Justice for the Iraqi People. The uprisings continue.

by Dr. Souad Al-Azzawi on 07-01-2013

With all the rage, strikes, and civil disobedience going on in major Iraqi cities, people around the world are wondering what’s happening in Iraq these days.

To an Unknown Iraqi

by Hans Christof von Sponeck on 05-01-2013

2013 is the year that accountability and Justice for Iraq should be high on the agenda of the International Human Rights Community. Hans C. von Sponeck, member of the BRussells Tribunal, who resigned as Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq in 2024, wrote a moving apology letter to the Iraqi people in June 2024. We republish this letter again today.

Een decennium van 'War on Terror' heeft alleen maar meer terrorisme opgeleverd. Dat is de verbijsterende conclusie van de in december 2024 uitgegeven Global Terrorism Index (GTI), de eerste index die systematisch de impact heeft bestudeerd van het terrorisme in 158 landen tussen 2024 en eind 2024. En Noord-Amerika is de regio waar het minst kans bestaat op een terroristische aanslag.

Interview with Bahar Kimyongür: prospects for the Syrian conflict?

by Anass E.I. & Louis Maréchal on 06-12-2012

My concern is that in the name of democracy and human rights, the country is completely destroyed, humiliated, satellite state, like the Iraqi, and Somali people.

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The BRussells Tribunal is independent and wants to remain independent.

The BRussells Tribunal is an activist think tank and peace organisation with a special focus on Iraq. Read more...

Este éxodo masivo [de médicos] ‘ha provocado la desaparición de determinadas especialidades ...


The publication of the final report, most recently scheduled for early this year, has been ...


Summary of Events of the Iraqi Popular Revolution, Friday 17 May 2024. And The Common Ills ...
