The continuing anti-war movement is welcomed. Those Iraqis who can receive images of anti-war marches by television are excited to do so, others read about them in the papers, or hear from their neighbours.
"Your demonstrations are a great help for Iraq and for justice, and thank you so much for this help," Zainab Rahman said, as if addressing the demonstrators.
Asa'ad is one of many Baghdadis increasingly frustrated by the services situation in the capital. He is heartened, however, by the understanding of demonstrators around the world.
"I can't thank them enough because they feel for Iraq and Iraqi peoples' suffering. We will do the same if anything bad happens to any of these countries, to share their feelings as they do now and because we are human and we must all feel for each other."



International action weekend: Stop the occupation
Brussels 19/03/06

Peace Demonstration
Stop the war and the occupation of Iraq

Organised by: Anti-war platform


Depart: 2pm, Brussels North station (junction of Albert II-laan and the inner ring road)

Platform text

Stop war and occupation
Three years after the invasion of Iraq, social movements around the world are calling for renewed mobilisation against the war and occupation in Iraq- which have led to world wide condemnation of the policies of the Bush government. The Belgian anti-war platform, a broad coalition of groups, has answered this call.

The anti-war platform stands in solidarity with the Iraqi people, and the peace movements in the countries that are waging war.

The anti-war platform:

  • remembers the illegality of the invasion of Iraq, and the falsehoods that were used to justify it
  • demands an end to the occupation, and respect for international law
  • opposes any NATO or Belgian co-operation with the occupation
  • asks for the complete restoration of Iraqi sovereignty concerning its own natural resources and general economic policy
  • opposes the systematic and multiple abuses of international humanitarian law committed by the United States, of which the Iraqi people are often the victim
  • condemns all violence against innocent civilians, and asks that all parties respect international humanitarian law
  • asks for international research into the abuses of human rights and the use of "dirty" weapons (cluster bombs, white phosphorous, depleted uranium?)
  • opposes the US-concept of "preventive war" and the aggression against third countries under the cover of the war against terrorism, or the possession of weapons of mass destruction
  • opposes the fact that civil and political rights are often the victim in the name of the international "struggle against terrorism"
  • calls on all countries to respect the UN Charter, and refrain from violence and the threats of violence

    Signatories 19th March

    Aktie Vredesbelasting (VRAK)
    Amitiés et fraternité Begique Irak
    Artsen voor Vrede
    Attac Bruxelles 1
    Attac Vlaanderen
    ATTAC Wallonie Bruxelles
    Bond Beter Leefmilieu (BBL)
    BRussells Tribunal
    Bureau des Etudiants Administrateurs de L'ULB (BEA-ULB)
    Centre Avec
    Christenen voor het Socialisme
    Comité de surveillance OTAN
    Démocratie Plus
    Etudiants FGTB
    FC Poppesnor
    Femmes Prévoyantes Socialistes
    FGTB Liège
    Fondation Joseph Jacquemotte
    Forum Nord-Sud
    Forum voor Vredesactie
    FOS Socialistische Solidariteit
    Graffiti Jeugddienst vzw
    Jeunes CSC
    Jeunnesses Syndicales FGTB
    Jeunesse Ouvrière Chrétienne (JOC)
    Jong Groen!
    Justice et Paix
    Kif Kif vzw
    Koepel van de Vlaamse Noord-Zuidbeweging - 11.11.11 vzw
    MIR - IRG
    MJG vzw
    vzw MJG (Gent)
    Mouvement Chrétien pour la Paix
    Mouvement des Jeunes Socialistes
    Netwerk Rechtvaardigheid en Vrede
    Oxfam Solidariteit/Solidarité
    Oxfam Wereldwinkels
    Parti Socialiste Unifié (Maroc) - Section belge
    Pax Christi Vlaanderen
    Pax Christi Wallonie
    Prego - jongeren mét spirit
    Radio Al Manar
    Rassemblement Liégeois pour la Paix (RLP)
    SAP Socialistische Arbeiderspartij/POS Parti Ouvrier Socialiste
    Service Civil International (SCI)
    Solidarité Socialiste
    SP.a Rood
    t Uilekot
    Vaka/Hand in Hand
    Vlaams Internationaal Centrum
    Vlaams Overleg Duurzame Ontwikkeling
    Vlaams Palestina Komitee
    Voor Moeder Aarde
    Vrede vzw
    Vredeshuis Aalst
    Werkplaats voor Theologie en Maatschappij/vzw Motief
