Stop violations of the right to health care in Iraq - signatories |
A.Wijnand F. Rutgers, neuroloog, Bestuurslid NVMP (IPPNW Nederland) |
Abdul Ilah Al-Bayaty, writer, Iraq/France |
Adam Roufberg, Founder: Natural Philosophers International, Editor:, USA |
Aida Dantas Fuentes, Spain |
Alan B. Steinbach, Ph.D., M.D., Clinical Professor, Health and Medical Sciences, School of Public Health, UC Berkeley, USA |
Alison Katz, Psychologist and Sociologist, People's Health Movement, Geneva, Switzerland |
Alys Elica Zaerin, student anti-war movement, London, England |
Amber Litzroth, Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp, Belgium |
Amy Bartholomew (Law professor - Canada) |
Amy Hagopian, MHA, PhD, University of Washington, USA |
Ana Sández Pérez, auxiliar de enfermería, delegada sindical por CC.OO. España |
Andres Mendoza Reynoso, Gerente Nacional, Proyecto Comunitario Bastion Popular, Guayaquil Ecuador |
Angela Leask, member of Falkirk Against War, UK |
Anna Givens RN, United States |
Anna Nordfjell, midwife, Sweden |
Antoine Vaillant, audiovisual expert / filmmaker, France/Vietnam |
Åsa (Asa) Andersson, administrative Director Swedish Society of Nursing Sweden |
Assaf Kfoury, professor, Boston University, USA |
AVRUPA Newspaper, London |
Awni ARIF,M.D.,P.H.D., Consultant World Health Organization, Geneva Switzerland |
Bahauddeen Latif, member of Labour Against War, Great Britain/Bangladesh |
Barbara Laxon, Occupational Therapist, Florida, USA |
Basem Khader, United Nations Director (retired), USA |
Bénédicte Dubois, Kinésithérapeute, Brussels, Belgium |
Bolton Stop The War Coalition and Campaign for Nuclear Disarmement |
Bouda Ahmed, Président RADIO AL MANAR, Brussels, Belgium |
Bushra Persson Al-Bayati, Manager, Sweden |
Carlos Varea, Campaña Estatal contra la Ocupación y por la Soberanía de Iraq (CEOSI), Spain |
Cathie L. Bell, Personal Trainer, Nutritionist, USA |
Comaguer, Anti-war Committee Marseille - France |
Corinne Kumar, Secretary General of El Taller International - Tunesia / India |
Dahr Jamail, independent journalist, USA |
David Polden, worker for London Region CND, London, England, |
De Wit Julie, Scientist working on environmental health, Department of Human Ecology, VUB, Belgium |
Debra Birkinshaw, Registered Occupational Therapist, Peace and Justice of Sonoma County, Board Member |
Diana van der Sluis, Nederland |
Dirk Adriaensens, BRussells Tribunal and SOS Iraq, Belgium |
Dorothy Goldin Rosenberg PhD, Toronto, Canada |
Dr DJI Omar, Biochimie et microbiologie, Belgium |
Dr. Abdulkarim Hani, Iraqi National Foundation Congress, Baghdad |
Dr. Alberto Martínez Polis Population Council Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean |
Dr. An Muylaert- Activist for Palestine- Belgium |
Dr. April M. Hurley, MD, Not In Our Name Sonoma County (California, USA) |
Dr. Aziz Rhali, Marocco, pharmacien, representent d'un ONG Blouses Blanches pour la Palestine |
Dr. Berlinde Van der Henst general medicine Antwerp |
Dr. Bert De Belder, coordinator, Medical Aid for the Third World, Belgium |
Dr. Brenda Roberts, consultant clinical psychologist, working in the NHS in England |
Dr. Colette Moulaert, Medical Aid for the Third World, Belgium |
Dr. Dahlia Wasfi, M.D., activist, speaker, Global Exchange, USA |
Dr. Dave Harper, Clinical psychologist and Senior lecturer in clinical, psychology, University of East London, United Kingdom |
Dr. Dirk Kenis, iForum Consult, Belgium |
Dr. Dirk Van Duppen, Geneeskunde voor het Volk, Belgium |
Dr. Edward De Sutter, ophtalmologist, Belgium |
Dr. Eric Beeth, General Practioner, Brussels, Belgium |
Dr. Eric Lefebvre, Gewoon Hoogleraar, UH / Universiteit Hasselt, Belgium |
Dr. Erik Vanobbergen, Geneeskunde voor het Volk, Belgium |
Dr. Fouad Elhage, journalist, Australia, |
Dr. Geert Van Moorter, Medical Aid for the Third World, Belgium |
Dr. Gilles Van Cutsem, Medical Coordinator, Médecins Sans Frontières South Africa |
Dr. Gladys Baldew, independent health consultant, Netherlands |
Dr. Gunnar Olofsson, MD, PhD, consultant in Surgery & Urology, Hospital of Söderhamn, Sweden |
Dr. Harrie Dewitte. Geneeskunde voor het Volk, Belgium |
Dr. Huub Dierick, MD, Stichting Gezondheidscentra Eindhoven The Netherlands |
Dr. Ismail Jalili, FRCS, FRCOphth, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Chairman of the National Association of British Arabs |
Dr. Jeff Ritterman, Physicians for Social Responsibility, San Francisco Bay Chapter, USA |
Dr. Judy Atkinson, G.P. [general practitioner] London, England |
Dr. K.M. Safwat, Former Director Middle Eastern and African Research Centre Wales (MERAWEC) and retired University Lecturer & activist with The umbrella movement NOW: Women for peace and Justice Oxford |
Dr. Kamal Alubaid M.B.Ch.B., FRCS. Edinburgh |
Dr. Kamal Zaineh, MDMPH, Director Of Primary Health Care Department Health Work Committees (HWC), Palestine |
Dr. Koen De Decker, Acting General Practitioner Coordinator, Central Australian Aboriginal Congress, Alice Springs, Australia |
Dr. Ludwig Apers, Department of clinical sciences, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Belgium |
Dr. Lynette J. Dumble, Founder and Director Global Sisterhood Network, |
Dr. M A Khalil, Ex-Dean of the College of Medicine Univ. of Baghdad |
Dr. Marc DULLAERT, geneesheer coördinator, Centrum Durmelaan VZW, Belgium |
Dr. med. Gerhard Lotze, Physician and Public Health Expert, Germany |
Dr. Mohan Rao, Professor, Centre of Social Medicine and Community Health, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi |
Dr. Naïma Bouali,médecin,Belgium |
Dr. Patrick Jadoulle, Président de la Fédération des maisons médicales et collectifs de santé francophones (FMMCSF) - ASBL, Belgium |
Dr. Philip Libaut, huisarts, BVBA Huisartsenpraktijk GPMO, Stagemeester Academische Opleidingspraktijk KUL Leuven, Stagemeester Coördinator ICHO, Belgium |
Dr. Ricardo Ramirez Aguirre, president of thr National Front for the People's Health (NFPH-Equador-South America) |
Dr. Riyadh N. Aladhadh, Deputy Chairman, City Council-Chairman of the Health and Environment Committee, Member of Adhamiya District Council-Chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee, Adhamiya Humanitarian Association, Member of Freedom Human Rights Organization, Baghdad, Member of Islamic Human Rights Association, Iraq |
Dr. Salam T. Ismail, Doctors for Iraq, Iraq |
Dr. Sami’ AlBanna, System Scientist & Architect, Bethesda, Maryland, USA |
Dr. Saskia Van Dyck, Kind en Gezin - CLB, Belgium |
Dr. Sheila Zurbrigg, Health historian, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada |
Dr. Sofie Blancke, General Practitioner, Medicine for the People, Deurne, Belgium |
Dr. Sue Morrison, Associate Director, London Deanery (GP Department), Course leader MA Interprofessional Education, UK |
Dr. Wim De Ceukelaire, intal - People's Health Movement, Belgium |
Dr. Yasmine Wasfi, M.D., Ph.D., Physician, USA |
drs. Ferry H.M. Zoutenbier, stafmedewerker patiëntenzorg, Centraal Militair Hospitaal, Netherlands |
Eftikhar Hashem Alhusainy/Nationalmuseum/Iraksolidaritet, Sweden |
Elizabeth Block, Toronto, Canada |
Ellen Catalinotto, midwife, USA |
Els Goetghebeur, Professor of Statistics, Ghent University, Belgium |
Eman Ahmed Khammas, Former co-director of Occupation Watch - Journalist - translator - Iraq |
Erika Arteaga Cruz, Global Health student, Ecuador |
Frank Vercruyssen, actor, Belgium |
Fred Louckx, sociologist, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium |
FredsVagten (PeaceWatch) of Copenhagen, Denmark ( |
Gabriele Zamparini, independent filmmaker - Italy/UK |
Gail K.M. Nowrouzian, English Language Tutor, Canada |
Garda Ghista, Founding Director, World Prout Assembly |
George Kossaifi, Free Lance in Developmnet issues, Beirut, Lebanon, Ex UN-ESCWA staff, chief Human Development Section (1993 -2002) |
Gerri Haynes, Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility, The Peace Alliance Foundation Board |
Gloria Bletter, Attorney, former Rep. to the UN from NGO (WILPF--Women's Intl League for Peace and Freedom, and IADL--Int'l Assn of Democratic Lawyers) |
Gordon McDowell, Child Care CEO, Canada |
Guido Vanham, MD PhD, Head of the HIV and Retrovirology Unit, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Professor in Tropical Infectious Diseases, University of Antwerp |
Haifa Zangana, novelist, Iraq/UK |
Hana Al Bayaty, filmmaker / journalist, BRussells Tribunal- Iraq / Egypt / France |
Hans Isaksson MD PhD, Sweden |
Hans von Sponeck, former UN Assistant Secretary General & UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq 1998-2000 - Germany |
Hazel Fuller, peace campaigner, England |
Helena Bergius, RN, Headnusrse, Karolinska Universityhospital,Stockholm, Sweden |
Henriette Alkhouri, pharmacist, Iraq /UK |
Henry Ascher, pediatrician, Sahlgrenska sjukhuset, Göteborg, Sweden |
Herman Spanjaard, MD, Chair International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Netherlands |
Hillel Cohen, Doctor of Public Health, New York, U.S.A. |
Hussein al-alak, Chair, The Iraq Solidarity Campaign (UK) |
Imad Khadduri, Iraqi nuclear scientist presently residing in Canada |
Ine Vander Elst, Freelance redactrice, -Alinea/radio Klara |
Inge Van De Merlen, BRussells Tribunal, Belgium |
Izumi Tanaka, pacifist, Japan |
Jan Myrdal, author, Skinnskatteberg, Sweden |
Jane Salvage, RGN, BA, MSc, HonLLD, Independent health consultant, Editor/researcher of three Medact reports on Iraq's state of health, 2025-4, UK |
Janine de Rop, auteur, Gent, Belgium |
Jef De Loof - huisarts - Artsen voor Vrede, Belgium |
Jeff Archer, Journalist, USA |
Jeff Conant, MA, Environmental Health Project Coordinator, Hesperian Foundation, Spokesperson, People's Health Movement, USA |
Jeffrey Blankfort, BRussells Tribunal, San Francisco, USA |
Joachim Guilliard, journalist, anti-war movement, Germany |
Joseph A. Mungai, Registered Nurse and a Respiratory Therapist, USA |
Jouna Pyysalo, MA (Helsinki University), Finland |
Judy Cumberbatch, free lance journalist, UK |
Julien Sigalas / Producer / Tabula Rasa Films, Belgium |
Julio Velasco Benayon, Spain
Karen Parker, lawyer, Association of Humanitarian Lawyers, USA |
Kindts Gilene Librarian-assistant Belgium |
Klaus Bitzer, Prof. Dr., Department of Geology, University Bayreuth, Germany |
Konnie Lloyd, Retired Social Worker - Activist, England |
Kuban Altinel, Professor, Bogazici University, Turkey |
Larry Everest, author Oil, Power & Empire: Iraq and the US Global Agenda, USA |
Leilah Nadir, novelist and writer, Vancouver, Canada |
Lena Van der Bruggen, Medical Aid for the Third World - intal, Belgium |
Leo van Bergen, Medical-historian, Vrije Universiteit Medisch Centrum Amsterdam |
Leshay Maidment, Branch Manager, Central Australian Aboriginal Congress, NT Australia |
Les Skeates, Ex-Army Medic. GB |
Luc Boel, Lab technicien, ITM Antwerp, Belgium |
Luc Desmet, maatschappelijk assistent, sociale dienst AZ Groeninge Kortrijk, Belgium |
Ludo De Brabander, Vrede VZW, Belgium |
Lynn Bernhard, Financial Analyst, Switzerland |
Mae Gracey, Kairos, Canada |
Maija Kagis, Health System Consulting, Canadian Coordinator PHM |
Maksut K. Kulzhanov, M.D., Ph.D., Professor, President of National Association of Public Health, Rector of Kazakhstan School of Public Health |
Malgorzata Swiatek, Activist, Attac Poland |
Manuel Carlos de Mesquita Pinto Bessa, Portugal |
Manuela Beste, Headteacher, Royal Free Hospital Children's School, Royal Free Hospital, London. UK |
Marc Sapir MD, MPH, Executive Director, Retro Poll, |
Margaret A. Zebroski, Physician's Assistant, Mulnomah County Health Department, Portland, Oregon USA |
Maria Duggan, Health Policy Analyst, UK |
Marta Meirinhos, arquitecta, Porto, Portugal |
Maurizio Chatel, Professor of History and Phylosopy - Turin, Italy [] |
Michel Collon, écrivain, Belgium |
Miguel San Sebastian MD, PhD, Umeå International School of Public Health, Epidemiology and Public Health Sciences, Dept of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Sweden |
Mohammed Aref (Science writer - Iraq / UK) |
Mohammed Younis Al Obaidi, Consultant Petroleum Engineer, Executive Vise President, Kampac Oil Group [Jordan], Iraq |
Muhamad Tareq Al-Deraji (Director of Monitoring net of human rights in Iraq - Executive Director of Studies Center of human rights and Democracy in Fallujah) |
Mundher Al-Adhami, Research Fellow at Kings College London, Iraqi National Foundation Congress in Britain, Iraq / UK |
Mwajuma S. Masaiganah, Coordinator PHM East Africa |
Narmi Joanna Michejda, biochimiste, philosophe, poland, |
Nathalie Bossuyt, research assistant, Belgium |
Nerinckx Emile, employé, Belgique |
Nesreen Melek, employment consultant, Canada |
Niloufer Bhagwat, Vice President of Indian Lawyers Association - Mumbai / India |
Nils Littorin, assistant nurse, University Hospital in Malmö, Sweden |
Oommen C. Kurian, student, India |
Paola Manduca, Prof. Genetics, Genua, Italy |
Paola Pisi, Professor of History of religions, Italy |
Pascal Lacroix, student filosofie, Oxfam 11.11.11 studenten Leuven, Belgium |
Patricia A.Bryden, UK |
Patrick Deboosere, demographer, VUB, Belgium |
Paul Thomas, general practitioner in London and professor of Primary Care at Thames Valley University |
Peter Curman, chairman of KLYS (Swedish Joint Committee for Literary and Artistic Professionals), Stockholm, Sweden |
Petra Lofstedt, researcher, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden |
Pol Devos, Tropical Institute Antwerp, Belgium |
Prof. Dr. F.Keuppens, Diensthoofd Urologie, AZ VUB, Belgium |
Prof. Em. François Houtart, World Forum for Alternatives, BRussells Tribunal, Belgium |
Prof. Jacqueline Ismael , University of Calgary, USA |
Prof. Jean Bricmont (scientist, specialist in theoretical physics, U.C. Louvain-La-Neuve) |
Prof. Lieven De Cauter, Philosopher, BRussells Tribunal, Belgium |
Prof. Marc Dhont, Diensthoofd gynaecologie - verloskunde, Dept Ob&Gyn;, Ghent University Hospital, Belgium |
Prof. Patrick Van der Stuyft, Head of the Department of Public Health, Unit of Epidemiology & Disease Control, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium |
Prof. Pierre Klein, Professor International Law, U.L. Bruxelles, Belgium |
Prof. Jan De Maeseneer, M.D., Ph.D., Head Dept. Fam. Medicine and Primary Health Care, Ghent University, Belgium |
Professor Katharina D'Herde, Department of Human Anatomy and Embryology, University Ghent, Belgium |
Raneen Nosh, freelance web and graphic designer, Vancouver, Canada |
Rein Meyts, Boycott Bush!, Voor Moeder Aarde, Belgium |
Remco van de Pas, arts, Transculturele hulpverlening riagg-rnw Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
Rev. Kay C. Barckley, Minister of Spiritual Formation, University Temple United Methodist Church, Seattle, WA, USA |
Riadh R. Muslih, Community Activist, Adala- Canadian Arab Justice Committee, Canada |
Rocío Anguiano Pérez, Profesora, Soria (España) |
Roland Marounek, programmeur, Belgium |
Romeo F. Quijano, M.D., Professor, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines |
Rory Winter, Retired Schoolteacher, Scotland |
Rosa Vila Rigat. Médico. Institut Català de la Salut. Estado español |
Rosamunde Van Brakel, graduate student, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium |
Saadalla Al Fathi, Iraqi retired oil adviser |
Sabrina A.S. Ali, lawyer, Vancouver |
Sami Ramadani (Senior lecturer in sociology at London Metropolitan University - Iraq / UK) |
Santuah Niagia, Roots and Futures, Ghana (PHM Ghana) |
Sara Flounders, co-coordinator, International Action Center, USA |
Sarah Ludden, Co-Executive Director, Thousand Waves Martial Arts & Self-Defense Center, NFP, USA |
Sarah Meyer, Researcher, UK |
Sardar Arif Uddin, Team Leader, Right to Quality Health, Social Development & Economic Justice, Action Aid Bangladesh |
Scheherazade Hassan, researcher- ethnologist. France/Iraq |
Sigyn Meder (Anti-war movement - Sweden) |
Sindicato de Estudiantes de Izquierdas, Aragón, Estado Español |
Sinfo Fernández, sociologist and translator for "Rebelion", Spain |
Sköld Peter Matthis, eye specialist, St Eriks sjukhus, Stockholm, chairman Network against war, IrakSolidaritet |
Sophie Pestieau, MD, Physician, USA |
Sr. Mary McMahon |
Susana Losada Ruiz. Médico de Familia. España |
Sven Britton, professor of infectious deseases, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset, Solna, Sweden |
tamar pelleg-sryck, human rights lawyer, israel |
Tareq Y. Ismael, Professor of Political Science, Canada |
The portuguese hearing of the World Tribunal on Iraq |
Tim K. Takaro, MD, MPH. MS., Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Canada |
Ton Postmes, oud-jeugdarts, lid werkgroep conflicthantering, Netherlands |
Tony Davies, Edinburgh, UK |
Traude Valkó, Germany |
Tugce Senol, undergraduate student, Turkey |
Vivienne Davies, retired midwife, UK |
Warren M. Gold, M.D., Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco |
Werner Trio, journalist, Klara/VRT, Belgium |
Willem Hubregtse,tandarts,NVMP,Nederland |
Willy Ketelbuters, lederbewerker, Leopoldsburg Belgium |
Wim Van Leemputte, Sociaal verpleegkundige, Belgium |
Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR), the Netherlands |
Wouter Geerts, Dienstverantwoordelijke sociale dienst, AZ Sint-Augustinus, Belgium |
Yvonne Fredriksson, Staff nurse, Stockholm, Sweden |
Zuhair Alkadiri, former governor of Al Tamim province-Iraq |