NEWSLETTER 1 - 10 January 2025 | ||
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The BRussells Tribunal is an international network of intellectuals, artists and activists, who denounce the logic of permanent war promoted by the American government and its allies, affecting for the time being particularly one region in the world: the Middle East. It started with a people’s court against the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) and its role in the illegal invasion of Iraq, but continued ever since. It tries to be a bridge between the intellectual resistance in the Arab World and the Western peace movements. | ||
| a message from Denis Halliday Former UN Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq 1997-98 | |
Accepting the Gandhi International Peace Award in 2025, I explained my resignation from the United Nations as head of the UN Humanitarian Programme in Iraq at end 1998. I indicated that resignation was necessary because of my refusal to accept Security Council orders that continued to impose genocidal sanctions on the innocent of Iraq. My continuation would have implied my complicity in human catastrophe. And, in addition, my innate sense of justice was outraged — as yours would have been in my position — by the violence that UN sanctions had brought upon the lives and wellbeing of children, families, and the many loved ones of Iraq. There can be no justification for killing the young, the aged, the sick, the rich, the poor anywhere, under any circumstances, least of all by the United Nations. Some will tell you that the Iraqi leadership was punishing the Iraqi people. That was not my perception or experience when living in Baghdad in 1997-98 and traveling throughout the country. And were that to be the case, how could that possibly justify collective punishment — that is sanctions, by the United Nations? The UN Charter and international law have no provision for the murderous consequences of a UN embargo, over 12 long years in the case of the people of Iraq. Without your voice the deadly increasing spiral of killing will continue. That’s why I join the BRussells Tribunal in denouncing executions. I would very much appreciate it if you would read the following statement against the imminent hanging of 900 detainees: and sign the call to stop these executions and request that the Iraqi government impose a moratorium on the death penalty. Thank you on behalf of the BRussells Tribunal and all of us who care about justice and human life. Denis J. Halliday Former UN assistant secretary general and UN humanitarian coordinator for Iraq, 1997-98 Recipient of the 2025 Gandhi International Peace Award — Ireland Sign the petition here | ||
Why museums were looted, libraries burned and academics murdered ? | ||
The BRussells Tribunal collaborated on the book CULTURAL CLEANSING IN IRAQ, published by Pluto Press. | FRANÇOIS HOUTART: The book CULTURAL CLEANSING IN IRAQ is a very impressive presentation of what has been, according to the authors, a planned policy of the United States of America in Iraq. The argumentation is very well documented. The invasion of Iraq, indeed, had surely an economic dimension. The fact that the oil dependence of the USA is growing every year, till a probable level of almost 100 per cent in a few years, makes the country try to control the maximum possible sources of fossil energy in the world. Iraq being one of the most productive regions, with high quality petroleum and cheap exploitation, has been a normal target. However, another perspective has been developed: the destruction of the State and of the basic cultural components of the Iraqi nation. This is linked with the imperial character of the US policy and the authors are recalling what happened in Yugoslavia and in Central America. In order to dominate a region, it is necessary to destroy any solid State and if necessary to dismantle it. One classical policy of colonial or neocolonial powers is also to divide society and to increase internal conflicts, a good way to weaken the national State. The fact that the Bush administration was ideologically oriented by the neo-conservatives added another dimension to the invasion of Iraq. To establish a “mild imperium” over the whole world, as the accomplishment of a “divine” mission of the USA to impose their way of envisaging democracy and to reinforce a market economy, was the basis of the political project. The messianic aspect of such a policy has been abandoned by Barack Obama, but apparently not the other aspects. During the Bush period, a cultural policy has been also clearly pursued. The destruction of the archeological patrimony, the killing or expulsion of thousand of intellectuals, were facts, which can be related to the will of erasing the historical memory of a people. This is an aspect of the Iraq war that has not been very well known. The various chapters of the book illustrate this situation: a comparison with similar policies of the USA in other parts of the world, the destruction or looting of archeological riches, the systematic killing of intellectuals, the brain drain, the promotion of minorities’ oppositions, the constitution of an artificial “civil society”. Imperialism for the USA is not a theoretical matter. It has very concrete applications and Iraq has been one of them. The book insists on the cultural aspect and therefore adds a fundamental dimension to a question generally better known along the lines of its economic and political dimension. | |
You can order now your copy of CULTURAL CLEANSING online with a discount of 10 per cent. (the offer excludes the US, Canada and Australia) If you order trough this link you support our action, because the publisher, Pluto Press, agrees to apportion a percentage of your purchase to the BRussells Tribunal. | ||
ALBAYATY’S COMMENT Rupture with corruption,repression and failure in Iraq | ||
They were right those millions who went out into the streets worldwide to say “No War for Oil”. Whether for justice or by interest, the international community should stand behind the Iraqi people to build a peaceful, independent, democratic and stable united Iraq. Abdul Ilah Albayaty | ||
THE BRUSSELLS TRIBUNAL IS INDEPENDENT AND WANTS TO REMAIN INDEPENDENT. You can support the BRussells Tribunal. It relies entirely on volunteers but has expenses for telephone calls, website hosting, mailings, subscriptions, international contacts, etc. The BRussells Tribunal counts on your support to remain independent and to continue its work. You can support us financially by donation: Click here to immediately pay your contribution - Or transfer via your bank to the account of the BRussells Tribunal 132-5251479-37 (IBAN: BE35 1325 2514 7937 – BIC: BNAGBEBB) with reference: “supporting member 2025” or “honorary-supporting member 2025”. You’re a supporting member in 2025 when you donate at least €50. You’re an honorary-supporting member in 2025 when you donate at least €1000. THE BRUSSELLS TRIBUNAL THANKS THE FIRST SUPPORTING MEMBERS FOR 2025: Thomas Fasy - Eduardo Goncalves - Roland Gustafson - Giebels Maria | ||
call for global action: stop the death penalty in Iraq
Maliki’s election platform: 900 Iraqi prisoners face summary execution | ||
* We call on all to work to stop these executions and impose a moratorium on the death penalty in Iraq. Please endorse, distribute and take action The BRussells Tribunal Committee SIGN THIS STATEMENT HERE With the support and contribution of: Rev. Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann, M.M. - Prof. Em. François Houtart - Eduardo Galeano - Amb. Saeed Hasan - Denis Halliday- Hans von Sponeck - Cynthia McKinney - Michel Chossudovsky - Sabah Al-Mukhtar - Dr. Curtis F.J. Doebbler - Karen Parker - Fabio Marcelli - Niloufer Bhagwat -Juliette Sayegh - Manal Younes - Malak Hamdan - Hassan Aydinli - Michael Parenti - James Petras - Edward S. Herman - Jan-Erik Lundström - Prof. Dr. Lieven De Cauter - General Dato Seri Azumi - Dr. Mario J. Yutzis - Kathy Kelly - Jodie Evans - Matthias Chang - Elmar Altvater - Gunnar Westberg - Michel Monod - Ruedi Tobler - Dr. Bert De Belder - Dr. Ian Douglas - David Swanson - Muhamad Tareq Al-Deraji - Dr. Saad Jawad - Stephen Soldz - Sr. Anne Montgomery RSCJ - Hana Al Bayaty - Ludo De Brabander - Amir Al Kubaissy - Rashad Salim - Prof. Em. Herman De Ley BRUSSELLS TRIBUNAL - Opening session of the World Tribunal on Iraq ¯ CEOSI - Spanish Campaign against the Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq ¯ ASSOCIATION OF IRAQI DIPLOMATS ¯ CODEPINK: Women For Peace - USA ¯ CODIP - Palestine Solidarity Organisation - Belgium ¯ GENERAL ARAB WOMEN FEDERATION (GAWF) ¯ GENERAL FEDERATION OF IRAQI WOMEN (GFIW) Iraq ¯ INDIAN COUNCIL OF SOUTH AMERICA ¯ INDIGENEOUS PEOPLES AND NATIONS COALITION ¯ INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR HUMAN RIGHTS ¯ INTERNATIONAL ACTION CENTER - USA ¯ IRAQ OCCUPATION FOCUS - UK ¯ IRAQ SOLIDARITY ASSOCIATION IN STOCKHOLM - Sweden ¯ IRAQ SOLIDARITY CAMPAIGN - UK ¯ IRAQI COMMISSION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (ICHR) ¯ MEDIA WITH CONSCIENCE ¯ MOUVEMENT CHRETIEN POUR LA PAIX - Belgium ¯ NORD SUD XXI (NGO) ¯ ORGANIZATION FOR JUSTICE AND DEMOCRACY IN IRAQ (OJDI) ¯ PERDANA GLOBAL PEACE ORGANISATION - Malaysia ¯ PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATS OF AMERICA - USA ¯ THE CAMPAIGN FOR THE ACCOUNTABILITY OF AMERICAN BASES - CAAB (UK) ¯ UNION OF ARAB JURISTS (UAJ) ¯ WOMEN SOLIDARITY FOR AN INDEPENDENT AND UNIFIED IRAQ - Spain ¯ ASSOCIATION OF MUSLIM SCHOLARS (AMSI) | ||
Studies & Campaigns of the BRussells Tribunal | ||
Our campaign to save Iraq’s Academics Iraqi Media Professionals killed in Iraq under US occupation
US Genocide In Iraq - Dr. Ian Douglas, Hana & Abdul Al Bayaty
Torture in Iraqi Prisons - Appeal for Investigation
Crimes of the Century: Occupation & Contaminating Iraq with Depleted Uranium - Dr. Souad N. Al-Azzawi
Deterioration of Iraqi Women's Rights and Living Conditions Under Occupation - A survey by Dr. Souad N. Al-Azzawi
Iraq’s Lost Generation: Impact and Implications – Ismail Al Jalili
Iraqi Hospitals Ailing Under Occupation - Dahr Jamail | ||
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