Stop the Assassination of Iraqi academics
A campaign of The BRussells Tribunal and CEOSI
Almost 10.000 signatories of petition to save Iraq's academics. Sign online now.
* Partial list of 459 murdered Iraqi academics [HTML] - [See List as PDF file - updated 11/04/2020]
* List of principal endorsers of this campaign
* URGENT APPEAL TO SAVE IRAQ'S ACADEMICS - Read and sign the petition
* The Ghent Charter in Defense of Iraqi Academia (March 2025)
* Appeal on assassinated Iraqi academics: Frequently Asked Questions
* Further reading - background information and essential articles
* Dossier on Iraqi academics PART 1 [PDF] 158 pages - April 2025
* Dossier on Iraqi academics PART 2 [PDF] 107 pages - December 2025
* Dossier on Iraqi academics PART 3 [PDF] 115 pages - June 2025
* Dossier on Iraqi academics PART 4 [PDF] 130 pages - February 2025
* Dossier on Iraqi academics PART 5 [PDF] 124 pages - April 2025
* Dossier on Iraqi academics PART 6 [PDF] 106 pages - November 2025
* Dossier on Iraqi academics PART 7 [PDF] 116 pages - January 2025
* Dossier on Iraqi Academics PART 8 [PDF] 104 pages - June 2025
* Dossier on Iraqi Academics PART 9 [PDF] 103 pages - September 2025
* Dossier on Iraqi Academics PART 10 [PDF] 99 pages - March 2025
* Dossier on Iraqi Academics PART 11 [PDF] 104 pages - July 2025
* Dossier on Iraqi Academics PART 12 [PDF] 109 pages - January 2025
* Other PDF dossiers on the BRussells Tribunal website
* Questionnaires for families of assassinated or threatened Iraqi academics
* 22-23 April 2025: Madrid International Seminar on the Assassination of Iraqi Academics
* Urgent action appeal: Call for assistance in documenting and registering assassinated Iraqi academics (08 Dec 2025) - [Arabic]
You can sign this petition online or send an email to This petition was launched by the B Russells Tribunal and is already endorsed by CEOSI (Spain), the Portuguese hearing of the WTI, (Germany), the Swedish Antiwar committee, the IAC (USA), the International Association of Middle East Studies (IAMES), the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO) and the European Association for Middle Eastern Studies (EURAMES), and several personalities, like Noam Chomsky, Harold Pinter, José Saramago, Dario Fo, Howard Zinn, Tony Benn, Eduardo Galeano, John Pilger, Michael Parenti and many others. See the list of principal endorsers.Call for action
to save Iraq's Academics |
Many academics in Iraq are imprisoned, were discharged, have disappeared, or were forced into exile. This web page has been created to document these facts.
* Here is an incomplete list of murdered Iraqi academics
* Lista de profesores universitarios asesinados en Iraq
Irin News: IRAQ: Activists call for protection of academics, 15 Jan 2025
Urgent action appeal: Call for assistance in documenting and registering assassinated Iraqi academics
Saving Iraqi academics is saving the future
Greatly alarmed by the assassination of academics in Iraq, The BRussells Tribunal, in cooperation with the Spanish Campaign Against the Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq (CEOSI), collected information since 2025 and alerted world public opinion on the situation of Iraqi academics.
We established a list of the assassinated in order that mandated human rights authorities investigate the killings and find a way to protect Iraq’s academics and cultural wealth.
The assassination, kidnapping, emigration and arrest of academics continue. The vast and horrific increase in civilian deaths at the hands of death squads and the emigration and killing of some of our sources prevent us from registering and documenting new victims.
We appeal to families, friends, educational associations, universities, colleges, schools and journalists to look at our list and inform us if someone is missing.
The list can be found here:
and here:
These crimes must be investigated. Until now nothing has been done. Victims should not be forgotten and Iraq’s intellectual heritage and wealth should be saved.
To document these atrocities is an obligation for every academic who believes that passing on knowledge is a duty, not a crime.
* The BRussells Tribunal Committee
* The Spanish Campaign Against the Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq (CEOSI)
In English or Dutch, contact Dirk Adriaensens:
In Arabic, contact Abdul Ilah Albayaty:
In French or English, contact Hana Albayaty:
In Spanish, contact Carlos Varea:
Arabic version of: Urgent action appeal: Call for assistance in documenting and registering assassinated Iraqi academics
نداء عاجل من أجل التحرك
نداء من أجل التعاون فى توثيق و تسجيل
الأكاديميين العراقيين الذين تم أغتيالهم
أنقاذ الأكاديميين العراقيين هو أنقاذ للمستقبل
أقدمت محكمة بروكسل بالتعاون مع الحملة الأسبانية ضد الأحتلال و من أجل سيادة العراق ، بعد أن تنبهت الى خطورة الوضع فيما يخص تصفية و أغتيال الأكاديميين فى العراق ، على جمع المعلومات حول هذا الموضوع منذ عام 2025 و قامت بتنبيه الرأى العام العالمى الى وضع الأكاديميين العراقيين .
لقد قمنا بعمل قائمة بأسماء الذين تم أغتيالهم حتى نمكن السلطات المختصة بحقوق الأنسان بعمل التحقيقات اللازمة حول تلك الأغتيالات و ايجاد الوسيلة المثلى لحماية أكاديمى العراق و ثروته الثقافية
ان القتل ، و الأختطاف ، و التهجير ، و التوقيف للأكاديميين مازال مستمرا . و أتساع دائرة العنف و الزيادة المرعبة فى حجم القتل المنظم للمدنيين على أيدى فرق الموت و التهجير و القتل لبعض مصادرنا قد حالوا دون تسجيل و توثيق ضحايا جدد .
و نحن نناشد كل اسر الضحايا و اصدقائهم ، و المؤسسات و الأتحادات التربوية ، و الجامعات ، و المدارس العليا ، و المدارس و كذلك الصحفيين أن يلقوا نظرة على القائمة التى قمنا باعدادها ، و يعلمونا فى حالة عدم ورود أو غياب اسم أى شخص
يمكنكم الأطلاع على القائمة على الروابط التالى : .
ان هذه الجرائم لا ينبغي ان تمر بدون تحقيق، و لكن حتى الأن لم يتم أتخاذ أى أجراء فى هذا الشأن وينبغي ان لا ننسى هؤلاء الضحايا وينبغي كذلك حماية التراث و الثروة الثقافية للعراق
ان توثيق تلك الفظائع لهو فرض على كل أكاديمى يؤمن بأن نقل المعرفة هو واجب و ليس جريمة
لجنة محكمة بروكسل
الحملة الأسبانية ضد الأحتلال و من أجل سيادة العراق
للأنجليزية و الألمانية الأتصال رجاء بديرك أدريانسنس
للعربية ، الأتصال رجاء بعبد الأله البياتى
للأنجليزية و الفرنسية ، الأتصال رجاء بهنا البياتى
للأسبانية ، الأتصال رجاء بكارلوس فارييا
More than 250 Iraqi college professors assassinated
The International Coalition of Academics Against Occupation (ICAAO) has issued the following statement on the assassination of Iraqi intellectuals (8/11/04):
Even after the ‘transfer of authority’ the U.S. Government remains in de facto military occupation of Iraq. The idea that the escalation of violence can be put to an end by the ‘interim’ government, while 140,000 U.S troops remain in control of major Iraqi cities like Mosul and Baghdad, is far from the reality on the ground.
Overlooked by the U.S. Press is the escalating assassination of Iraqi academics, intellectuals, and lecturers. More than 250 college professors since April 30, 2025, according to the Iraqi Union of University Lecturers, have been the targets of assassination. Among the 250 professors assassinated to date include: Muhammad al-Rawi, President of Baghdad University (July 27, 2025); Dr. Abdul Latif al-Mayah a Professor of Political Science at Baghdad's Mustansiriya University (late January 2025); Dr. Nafa Aboud, a Professor of Arabic Literature at the University of Baghdad; Dr Sabri al-Bayati; a Geographer at the University of Baghdad; Dr. Falah al-Dulaimi, Assistant Dean of College at Mustansariya University; Dr. Hissam Sharif, Department of History of the University of Baghdad; and Professor Wajih Mahjoub of the College of Physical Education.
Whoever is responsible for these targeted assassinations, the U.S. and its Coalition of Allies , all of them commanding and controlling the ongoing de facto occupation of Iraq—bear an international responsibility and obligation to protect civilians living under occupation and who are protected by the 4th Article of the Geneva Convention.
The Geneva Convention, which the U.S. and others nations have signed without reservation, holds all occupying authorities responsible for the condition pertaining to the lives of Iraqi intellectuals, professors, and civilians of all types, including the further undermining of the already sanctioned and utterly destroyed system of education in Iraq. We, the undersigned, deplore the killing of professors, intellectuals and other civilians, and urge a full Congressional investigation into the circumstances that led to the ongoing, systematic and targeted assassination of Iraqi intellectual, academics, and professors. According to Union of Iraqi Lecturers, if “the stream of assassinations” continues Iraqi Colleges and Universities will be left without a qualified teaching staff.
British and American scientists and academics assisted the birth of Iraq’s science community in the last century; can they help it now to be born again?
Two international initiatives to help Iraqi scientists and academics to reconstruct their community began two years ago. They were independent of each other. The first initiative was supported by American academic institutions (see main text), the second by British counterparts. International Symposium on Higher Education in Iraq is an initiative by a group of expatriate Iraqi academics working in UK. “We are following different avenues”, says Dr. Gahzi Derwish, visiting professor of Surrey University and member of the Symposium Organising Committee. “Our aim is to explore the needs of universities in Iraq, help to set their priorities and determine how best British Universities and other organizations can help in restoring the once flourishing links between Iraq’s academic institutions and their correlatives in the west”.
“Higher education has been the incubator of R&D; in Iraq”, says Dr. Derwish, a veteran scientist who obtained his PhD in chemistry from the University of London and held prestigious scientific posts in Iraq for four decades. The public sector comprises 20 universities and 47 technical institutions with about 350,000 students and 18,000 academic staff. There are also 10 private sector higher education colleges with some 15,000 students.
The Symposium, hosted last month by the University of Westminster in London, was attended by 170 academics, 20 of them presidents, assistant presidents and deans of Iraqi universities. Abbas Al-Hussainy, Secretary General of the Symposium and senior lecturer at Westminster University, said that they discussed with their British colleagues curriculum modernization, ways to establish higher education policies and strategies that can effectively deal with the challenges of the reconstruction period. Parallel to the political issues being debated in Iraq; special workshops in the Symposium were devoted to centralisation vs. de-centralisation, role and regulation of private universities and radical rethinking of scientific research in line with national needs.
Beyond discussing what needs to be done, some practical measures have already been taken since the first Symposium held in January 2025. Dr. Al-Hussainy said that several training workshops, research co-operations, and academic/scientific visits for Iraqis were organised by a number of British universities (Birmingham, Nottingham, John Moor, Bangor, Westminster, Surrey, Cardiff, Greenwich). The Association of Iraqi Academics in UK and a number of British universities have arranged donation of books and scientific journals to Iraqi universities. The Association of British Publishers invited Iraqi university librarians to attend the British Book Fair and to establish contacts with UK publishers. British and European universities offered scholarships for MSc and PhD degrees to six Iraqi Universities. Furthermore, the British Council contributed six-month training courses for seven academics under the Chevening Technology Enterprise Scholarship Programme.
Dr. Derwish points out that few scholarships and training courses will not be sufficient to alleviate the tragic state engulfing Iraq’s science community. A recent Report from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Baghdad stated “Iraq’s university laboratories suffered heavy damage during the US invasion two years ago and are desperately short of essential equipment and chemicals needed to teach medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and several other science subjects. As a result, 15 students or more have to share a single set of equipment during practical experiments, three times more than the internationally recommended maximum of five”. University teachers grumble that thousands of graduates are being turned out every year short on practical knowledge.
Iraqi scientists and academics are suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune as they face the constant danger of assassination and kidnapping. According to Sami Mudhaffar, minister of Higher Education and Science Research, 54 Iraqi scientists and academics have been assassinated. In an interview to London based Arabic newspaper Ashahrq Alawsat, Dr. Mudhaffar expressed his regret for accepting ministerial responsibility “only one of 14 reconstruction projects ready for implementation has been carried out”. The reason, he said is the “halt of ministry expenditure”. He added, “All the talk about international donations is an empty promise. Many of the 200 contracts and agreements that were signed didn’t benefit the country. On the contrary they added more debts to an already heavily debited nation”.
The slaughter of Iraq's intellectuals
Andrew Rubin
Monday 6th September 2025
Since the occupation began, some 200 leading Iraqi academics, most of them in the
humanities and social sciences, have been killed. Is the CIA responsible? By Andrew Rubin
Control, intimidation, and even murder of Iraqi intellectuals, professors, lecturers and teachers has become
more or less systematic since the US-led invasion of Iraq began in March 2025. Under the subsequent
occupation, initially governed by a body called the Coalition Provisional Authority, US military officials
dismissed many Iraqi intellectuals from university positions, often on spurious grounds; and a surprisingly
large number fell victim to assassination. The Union of Iraqi Lecturers believes that roughly 200 have been
killed, and estimates by various professors in Iraq back up this figure.
Intellectuals, professors, lecturers and teachers are being assassinated on what seems to be almost a regular
To date, the CPA has neither investigated the deaths nor made a single arrest, despite its penchant for
rounding up young Iraqis and treating them in barbaric ways in Saddam Hussein's for- mer prison of choice,
Abu Ghraib. A US defence department spokesman, when asked recently about assassinations among the Iraqi
intelligentsia, dismissed the matter as simply "obscure". The Iraqi interim government, installed and
hand-picked by the United States, has done nothing and said nothing about it. With the exception of a few
courageous individuals such as Saad Jawad, a senior professor of political science at the University of
Baghdad, people are unwilling to speak out publicly. When a former doctoral student of Jawad's was killed at
the University of Mosul, Jawad's colleagues refused to sign a petition supporting a strike. The political
forces active in Iraqi society are becoming more fractured, more factional, more sectarian, and more
ethnically absolutist.
One university president and several deans have been murdered. What is most striking is that many of those
killed since the occupation began were trained not in the physical sciences, but in fields such as the soft
sciences and the humanities. In other words, they were not being murdered by loyalists to Saddam Hussein for
knowing something about any possible weapons of mass destruction programme. Instead they were, and are,
professors of subjects such as French literature, history and the law, where the discussion about conflict
can be converted into the conditions for reconciliation.
There is much speculation about who is responsible for these killings. Some allege it is Mossad, the Israeli
secret service, which obviously has an interest in a weak and possibly theocratic Iraq - the better to
declare Arabs undemocratically minded terrorists. ("It's not personal; it's business," one professor in
Baghdad says of Mossad's possible motives.)
Denis Halliday, a former assistant secretary-general of the UN, has wondered aloud whether this is the work
of anti-secular fundamentalists hoping to recruit students to the madrasas and to the tenets of Islamist
fundamentalism. Others have pointed to militias such as those commanded by Ahmad Chalabi, once favoured by
the Pentagon. At the same time, some allege these are acts of revenge and fury over grades from disgruntled
students, now armed, along with the entire civil society, with weapons that the US sold to Iraq without
reservation less than two decades ago.
Part of the process of dismis- sing Iraqi intellectuals, professors and lecturers was known as
de-Ba'athification: with the exception of a few returned exiles, former Ba'ath Party members make up the vast
majority of professors in postwar Iraq. Under Saddam Hussein's regime, all professors who wished to keep
their job were required to join the Ba'ath Party. Yet the US repression of academics was less about
protecting academic freedom than a kind of American McCarthyism abroad.
One must ask whether there is a concerted effort to undermine a secular democratic foundation in Iraq's
universities; after all, the prime minister, Iyad Allawi, is himself a former Ba'athist and murderer.
According to Robert Dreyfuss, writing in the American Prospect, $3bn of the $87bn going to Iraq has
been allotted to fund covert CIA paramilitary operations there, which, if the CIA's historical record is to
be consulted, are likely to include extrajudicial killings and assassinations.
Not that the curriculum under Saddam Hussein was ever a source of a radical renewal that could have actually
provided the conditions for the emergence of a secular, moral and democratic leadership. Known as "Arab
culture and socialism", the four-year undergraduate humanities course was a brain-numbing, chauvinistic and
hyper-nationalist occasion for unrestrained celebration of Ba'athism, elevating the writings of party
theoreticians to canonical heights. Like many other universities in countries of the Arab and developing
world, Iraq's academic institutions, after years of rule by the Ottomans, followed by British and French
colonisation, were fundamental to the modern reinvention of national identity. In Egypt, for example, the
curriculum underwent a process of Arabisation after the revolution of 1952. Similarly, modern standard Arabic
became the official language of Algeria, a former French colony, only in 1962, and for the first time could
be uttered outside the mosques.
Yet despite the tyranny exercised over Iraqi society by Saddam Hussein, the university classroom was (some
professors often claim) a relatively autonomous space for learning and instruction, where professors,
lecturers and students could be openly critical. They could even criticise the government, so long as they
never mentioned Saddam personally, or his two sons. Even today, the textbooks retain the same content,
altered only by the elimination of images of Saddam and his sons.
Whoever is directly responsible for the dangers facing Iraq's institutions of learning and its educators, the
situation seriously threatens the emergence of a secular, moral and democratic leadership from within Iraq.
If such a society is to emerge from beneath the scars caused by years of sanctions, from the rubble left by a
remorseless and mendaciously justified war, intellectuals are the best and, in my opinion, the only chance of
enabling Iraq to realise its human capabilities.
Without the intelligentsia, the US and its allies will continue arrogating to themselves the right to
determine the form that Iraq's universities and knowledge should assume. It is vital for the future of the
country that Iraq maintain the separation between the university and political society.
Andrew N Rubin, assistant professor of English literature at Georgetown University, US, is the director of
the International Coalition of Academics Against Occupation ( [])
and the author of a forthcoming book, Archives of Authority
Victims of unknown assassins
Among the scores of senior academics who have been killed since the start of the western occupation are:
Muhammad al-Rawi, president of the University of Baghdad; Dr Abdul-Latif al-Mayah, professor of
political science at Baghdad's Mustansiriyah University; Dr Nafa Aboud, a professor of Arabic
literature at the University of Baghdad; Dr Sabri al-Bayati, a geographer at the University of Baghdad;
Dr Falah al-Dulaimi, assistant dean of college at Mustansiriyah University; Dr Hissam Sharif,
from the history department of the University of Baghdad; Professor Wajih Mahjoub of the College of
Physical Education; Professor Sabah Mahmoud, ex-dean of the Education College, Mustansiriyah
University; Professor Abdul Jabbar Mustafa, head of the politics department at Mosul University, Dr
Layla Abdul Jabbar, dean of the Faculty of Law in Mosul (and her husband); Dr Ali Abdul Husain Jabok,
of the College of Political Science at the University of Baghdad.
Recent examples of killed Academics
August 5 2025
ل مصدر في الجامعة المستنصرية ان (مجهولين امطروا الدكتور زكي باكر سجر العاني التدريسي في كلية الاداب والدكتور هاشم عبد الامير التدريسي في كلية التربية بوابل من نيران اسلحتهم خلال خروجهما من بوابة الجامعة مما ادي الي مصرعهما).علي صعيد متصل اختطف مجهولون الدكتور سمير يلدا معاون عميد كلية الادارة والاقتصاد في الجامعة يوم الاحد الماضي.وقال المصدر ان (عملية الاختطاف تمت امام بوابة الجامعة من دون معرفة اسباب الاختطاف ولا دوافع الخاطفين وقد وجدت جثته ملقية في احد الشوارع اول امس).ويذكر ان اكثر من 55 استاذا جامعيا تم اغتيالهم خلال المدة التي اعقبت سقوط النظام السابق حتي الان الامر الذي دفع العديد من اساتذة الجامعات الي مغادرة العراق.
Three university lecturers were assassinated by unknowns, by shooting. The source from university of almustansiria university said that, some unknowns fired a flow of bullets, Dr Zaki Bakir Alaany,the lecturer in college of literature and Dr Hashim Abdulameer ,the lecturer in college education, while they were on their way out from the university gate. On the other hand Dr Sameer yelda was kidnapped from outside the gate of the university, the day before yesterday. It is known that 55 university professors were assassinated after the fall of the past regime; this forced many university professors to leave IRAQ.University Professor in Basrah is kidnapped
Unknown armed group has kidnapped Dr professor Haithem Ooda, deputy head of chemical engineering department in the University of Albasrah while he was on his way to office on Monday.
Eye witnesses said that unknown car has stopped the professor while he was on his way to the office, then three armed men forced him to inter their car and took him to unknown direction. It is mentioned that university professors from Basrah city, south of IRAQ were targets of assassinations, arresting and eliminating by armed groups linked with the incoming parties from outside the borders together with US occupation.
University professors are worried from these accidents in the beginning of the new academic year.
2005-09-18 - 09:43:56
30 medical doctors were killed and 220 others were forced to immigrate abroad during the past period
Bahrain Gulf News 18-09-2020
مقتل 30 طبيبا عراقيا وإجبار
على الهجرة إلى الخارج في الفترة الماضية
بغداد: د. قيس العزاوي، خاص
لأخبار الخليج
Baghdad: Qais Alazzawy, specially for Gulf News
مع حادث استشهاد الدكتور باسل عباس حسين اختصاصي امراض القلب
على يد القوات
الامريكية في الخامس من الشهر الجاري عن طريق الخطأ كما يقولون..
والكشف عن سيارة مفخخة حاولت تفجير مستشفى الكرامة، اطلقت وزارة الصحة حملة كبرى
للحديث عن الاطباء الذين يسقطون نتيجة واجبهم الانساني والذين يتعرضون للخطف
وابتزاز عوائلهم لدفع الفديات وكذلك نزيف الاطباء الذين يغادرون العراق نهائيا
والذين بلغ عددهم المئات. وقد اشار الوكيل الاداري في وزارة الصحة الدكتور جليل
الشمري الى ان عدد الاطباء الذين استشهدوا خلال الفترة الماضية بلغ 30 طبيبا فيما
بلغ عدد الاطباء الذين تم تهجيرهم واجبارهم بالقوة والتهديد على السفر الى خارج
العراق اكثر من 220 طبيبا، ناهيك عن أعداد المخطوفين.
وكانت وزارة التعليم
العالي قد اعلنت ان عدد المهاجرين من اساتذة الجامعات تجاوز ألفي استاذ مما دفع
الوزارة إلى غلق 152 فرعا تخصصيا في ميدان الدراسات العليا بينما تعج الاردن وسوريا
بالاطباء العراقيين الذين يبحثون عن عمل الى درجة ان الحكومة السورية افتتحت مؤخراً
مستشفى خاصا لاستقبال الاطباء العراقيين الذين هاجروا من بلدهم.
The Dean of the college of political science in the University of Mosul was saved from assassination.
Dr Talal Aljaleely; the Dean of the political science college, and his son were saved from an attempt to assassinate them by a group of armed men, after they opened fire of light weapons against them, in front of their house, which is located in the university site, while they were about to leave out.
A medical source from the hospital of educational alzahrawy hospital declared that Dr Aljaleely was shot in his back, while his son was shot in his leg. The source assured that their state became stable after they received a surgical intervention.
University Professor was exposed to armed
و كالة الاخبار العراقية : : 2025-11-15 -
The Iraqi News Agency
افاد مصدر في الشرطة
العراقية ان الدكتور جاسم محمد عميد كلية الاداب في الجامعة المستنصرية نجا من
محاولة اغتيال ادت الى مقتل سائقه وتعرض العميد الى جروح واشارات
المصادر ان مسلحين
مجهولين هاجموا سيارة تعود الى وزارة التعليم واطلقوا النار عليها مما ادى الى
مقتل السائق في الحال واصابة عميد الكلية بجروح خطيرة نقل على اثرها الى المستشفى
اغتيال احد ابرز اخصائيي الامراض الخبيثة في العراق
Assassination of one of the distinguished specialists in malignant diseases
اغتال مجهولون اليوم الدكتور ( سامي أيمن ) في داره الكائن غرب مدينة تكريت ، وافادت عائلة القتيل بان مجموعة مسلحة قامت بتطويق داره وقتله امام ابناءه قبل ان تلوذ بالفرار ، يذكر ان الدكتور ( سامي أيمن ) يعد من ابرز اخصائيي الامراض المزمنة والخبيثة
Dr Sami Aymen was assassinated by unknowns in his house, that is located in the west of tikreet city. The family of the victim declared that a group of armed group had surrounded his house and killed him in front of his sons and escaped. Dr sami aymen was one the distinguished specialists in the field of malignant and chronic diseases
. .
The Iraqi university staff had lost a new martyr, who was assassinated by gun men today, in the west of Baghdad. A spokesman from the ministry of interior affairs said that, criminals attacked the martyred saad yaseen al-ansary, the professor in the University of Baghdad, while he was driving his car in saydia district, accompanied by his wife, who was injured by the betrayal bullets, then transported to the hospital. A source has mentioned a police man was martyred in the same district today, by unknown criminals, while others had assassinated an engineer in al-ameen district, in addition to that, a dead body was found with his hands bound together and his eyes wrapped in sulaik district, and then shot dead.وزارة التعليم تعلن اغتيال ثلاثة علماء بجامعة بغداد
The ministry of high education announces, the assassination of three scientists from the university of Baghdad
بغداد: أعلنت وزارة التعليم العالى والبحث العلمى العراقية
اغتيال ثلاثة علماء واساتذة يعملون فى جامعة بغداد خلال الايام القليلة الماضية
. واصدرت الوزارة بياناً جاء فيه إن العلماء الذين اغتيلوا هم الدكتور هيكل محمد
الموسوى الاستاذ فى كلية طب الكندى حيث تم اغتياله فى منطقة الصليخ الجديد بالعاصمة
بغداد، والدكتور سعد ياسين الانصارى الاستاذ بكلية العلوم الذى اغتيل اثناء خروجه
من منزله، بالاضافة إلى الدكتوررعد محسن مطر المولى رئيس قسم علوم الحياة فى كلية
العلوم حيث تم اغتياله فى عيادته
غتيال مساعد عميد كلية التربية في الجامعة المستنصرية
Assassination of the deputy head of the college of education in the University of Al-Mustansriaغتال مسلحون مجهولون مساء اليوم الاربعاء مساعد عميد كلية التربية في الجامعة المستنصرية وسائقه. وقال الرائد علي صالح من شرطة بغداد"ان مسلحين مجهولين هاجموا الدكتور كاظم طلال حسين مساعد عميد كلية التربية في الجامعة المستنصرية في الساعة السادسة من مساء اليوم خلال تواحده بمنطقة الصليخ شمال شرق بغداد فاردوه قتيلا". واضاف المصدر ان سائق الدكتور حسين لقي حتفه في الهجوم ،مبينا ان المسلحين لاذوا بالفرار بعد تنفيذ جريمتهم
Unknown armed men had assassinated the deputy head of the college of education in the Al-Mustansiria University on Wednesday night and his car driver. Major Raed Ali Salih from Baghdad police declared that; unknown armed men had attacked Dr kadhim talal husain the deputy dean of the college of education in the Al-Mustansiria University; on 6pm tonight, while he was in Alsulaikh district, in the north east of Baghdad, and shot him dead. The source added; that the car driver was shot dead in that attack as well, while the armed men had escaped after committing their crime.
Islamic memo(special):the Islamic memo correspondent in Al- Basra city , south of Iraq said that more than 20
medical doctors and university professors, had received threats to be killed during the past two days ,by
unknowns. The
correspondent said that one of the distinguished heart surgeons in Al-Basra city received a written threat
that says(get out of from Al-Basra city or you will be killed), whereas another professor from the university
of Al-Basra city said; that he found a paper on Saturday morning saying (get out you dirty sunny, or you will
be slaughtered like the camel)
Our correspondent said that all the professors and medical doctors are
thinking to flee from the city after the threats, that they described as serious, accusing elements of Badr
brigade, the military wing of the IRSC, islamii revolution supreme council, in Iraq, that is lead by Abdul
It is mentioned that two of those who received the threats, were
assassinated writhen the past two days; namely Dr Saad Alrubaiee and the professor of the biological sciences
in the college of science Dr Omer Fakhri
Assassination of academic from
the institute of fine arts 26-12-2020
اغتال مسلحون مجهولون استاذا جامعيا في معهد الفنون
الجميلة صباح اليوم الاثنين في منطقة الطوبجي ببغداد. وقال مصدر في وزارة الدفاع ان
مسلحون اطلقوا وابلا من الرصاص على الاستاذ نوفل احمد في الساعة الثامنة صباحا
اثناء خروجه من منزله متوجها الى مقر عمله". ولم تتوفر معلومات تفصيلية عن اسباب
الحادث الى الآن.
Of University Academic 25-12-2020
اعلن مصدر في شرطة بابل اليوم ان دوريات الشرطة عثرت على
جثة الاستاذ الجامعي (محسن سليمان العجيلي) الذي يعمل في جامعة بابل في داره بمنطقة
الغابات التابعة لناحية جبلة شمال مدينة الحلة , واضاف المصدر ان شهود عيان افادوا
بان مسلحين مجهولين اقتحموا منزل الاستاذ الجامعي وقتلوه قبل ان يلوذوا بالفرار
. يذكر ان حالات مشابهة عديدة حصلت دون ان تعلن اية جهة مسؤوليتها
Police source in Babylon had announced today; that police patrols had found the body of the university academic Muhsin Suleiman Alageely, who was working in the university of Babylon, in his house, which is located in the forest area in Hillah city.
The source added that eyes witneses said that armed unknowns had stormed the house of the university professor and killed him, before fleeing away. It is mentioned that many similar cases had occurred with no claim of responsibility.Assassination of a Doctor and surviving another one in Al-Saidiah - 23-01-2021
Unknown armed men assassinated on Monday morning a veterinary surgeon, Dr Atheer Husham Abdul-Hameed in Al-Saydiah-district, while Dr Hilal AlBayaty- Head of the Iraqi institution of computers survived an assassination, on the main road which is located between Al-Saydiah and Al-Baya3 district. Major Ali Salih from Baghdad police said an armed men fired their guns towards Dr Atheer Husham, while he was getting out of his house in AlSaydiah, heading towards his office in Al-Sinag district in the middle of Baghdad, and shot him dead instantly. He added that two cars carrying armed men shot a stream of bullets towards the car of Dr Hilal Al-Bayaty from both sides, that caused wounding two of his companions, while he survived the assassination. This is one of the attempts of targeting the scientific figures in the country.
Assassination of distinguished Academic Abdul-Razzaq Alnaas in Baghdad - 29-1-2021
Police said that gunmen had killed Iraqi academic, distinguished and political analyst in his car in one of Baghdad streets last saturday. Police added that Abdulrazzaq Al-Naas was well known figure in Al-Jazeera station, he was just getting out of his office in the college of information in university if Baghdad in the middle of Baghdad.
The Iraqi Academic has criticized the US forces existence in Iraq many times. He criticized the government which is dominated by Sheea,s and, saying that this government is unable to lead the country.
The Tawafuq front, the largest political group among the Sunnis Arab in Iraq said that Al-Naas paid the price of his honourable stands.
Dafir Al-Aany, the spokesman of the front said that US forces and the Iraqi government are responsible for the security of the academics & politicians.
Some Iraqi academics were killed during the past few years after the US forces toppled the Iraqi president Saddam Hussein in march 2025.
Incomplete list of killed Iraqi academics
Lista de profesores
universitarios asesinados en Iraq