Stop violations of the right to health care in Iraq - signatories 
A.Wijnand F. Rutgers, neuroloog, Bestuurslid NVMP (IPPNW Nederland)
Abdul Ilah Al-Bayaty, writer,  Iraq/France
Adam Roufberg, Founder: Natural Philosophers International, Editor:, USA
Aida Dantas Fuentes, Spain
Alan B. Steinbach, Ph.D., M.D., Clinical Professor, Health and Medical Sciences, School of Public Health, UC Berkeley, USA
Alison Katz, Psychologist and Sociologist, People's Health Movement,  Geneva, Switzerland
Alys Elica Zaerin, student anti-war movement, London, England
Amber Litzroth, Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp, Belgium
Amy Bartholomew (Law professor - Canada)
Amy Hagopian, MHA, PhD, University of Washington, USA
Ana Sández Pérez, auxiliar de enfermería, delegada sindical por CC.OO. España
Andres Mendoza Reynoso, Gerente Nacional, Proyecto Comunitario Bastion Popular, Guayaquil Ecuador
Angela Leask, member of Falkirk Against War, UK
Anna Givens RN, United States
Anna Nordfjell, midwife, Sweden
Antoine Vaillant, audiovisual expert / filmmaker, France/Vietnam
Åsa (Asa) Andersson, administrative Director Swedish Society of Nursing Sweden
Assaf Kfoury, professor, Boston University, USA
AVRUPA Newspaper, London
Awni ARIF,M.D.,P.H.D., Consultant World Health Organization, Geneva Switzerland
Bahauddeen Latif, member of Labour Against War,  Great Britain/Bangladesh 
Barbara Laxon, Occupational Therapist, Florida, USA
Basem Khader, United Nations Director (retired), USA
Bénédicte Dubois, Kinésithérapeute, Brussels, Belgium
Bolton Stop The War Coalition and Campaign for Nuclear Disarmement
Bouda  Ahmed, Président  RADIO AL MANAR, Brussels, Belgium
Bushra Persson Al-Bayati, Manager, Sweden
Carlos Varea, Campaña Estatal contra la Ocupación y por la Soberanía de Iraq (CEOSI), Spain
Cathie L. Bell, Personal Trainer, Nutritionist, USA
Comaguer, Anti-war Committee Marseille - France
Corinne Kumar, Secretary General of El Taller International - Tunesia / India
Dahr Jamail, independent journalist, USA
David Polden, worker for London Region CND, London, England,
De Wit Julie, Scientist working on environmental health, Department of Human Ecology, VUB, Belgium
Debra Birkinshaw, Registered Occupational Therapist, Peace and Justice of Sonoma County, Board Member
Diana van der Sluis, Nederland 
Dirk Adriaensens, BRussells Tribunal and SOS Iraq, Belgium
Dorothy Goldin Rosenberg PhD, Toronto, Canada
Dr DJI Omar, Biochimie et microbiologie, Belgium
Dr. Abdulkarim Hani, Iraqi National Foundation Congress, Baghdad
Dr. Alberto Martínez Polis  Population Council Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
Dr. An Muylaert- Activist for Palestine- Belgium
Dr. April M. Hurley, MD, Not In Our Name Sonoma County (California, USA)
Dr. Aziz Rhali, Marocco, pharmacien, representent d'un ONG Blouses Blanches pour la Palestine
Dr. Berlinde Van der Henst general medicine Antwerp
Dr. Bert De Belder, coordinator,  Medical Aid for the Third World, Belgium
Dr. Brenda Roberts, consultant clinical psychologist, working in the NHS in England
Dr. Colette Moulaert, Medical Aid for the Third World, Belgium
Dr. Dahlia Wasfi, M.D., activist, speaker, Global Exchange, USA
Dr. Dave Harper, Clinical psychologist and Senior lecturer in clinical, psychology, University of East London, United Kingdom
Dr. Dirk Kenis, iForum Consult, Belgium
Dr. Dirk Van Duppen, Geneeskunde voor het Volk, Belgium
Dr. Edward De Sutter, ophtalmologist, Belgium
Dr. Eric Beeth, General Practioner, Brussels, Belgium
Dr. Eric Lefebvre, Gewoon Hoogleraar, UH / Universiteit Hasselt, Belgium
Dr. Erik Vanobbergen, Geneeskunde voor het Volk, Belgium
Dr. Fouad Elhage, journalist, Australia,
Dr. Geert Van Moorter, Medical Aid for the Third World, Belgium
Dr. Gilles Van Cutsem, Medical Coordinator, Médecins Sans Frontières South Africa
Dr. Gladys Baldew, independent health consultant, Netherlands
Dr. Gunnar Olofsson, MD, PhD, consultant in Surgery & Urology, Hospital of Söderhamn, Sweden
Dr. Harrie Dewitte. Geneeskunde voor het Volk, Belgium
Dr. Huub Dierick, MD, Stichting Gezondheidscentra Eindhoven The Netherlands
Dr. Ismail Jalili, FRCS, FRCOphth, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Chairman of the National Association of British Arabs
Dr. Jeff Ritterman, Physicians for Social Responsibility, San Francisco Bay Chapter, USA
Dr. Judy Atkinson, G.P. [general practitioner] London, England
Dr. K.M. Safwat, Former Director Middle Eastern and African Research Centre Wales (MERAWEC) and retired University Lecturer & activist with The umbrella movement NOW: Women for peace and Justice Oxford
Dr. Kamal Alubaid M.B.Ch.B.,  FRCS. Edinburgh
Dr. Kamal Zaineh, MDMPH, Director Of Primary Health Care Department Health Work Committees (HWC), Palestine
Dr. Koen De Decker, Acting General Practitioner Coordinator, Central Australian Aboriginal Congress, Alice Springs, Australia
Dr. Ludwig Apers, Department of clinical sciences, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Belgium
Dr. Lynette J. Dumble, Founder and Director Global Sisterhood Network,
Dr. M A Khalil, Ex-Dean of the College of Medicine  Univ. of Baghdad
Dr. Marc DULLAERT, geneesheer coördinator, Centrum Durmelaan VZW, Belgium 
Dr. med. Gerhard Lotze, Physician and Public Health Expert, Germany
Dr. Mohan Rao, Professor, Centre of Social Medicine and Community Health, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Dr. Naïma Bouali,médecin,Belgium
Dr. Patrick Jadoulle, Président de la Fédération des maisons médicales et collectifs de santé francophones (FMMCSF) - ASBL, Belgium
Dr. Philip Libaut, huisarts, BVBA Huisartsenpraktijk GPMO, Stagemeester Academische Opleidingspraktijk KUL Leuven, Stagemeester Coördinator ICHO, Belgium
Dr. Ricardo Ramirez Aguirre, president of thr National Front for the People's Health (NFPH-Equador-South America)
Dr. Riyadh N. Aladhadh, Deputy Chairman, City Council-Chairman of the Health and Environment Committee, Member of Adhamiya District Council-Chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee, Adhamiya Humanitarian Association, Member of Freedom Human Rights Organization,  Baghdad, Member of Islamic Human Rights Association, Iraq
Dr. Salam T. Ismail, Doctors for Iraq, Iraq
Dr. Sami’ AlBanna, System Scientist & Architect, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Dr. Saskia Van Dyck, Kind en Gezin - CLB, Belgium
Dr. Sheila Zurbrigg, Health historian, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
Dr. Sofie Blancke, General Practitioner, Medicine for the People, Deurne, Belgium
Dr. Sue Morrison, Associate Director, London Deanery (GP Department), Course leader MA Interprofessional Education, UK
Dr. Wim De Ceukelaire, intal - People's Health Movement, Belgium
Dr. Yasmine Wasfi, M.D., Ph.D., Physician, USA
drs. Ferry H.M. Zoutenbier, stafmedewerker patiëntenzorg, Centraal Militair Hospitaal, Netherlands
Eftikhar Hashem Alhusainy/Nationalmuseum/Iraksolidaritet, Sweden
Elizabeth Block, Toronto, Canada
Ellen Catalinotto, midwife, USA
Els Goetghebeur, Professor of Statistics, Ghent University, Belgium
Eman Ahmed Khammas, Former co-director of Occupation Watch - Journalist - translator - Iraq
Erika Arteaga Cruz, Global Health student,  Ecuador
Frank Vercruyssen, actor, Belgium
Fred Louckx, sociologist, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
FredsVagten (PeaceWatch) of Copenhagen, Denmark (
Gabriele Zamparini, independent filmmaker - Italy/UK
Gail K.M. Nowrouzian, English Language Tutor, Canada
Garda Ghista, Founding Director, World Prout Assembly
George Kossaifi, Free Lance in Developmnet issues, Beirut, Lebanon, Ex UN-ESCWA staff, chief Human Development Section (1993 -2002)
Gerri Haynes, Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility, The Peace Alliance Foundation Board
Gloria Bletter, Attorney, former Rep. to the UN from NGO (WILPF--Women's Intl League for Peace and Freedom, and IADL--Int'l Assn of Democratic Lawyers)
Gordon McDowell, Child Care CEO, Canada
Guido Vanham, MD PhD, Head of the HIV and Retrovirology Unit, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp,  Professor in Tropical Infectious Diseases, University of Antwerp
Haifa Zangana, novelist, Iraq/UK
Hana Al Bayaty, filmmaker / journalist, BRussells Tribunal- Iraq / Egypt / France
Hans Isaksson MD PhD, Sweden
Hans von Sponeck, former UN Assistant Secretary General & UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq 1998-2000 - Germany
Hazel Fuller, peace campaigner,  England
Helena Bergius, RN, Headnusrse, Karolinska Universityhospital,Stockholm, Sweden
Henriette Alkhouri, pharmacist, Iraq /UK
Henry Ascher, pediatrician, Sahlgrenska sjukhuset, Göteborg, Sweden
Herman Spanjaard, MD, Chair International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Netherlands
Hillel Cohen, Doctor of Public Health, New York, U.S.A.
Hussein al-alak, Chair, The Iraq Solidarity Campaign (UK)
Imad Khadduri, Iraqi nuclear scientist presently residing in Canada
Ine Vander Elst, Freelance redactrice, -Alinea/radio Klara
Inge Van De Merlen, BRussells Tribunal, Belgium
Izumi Tanaka, pacifist, Japan
Jan Myrdal, author, Skinnskatteberg, Sweden
Jane Salvage, RGN, BA, MSc, HonLLD, Independent health consultant, Editor/researcher of three Medact reports on Iraq's state of health, 2025-4, UK
Janine  de Rop, auteur, Gent, Belgium
Jef De Loof - huisarts - Artsen voor Vrede, Belgium
Jeff Archer, Journalist, USA
Jeff Conant, MA, Environmental Health Project Coordinator, Hesperian Foundation, Spokesperson, People's Health Movement, USA
Jeffrey Blankfort, BRussells Tribunal, San Francisco, USA
Joachim Guilliard, journalist, anti-war movement, Germany
Joseph A. Mungai, Registered Nurse and a Respiratory Therapist, USA
Jouna Pyysalo, MA (Helsinki University), Finland
Judy Cumberbatch, free lance journalist, UK
Julien Sigalas / Producer / Tabula Rasa Films, Belgium
Julio Velasco Benayon, Spain
Karen Parker, lawyer, Association of Humanitarian Lawyers, USA
Kindts Gilene Librarian-assistant Belgium
Klaus Bitzer, Prof. Dr., Department of Geology, University Bayreuth, Germany
Konnie Lloyd, Retired Social Worker - Activist, England
Kuban Altinel, Professor, Bogazici University, Turkey
Larry Everest, author Oil, Power & Empire: Iraq and the US Global Agenda, USA
Leilah Nadir, novelist and writer, Vancouver, Canada
Lena Van der Bruggen, Medical Aid for the Third World - intal, Belgium
Leo van Bergen, Medical-historian, Vrije Universiteit Medisch Centrum Amsterdam
Leshay Maidment, Branch Manager, Central Australian Aboriginal Congress, NT Australia
Les Skeates, Ex-Army Medic. GB
Luc Boel, Lab technicien, ITM Antwerp, Belgium
Luc Desmet, maatschappelijk assistent, sociale dienst AZ Groeninge Kortrijk, Belgium
Ludo De Brabander, Vrede VZW, Belgium 
Lynn Bernhard, Financial Analyst, Switzerland
Mae Gracey, Kairos, Canada 
Maija Kagis, Health System Consulting, Canadian Coordinator PHM
Maksut K. Kulzhanov, M.D., Ph.D., Professor, President of National Association of Public Health, Rector of Kazakhstan School of Public Health
Malgorzata Swiatek, Activist, Attac Poland
Manuel Carlos de Mesquita Pinto Bessa, Portugal
Manuela Beste, Headteacher, Royal Free Hospital Children's School, Royal Free Hospital, London. UK
Marc Sapir MD, MPH, Executive Director, Retro Poll,
Margaret A. Zebroski, Physician's Assistant, Mulnomah County Health Department, Portland, Oregon USA
Maria Duggan, Health Policy Analyst, UK
Marta Meirinhos, arquitecta, Porto, Portugal
Maurizio Chatel, Professor of History and Phylosopy - Turin, Italy []
Michel Collon, écrivain, Belgium
Miguel San Sebastian MD, PhD, Umeå International School of Public Health, Epidemiology and Public Health Sciences, Dept of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Sweden
Mohammed Aref  (Science writer - Iraq / UK)
Mohammed Younis Al Obaidi, Consultant Petroleum Engineer, Executive Vise President, Kampac Oil Group [Jordan], Iraq
Muhamad Tareq Al-Deraji (Director of Monitoring net of human rights in Iraq - Executive Director of Studies Center of human rights and Democracy in Fallujah)
Mundher Al-Adhami, Research Fellow at Kings College London, Iraqi National Foundation Congress in Britain, Iraq / UK
Mwajuma S. Masaiganah, Coordinator PHM East Africa
Narmi Joanna Michejda, biochimiste, philosophe, poland,
Nathalie Bossuyt, research assistant, Belgium
Nerinckx Emile, employé, Belgique
Nesreen Melek, employment consultant, Canada
Niloufer Bhagwat, Vice President of Indian Lawyers Association - Mumbai / India
Nils Littorin, assistant nurse, University Hospital in Malmö, Sweden
Oommen C. Kurian, student, India
Paola Manduca, Prof. Genetics, Genua, Italy
Paola Pisi, Professor of History of religions, Italy
Pascal Lacroix, student filosofie, Oxfam 11.11.11 studenten Leuven, Belgium
Patricia A.Bryden, UK
Patrick Deboosere, demographer, VUB, Belgium
Paul Thomas, general practitioner in London and professor of Primary Care at Thames Valley University
Peter Curman, chairman of KLYS (Swedish Joint Committee for Literary and Artistic Professionals), Stockholm, Sweden
Petra Lofstedt, researcher, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Pol Devos, Tropical Institute Antwerp, Belgium
Prof. Dr. F.Keuppens, Diensthoofd Urologie, AZ VUB, Belgium
Prof. Em. François Houtart, World Forum for Alternatives, BRussells Tribunal, Belgium
Prof. Jacqueline Ismael , University of Calgary, USA 
Prof. Jean Bricmont (scientist, specialist in theoretical physics, U.C. Louvain-La-Neuve)
Prof. Lieven De Cauter, Philosopher, BRussells Tribunal, Belgium
Prof. Marc Dhont, Diensthoofd gynaecologie - verloskunde, Dept Ob&Gyn;, Ghent University Hospital, Belgium
Prof. Patrick Van der Stuyft, Head of the Department of Public Health, Unit of Epidemiology & Disease Control, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium
Prof. Pierre Klein, Professor International Law, U.L. Bruxelles, Belgium
Prof. Jan De Maeseneer, M.D., Ph.D., Head Dept. Fam. Medicine and Primary Health Care, Ghent University, Belgium
Professor Katharina D'Herde, Department of Human Anatomy and Embryology, University  Ghent, Belgium
Raneen Nosh, freelance web and graphic designer, Vancouver, Canada
Rein Meyts, Boycott Bush!, Voor Moeder Aarde, Belgium
Remco van de Pas, arts, Transculturele hulpverlening riagg-rnw Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Rev. Kay C. Barckley, Minister of Spiritual Formation, University Temple United Methodist Church, Seattle, WA, USA
Riadh R. Muslih, Community Activist, Adala- Canadian Arab Justice Committee, Canada
Rocío Anguiano Pérez, Profesora, Soria (España)
Roland Marounek, programmeur, Belgium
Romeo F. Quijano, M.D., Professor, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines
Rory Winter, Retired Schoolteacher, Scotland
Rosa Vila Rigat. Médico. Institut Català de la Salut. Estado español 
Rosamunde Van Brakel, graduate student, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Saadalla Al Fathi, Iraqi retired oil adviser
Sabrina A.S. Ali, lawyer, Vancouver
Sami Ramadani (Senior lecturer in sociology at London Metropolitan University - Iraq / UK)
Santuah Niagia, Roots and Futures, Ghana (PHM Ghana)
Sara Flounders, co-coordinator, International Action Center, USA
Sarah Ludden, Co-Executive Director, Thousand Waves Martial Arts & Self-Defense Center, NFP, USA
Sarah Meyer, Researcher, UK
Sardar Arif Uddin, Team Leader, Right to Quality Health, Social Development & Economic Justice, Action Aid Bangladesh 
Scheherazade Hassan, researcher- ethnologist. France/Iraq
Sigyn Meder (Anti-war movement - Sweden)
Sindicato de Estudiantes de Izquierdas, Aragón, Estado Español
Sinfo Fernández, sociologist and translator for "Rebelion", Spain
Sköld Peter Matthis, eye specialist, St Eriks sjukhus, Stockholm, chairman Network against war, IrakSolidaritet
Sophie Pestieau, MD, Physician, USA
Sr. Mary McMahon 
Susana Losada Ruiz. Médico de Familia. España
Sven Britton, professor of infectious deseases, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset, Solna, Sweden
tamar pelleg-sryck, human rights lawyer, israel
Tareq Y. Ismael, Professor of Political Science, Canada
The portuguese hearing of the World Tribunal on Iraq
Tim K. Takaro, MD, MPH. MS., Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Ton Postmes, oud-jeugdarts, lid werkgroep conflicthantering, Netherlands
Tony Davies, Edinburgh, UK
Traude Valkó, Germany
Tugce Senol, undergraduate student, Turkey
Vivienne Davies, retired midwife, UK
Warren M. Gold, M.D., Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco
Werner Trio, journalist, Klara/VRT, Belgium
Willem Hubregtse,tandarts,NVMP,Nederland
Willy Ketelbuters, lederbewerker, Leopoldsburg   Belgium 
Wim Van Leemputte, Sociaal verpleegkundige, Belgium
Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR), the Netherlands
Wouter Geerts, Dienstverantwoordelijke sociale dienst, AZ Sint-Augustinus, Belgium
Yvonne Fredriksson, Staff nurse, Stockholm, Sweden
Zuhair Alkadiri, former governor of Al Tamim province-Iraq