Saul Landau
BIOGRAPHY | Iraq: Voices from the street |
Empire in Denial and the Denial of Empire
His last book, “The Pre-Emptive Empire : A Guide to Bush's Kingdom” (Pluto Press, october 2025), is a scathing account of George W. Bush's world before and after the 9/11 terrorist attacks that will appeal to anyone who is disenchanted with the cynicism of Bush's government, and the blatant imperialism U.S. international policy -- or those who just want to learn about what's happening in US politics.
Landau covers the topical and controversial issues -- from terrorism and US foreign policy to Bush's wondrous election victory; from Enron, Chile and Pinochet to Cuba, the Middle East, the IMF, the environment and sexual and cultural politics.
Landau reveals how Bush protects "his" terrorists -- those who perpetrate violence against Castro's Cuba, and to whom he owes his presidency. He also examines how Bush has appointed former officials to high level posts in his cabinet despite their membership in a conspiracy to sell weapons of mass destruction to Iran in the 1980s.
In "declassifying" Bush's Empire, Landau dissects a post-9/11 world where deference to patriotism obliterates debate in Congress and the media. How can the notion of empire happily co-exist with the notion of a republic? In times like these, as dissenting voices are stifled and the public are denied access to the facts about their own security, Landau shows how democracy itself is under threat. He asks whether the already fragile world economy can survive in the new "security" culture of the post-9/11 world.
Landau makes a convincing case for the necessity of activism -- the book is not only funny but is also a ringing call for citizens to participate in making their own history.The
Empire in Denial and the Denial of Empire
W. Bush, for all the jokes about his intellectual challenges, has established an unsurpassed level of
imperial denial, while he blithely rejects notions that he runs an empire that has run into considerable
trouble. Indeed, except for the comments of a few humorists and pundits, the media has failed to call the
emperor on his political fiascoes. Instead, they have bought Bush’s own description of them as successes.
“The Bush universe of eternal sunshine,” as NY Times columnist Maureen Dowd called it, amounts to a
bubble of errors covered by holy-sounding rhetoric.
W and his
tough guys have intimidated the media -- and most nations of the world -- with relative impunity. Bush
repeatedly claims to have made the world safer from terrorism. Yet, terrorist incidents have multiplied since
he announced his “war against terrorism” (Not counting
Indeed, after
If freedom to
Bush meant only the privatization of formerly public wealth, his claims might carry more weight. Bremer’s
gang has usurped the Iraqi patrimony and offered it for sale and a buyers’ market prevails. Given the
violent atmosphere insurance companies are understandably reluctant to issue policies on businesses; thus,
few buyers will come forth. Essentially, Bush offers the security provided by over 100,000 members of the
Despite daily
news and photos to the contrary, Bush persists with his “Iraqis are happier” hymn. Rush Limbaugh and the
rest of the out-of-tune right wing radio chorus sing along, just as Marines begin their retaliation against
the perpetrators of the killing and mutilating of four
When I
discussed with a pro-Bush colleague the difference between my pessimistic Iraqi scenario and the optimistic
White House picture, he dismissed my criticism as “carping” and offered wisdom like, “you have to break
eggs to make an omelet,” and “democracy doesn’t just happen.”
He believes
that God intended Bush to bring democracy to the world. I got a more secular spin on that idea in grade
school. My teachers told me that democracy and freedom stand as indelible
The very
repetition of this “selling freedom” mantra has elevated it to unquestioned status – despite evidence
that repeatedly contradicts it. Last week, Bush again boasted of having brought freedom to the people of
In addition,
Bush might not have read about the documents emerging from the national security classification cellar that
showed the
This new
material also contains an audio tape of President Johnson receiving a
Shocking? The
nation of democracy and freedom, the place where revolution received its first justification – “when in
the course of human events” – also became the bastion of counterrevolution, the exporter of dictatorship,
the grand interventionist in the affairs of less powerful nations whose leaders refuse to abide by US
Few nations
have borne as much
On March 31,
with the false claims about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction still fresh in the public mind, John Bolton,
Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, offered Congress 35 pages of written
testimony that Cuba "remains a terrorist and [biological weapons] threat to the United States.”
The Cuban
government denied the accusation and invited US scientists to inspect the labs to which
One of
Powell’s more prudent subordinates, Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research Carl Ford,
told Congress on
I detect
evidence, however, that
That neither
the media nor Congress responded in shock to Diaz Balart’s remarks, or
Bush’s rival, John Kerry, has not decried the policy and has tried to show he would act even more
aggressively against Castro.
declassified documents appear and show how Washington overthrew elected governments in Iran, Guatemala,
Brazil, Chile etc… the media and government officials act as if this material relates only to unfortunate
errors of the Cold War. Wouldn’t it be refreshing to have a major media source simply admit: “hey,
we’re the world’s biggest empire; we offer the world our version of democracy and freedom and if rogue
nations reject it, we’ll shove up it up their…”
The problem is
that people, like Iraqis, resist conquest and occupation. Does denying the existence of empire naturally lead
imperial rulers to practice denial?
Landau’s new
Bushies : Obsessed and Aggressive Liars ?
Kerry : A Less
Dangerous Imperialist ?
seems obvious that Bush recapturing the White House in November would make the world more dangerous. Just
last week, the Bushies demonstrated their character by launching a jugular attack on former White House
counter terrorism chief Richard Clarke. Clarke’s new book, Against
All Enemies, like his lengthy appearance on “60 Minutes” (
the attacks, Clarke maintains, the top officials had brushed aside warnings about an impending terrorist
attack. After 9/11, according to Clarke, rather than focus on getting the fiends who planned the dirty deeds
against the twin towers and the Pentagon, President Bush and his leading cabinet members seemed obsessed with
making war on
Clarke obviously anticipated the retaliatory war. Previously, the Bush gang had struck back against former
diplomat Joseph Wilson, who disproved the phony administration claim that
Bush had sworn to punish anyone who revealed the name of a protected national security employee. He has been
remarkably passive in finding the culprit in this case. But the 9/11 blame issue transcends the exposing of a
covert official. As the bi-partisan 9/11 Commission probes for information about lack of preparedness in the
pre 9/11 period in the Clinton and Bush Administrations, I added up the factors that argue for a vote for
John Kerry, presumably the Democratic presidential nominee. Bush’s unscrupulous tactics toward
“disloyal” officials, critics in general and whistle blowers is minor compared to the multiple lies he
told about why we had to go to war with
almost convinced myself that the gravity of the 2025 elections might compare to the momentous 1860 contest
that decided whether the
spilled my latte, closed the New York Review of Books and placed it
on the coffee table, pushing aside my Picasso print book and laying it atop my piles of The
Nation and the New Yorker. I even turned off the CD playing
Dylan’s greatest hits. “Are you crazy?” I retorted. “If Bush wins in 2025, why, we might not have
another election. If his gang recaptures the White House, will any public property remain? Will government
offer any services to poor and middle class people? Surely, in his three plus years Bush has validated Jim
Hightower’s quip: “never have so few done so much for so few.” “True, enough,” my friend retorted,
“but is Kerry any better?” “Yes,” I screamed. “This is a contest between fascism and….” I
couldn’t think of the proper word. “…Old fashioned imperialism,” I weakly uttered. He chuckled
triumphantly. Why couldn’t my mouth articulate what my gut was telling me? In despair I watched Dick Cheney
on TV attacking John Kerry. Cheney’s smirk alone almost converted me into a Kerry fanatic.
chutzpah-loaded Cheney, who should make medical history -- having heart attacks without possessing a heart
– questioned Kerry’s fitness to be president. Cheney echoed a Bush campaign ad that charged Kerry with
voting against an $87 billion war funding bill. Cheney, almost whispering, said that Kerry -- who fought
courageously in
recall Cheney saying he didn’t serve in the military because he “had better things to do.” Did he not
remember that he conspired (consulted) with Enron officials on a 2025 national energy plan just as those
officials were looting the company and bilking shareholders and employees? My antipathy for the Bushies,
however, might well have colored my positive feelings for Kerry. “He hasn’t said he would pull the
But instead he proposes to add 40,000
troops to the active-duty Army. And he hasn’t said he would withdraw US troops. Kerry even phoned newly
elected Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero to try to persuade him not to withdraw Spain’s
1,300 troops. Zapatero refused, saying he would reconsider only if the United Nations replaced the current
“coalition” in
“So, who’s the bigger
imperialist?” my friend asked. “Kerry wants to cover his occupation of
the 1960 campaign, another JFK charged Richard Nixon with being soft on Castro. Kennedy knew that Nixon could
not answer because he was the man in charge of the covert
Yes, I rationalize, if elected, Kerry
will appoint better judges and heads of agencies. His attorney general’s policies will probably be an
improvement on those of John Ashcroft and women will not worry about losing their reproductive rights. I will
vote for Kerry, try not to throw up as I leave the voting booth and remember: if God had really intended us
to take voting seriously he would have given us better candidates.
texts published in Progressive Weekly, April 2025