President Bush: the world holds you accountable !
[English | Francais | Nederlands | Spanish | Portuguese]
Photo & press gallery of the BRussells Tribunal anti-Bush action february 20
(this banner was sent to us by the Canadian Peace movement)
[What does the world think about this visit? We asked.... Read the answers]
Anti-Bush Cast Brussels February 20 2025:
Academics: Prof. François Houtart | Prof. Jean Bricmont | Prof. Em. Jaap Kruithof | Prof. Eric Corijn | Prof. Pierre Klein | Prof. Anne Morelli
Authors: Anne Provoost | Stefan Hertmans | Stefan van den Broeck | Hugo Van Rompaey | Mark Vandepitte | Didi de Paris | Piet Joostens (Yang)
Actors: Dirk Tuypens | Kris Cuppens | Dirk Pauwels
Activists: John Catalinotto (A.N.S.W.E.R.- USA) | Jos Vandervelpen (Voorzitter van de Liga voor Mensenrechten) | Pol Devos (StopUSA) | Melissa Hasbrook (Rhetoricians for peace - USA) | Noël Godin | Frank Stappaert (Humanistisch Verbond) | Ludo De Brabander (Vrede)
Film makers: Robbe De Hert | Luc Pien
Artists: Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker | VJ System Error | cartoons van Gustavo Matiz | and Vauro (Il Manifesto)
Actions: "turn your back on bush" (TYBOB)
Musicians: Frederic Rzewski | Think of One | Leila & Hana Al Bayaty | Koen De Cauter & Friends | Brussels Brecht Eislerkoor | DJ Global Beats | Chilean group | Mobassik
.................... and many others
[Please forward this appeal widely / veuillez envoyer cet appel à tout le monde]
Beste allemaal,
Bush komt van 20 tot 22 februari naar België. De vredesbeweging is
volop bezig met het organiseren van de straatprotesten van maandag 21 en dinsdag 22 februari (zie
Maar dat zou betekenen dat het op zondag, wanneer Bush aankomt, stil zou zijn. Het BRussells
tribunal vond dat dit niet kon. We hoeven u niet te overtuigen van het belang van
de actie: de milieubeweging, de vredesbeweging en de mensenrechtenorganisaties hebben voor één keer de
handen in elkaar geslagen. Ze vinden het beleid van Bush unaniem catastrofaal. Daarom zetten we
in samenwerking met de Beursschouwburg en de vredesbeweging de volgende actie op:
Vanaf 15.30 u: Protest sit in op de trappen van
de Beurs van Brussel met spandoeken, scanderen van weloverwogen slogans.
16.00u: Speeches (o.a. een vredesactivist uit
de VS: John Catalinotto). Dit alles in samenwerking met de vredesbeweging.
16.30u: idealiter een hippe formatie die een
straatconcert brengt, doet een mobiel concert op de trappen van de Beurs.
17.00u: In optocht met die hippe formatie ofte
ouderwetse fanfare naar het beurscafé, en vooral de rode binnenstraat, alwaar een schare zangers,
artiesten, dichters en intellectuelen een korte interventie doen: een song, een flard tekst, een
gedicht, een statement, kortom: een free podium in de binnenstraat van de beurs om het straatprotest
van de komende dagen te 'openen'.
Daarom deze mail, die in alle windrichtingen zal rondgaan om de juiste
artiesten, intellectuelen en dies meer op te roepen. François Houtart, prof. em. Jaap Kruithof, prof. Eric Corijn,
prof. Jean Bricmont, Anne Provoost, Dirk Tuypens, Kris Cuppens hebben al toegezegd. En we verwachten dat veel schrijvers en
artiesten meedoen.
Alle reacties op De
contactpersoon en coördinator bij de Beursschouwburg is Frederik Lamote ( - 0472/44.72.48)
Wij hopen op je aanwezigheid en medewerking. Al was het maar door deze
mail naar een aantal goed gekozen mensen door te sturen. Laten we Bush een 'warm' onthaal bereiden van
luidruchtig artistiek en doortimmerd intellectueel protest. Als opstap naar en 'onze' bijdrage aan de
straatacties van maandag en dinsdag.
Afspraak op zondag 20 februari vanaf 15.30 uur op de trappen van de beurs
of vanaf 17 uur in de beurschouwburg.
Voor het
tribunal ,
Lieven De Cauter (KULeuven/RITS)
Dirk Adriaensens (SOS-Irak)
Patrick Deboosere (VUB)
Bush visite la Belgique du 20 au 22 février. Le mouvement pacifiste organise plusieurs actions le 21 et le 22 février. (voir: Mais dimanche, le jour de l’arrivée de Bush, il n’y a encore rien de prévu. C’est pourqoui le BRussells tribunal organise en collaboration avec le Beursschouwburg et le mouvement de paix l’action suivante:
A partir de 15.30: protestation ‘sit in’ sur les escaliers de la bourse avec banderoles et en scandant des slogans bien choisis.
16.00: Speeches (e.a. John Catalinotto, un pacifiste des Etats Unies) en collaboration avec le mouvement de paix.
16.30: un concert de rue sur les escaliers de la bourse
17.00: Les manifestants se rendent en cortège au Beursschouwburg accompagnés d’une fanfare. Des chanteurs, des artistes, des poëtes et des intellectuels acceuillent les manifestants dans la rue intérieure du Beursschouwburg, avec une chanson, un poème, des points de vues. Bref, on fait un free podium. Ceci introduit les actions de protestations des jours suivant.
Ce mail vous invite à propager cette action partout et à mobiliser des artistes et des intellectuelles. Quelques personalités ont déjà promis leur présence (François Houtart, Prof. Eric Corijn, Prof Jean Bricmont...).
Vos réactions sont le bienvenue à, où toutes les communications seront coördinées. Frederik Lamote coördonera les actions au Beursschouwburg (, 0472/44.72.48).
Nous comptons sur votre présence et votre participation. Nous préparerons Bush un accueil ‘chaleureux’ avec une protestation intellectuelle et artistique. Rendez-vous le 20 février à 15.30 sur les escaliers de la bourse où à 17.00 au Beurschouwburg.
Merci de votre collaboration et de votre présence
Pour le BRussells tribunal ,
Lieven De Cauter (KULeuven/RITS) Dirk Adriaensens (SOS-Irak) Patrick Deboosere (VUB)
Bush is coming to Brussels between sunday February 20th and tuesday
22. The peace movement, the environmental movement and the humanrightsorganisation are for once joining
forces to 'stop Bush' (see . But they are
concentrating their street actions on monday and tuesday. So it would be silent when He arrives. The BRussells
Tribunal thought that this was not decent.
So we are organising, in collaboration with the peace movement a sit in on
the steps of the Stock exchange (3.30 pm) and a protest marathon from 5 pm onwards in the
We are looking for artists, poets, singers, intellectuals to bring a short
intervention (song, poem, text) to let the whole world know we do not agree with the Bush policies.
Especially American citizens residing in Belgium are welcome, for it is
not our intention to make it into an anti-American event. On the contrary: we support the American
people in its suffering under and its resistance against the Bush-regime.
All reactions to: Contactpersoon for
the Beursschouwburg is Frederiek Lamote ( / 0472/44.72.48).
Check this site regularly for
updates on the action.
You can help by forwarding this mail to the right people and to all your
friends. See you on sunday February 20th, 3.30 pm at the steps of the Stock Exchange, 5 pm at the
Beursschouwburg (rue Antoine Orts).
For the BRussells
Prof. Lieven De Cauter (KUL/Rits)
Dirk Adriaensens (SOS Iraq)
Patrick Deboosere (VUB)
Amigas y amigos,
Bush visita a
Bélgica de 20 a 22 de Fevereiro. O movimento pacifista organiza várias acções a 21 e 22 de Fevereiro
(ver: Mas no domingo, dia da chegada de Bush, nada está ainda previsto. Por isso o
BRussells Tribunal organiza, em colaboração com o Beursschouwburg e o movimento pela paz, a acção
seguinte: |
What does the world think about this visit? We asked.... Click here to read the answers.
Dear friends,
As you may have heard, Bush is coming to Brussels from February 20 until 22. The civil society is preparing protest actions those days. One of these actions takes place on sunday February 20. It’s a cultural / activist action, organised by the BRussells tribunal. We want the world community to speak up against the devastating policies of this neocon government.
You have signed our petition “Stop The Escalation”. If you have a message for Bush, please let us know. It can be a statement, a poem, a cartoon, anything you want to say to him in the language you prefer (English, French, Dutch, Spanish…). We’ll read these messages for the audience in Brussels and we'll put them on our website.
Let’s show Bush he’s NOT welcome.
In solidarity.
The BRussells tribunal organising committee
Chers amis, chères amies,
Bush vient à Bruxelles du 20 à 22 février. La société civile est en train de préparer des action pour protester contre cette visite. Une de ces actions, le 20 février, sera organisé par le BRussells tribunal. Ce sera une action culturelle/activiste. Nous souhaitons exprimer par là notre inquiétude concernant le rôle négatif joué par les Etats-Unis au sein de la communauté internationale sur le plan de la paix et des droits humains.
Vous avez signé notre pétition « Contre l’Escalade ». Si vous avez un message pour Bush, faites nous savoir. Un poème, un texte, déclaration, cartoon, toute forme d’expression est accepté. Nous voulons communiquer ces messages au public Belge le 20 février et on les mettra sur notre site web.
Montrez que Bush n’est PAS le bienvenu.
En solidarité.
Le comité du BRussells tribunal.
Queridas amigas y amigos,
Como ustedes saben, Bush estará en Bruselas del 20 al 22 de febrero. La sociedad civil está preparando
acciones de la protesta para esos días. Una de estas acciones se realizará el domingo 20 de febrero. Es una
acción cultural y de protesta organizada por el BRussells
tribunal. Para que el mundo entero sepa que rechazamos las políticas devastadoras de ese gobierno "neocon".
Usted ha firmado nuestra petición "A parar la escalada". Si usted tiene un mensaje para Bush, por favor
háganoslo llegar. Puede ser una declaración, un poema, una historieta, cualquier cosa que usted desee
decirle a él, en la lengua de su preferencia (inglés, francés, holandés, castellano...). Leeremos estos
mensajes en las audiencias de Bruselas y las pondremos en nuestro Sitio web. Demostremos a Bush que él no es
El comité de organización del BRussells
Como já devem saber, Bush vem a Bruxelas de 20 a 22 de Fevereiro. A sociedade civil está a preparar acções
de protesto para esses dias. Uma dassas acções terá lugar no domingo, 20 de Fevereiro. É uma acção cultural
militante, organizada pelo BRussells Tribunal (ver pormenores a
seguir). Queremos que a comunidade mundial proteste contra a política devastadora deste governo
Vocês assinaram a nossa petição "Stop The Escalation". Se têm uma mensagem para Bush, por favor façam-nos
saber. Pode ser uma declaração, um poema, um cartoon, qualquer coisa que queiram dizer-lhe, na lingua que
preferirem (inglês, francês, holandês, espanhol). Nós transmitiremos essas mensagens ao público em Bruxelas
e colocá-las-emos no nosso website.
Mostremos a Bush que NÃO é benvindo.
O Comité Organizador do BRussells Tribunal
[A poem for the BRussells Tribunal by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, recognized as one of the most influential and important poets of the Beat movement ]
A headless man is running
down the street
He is carrying his head
in his hands
A woman runs after him
She has his heart
in her hands
The bombs keep falling
sowing hate
And they keep running
down the streets
Not the same two people
but thousands of others & brothers
All running
from the bombs that keep falling
sowing pure hate
And for every bomb that's dropped
up spring a thousand Bin Ladens
a thousand new terrorists
Like dragon's teeth sown
From which armed warriors sprang up
Crying for blood
As the smart bombs sowing hate
Keep falling and falling and falling
Dear President Bush,
Do we need to learn, generation after generation, that war, whilst solving one problem poses ten more in its place?
If the American regime had spent half the money it has now spent on the war in Iraq on humanitarian projects around the world, perhaps it would have had a better effect in deterring would-be terrorists.
Stephan Collishaw FRSA
Author (UK)
One sign, which I am prepared to support, should read: "President Bush: Europe holds you accountable!"With all good wishes,Hans von Sponeck (former UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq) (Germany)
The Honorable Mr. George W. Bush
The President of the United States of America
Dear Mr. Bush
It was regrettable that you were not allowed to see and talk to ordinary Iraqi citizens, during your sneak visit to Baghdad on Thanksgiving Day last year. Those Iraqis whom you met during that visit were part of the American installed client state that came on the back of the American tanks. Naturally they told you what they thought you wanted to hear. More over, Mr. President, they lived, like your other advisors in Iraq, in their isolated bubbles in the secured “green zone” with very little contact with ordinary Iraqis.
I am sure that had you talked to ordinary Iraqis you would have gotten different opinions than those being passed to you by your Americans or Iraqi advisors. As an ordinary Iraqi citizen I would like to share my thoughts on the Iraqi dilemma that America has found itself in.
More than a year ago you promised the Iraqi people that “the torture chambers and the secret police are gone forever." Mr. President, I honestly wanted to believe you then. I discovered later that your American solders were torturing the Iraqi people since May 2025. I discovered also that your army generals knew about it and wrote reports to their higher authorities about such abuses of human rights. I will give you, Mr. President, the benefit of the doubt and say that your advisors did not tell you the facts.
Having known the facts, you did not apologize for the victims of the American torture but went ahead putting the blame on only the “seven bad apples”. That did not STOP the torture or the human rights violations committed by your troops in Iraq. Reports are still coming to date confirming that torture is being committed against the Iraqis in the American detention camps. I am sure that your advisors will tell you that this is necessary to protect the security of America, several thousands of miles away from Iraq.
Your partners in the “coalition of willing” are not doing any better! The British and Danish armies are both torturing Iraqi detainees. Now we discover through human rights reports that the “new Iraqi army”, created and trained by your government, is also torturing the Iraqis. It is clear to me, Mr. President, that while we were tortured, before the “liberation”, by one force of evil, now we are being tortured by at least four evil forces after the “liberation”. It looks to me, Mr. President, that contrary to your announcement, the “torture chambers” may truly be here forever.
Allow me, Mr. President, that your blaming of “only seven apples” did set the legal precedent for every dictator in the world to escape the responsibility for the torture and human rights violations. Like you, every dictator will pin the blame and the responsibility on the seven, ten, or twenty bad apples in his forces. I am sure that decent American legal scholars would tell you this excuse is very dangerous and would not stand in a proper and impartial court of law.
Actions are judged by the results and not rhetoric. Ordinary Iraqis, like your American soldiers, are faced with threats against their lives. The general lawlessness that still exists, as a result of your occupation of Iraq, makes the life of ordinary Iraqis miserable. We Iraqis are afraid to go out for the fear of being kidnapped by criminal gangs rooming the country with an ineffective police force. We are also afraid of going out for fear that we might be killed by a bomb directed at your troops or killed or shot at by the trigger happy and nervous American troops.
The innocent Iraqi population is not using armored personal carriers nor do they use armored cars to help them protect themselves. More innocent Iraqi civilians are killed by your troops shooting at them than those killed by the criminal gangs. You probably know, Mr. President, that your trigger happy and nervous troops enjoy freedom from prosecution for these unlawful killings. From what I have witnessed those killers do not even stop to say sorry for their actions.
Allow me respectfully to remind you, Mr. President, that now more than 60% of the Iraqi working forces, in your “liberated” Iraq, are unemployed as compared to 30% before your liberation. It looks that your action has doubled the number of Iraqis “liberated” from earning a decent pay or a decent work.
The US congress issued a report on Iraq at the end of June 2025. In that report they say that in May 2025 (just after the invasion) 7 out of the 18 governorates had more than 16 hours of electricity per day. It also says that this number was reduced to one governorate in May 2025, one year after the invasion. Now we are very lucky if we get 6 hours of electricity per day in Baghdad, a city of 5 million people.
Health services have continued to deteriorate during the past 22 months of occupation. Hospitals still lack even the simplest things. Drugs are not available. Fewer patients seek medical treatments or examination because of the security situation and the closed streets. Doctors are not safe at hospitals because they have been physically attacked by relatives of patients blaming, or venting their frustration at the poor helpless doctors.
Due to lack of security and poor police force, criminal gangs have kidnapped for ransom a few hundred doctors. Some were threatened. As a result, hundreds of highly qualified doctors have fled the country and it has resulted in further deterioration of health services. These highly qualified doctors did not run away from the tyranny of the dictator, Mr. President, but because of the chaos and lawlessness in your “liberated Iraq”.
Records show, Mr. President, that the Iraqi government smuggled up to a hundred thousand barrels a day of refined desil fuel through Turkey, with your government’s knowledge. These figures indicate that the Iraqi refineries had an excess refining capacity allowing it to export refined oil products.
During the “liberation” of Iraq refineries were not targeted, like in 1991, so one assumes that the damage was minimal. I wonder why refineries are not fixed yet after 22 months of “liberation”. I still can not understand why Iraq continues to import refined oil products from Turkey, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia and to my amazement from Israel. We Iraqis need to know why our money is being spent, unwisely, to import Gasoline now when we were an exporting nation. I might understand that Halliburton and KBR needed to import gasoline for few months but not after 22 months of “liberation.”
In 1991 our refineries were severely damaged by the bombing. We the Iraqi people were able, despite of the sanctions and without the help from the Halliburtons, to fix the refineries in only a few months. We kept them working and going for 13 years and we were exporting products. Similarly the Iraqi people were able to restore the electricity in a few months. The Iraqi people reconstructed every building damaged by the war of 1991 in less than a year. Seeing the lack of any reconstruction efforts after 22 months of “liberation” makes me sad.
Mr. President, In 1991 America promised that Iraq will be returned to the “pre-industrial” age and they nearly did that by bombing and destroying everything. The Iraqi people surprised the world by reconstructing what was bombed. On top of that, new projects were implemented despite the sanctions. As an Iraqi this makes me extremely proud of our achievement in 1991. We the Iraqis set the standards of reconstruction. After 22 months of “liberation” and the lack of honest and visible reconstruction work I feel that America miserably failed to meet that standard.
For 13 years Iraqis were living on food rations given by the government. We were told that our government was robbing us and providing us with only 2200 Kcal per day. The “liberated” government of Iraq after the liberation is still providing us with about 2200 Kcal per day of food ration.
The government of Iraq used to spend about 150 million dollars a month to import and distribute the food rations. According to your CPA Inspector General, 8.8 billion dollars were unaccounted for in one year. Mr. President, these 8.8 billion dollars are enough to feed all the people of Iraq for nearly 60 months. This fiscal irresponsibility and the lack of transparency in spending our money make me wonder about the aim of the “liberation” of Iraq. I’m sorry to say that the Iraqi people are being robbed blind. We are being “liberated” from our wealth also.
I am sure, Mr. President, that our traumatized kids will never forget what was done to their future by your “liberation”. I am sure that your kids have to deal in future with our traumatized kids. I am also sure that your kids will have to repay for all the damages and the stolen money. I can see that the price will be very high.
I do not want to be like the rest of your advisors giving you the rosy picture. They have told you about the WMD, the Al-Qaeda link, the 9/11 link, the Iraqis welcoming your troops as “liberators” … and it is proved that they were not telling you the truth. It is about time that you listen to other people.
We do not hate America for its “freedom or democracy”. We don’t hate America. We hate the crimes, the destructions, and the devastation committed by America against the innocent people in our country.
Ghazwan Al-Mukhtar
Baghdad, occupied Iraq (witness of the BRussells Tribunal)
Give this to Bush when he comes....
Regaining My Humanity
By Camilo Mejia
Thursday 17 February 2025
I was deployed to Iraq in April 2025 and returned home for a two-week leave in October. Going home gave me the opportunity to put my thoughts in order and to listen to what my conscience had to say.
People would ask me about my war experiences and answering them took me back to all the horrors-the firefights, the ambushes, the time I saw a young Iraqi dragged by his shoulders through a pool of his own blood or an innocent man was decapitated by our machine gunfire. The time I saw a soldier broken down inside because he killed a child, or an old man on his knees, crying with his arms raised to the sky, perhaps asking God why we had taken the lifeless body of his son. I thought of the suffering of a people whose country was in ruins and who were further humiliated by the raids, patrols and curfews of an occupying army. And I realized that none of the reasons we were told about why we were in Iraq turned out to be true. There were no weapons of mass destruction. There was no link between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda. We weren't helping the Iraqi people and the Iraqi people didn't want us there. We weren't preventing terrorism or making Americans safer. I couldn't find a single good reason for having been there, for having shot at people and been shot at.
Coming home gave me the clarity to see the line between military duty and moral obligation. I realized that I was part of a war that I believed was immoral and criminal, a war of aggression, a war of imperial domination. I realized that acting upon my principles became incompatible with my role in the military, and I decided that I could not return to Iraq.
By putting my weapon down, I chose to reassert myself as a human being. I have not deserted the military or been disloyal to the men and women of the military. I have not been disloyal to a country. I have only been loyal to my principles.
When I turned myself in, with all my fears and doubts, it did it not only for myself. I did it for the people of Iraq, even for those who fired upon me-they were just on the other side of a battleground where war itself was the only enemy. I did it forthe Iraqi children, who are victims of mines and depleted uranium. I did it for the thousands of unknown civilians killed in war. My time in prison is a small price compared to the price Iraqis and Americans have paid with their lives. Mine is a small price compared to the price Humanity has paid for war.
Many have called me a coward, others have called me a hero. I believe I can be found somewhere in the middle. To those who have called me a hero, I say that I don't believe in heroes, but I believe that ordinary people can do extraordinary things. To those who have called me a coward I say that they are wrong, and that without knowing it, they are also right.
They are wrong when they think that I left the war for fear of being killed. I admit that fear was there, but there was also the fear of killing innocent people, the fear of putting myself in a position where to survive means to kill, there was the fear of losing my soul in the process of saving my body, the fear of losing myself to my daughter, to the people who love me, to the man I used to be, the man I wanted to be.
I was afraid of waking up one morning to realize my humanity had abandoned me. I say without any pride that I did my job as a soldier. I commanded an infantry squad in combat and we never failed to accomplish our mission.
But those who called me a coward, without knowing it, are also right. I was a coward not for leaving the war, but for having been a part of it in the first place. Refusing and resisting this war was my moral duty, a moral duty that called me to take a principled action. I failed to fulfil my moral duty as a human being and instead I chose to fulfil my duty as a soldier. All because I was afraid. I was terrified, I did not want to stand up to the government and the army, I was afraid of punishment and humiliation. I went to war because at the moment I was a coward, and for that I apologize to my soldiers for not being the type of leader I should have been.
I also apologize to the Iraqi people. To them I say I am sorry for the curfews, for the raids, for the killings. May they find it in their hearts to forgive me.
One of the reasons I did not refuse the war from the beginning was that I was afraid of losing my freedom. Today, as I sit behind bars I realize that there are many types of freedom, and that in spite of my confinement I remain free in many important ways.
What good is freedom if we are afraid to follow our conscience?
What good is freedom if we are not able to live with our own actions?
I am confined to a prison but I feel, today more than ever, connected to all humanity. Behind these bars I sit a free man because I listened to a higher power, the voice of my conscience.
While I was confined in total segregation, I came across a poem written by a man who refused and resisted the government of Nazi Germany. For doing so he was executed.
His name is Albrecht Hanshofer, and he wrote this poem as he awaited execution.
GuiltThe burden of my guilt before the law weighs light upon my shoulders;
to plot and to conspire was my duty to the people;
I would have been a criminal had I not.
I am guilty, though not the way you think,
I should have done my duty sooner,
I was wrong,
I should have called evil more clearly by its name
I hesitated to condemn it for far too long.
I now accuse myself within my heart:
I have betrayed my conscience far too long
I have deceived myself and fellow man.
I knew the course of evil from the start
My warning was not loud nor clear enough!
Today I know what I was guilty of...
To those who are still quiet,
to those who continue to betray their conscience,
to those who are not calling evil more clearly by its name,
to those of us who are still not doing enough to refuse and resist,
I say "come forward."
I say "free your minds."
Let us, collectively, free our minds, soften our hearts,
comfort the wounded, put down our weapons,
and reassert ourselves as human beings by putting an end to war.
Dear President Bush,
hoping that you have time to think for a while why you are not welcome, even in the States when the noble media shed a light on your crimes in Iraq and elsewhere. Hoping again that you won't be another Saddam Hussein, hearing and seeing nobody but yourself, surrounded by greedy and lying followers. So Mr. President, listen to us for the sake of the world and humanity.
During the severe years when Iraq was totally embargoed, millions of Iraqis ended under the poverty line; hundred thousands of people dead; hundred thousands of children left school for work to help themselves and their families; we demanded the lifting of the sanctions, otherwise the coming Iraqi generations would hate America forever. But the Administration refused to listen to us. Now this unfair brutal American occupation is giving the young Iraqi's reasons for not understanding. Yet nobody is ready to see the results of the fatal American faults in Iraq while applying the famous rule "either with us or with the terrorists". Every Iraqi is a terrorist as long as he is against occupation. Let me tell you how the Americans raid the houses here, in Baghdad and every Iraqi city. They have the right of entering, ransacking any house and if the owner or the resident refuses, the Americans have the right to arrest him (if he is lucky) or kill him. The American vehicles are in every Iraqi street, carrying banners saying: "stay away 100 meters to avoid being shot". Have you any idea how many civilians Iraqis were killed by those vehicles?
Through your policy in Iraq we discovered the real American style. "Freedom" means: "I have the freedom to destroy everything".
You were right saying that "we can defeat terrorism by terrorism". You brought the terrorists to Iraq to make the world safer for the Americans. Yet until now you did not admit that terror is an American industry. Terror according to UN means killing innocent civilians. If you go through the American history, from killing the native Americans up till killing the "native Iraqi's", you will discover that terror is a pure American industry.
Assassinating Rafiq Hariri astonished me. Still this painful crime has given "some" right to those Iraqis who boycotted the elections. The assistent Secretary of State asked the Syrian forces to withdraw, otherwise the Lebanese elections would lack legitimacy under the occupation!!! But why then the elections in Iraq had legitimacy under the occupation? Could you answer us?
Could you imagine, Mr. President, the daily life in Iraq? We are still surviving till now by chance, because the car bombs and the American "friendly" fire missed us. We are struggling to survive at this moment without having hope for future. I said "surviving", not living. Do you know the big gap between surviving and living?
Iraq was once a dream turned into hell when Saddam became "our man" as Rumsfeld said in 1983, then became a nightmare under your administration. According to the annual report of Amnesty International, there are a lot of human rights violation in America. The American Administration, whoever the President is, has the right to invade any country because of the human rights violations; still who dares to invade the United States? We do not want to invade the States. The CIA proved that Iraq was not threatening USA, still the occupation is going on, the Iraqi blood is being shed while the WORLD is watching, saying nothing as long as you are the major Worldpower.
You are not welcome anywhere; please leave us, so we can find our way. Would you?
Nermin Al-Mufti.
Journalist (occupied Baghdad)
I would like to add a statement to your protest:
I, Katherine Bellows Cassidy, of the United States stand firm in my solidarity with those of you in Brussels who are standing up and making your voices heard against the corrupt, violent, oppressive military and economic policies enacted by the Bush administration in the name of United States citizens.I abhor this current administration and all it stands for. I am embarassed that there are 50 million people in my nation who possess such arrogance and shortsightedness and voted to place this man back in office another four years. The present self centeredness which is rampant throughout US culture and many of it's citizens is sickening and frightening. This arrogance leads to the mentality that it is alright to engage in pre-emptive war, oppressive economic activities and much much more.
As a mother, a daughter and as a citizen of this planet, I stand with you in protest, in anger, in sadness, in hope and in courage.
Blessed be the peacemakers......stay strong and keep fighting the good fight.
In peace and solidarity,
Katherine Bellows Cassidy.
Bush is a disgrace to civilization in general and to America in particular.
J. B. Neilands
Prof. Emeritus UCB
Investigator for Russell Tribunal N. Vietnam 1967 (USA)
Message to Bush on the occasion of his visit to Brussels.
The newspapers tell us that, since the fall of Saddam Hussein, there are growing fears in US government circles -- especially since the period leading up to and after the elections in Iraq -- that Iran is interfering in Iraq, “to impose theocracy in Baghdad”. Interference or no interference: what does the US government think it is doing by its constant propaganda, opposing Shia against Sunni, considering the demographic facts in Iraq? And what is new about this policy? Weren’t the Shia always the good guys, because they opposed Saddam?
To us out there in the real world, particularly in the Middle East, blessed by current attempts at liberation by you, Mr. President, it has been clear for some time that the rising tide of fundamentalism in the US is echoed by rising fundamentalism in the Arab world. Forget about your ‘theocracies’ and look at countries that ostensibly have secular regimes. Are they not given fantastic military resources under the pretence to help them to hit hard against ‘terrorists’, i.e. Muslims who might be engaged in some sort of political action? And are these not the same regimes who are closing both eyes and in fact, encouraging religious trends in their societies? What could the result of that possibly be?
You, Mr. Bush, and your team of neoconservatives, are the sorcerer’s apprentices who let the genie out of the bottle, before making sure you know how to put it back again. Wake up and recognise that the trouble in the world is not this regime or that, nor even this ‘terrorist group’ or that, but the power of that genie of fundamentalist mania everywhere, ravaging civil liberties in the US, Europe and all over the world and throwing deadly strife between religious communities which – since the Middle Ages – have lived together in peace, be they Sunni, Shia, Copt, Orthodox Eastern Christians and other Christians, as well as Hindu, Buddhist, etc…
Now, you guys who started exploiting religion for political and economic purposes, but mostly to gain dominance over other peoples – you’d better think of a solution how to put the genie back into the bottle! Go back to the master sorcerer! Above all, don’t imagine that by smashing a country’s entire infrastructure, its water supply, electricity and security, by liberating thousands of civilians from the miseries of existence – you can achieve anything but what you are getting: more violence and less of everything that makes life worth living.
Gerda Mansour
Cairo (Egypt)
Nedhal Abbas: Iraqi poet. She published her first book of poetry “Dreams of invisible pleasures”, in Arabic, in 1999.
Poems translated by Haifa Zangana (Iraq / UK)
Witness of the BRussells Tribunal
Freedom carol
Nedhal Abbas*
I’ll say it again:
There are few things
On which we all agree;
Sooner or later
You’ll be free.
Democracy is new for you
But never mind
We will teach you
Move forward
Go on
This is what you trained for
You are the hunter
You are the predator
Freedom is beautiful
Do you hear?
Soldiers march,
On natives bodies
Battling a stench
They chant
Freedom is beautiful
By tanks
By warplanes,
Apache, Kiowa, marine cobra.
Smoke grenades
By Sniper shots
We‘ll end your demise
They deliver.
Wrapped in democracy,
Coloured in freedom,
Packages of
Un- named mutilated naked burned
Blown apart un-counted bodies
We receive
Men women and children
Mohamed, Ali, Omar, Jawad
Selma, Nadia, Fatima, Suhad
Hussein, Ahmed, Salam, Azad
Aysha, Amal, Maysoon, Nuhad
Faisal, Raad, Zaid, Widad
Nuha, Haifaa, Kifah, Souad
From a distance’
Chorus of freedom recite:
We’ll say it again;
Can’t you understand?
It’s our mission
To put an end
To your demise.
Nedhal Abbas
On Friday morning
In Sura-Mn-Ra’a
A young man lays in pieces
Torn a part by sniper’s fire
A woman
In Black A’baya
Passes by
Holding her toddler by the hand..
The child
Stares at the remains,
At a hand opened to the sky.
He reaches for a touch,
Could it be his father’s?
* Sura-Mn-Ra’a : “ A delight to the seer”, the old name of modern city of Samarra which(سامراء) stands on the east bank of the Tigris, 125 Km north of Baghdad. Famous for its Great Mosque with its unique spiral minaret built in 847.
In October 2025, The US occupation forces led an assault on Samarra. Hundreds of people were killed. Bodies were left in the streets , could not be collected for fera of American snipers..
Nethal Abbas – Baghdad - 29/8/2020
This is not by any means
The whole story
We can see the end
Not the process
The consequences
Not the causes
In Najaf
At Imam Ali’s shrine
A sad recognition of…
What? I ask.
Ya Ali
A woman mourns
Cuddling her dead son
Looking at the sky
Not the shrine
As if...
What? I ask.
A bomb falls
On a house
Not the shrine
Al hamdullilah
Ya Ali
In the haunting miles
Of Wadi Assalaam
To bury their fear
Conjure the blessings of
The murdered Imam.
F16 strikes
Silence no more
Noble, dispassionate,
One and a half million Dead
Bound to no one
They murmur
Ya Ali
In the Sahan*
By the shadow of the Imam
A young fighter
An old book in hand
He reads
“Proclaim the truth”
“Stand by the oppressed not the oppressor”*.
Apache helicopters fire
Thick black smoke rises
Smell of burnt flesh
Fills the air
Is he some one we know?
I ask.
Yaaa Aliiiiii
I hear no answer.
* Ya: To call and plead.
* Imam Ali: Cousin and son in law of Mohamed, the prophet. In Iraqi popular culture Invoked for help especially by women in need. He is buried in Najaf city.
* Sahan: court yard of a shrine.
* Wadi Assalam: Valley of peace, in Najaf, the largest cemetery in the world.
* Sayings by Imam Ali
Statement for Brussels
To: George W. Bush
The world calls upon you to respect the principles that you claim to uphold: democracy, human rights and freedom around the world. To regain any moral or legal standing the world, the United States of America must renounce its illegal, immoral and irrational unilaterally declared war against Iraq, its continuing occupation and, more broadly, the so-called "war on terror". The United States must also accept responsibility for the deaths of innocents, the torture of prisoners and the lawless manor of its actions in the world. The United States has an old tradition of liberty and constitutionalism that is respectable. At its core lies Thomas Jefferson's insight that we must show a "decent respect for the opinions of mankind." The American policy of preemptive war and the so-called war on terror, both shielded in the rhetoric of freedom and human rights, does the opposite. It enacts an empire of oppression. Desist and accept responsibility for the injustices you have wrought. It is in the interest of the people of the United States as well as the world world that the United States of America renounce its current lawlessness and violence and pursue, instead, a course of justice and reconciliation.
Amy Bartholomew
American Citizen
Professor of Law
Carleton University
Ottawa , Canada
Editor of the book: Empire's Law: The American Imperial Project and the 'War to Remake the World'(Witness of the BRussells Tribunal)
Unfortunately I can't be in Brussels on next 20th February.However, I would like to write a sentence against Bush and against USA world policy.I write it down in Italian (my language) and in English too.BUSH, TU SEI IL PIU' GRANDE E TEMIBILE TERRORISTA DEL MONDO INTERO: MA STAI ATTENTO, QUANDO TRA BREVE L'ARMATA INVINCIBILE DEI PACIFISTI TI SCONFIGGERÀ, NON CI SARÀ PIÚ POSTO PER LE POLITICHE ARROGANTI E IMPERIALISTE DEGLI U.S.A.! LA LOTTA È APPENA COMINCIATA, INIZIA AD AVERE PAURA DI NOI: SIAMO MILIONI!Bush, you're the greatest and most dreadful terrorist of the whole world: but be careful, when shortly the invincible pacifist army will defeat you, there won't be any more room for the arrogant and imperialist U.S.A. policies! The fight has just begun, start having fear of us: we're millions!I really hope it will be a great demonstration.Roberto Villa (Milano, Italy)
Thank you for writing. Here is my message for President Bush.
It's a poem about our unforgivable invasion of Iraq.
Thank you for acting on site in Brussels and best of luck,
Michele F. Cooper
the way the announcement comes
the way the face leans over the altar
the way it stands on the teak platform
and doesn’t whistle or totter or lisp,
the way the crowd hushes
for the intimacy of the short teeth
and pink lips not half an inch from
the spongy head of the mike,
TV cameras zooming in for the eyes,
in for the glittering kill, the take,
the wrap-up at 11, Congress and citizens
on the edge of their leather seats
for the whole-world secret they’ve already
digested, and everything makes sense
the way he separates,
the way he separates the words
We will bring
them to justice
free the people
the weapons
the oppressed millions
the children the oil
the guns the chemicals
We will bring
them down!
The way the generals and secretaries
collect their stars and stripes
and might and right and merge them
into a brass ball they can roll
down the polished floors
to kingpins in foreign capitals.
The way the people cheer on camera
and off, the way they discount
the unaccounted billions
against the raucous tally of 9-11
and their gut feelings and fear
of lights on the world stage,
the barbed-wire borders and
bargains and brisk internet banking.
The way the commander’s voice
rises five keys the next afternoon
when the megaphone sputters
his in-your-face marching orders,
hasty shorthand taking the last
pleasure out of the coffee, the last hand,
the last bite, last page, last minute
to think a private thought.
The way their meals squeeze out of the tubes,
yesterday’s extras for garnish, walk a mile
three times a day keeping the smells
from the insects and rats, food the color
of putty, of green mud, carrots and yams
like melon and orange, paste on
the tongue, juices in the mind.
The way 80 percent of the people thrill
out loud at the power and glory,
give quiet thanks five and ten times a day
they can stay alive in their condos and
townhouses, watching the troops on the news,
cameos ignoring the desperate villagers
with their prayers and dwindling meals,
their last warm milk, last cloudy wine,
last clean water they can see through.
The way the regimental banners wave
in the wind, the way the anthems
backdrop the bombs,
the way the money changes landscapes,
collapsing five-year plans.
The way the earth quakes as the tanks
rumble up from hidden bases in the south,
cross the barren hills, trample the wheat
of uncles and grandfathers, distant
hoof beats thudding from the north
over dry fields, ancient stirrups tied with knots,
others swelling in broken shoes.
The way the troops take formation,
pack their 70 pounds of guns and
ammo and gas masks and grenades,
hurl themselves over the hundreds
of barren miles to the core of the
country, the radio stations, the airport,
eight and ten palaces dotting
the riverbank with gold sinks and
marble floors, the portly president
and army sons shipping their kin
and their cash to southern France,
then pounding their fists
under thick black mustachios
shouting relentlessly, as one:
We can
We will
We will not fold
Praise Praise! Allah
Will not be taken
No matter who
No matter what
No matter!
The way the bright flags whip and curl
around the ropes flailing off the poles,
the way the fabric rips from the edges in,
the way the red rags, and the white,
the way they fall limp as the black
and blue smoke explodes
into magnificence of orange fire,
the way the people will never cheer
when the
Bush is not welcome in many parts of the world ! As an American Citizen I am embarresed when people ask me ...Where are you from.. Why? because America is a place where people preach about Human Rights yet we attack many countries in the name of homeland security. We are an aggressive nation. We attack and kill many innocent civilians all over the world in the name of freedom.
I am a wittness to the brutal occupation of Palestine. I have seen the Israeli soldiers use weapons I call weapons of mass destruction (the illegal Dumb Dumb) Yes it is a weapon of mass destruction. It destroys the body when it enters the Human being and this weapon is against international law. And who gives Israel the money for this weapon.
The good Old United States Of America. I have seen many children in The West Bank of Palestine . I have taken over a thousand photos that I use to re educate the people of America to the truth of what this brutal occupation is doing to the Palestine people . I have seen the soldiers attack innocent men, women and children. I have seen them humiliated. I have seen them killed. Wait! I should say assassinated, for in the West Bank one, if he or she is a Palestinian, is given the death sentence without a trial ... Without reason really just for the sake of being a Palestinian. I refuse to be a part of this genocide and I left America for this very reason and I now reside outside of my country.
I am ashamed of Bush. I am appalled to call him my President. He is no different than Hitler or Sharon in my opinion... A warmonger, a dangerous man to run a country. A hated man by many. I do not want to be a part of his plan. To take my tax dollar to kill innocent civilians. I wanted to state that I am against his foreign policies and I ask God to forgive us as a nation of aggressors.
Almarie Calvert
I am from the beautiful state of Kentucky I miss my home but I refuse to be a part of the cruelty that this President inflicts on so many innocent human beings. (USA)
Si Bush veut réchauffer les relations transatlantiques, qu'il s'occupe d'abord du réchauffement du climat de la planète. Et, s'il prend enfin une heureuse initiative, qu'il en profite, dans le même temps pour abolir la peine de mort, pour signer les conventions relatives à l'interdiction du travail des enfants et à l'interdiction des mines anti-personnelles. Qu'il participe au Tribunal Pénal International, sans restriction. Qu'il abolisse le système Echelon avec la complicité coupable de la Grande Bretagne et de son valet Blair. etc, etc...Non, les valeurs de cette Amérique là ne sont pas les miennes, et je n'ai aucune envie de voir nos relations se "réchauffer".Jean-Pierre Viseur
Conseiller Communal
Ancien membre de la Chambre des Représentants (Belgique)
President Bush,
Unless you and your henchmen are honestly committed to diplomatic solutions in Iraq, you should stay in the USA and out of Brussels. You are an embarrassment to me and many other USA citizens.
The EU is disgusted with our USA imperialistic behavior. (USA)
2021-02-06 Message for President Bush:
Mr. President, your refusal to sign on to the statute of the International Criminal Court in The Hague obviously comes down to an admission that you and your country are involved in war crimes, and risk prosecution. (The Netherlands)
Dear President Bush,
my name is Jean Jones and I was born and live in my America the once beautiful. Progress and big business has turned my country into a land of pavement,roads,big houses,etc. There is hardly any land left.Money is going for war and instruments of war. The God of all gave us this earth to CARE for.We have failed.
We have also failed at being PEACEMAKERS. We have failed at caring for the sick and helpless. Our one triumph is that we are the most war-like nation on earth. We are the best at killing life. God said to revere life; that it is precious. I am free, because God created me free. I will die for freedom. Mine and every human life. We are leading humanity to a desperate doom.
You, more than any human on this wonderful planet can change this horrenous path. In chosing peace, equality, justice and compassion you would be remembered by history as the hero of the 21st century. I pray you make that choice because the God of the Christians says "DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO TO YOU".
May God lead you to LOVE.
Sincerely, Jean (USA)
What about the 'New American Century'? Who has asked the American Administration what they're really up to? Can they be trusted if we don't really know?
Marie Serraris, The Hague, Holland (Published on BBC World Service: Panorama: Your Comments)Four years on: Globalisation is going according to plan. Nature is down. Indigenous people are down. Muslims are down. Democracy is out. Fairness is off. Honesty, integrity, have gone down the drain. The world has become a MEAN place for our children to grow up in. Mr. Bush has gone into the world. He leaves a trail of debris, sadness and horror. Mr. Bush has no feeling, only goals. You'd say the man is starving: he's working so hard for his kind of money. He is definitely starved in his mind. We should feel sorry for him, and turn away from him.The only thing to do with such a shitty, powerful man: stay away from him... (The Netherlands)
Message for George W. Bush:
We hereby urge U.S. President George W. Bush to return home immediately and to look into the case of Leonard Peltier. There is sufficient evidence that this American Indian human rights activist is innocent. In court, the prosecuting attorney admitted that neither the U.S. government nor the FBI have any idea who killed FBI agents Coler and Williams; nor that they have any idea what role Peltier might have had in the June 1975 firefight. The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals decided that the FBI had coerced witnesses, committed perjury, fabricated false evidence, and withheld crucial evidence proving Leonard Peltier's innocence. Evidence it is still withholding today.
We also urge the U.S. Senate / Congress to start hearings into the misconduct of the FBI in this particular case. After all, 55 Congress members have already asked former President Clinton to grant Peltier executive clemency. Furthermore, the Belgian and European Parliaments have each adopted two resolutions with these same demands.
We demand justice now. Free Leonard Peltier. President Bush knows the FBI has been lying for 30 years now. George, do the only right thing: instead of waging war and telling the world what to do, go home, take care of the matters in your own backyard and grant presidential pardon to this internationally respected and supported political prisoner, Leonard Peltier !
Els Herten
coordinator International Peltier Forum (IPF) (Belgium)
Oaxaca, Mexico, Sunday, February 6, 2025
You are welcome to make use of an article I wrote recently (I am an American citizen, retired and living in southern Mexico). The article, "Stop the U.S. drive for global domination -- a call to the world's people", is posted at
I hope you are successful in publicizing world-wide opposition to the U.S. government's drive for global hegemony.
All best wishes,
George (Mexico)
To Whom it may concern.
We are Americans who say NO to u.s. War-Mongering!
For Shame!
Best Wishes,
World Peace
~ R. Brinton, Salinas, Calif. USA
Caros amigos,
Felicito-vos pela vossa iniciativa contra o imperialismo americano inimigo nº 1 dos povos de todo o mundo e principal factor de desestabilização da situação mundial e perigosa ameaça à paz.
Façam tudo o que puderem para que G. W. Bush regresse rapidamente a casa e perceba que o mundo não é propriamente um quintal americano.
O capitalismo e o imperialismo, mais tarde ou mais cedo, serão derrotados porque "um outro mundo é possível", é necessário e será construído.
UIm abraço
Manuel Rodrigues (Portugal)
Here is a message for your protest from an American :
Impeach Bush, the War Criminal!
O mundo não pode ser feliz com Bush e o seu grupo petroleiro-militarista sendo hegemônico e querendo impor a dominação no planeta. Em suma: Fora Bush & Condoleezza é uma questão até de sobrevivência.
Mário Augusto Jakobskind - Maria Luiza Franco - Elza Neves Moraes, do Coletivo Tapir - Rio de Janeiro - ( Brasil)
Dear Friends:
I cannot be in Brussels to join the protest, but I want to make it clear that more and more people here in the United States are understanding that we have a president who, while perhaps believing he is taking us forward to "the rapture" of the Apocalypse, is actually taking us backward to the Dark Ages. He is an unprecedented threat to our country and the world. And more and more of us are aware that we need worldwide resistance to his goal.
With gratitude for your efforts,
Jane Franklin (USA)
el pt
Aan de Minister van binnenlandse zaken,
Als Belgisch Irakees burger verheugt het standpunt van de Belgische regering over de oorlog in Irak me zeer. De VLD was en is nog altijd en terecht hevig gekant tegen de oorlog. De oorlog is opgelegd door Bush en zijn entourage tegen de wil van de internationale gemeenschap. De joodse lobby in het Witte huis had Irak al jaren in het vizier, maar konden er niets aan doen omdat ze geen reden hadden om Irak binnen te vallen. Ze moesten twee dingen hebben om hun doel te bereiken, namelijk, een zwakke president en een stok om te slaan. George Walker Bush was het eerste objectief en 11/9 was de tweede.
De gevolgen van de oorlog zijn catastrofaal:
Ik betreur dat de Genocidewet, het pareltje van België, onder de druk van de Amerikanen, in de modder gegooid werd. We zouden Bush voor de Belgische rechtbank kunnen brengen voor oorlogsmisdaden. Daar kunnen we nu jammer genoeg niets aan doen. Maar aan het aangekondigde bezoek van Bush aan België kunnen we wel iets doen, namelijk beletten dat België een toevluchtsoord wordt voor oorlogsmisdadigers.
Als burger van dit land verzet ik me heftig tegen het bezoek van Bush aan België. Ik hoop dat U de moed hebt om dat waar te maken.
Zahroon Zuhair Aziz
Passionistenlaan 12
8500 Kortrijk
Dear friends,
this is my answer:
Wer völkerrechtswidrige Kriege führt,
kann nur "Persona non Grata" sein,
aber keinesfalls einreisen dürfen.
Den Bush-Besuch gewaltfrei verhindern!
Best regards
Erika Bosch (Germany)
Dear Friends,
Thank you with best regardsalbasrah
Thank you, Merci:As a democratically elected leader of a very large and powerful nation, I feel too small to oppose this man. I refrain, then, from what you ask me. However, I back you and your commitment.Yours sincerely,Eduard Tolosa i Seguer (Spain)
Dear friends,
for your information:
Stop The Escalation - Let’s show Bush he’s NOT welcome
Demonstration zum Bush-Besuch - Termine zum Bush-Besuch
Bush in Europa unerwünscht - Not Welcome, Mr. Bush
Klaus Rudolph
Citizens' Initiative Omega
Publishing Office of the Buergerwelle e.V. (Germany)
We thank you for your initiative and we support the demonstrations you organize.
Tell Bush that his hawk Condoleezza will get a warm anti welcome when visiting Sweden and our region for the international NATO meeting in May.
Comradly greetings
Network for Global Peace and Democracy
Östersund Sweden
Dear friends, here is my message to Bush:
Dear Mr Bush,
since you seem to be interested in the subject of "terror", could you please let us know when your government will stop implementing and sponsoring such horrendous terrorist campaigns across the world?
Umberto (UK)
A message from Japan to Mr.Bush.Mr.Bush, you should find that you've been playing a part as the biggest messenger of the Demon in the 21st Century. Why has the U.S. Imperialism continued to kill the innocent people against the wishes of the people in the whole world ? How many people are you satisfied to kill , including your own country's young persons ?
Do you know that you, the U.S. Imperialism had hurt, tormented, and killed numerous children and innocent people in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Korea, Vietnam,and Afgan, and now Iraq? Mr.Bush, you should know that you, yourself are the Boss of the Evil. Mr. Bush, wake up! Don't be an emperor of this century! Be a just, gentle citizen! And immediately order to stop the war and withdraw from Iraq! ( Japan)
Hoi there,Het beste protest zou zijn als we allemaal ons omdraaien en héél stil onze rug tonen, misschien zelfs our butt, als bushke langsrijdt, dit zal meer indruk hebben op dat manneke. Een luidruchtig protest is nooit zo sterk als een héél lange rij met stille mensen die hun afkeer tonen. Indien mogelijk startend aan de luchthaven tot aan het hotel. Dit zal door de hele wereld bekeken worden. En indien de media het niet durven moeten we zelf zorgen voor film en internet distributie. Luidruchtige protest-groepjes zijn de mensen al beu gezien.Ik heb zelf een Amerikaanse vriendin die met veel plezier aanwezig zou willen zijn, maar niet kan omdat de economie in the States zo slecht is dat de eigen bevolking steeds verder onder de armoedegrens komt te zitten.Vragen aan Bush:When will you start saving your own country from your disaster?What about your own election fraud?Ik heb er nog heel veel maar ik ben gelukkig niet de enige Anti-Bush.GroetjesKoen. (Belgium)
Dear colleagues,
I support your action and hope that something similar will be organised in Germany. We have to show to our own governments that we do not approve of any form of appeasement concerning the unacceptable foreign policy of the United States.
Peter Lock (Germany)
Thank you for all that you are doing.We need all the help that we can get. Bush is not welcome in the US either.
Edith ColeLittlerock, WashingtonUSA
Here is the message from WILPF ITALIA.
We're now so worried for the life of our italian journalist that the only thing I would like to tell to Bush is that
Mr President,You have said both in your Inauguration Speech and in your State of the Union Address that you cherish Freedom and Democracy, and that you will make efforts for both.If this is so, please explain why you are not willing to help the indigenous Muslim and Christian people of the Holy Land to have both. This attitude is flagrantly anti-Christian.Please also explain why your administration gives money, arms and support in the United Nations to the Zionist persecutors, who murder, expropriate and more generally humiliate and oppress the same Muslim and Christian indigenous people.Robert ThompsonAvocat Honoraire au Barreau de Boulogne-sur-Mer22, rue de l'Eglise62990 RIMBOVALFRANCE
Dear Good-Hearted Brussels People
Greetings from Sydney, Australia.
Thank you for what you are doing on the behalf of civilized humanity everywhere.
Be prepared for the possibility of enormous official obstruction to your protest. When Bush visited Canberra recently, the Australian Government submitted totally to his demands, trashing the rights of its own citizens.
If I could speak to Bush I would say something like the following:
"You cannot be believed
Your words are empty
You cannot be trusted
Your dress is deceit
Your posturing, a charade
Your bullying, terrorism itself
Your militarism, barbarism unqualified
The greed you represent, a new scourge upon the face of the earth
You lead your once-great people toward universal contempt
Freedom is not yours to bestow
Democracy is not your possession
Wisdom is not a perk of office
Such things spring pure from the soul of honest persons
Minders and keepers disclose none of this
Only stillness with yourself."
With thanks and best wishes,
Ron (Australia)
Brussels, as with many other countries does not welcome President George W. Bush. Brussels does not want him there. Guess What??????????? I am an American and as far as I'm concerned he's not welcome here either. HE'S NOT MY PRESIDENT.........................
HE WILL NEVER BE MY PRESIDENT.............. (USA) may print my poem for the protest.. "Blue Dragonfly" on the website
Trudi/ Blue T / Midlothian, Virginia USAWHO'S WHO IN BAGDAD STILL
(Dedicated to "Camp" Ross..and ALL the TROOPS in Iraq)
FOR HOW LONG? A YEAR..........
I honor ALL those women/men serving
their courage one cannot describe
with the strength of PRAYER
they SHINE and they are protected
Through the power of spirit
I send you ALL "Blue" Dragonfly Spirit
for protection and healing.
Trudi / Blue T copyright 2025 (USA)
Les Etats Unis ( et tous les pays liberaux) ont un esprit de conquête du monde: d'abord par les marches et l'economie, ensuite par la propagande de leur culture et quand ca ne suffit plus (ou quand ce n'est pas assez rapide...) par les armes!
Ces comportements sont une honte et une insulte a tous les progres faits par l'humanite et aux hommes morts pour elle, pour sortir de la loi du plus fort! (France)
To the attention of the President of the United States of America, Mr. George W. Bush,
The rhetoric of your leadership, which claims to be enthusiastic in actively supporting freedom seeking activities from the citizens of the north
African, middle eastern and central Asian countries (i.e. Region of Interest?) against their governments, might be persuasive enough for the fellow Americans, who have been traditionally and systematically misinformed by the governmental agencies and their federally merchandized mass media, since the early McCarthy times. It may applicable to other bargainable allies of various scales of power, as well, Mr. President. But I doubt that it would be a well achievable mission to convince masses out of the propaganda proximity of Fox News and Washington Post, would it not?
With wholehearted shared enthusiasm and wish to witness all of those tyrannies and their irrational ideologies in your ROI to be utterly and permanently obliterated, I feel inevitably to obliged to enlarge the coverage of this expectation of mine, to include your very country, your two party de-mockery-cracy, your fundamentalist Christian neo-con ideologies, and your over-secure(!) under-secular executioner system!
I wish America, the land of Dreams, could soon wake up, throw off their blindfolds and those who are responsible for them.
Your humble global subject or another calf from you rench whichever you may well sympathize...
Kiziltan Yuceil, PhD
Istanbul, Turkey.
De duivel himself heeft steun nodig voor zijn verdere politieke arrogantie in de wereld. Stop die man! (The Netherlands)
The following could be a message for Bush, (partly) to be read out during Sunday (20 Feb.) afternoon's action. I have read it on, a US based website promoting dialogue and a search for understanding the truth behind the world system, US foreign policy and the Arab and Muslim worlds.
His Imperial Majesty George W. Bush: An Analytical Response to his State of the Union Address
By M. Amir Ali
Al-Jazeerah, February 8, 2025
Congressman from Chicago, Jesse Jackson, Jr. said on the Bruce Dumont Show that fifteen permanent American bases are under construction [in Iraq], spending money that was to be used on development projects.
This article is my commentary on Bush’s inaugural address on January 20, 2025; I am using the text published in Chicago Tribune of the next day, Eid Al-Adha Day for the Muslims. In the following, I have put emphasis on Bush quotes by adding them in italics and quotation marks.
2. Bush: “After the shipwreck of communism came years of relative quiet, years of repose, years of sabbatical, and then there came a day of fire.”
The U.S. internally may have been in relative peace but the world was not because U.S. bombs and forces invaded Iraq and continue to bomb to date. Somalia was invaded; so was Kosovo and Bosnia. American direct interference has continued. Indirectly, American financed and militarily supported Israel has continued invading Palestinian towns causing death and destruction, angering a billion Muslims around the world and another couple of billion non-Muslims in Europe, Central and South America and Asia.
4. Bush: “ The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands.”
Bush has worked hard to pass Patriot Act I (I call it, Slavery Act for America) that contradicts his pronouncements about liberty. Now, he is working hard to make this even worse by trying to pass Patriot Act II, I call it, Advanced Slavery Act. Ask Muslims in cities and towns of America, how they are being arrested, questioned and jailed, deported without any charges of criminal activity. Why the charge of immigration violations against Muslims only?
17. Bush: “Democratic reformers facing repression, prison or exile can know: America sees you for who you are- the future leaders of your free country.”
What does Bush mean, democratic reformers? Those treacherous people, who have sold themselves to America, receive American taxpayer’s money via CIA for themselves, their families and select supporters, and a security apparatus for protection.
In Bush language, a free country means to be a puppet of America, not just puppets of any of the European countries because Europe is independent of American policies thereby they are becoming bad guys, too.
19. Bush: “And all the allies of the United States can know: We honor your friendship, we rely on your counsel and we depend on your help. Division among free nations is a primary goal of freedom’s enemies. The concerted effort of free nations to promote democracy is a prelude to our enemies defeat.”
This is a fatherly advice to his children. This is an insult to the injury after his threat in the U.N. Security Council, that, if he did not receive support for war in Iraq, the council would become irrelevant – declaring that other members were fools not supporting him. The time has shown that all members of the Security Council are wise and he is the fool who went ahead with the war all alone. Bush has been isolated from the community of world powers and he keeps bringing a few tyrant rulers who stood with him. None of his supporting powers have any world standing except that they jumped in the arena with a token force and collected large sums of money from American taxpayers. He lied again by saying that he honor their friendship, which he did not and still does not; he claims to rely on their counsel, which he rejected and continues to reject. He hypocritically says that he depends upon their help, which he did not receive nor is there any chance that he would receive any time soon.
Now, he is threatening that if they did not work with him, it would make his enemies happy. The matter of fact is that European wisdom has made many friends among the people of their former colonies while Bush and Tony Blair continue to make more and more enemies due to their lack of brains.23. Bush: “America, in this young century, proclaims liberty throughout all the world and to all the inhabitants thereof.”
His words and deeds do not match. Why did he invade Iraq and Afghanistan without any provocation? Taliban, a poor country without any standing armed force, no air force, landlocked country that could not have any navy, was no threat to the U.S., a Super Power almost 10,000 miles away. Iraq was likewise not a threat to the U.S. The U.N. inspectors after spending six months said that no WMD was found and there were no plans either.
American forces all around the globe is not the indication that the U.S. government has peaceful intentions but to keep the world under the threat of total occupation or obedience to the U.S. wishes. These actions do not represent a proclamation of liberty but a proclamation of threat of total enslavement.Dirk De Zutter (Belgium)
Why don't you ask President Bush whether NATO has been linked to terrorism during the cold war? That's the so called "Gladio" question, it's rather sensitive. I've just published a book on the topic in London and New York.
Daniele Ganser (Switserland)
Ook Latijns Amerika kan jouw leugenaarsgezicht niet zien. Hoe durf je je hier te laten zien?
Werkgroep Latijns Amerika Heerlen (the Netherlands)
Sans réfléchir, sous le coup d' une colère permanente depuis... toujours ?Bush est un criminel. Tout son staff est criminel. Toute l'organisation socio-économique de ce pays est criminelle. Je croirai à un TPI ou à une cour de justice internationale lorsque les Etats Unis devront répondre de leurs crimes : ils sont nombreux, sanglants, indifférenciés, ils ne datent ni de la "guerre" contre l'Irak ni de l'attaque contre la Yougoslavie, ils ont toujours existé, perpétrés pour le profit, avec la bénédiction des démocraties occidentales (qui n'ont rien à envier aux Usa, sinon leur puissance d'armement). Rien de nouveau dans ce charabia. Mais pour la vie contre l'argent et son corollaire : la mort. Des plus pauvres, des plus nombreux.Marie-Catherine Andreani (France)
Estimados señores: Quisiera hacer llegar a Bush lo siguiente:1) Que ya está bien de abusar del poder bruto que tiene en sus manos, para destruir pueblos enteros.
2) Que la política exterior que él está aplicando se llama imperialista, salvaje, inhumana, propio del animal más feroz (con perdón de los animales).
3) Que la historia de la humanidad nos está manifestando que los imperios van sucumbiendo uno tras otro, y que deseo que el suyo vaya a la mierda cuanto antes.
4) Que deseo un tiempo en el que todos los estados no nacionales se esfumen, y que la organización mundial se realice sobre una base natural de entidades formadas por atributos naturales: idioma, cultura, idiosincracia..., y no sobre realidades impuestas a base de la violencia, de la guerra, del imperialismo, de la riqueza mal amontonada.
5) Que a pesar de todo, y precisamente por lo dicho, le deseo se convenza que la felicidad no le va ha provenir del acaparamiento de los pozos petroleros de Irak, ni de ninguna otra parte; sino de un servicio humilde, sencillo, afable a los más pobres.
Gracias por haberme pernitido expresar estas ideas. DIONISIO AMUNDARAIN SARASOLA / Calle Areso 16,1º dcha/ 20250 Lazkao / Gipuzkoa / Euskal Herria / DNI 15 126 244 H. (Spain)
My statement to Bush:
Bush, please sign Kyoto! It is too important for the world!
Els De Vos
(OSA-KU-Leuven) (Belgium)
Ik zal er zelf niet kunnen zijn maar ondersteun van harte de oproep om ter gelegenheid van Bush's ongewenst bezoek aan België massaal te protesteren tegen zijn katastrofale politiek.
Beste wensen,Dr. Jacques Pauwels,Brantford, Ont.Canada(Auteur van De Mythe van de Goede Oorlog.)
I was hijacked long before 911 by a mass produced, brainwashed, and uneducated society. I'm an artist who will not abandon my sacred talent for financial purposes. The value of my art is far more than monetary subsistence. I am calling on every artist, especially in the United States, to continue to exercise their right to free expression. It is imperative that we act at any level of creativity. The stifling of the creative process has fueled an already out of control neurosis in the US. We must promote the use of untapped creative potential, and move to put artists in more leadership roles in government.
My plan includes ideas such as:
Tearing down the "projects" in the US for sustainable, life affirming, architecturally nurturing replacements.
Changing "job" titles and duties to more sustainable occupations dictated by the workers.
Complete freedom to study all forms of philosophical endeavors.
Implementation of art alliances to better understand others and their cultures.
The use of unused buildings to facilitate these ideas.
It's time for mainstream politicians to get out of the way. There's a new world out there and it isn't going to wait for them.
Get out Bush, you're not welcome In Europe or the US.
Sally, A US peace activist , San Francisco, California February 2025
Dear friends. We have received a message from God who asks us to put this message among the others…. Thought. Carla
Mouvement Chrétien Pour la Paix
9 Parvis St.Henri1200 BRUXELLES
Lorsque je me regarde dans un miroir, je vois le visage d’hommes et de femmes d’origines et couleurs de peaux différents, mais qui ont tous un commun un fort désir de paix et d’amour.Alors, s’il y a une chose qui me mets en colère, et vous savez de quoi je suis capable dans ce cas !
C’est qu’on utilise mon image à des fins partisanes et destructrices.
C’est pourquoi, en rappelant mon deuxième commandement « Tu ne prononcera pas le nom de Yahvé ton Dieu en vain », je déclare haut et fort, et je vous prie de le lui dire avec moi :
Signé : Dieu
I’m Bush the little crocodile" Conny Dubois 14/02/05 Belgium
Snick, snag, sneaky
Sniffy snatchy snatch
Snick, snag, sneaky
Sniffy snatchy snatch
I’m Bush, the little crocodile
Come from the States, that’s near the Everglades
First I lay in a rotten egg
And then, I saw the freedom flag
I’m Bush, the little crocodile
Have sharp teeth, what makes me smile
I snatch everthing I can snatch away
Yes I snatch because that’s my best way
I’m Bush, the little crocodile
I love to snatch, and stir up the world’s bile
I sneak the entire world around
And show them how I snatch the ground
I’m Bush, the little crocodile
And with snatching the world I can rile
I bite them through their throats
And then I sleep and dream of my oats
Parody on the text and music of "Schnappi, das kleine crocodile" Iris Gruttmann
Salut BRussells Tribunal,unfortunately I cannot come to your action next days.But still I want to support your work and tell my friends about.Good luck and thanks for your effort!CarolinHere are my words:"George W. BushYour military power is enormousbut you're selling cowardly the body and soul of the nation.Your money is bloody.Your words are lies.Your smile is an evil grin.You and your murderous Think Tank's are thieves of moral and life: your power is damned to ruin!"
From this country, Italy, whose government still supports Iraqi occupation and Bush's administration, against its people's majority, I hope that a
more united Europe (unfortunately, such a Europe cannot now rely on my own country) could now "welcome" Bush, firmly denying any support to every folly of his foreign politics plans, even imposing him a strategy to get Iraq free from foreign occupation.They say if they leeave it would be a mess. How they call what it is now there? Other reasons keep them in that Iraqi inferno, they themselves had created.
I will be with all of you, hoping that all your actions will have the success that they deserve.
Paola Ceragioli - Italy
Chers amis,
Merci et félicitations pour l'action que vous organisez le dimanche 20 février. Ancienne victime de la terror états-unienne (s'il vous plaît, ne dites pas "américaine") dans mon pays (le Chili), je ne peut qu'adhérer avec toutes mes forces à votre action.
Humble contribution: je me suis permis d'améliorer, sur le plan de la langue, les messages en castillan contenus dans votre excellent site.
Je vous réitère mes remerciements et félicitations.
Jorge Palma Pacheco