Statement of The BRussells Tribunal Committee (08 October 2025)


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    [Spanish] - [Français] - [Arabic] - [Turkish]

    We, the undersigned, defending the right of Iraq to independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, rejecting the attempts of Iraqi puppets promoted by the US occupation to trade the national rights of Iraqis and to institutionalise via census the criminal demographic engineering they have pursued by force, declare that:

    From the first day of the US-UK occupation of Iraq, the occupation began to undertake a series of measures, directly or through its local allies, to destroy Iraq as a state and a nation and to partition it along ethnic and sectarian lines.

    Today, the puppet government of the occupation and its Kurdish partners are trying to hold a population census in Kirkuk province whose aim is to give a permanent legal character to the criminal social engineering, ethnic cleansing and demographic changes that have been implemented under occupation.[1] This could unleash a full blown civil war across Iraq, and potentially lead to its partition and a consequent regional war.

    In addition to the death of more than one million Iraqis, the ethnic cleansing and other means pursued by the United States, United Kingdom and their allies in order to implement the process of partitioning Iraq, in its cities and regions, have caused the forced migration of 2.5 million Iraqis out of Iraq and the forced displacement of 2.5 million others from their homes inside Iraq.

    The ethnic cleansing suffered by the population in the provinces of Mosul, Diyala, Salahuddin and the Baghdad area, and most notably in Kirkuk and the so-called "disputed areas" — where the population is forced by various means, including systematic assassinations, bombing civilians, collective punishment, transfer, displacement, deportation and other crimes against humanity, to migrate only to be replaced by people from other provinces or even from outside Iraq — is a clear crime of destruction and part of the intended partition of Iraq.

    The United States, the United Kingdom and their allies waged an illegal war of aggression against Iraq and occupied its territory. This war in itself is a crime punishable under international law. International law, in particular The Hague Regulations of 1907, the Geneva Conventions and additional protocols, and the Genocide Convention, explicitly prohibits occupying powers from instituting changes aimed at permanently altering the foundational structures of occupied territories, including the judiciary, economy, political institutions and social fabric.[2]

    International law considers the systematic transfer, deportation or displacement of population a crime against humanity.[3] Residents of affected areas, the Iraqi national forces, the displaced, and the majority of the people of Iraq declare this census null and void. It has no binding legal consequences and cannot and should not be used to support or justify the intended partition of Iraq.

    We demand that no census be conducted before the free return of all Iraqi refugees. We demand that the question of ethnicity not be used to instigate the partition of Iraq and that it be removed from any census, now and in the future. We declare as fraudulent the justification under occupation of a census on the basis of long term planning in the context of a temporary and unstable demographic situation.

    We demand that the United Nations and the Arab League and all governments, personalities, organisations and institutions support the demands of the people of Iraq by not recognising the results of this census, and by not assisting in conducting it. This census is designed to reward criminals for their crimes at the expense of their victims.

    Please sign to support this statement. Write a message to

    Dr. Ian Douglas, coordinator of the International Initiative to Prosecute US Genocide in Iraq and member of the Executive Committee of the BRussells Tribunal
    Abdul Ilah Albayaty, Iraqi political analyst and member of the Executive Committee of the BRussells Tribunal
    Hana Al Bayaty, member of the Executive Committee of the BRussells Tribunal and the International Initiative to Prosecute US Genocide in Iraq
    Dirk Adriaensens, member of the Executive Committee of the BRussells Tribunal
    Prof. Em. François Houtart,  Participant in the Bertrand Russell War Crimes Tribunal on US Crimes in Vietnam in 1967, Director of the Tricontinental Center (Cetri), spiritual father and member of the International Committee of the World Social Forum of Porto Alegre, Executive Secretary of the Alternative World Forum, President of the International League for Rights and Liberation of People, Honorary President of the BRussells Tribunal and senior advisor to the President of the United Nations General Assembly Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann, recipient of the 2025 UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence

    Prof. Dr. Lieven De Cauter, philosopher, K.U. Leuven / Rits, initiator of the BRussells Tribunal
    Prof. Patrick Deboosere,
    Demographer, VUB - member of the BRussells Tribunal Executive committee

    Prof. Dr. Jean Bricmont, Scientist, specialist in theoretical physics, U.C. Louvain-La-Neuve, member of the BRussells Tribunal Executive Committee

    Ward Treunen, former TV producer - member of the BRussells Tribunal Executive committee

    Hugo Wanner, VZW Netwerk Vlaanderen - member of the BRussells Tribunal Executive committee



    [1] Forced displacement and the construction of walled-in districts and their associated regimes, by contributing to demographic changes in Iraq, contravene international humanitarian law, including Article 49, paragraphs 1 and 5, of The Fourth Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in the Time of War, 1949, and as such constitute war crimes.
    [2] Articles 43 and 55 of The Hague IV Regulations on Laws and Customs of War on Land, 1907 (HR); Articles 54 and 64 of The Fourth Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in the Time of War, 1949. Occupying powers are obliged to manage the resources of the occupied territory under the law of usufruct only. This means that while they may use national resources as necessary to the upkeep of the wellbeing of the population in the occupied territory (Fourth Geneva Convention, Article 64) they cannot profit from the use of such resources or award themselves partial or whole ownership of such resources. The US remains a belligerent occupier of Iraq.
    [3] Article 7 (1) (d) of the Elements of Crimes of the International Criminal Court.



    Rev. Miguel d'Escoto-Brockmann Nicaragua former Minister for Foreign Affairs and Catholic priest, Senior Adviser on Foreign Affairs, with the rank of Minister, to President Daniel Ortega Saavedra, President of the 63rd session of the United Nations General Assembly
    Denis Halliday Ireland Former UN Assistant Secretary General & United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq 1997-98, recipient of the 2003 Gandhi International Peace Award
    Niloufer Bhagwat India Vice President of Indian Lawyers Association
    Matthias Chang Malaysia Trustee of The Kuala Lumpur Foundation To Criminalise War
    Dr. Curtis F.J. Doebbler USA International Human Rights Lawyer
    Karen Parker USA Attorney, Association of Humanitarian Lawyers, partners of the BRussells Tribunal
    Salah Omar Al Ali Iraq ex iraqi minister/ex Iraq's ambassador to UN
    Abdulkarim Hani Iraq Former Health minister 
    Ahmed Manai Tunesia Former expert with the UN, President of the Tunisian Institute of International Relations - Tunesia
    Naji Haraj Iraq Former diplomat, Human Rights Advocate
    Sabah Al Mukhtar Iraq/UK President of the Arab Lawyers Association
    Eduardo Galeano Uruguay Essayist, journalist, historian, and activist
    Jan Myrdal Sweden Writer
    Prof. Michel Chossudovsky Canada Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) 
    Dr Zulaiha Ismail Iraq/Malaysia Perdana Global Peace Organisation
    Dr Souad Al Azzawi Iraq Researcher on the use of DU in Iraq, Asst. Prof. Env. Eng - University of Baghdad 
    Gideon Polya Australia retired senior biochemist, author: biochemical scientific publications and global avoidable mortality
    Paola Manduca Italy Scientist, New Weapons Committee
    Stephen Lendman USA Writer, analyst, co-host of The Global Research News Hour
    Felicity Arbuthnot UK Journalist
    Dahr Jamail USA Journalist
    Nicolas Davies USA Author of 'Blood On Our Hands: the American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq'
    Max Fuller UK Author of 'For Iraq, the Salvador Option Becomes Reality' and 'Crying Wolf, deaths squads in Iraq' 
    Merry Fitzgerald Belgium Europe-Turkmens of Iraq Friendships Association
    Sigyn Meder Sweden Member of the Iraq Solidarity Association in Stockholm
    Joachim Guilliard Germany Journalist, Anti-war movement
    Inge Van De Merlen Belgium Member of the BRussells Tribunal





    Nosotros, los abajo firmantes, que defendemos el derecho de Iraq a la independencia, la soberanía, la unidad y la integridad territorial, rechazamos los intentos del gobierno títere iraquí, en manos de la ocupación estadounidense, de comerciar con los derechos nacionales de los iraquíes y la institucionalización, mediante un censo poblacional, de la criminal ingeniería demográfica que han conseguido por la fuerza, por lo que declaramos que:

    Desde el mismo inicio de la ocupación anglo-estadounidense de Iraq, se pusieron en marcha una serie de medidas, de forma directa o a través de los aliados locales, para destruir Iraq como Estado y como nación y para dividir el país de acuerdo a criterios étnicos y sectarios.

    Hoy, el gobierno marioneta de la ocupación y sus aliados kurdos intentan mantener un censo de población en la provincia de Kirkuk cuyo objetivo es dar un carácter permanente de legalidad a esa criminal ingeniería social, a los cambios demográficos y a la limpieza étnica que se ha producido bajo la ocupación [1]. Esto podría desatar una sangrienta guerra civil por todo Iraq y potencialmente provocar la división y la subsiguiente guerra regional.

    Además de la muerte de más de un millón de iraquíes, la limpieza étnica y otras medidas practicadas por Estados Unidos, Reino Unido y sus aliados, con la finalidad de poner en marcha la división de Iraq en todas sus ciudades y regiones, ha causado la emigración forzosa de dos millones y medio de iraquíes fuera de Iraq y el desplazamiento también forzoso de otros dos millones y medio en el interior de Iraq.

    La limpieza étnica padecida por la población de las provincias de Mosul, Diyala, Saladín y del área de Bagdad, y especialmente de Kirkuk y de las zonas denominadas “de disputa”, en las que, por diversos medios (entre los que están los asesinatos sistemáticos, el bombardeo contra la población civil, el castigo colectivo, la emigración forzosa, el desplazamiento, la deportación y otros crímenes contra la humanidad), se obligó a la población a emigrar —con la única finalidad de sustituir a su población por habitantes de otras provincias o incluso por habitantes de fuera de Iraq— es un crimen y forma parte de la premeditada división de Iraq.

    Estados Unidos, Reino Unido y sus aliados emprendieron una guerra ilegal contra Iraq y ocuparon su territorio. Esta guerra es, en sí misma, un crimen punible de acuerdo con la legalidad internacional, en concreto de acuerdo a las Convenciones de La Haya de 1907 y a las Convenciones de Ginebra y sus protocolos adicionales. La Convención contra el Genocidio prohíbe explícitamente a los poderes ocupantes instituir cambios cuya finalidad sea la modificación permanente de las estructuras de los territorios ocupados, lo que incluye las instituciones judiciales, económicas y políticas y la estructura social [2].

    La legalidad internacional considera que el traslado, la deportación o el desplazamiento sistemático de la población es un crimen contra la humanidad [3]. Los residentes de las zonas afectadas, las fuerzas nacionales iraquíes, los desplazados y la mayoría del pueblo iraquí están en contra del censo de población que pretenden realizar los poderes ocupantes, al que consideran nulo de pleno derecho por las razones antepuestas. Este censo no es vinculante y ni puede ni debe utilizarse para apoyar o justificar la pretendida división de Iraq.

    Exigimos que no se lleve a cabo ningún censo de población hasta que no hayan regresado de forma libre todos los refugiados iraquíes. Exigimos que la pertenencia a una determinada etnia no se utilice como excusa para instigar la división de Iraq y que la adscripción a una determinada étnica no se plasme en el censo poblacional, ni ahora ni en el futuro. Manifestamos que bajo un régimen de ocupación la justificación de un censo poblacional que pretende una planificación demográfica a largo plazo en una situación poblacional temporal e inestable es un fraude.

    Exigimos que Naciones Unidas y la Liga Árabe, así como todos los gobiernos, personalidades, organizaciones e instituciones apoyen las exigencias del pueblo de Iraq mediante el rechazo y el no reconocimiento de los resultados del censo poblacional así como no ayudando a que se lleve a cabo. Este censo de población está diseñado para premiar a los criminales por sus crímenes a expensas de sus víctimas.


    Dr. Ian Douglas, coordinador de la Iniciativa Internacional para juzgar los crímenes de genocidio de Estados Unidos en Iraq y miembro del comité ejecutivo del Tribunal BRussells

    Abdul Ilah Albayaty, Analista político iraquí y miembro del comité ejecutivo del Tribunal BRussells

    Hana Al Bayaty, y miembro del comité ejecutivo del Tribunal BRussells y de la Iniciativa Internacional para juzgar los crímenes de genocidio de Estados Unidos en Iraq

    Dirk Adriaensens, miembro del comité ejecutivo del Tribunal BRussells

    Dr. François Houtart es profesor emérito de la Universidad de Lovaina, participó en 1967 en el Tribunal Bertrand Russell de Crímenes de Guerra en Vietnam. Director del Centro Tricontinental (Cetri), padre espiritual y miembro del Comité Internacional del Foro Social Mundial de Porto Alegre, secretario ejecutivo del Foro Mundial Alternativo, Presidente de la Liga por los Derechos y la Liberación de los Pueblos, presidente honorario del Tribunal BRussells y y asesor de Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann, ex presidente de la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas. En 2025 fue galardonado con el premio Madanjeet Singh de la UNESCO por su trabajo en pro de la tolerancia y la no-violencia.

    Dr. Lieven De Cauter, filósofo, profesor de la Universidad de Lovaina y miembro fundador del Tribunal BRussell

    Prof. Patrick Deboosere, demógrafo de la Universidad Vrijen de Bruselas y miembro del comité ejecutivo del Tribunal BRussells

    Ward Treunen, ex productor de TV y miembro del comité ejecutivo del Tribunal BRussells

    Hugo Wanner, miembro de la ONG Flandes Network (Red Flandes) miembro del comité ejecutivo del Tribunal BRussells



    [1] El desplazamiento forzoso y la construcción de muros de separación en los barrios contraviene la Ley Humanitaria internacional, incluido el artículo 49, párrafos del 1 al 5 de la Cuarta Convención de Ginebra relativa a la protección de civiles en tiempos de guerra, de 1949, y como tal constituye un crimen de guerra.

    [2] Artículos 43 y 55 de la Cuarta Convención de La Haya sobre Leyes y Costumbres de la guerra en tierra, 1907; artículos 54 y 64 de la Cuarta Convención de Ginebra relativa a la protección de civiles en tiempos de guerra, de 1949. Los poderes ocupantes están obligados a gestionar los recursos de los territorios ocupados de acuerdo únicamente con la ley de usufructo. Esto significa que mientras pueden utilizar los recursos nacionales como medio necesario para mantener el bienestar de la población de los territorios ocupados (Cuarta Convención de Ginebra), no pueden obtener beneficio de tales recursos o apropiarse para sí mismos de todo o parte de la propiedad de tales recursos. Estados Unidos sigue siendo una potencia bélica ocupante en Iraq.

    [3] Artículo 7(1) de los Elementos de Crímenes de la Corte Penal Internacional.

    Para adherirse a esta declaración, por favor, envíe un correo electrónico a:



    Rev. Miguel d'Escoto-Brockmann Nicaragua former Minister for Foreign Affairs and Catholic priest, Senior Adviser on Foreign Affairs, with the rank of Minister, to President Daniel Ortega Saavedra, President of the 63rd session of the United Nations General Assembly
    Denis Halliday Ireland Former UN Assistant Secretary General & United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq 1997-98, recipient of the 2003 Gandhi International Peace Award
    Niloufer Bhagwat India Vice President of Indian Lawyers Association
    Matthias Chang Malaysia Trustee of The Kuala Lumpur Foundation To Criminalise War
    Dr. Curtis F.J. Doebbler USA International Human Rights Lawyer
    Karen Parker USA Attorney, Association of Humanitarian Lawyers, partners of the BRussells Tribunal
    Salah Omar Al Ali Iraq ex iraqi minister/ex Iraq's ambassador to UN
    Abdulkarim Hani Iraq Former Health minister 
    Ahmed Manai Tunesia Former expert with the UN, President of the Tunisian Institute of International Relations - Tunesia
    Naji Haraj Iraq Former diplomat, Human Rights Advocate
    Sabah Al Mukhtar Iraq/UK President of the Arab Lawyers Association
    Eduardo Galeano Uruguay Essayist, journalist, historian, and activist
    Jan Myrdal Sweden Writer
    Prof. Michel Chossudovsky Canada Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) 
    Dr Zulaiha Ismail Iraq/Malaysia Perdana Global Peace Organisation
    Dr Souad Al Azzawi Iraq Researcher on the use of DU in Iraq, Asst. Prof. Env. Eng - University of Baghdad 
    Gideon Polya Australia retired senior biochemist, author: biochemical scientific publications and global avoidable mortality
    Paola Manduca Italy Scientist, New Weapons Committee
    Stephen Lendman USA Writer, analyst, co-host of The Global Research News Hour
    Felicity Arbuthnot UK Journalist
    Dahr Jamail USA Journalist
    Nicolas Davies USA Author of 'Blood On Our Hands: the American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq'
    Max Fuller UK Author of 'For Iraq, the Salvador Option Becomes Reality' and 'Crying Wolf, deaths squads in Iraq' 
    Merry Fitzgerald Belgium Europe-Turkmens of Iraq Friendships Association
    Sigyn Meder Sweden Member of the Iraq Solidarity Association in Stockholm
    Joachim Guilliard Germany Journalist, Anti-war movement
    Inge Van De Merlen Belgium Member of the BRussells Tribunal


    Division par recensement


    Nous, soussignés, défendant le droit de l’Irak à l’indépendance, la souveraineté, l’unité et l’intégrité territoriale et rejetant les tentatives des pantins irakiens promus par l’occupation US pour brader les  droits nationaux des Irakiens et pour institutionnaliser par recensement l’ingénierie démographique criminelle  qu’ils ont poursuivie par la force, déclarons que :

    Dès le premier jour de l’occupation anglo-étatsunienne de l’Irak, l’occupation commença à entreprendre une série de mesures, directement ou via ses alliés locaux, pour détruire l’Irak comme État et comme nation et pour le diviser selon des lignes ethniques et sectaires.

    Aujourd’hui, le gouvernement pantin de l’occupation et ses partenaires kurdes essaient d'organiser un recensement dans la province de Kirkuk dans le but  de donner un caractère légal permanent à l’ingénierie sociale criminelle, au nettoyage ethnique et aux changements démographiques qui ont été mis en œuvre sous occupation. Cela pourrait déchaîner une guerre civile généralisée à travers l’Irak et potentiellement mener à sa division et, conséquemment, à une guerre régionale.


    S’ajoutant à la mort de plus d’un million d’Irakiens, le nettoyage ethnique et les autres méthodes poursuivies par les États-Unis, le Royaume Uni et leurs alliés afin de mettre en œuvre le processus de division de l’Irak dans ses villes et ses régions, ont causé l’émigration forcée de deux millions et demi d’Irakiens hors d’Irak et le déplacement forcé de deux autres millions et demi hors de chez eux à l’intérieur de l’Irak.


    Le nettoyage ethnique subi par la population dans les provinces de Mosul, Diyala, Salahuddin et la zone de Bagdad, et plus notablement à Kirkuk et dans lesdites « zones disputées » – où la population est forcée par diverses méthodes incluant les assassinats systématiques, le bombardement de civils, les punitions collectives, le transfert, le déplacement, la déportation et autres crimes contre l’humanité, à émigrer pour être remplacée par des personnes venues d’autres provinces ou même de l’extérieur de l’Irak –, est la crime le plus évident d'anéantissement  de l’ de sa division programmée.


    Les États-Unis, le Royaume Uni et leurs alliés ont mené une guerre illégale d’agression contre l’Irak et occupé son territoire. Cette guerre en elle-même est un crime punissable selon le droit international. Le droit international, en particulier la Convention de la Haye de 1907, les Conventions de Genève et leurs protocoles additionnels et la Convention sur le génocide, interdisent explicitement aux pouvoirs occupants d’instituer des changements à visée permanente altérant les structures fondamentales des territoires occupés, incluant le judiciaire, l’économique, les institutions politiques et le tissu social.


    Le droit international considère le transfert systématique, la déportation ou le déplacement de populations comme un crime contre l’humanité. Les résidents des zones touchées, les forces nationales irakiennes, les déplacés et la majorité du peuple d’Irak déclarent ce recensement nul et non avenu. Il n’a pas de conséquences légales contraignantes et ne peut ni ne devrait être utilisé pour appuyer ou justifier la division programmée de l’Irak.


    Nous demandons qu’aucun recensement ne soit mené avant le libre retour de tous les réfugiés irakiens. Nous demandons que la question de l’ethnicité ne soit pas utilisée pour inciter à la division de l’Irak et qu’elle ne soit pas mentionnée dans tout recensement, actuel ou futur. Nous déclarons frauduleuse la justification d’un recensement sous occupation sur la base d’une planification à long terme dans un contexte démographique temporaire et instable.


    Nous demandons que les Nations Unies, la Ligue Arabe et tous les gouvernements, personnalités, organisations et institutions soutiennent les demandes du peuple irakien en ne reconnaissant pas les résultats de ce recensement et en ne donnant pas assistance à son organisation. Ce recensement est destiné à récompenser les criminels de leurs crimes au dépens de leurs victimes.


    Please sign to support this statement. Write a message to

    Dr. Ian Douglas, coordinator of the International Initiative to Prosecute US Genocide in Iraq and member of the Executive Committee of the BRussells Tribunal
    Abdul Ilah Albayaty, Iraqi political analyst and member of the Executive Committee of the BRussells Tribunal
    Hana Al Bayaty, member of the Executive Committee of the BRussells Tribunal and the International Initiative to Prosecute US Genocide in Iraq
    Dirk Adriaensens, member of the Executive Committee of the BRussells Tribunal
    Prof. Em. François Houtart,  Participant in the Bertrand Russell War Crimes Tribunal on US Crimes in Vietnam in 1967, Director of the Tricontinental Center (Cetri), spiritual father and member of the International Committee of the World Social Forum of Porto Alegre, Executive Secretary of the Alternative World Forum, President of the International League for Rights and Liberation of People, Honorary President of the BRussells Tribunal and senior advisor to the President of the United Nations General Assembly Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann, recipient of the 2025 UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence

    Prof. Dr. Lieven De Cauter, philosopher, K.U. Leuven / Rits, initiator of the BRussells Tribunal
    Prof. Patrick Deboosere,
    Demographer, VUB - member of the BRussells Tribunal Executive committee

    Prof. Dr. Jean Bricmont, Scientist, specialist in theoretical physics, U.C. Louvain-La-Neuve, member of the BRussells Tribunal Executive Committee

    Ward Treunen, former TV producer - member of the BRussells Tribunal Executive committee

    Hugo Wanner, VZW Netwerk Vlaanderen - member of the BRussells Tribunal Executive committee



    [1] Forced displacement and the construction of walled-in districts and their associated regimes, by contributing to demographic changes in Iraq, contravene international humanitarian law, including Article 49, paragraphs 1 and 5, of The Fourth Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in the Time of War, 1949, and as such constitute war crimes.
    [2] Articles 43 and 55 of The Hague IV Regulations on Laws and Customs of War on Land, 1907 (HR); Articles 54 and 64 of The Fourth Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in the Time of War, 1949. Occupying powers are obliged to manage the resources of the occupied territory under the law of usufruct only. This means that while they may use national resources as necessary to the upkeep of the wellbeing of the population in the occupied territory (Fourth Geneva Convention, Article 64) they cannot profit from the use of such resources or award themselves partial or whole ownership of such resources. The US remains a belligerent occupier of Iraq.
    [3] Article 7 (1) (d) of the Elements of Crimes of the International Criminal Court.



    Rev. Miguel d'Escoto-Brockmann Nicaragua former Minister for Foreign Affairs and Catholic priest, Senior Adviser on Foreign Affairs, with the rank of Minister, to President Daniel Ortega Saavedra, President of the 63rd session of the United Nations General Assembly
    Denis Halliday Ireland Former UN Assistant Secretary General & United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq 1997-98, recipient of the 2003 Gandhi International Peace Award
    Niloufer Bhagwat India Vice President of Indian Lawyers Association
    Matthias Chang Malaysia Trustee of The Kuala Lumpur Foundation To Criminalise War
    Dr. Curtis F.J. Doebbler USA International Human Rights Lawyer
    Karen Parker USA Attorney, Association of Humanitarian Lawyers, partners of the BRussells Tribunal
    Salah Omar Al Ali Iraq ex iraqi minister/ex Iraq's ambassador to UN
    Abdulkarim Hani Iraq Former Health minister 
    Ahmed Manai Tunesia Former expert with the UN, President of the Tunisian Institute of International Relations - Tunesia
    Naji Haraj Iraq Former diplomat, Human Rights Advocate
    Sabah Al Mukhtar Iraq/UK President of the Arab Lawyers Association
    Eduardo Galeano Uruguay Essayist, journalist, historian, and activist
    Jan Myrdal Sweden Writer
    Prof. Michel Chossudovsky Canada Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) 
    Dr Zulaiha Ismail Iraq/Malaysia Perdana Global Peace Organisation
    Dr Souad Al Azzawi Iraq Researcher on the use of DU in Iraq, Asst. Prof. Env. Eng - University of Baghdad 
    Gideon Polya Australia retired senior biochemist, author: biochemical scientific publications and global avoidable mortality
    Paola Manduca Italy Scientist, New Weapons Committee
    Stephen Lendman USA Writer, analyst, co-host of The Global Research News Hour
    Felicity Arbuthnot UK Journalist
    Dahr Jamail USA Journalist
    Nicolas Davies USA Author of 'Blood On Our Hands: the American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq'
    Max Fuller UK Author of 'For Iraq, the Salvador Option Becomes Reality' and 'Crying Wolf, deaths squads in Iraq' 
    Merry Fitzgerald Belgium Europe-Turkmens of Iraq Friendships Association
    Sigyn Meder Sweden Member of the Iraq Solidarity Association in Stockholm
    Joachim Guilliard Germany Journalist, Anti-war movement
    Inge Van De Merlen Belgium Member of the BRussells Tribunal



    التقسيم بواسطة الاحصاء


    نحن الموقعون أدناه, المدافعين عن حق العراق فى الإستقلال, والسيادة, والوحدة وسلامة اراضيه, والرافضين لمحاولات الدُمَى الحاكمة التى صنعها الإحتلال الأميريكى للمتاجرة بالحقوق الوطنية للعراقين وشرعنة الهندسة الديموجرافية الإجرامية التي فرضت بالقوة عن طريق الاحصاء , نعلن مايلى:

    منذ اليوم الأول للإحتلال الأميريكى-البريطانى للعراق بدأ الإحتلال باتخاذ سلسلة من التدابير, إما مُباشَرة أو عن طريق حُلفاءه المحلليين, لتدمير العراق كدولة وأمة. ولتقسيمه على أُسس عرقية وطائفية.

    واليوم, فإن حكومة الدُمَى العميلة للإحتلال وشركائها الأكراد يحاولون عمل تعداد سكانى فى محافظة كركوك من شأنه أن يضفى طابعا قانونياً دائماً على الهندسة الإجتماعية الاجرامية(١), مما قد يطلق العنان لحرب أهلية شعواء فى جميع أنحاء العراق, وماقد يؤدى أيضا الى تقسيمه والى حرب اقليمية تليها.

    فبالإضافة الى مصرع مايزيد على مليون عراقى فإن أعمال التطهير العرقى وغير ذلك من الوسائل المتبعة بواسطة الولايات المتحدة الأميريكية, بريطانيا, وحلفائهما فى مدن ومناطق العراق المختلفة من أجل تنفيذ عملية تقسيم العراق قد أدت الى الهجرة القسرية لإثنين ونصف المليون عراقى بالإضافة الى نزوح اثنين ونصف المليون اخرين قسريا عن ديارهم.

    إن التطهير العرقى الذى يعانى منه السكان فى محافظات الموصل, ديالى, صلاح الدين, ومنطقة بغداد وكذلك على وجه الخصوص فى محافظة كركوك ومايسمى ب "المناطق المتنازع عليها"-حيث يتم فرض إعادة توزيع السكان بطرق مختلفة بما في ذلك عمليات الاغتيال المنظم ، وقصف المدنيين ، والعقاب الجماعي ، والنقل ، والتشريد والإبعاد ، وغيرها من جرائم ضد الإنسانية, وحيث يُرَحلون ليحل محلهم اُناس من محافظات أخرى أو حتى من خارج العراق- لهو الجريمة الاكثر وضوحا على تدمير العراق وتقسيمه الممنهج .

    لقد شنت الولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا وحلفاؤهما حرباً عدوانية غير مشروعة على العراق واحتلت أراضيه. هذه الحرب فى حد ذاتها هى جريمة يعاقب عليها القانون الدولى. إن القانون الدولى, وبخاصة معاهدة لاهاى لعام ١٩٠٧, واتفاقيات جنيف والبروتوكولات الإضافية لها, وكذلك اتفاقية منع جرائم الإبادة الجماعية, تحظر كلها على سلطات الإحتلال اجراء أى تغييرات تهدف الى تغيير الهياكل الأساسية للمناطق المحتلة بشكل دائم, بما فى ذلك القضاء والإقتصاد والمؤسسات السياسية والنسيج الإجتماعى.(٢)

    إن القانون الدولى يعتبر أن النقل والترحيل أو تشريد السكان الممنهجين جريمة ضد الإنسانية.(٣) ان سكان المناطق المُتضررة, والقوى الوطنية العراقية,و المشردون وكذلك غالبية أهل العراق يعتبرون هذا التعداد لاغ وباطل. انه بلا اى اثار قانونية تترتب عليه ولايمكن ولايجب أن يستخدم لدعم او تبرير التقسيم الممنهج للعراق.

    نحن نطالب أن لا يتم إجراء التعداد قبل عودة كل اللاجئين العراقيين بحرية. نحن نطالب أن لا تستخدم مسألة الاثنية للتحريض على تقسيم العراق وأن تزال تماماً من أى تعداد حالى أو مستقبلى. نحن نعلن زيف المبررات المُساقة بواسطة الإحتلال واعوانه عن الهدف من هذا التعداد فى ظل الوضع الديموغرافى الغير مستقر, والمؤقت, القائم حالياً.

    نحن نطالب أن تدعم الأمم المتحدة وجامعة الدول العربية وكل الحكومات والشخصيات والمنظمات والمؤسسات مطالب الشعب العراقى بألا يُعترف بنتائج هذا الاحصاء , وان لا يُساعد على إجراءه. إن هذا التعداد مُصَمَّمٌ لمكافأة المجرمين على جرائمهم على حساب ضحاياهم.

    رجاء وقِــع لـدعـــم هـذا البـيـــان

    د. إيان دوجلاس, منسق المبادرة الدولية لمحاكمة الإبادة الجماعية الأمريكية في العراق وعضو اللجنة التنفيذية لمحكمة بروكسل

    عبد الاله البياتي ، المحلل السياسي العراقي وعضو اللجنة التنفيذية لمحكمة بروكسل

    هناء البياتى, عضو اللجنة التنفيذية لمحكمة بروكسل والمبادرة الدولية لمحاكمة الإبادة الجماعية الأمريكية في العراق

    ديرك ادريانسن, عضو اللجنة التنفيذية لمحكمة بروكسل

    البروفيسور إم. فرانسوا هوتارت ، شارك في محكمة برتراند راسل لجرائم الحرب على جرائم الولايات المتحدة في فيتنام عام 1967 ، مدير مركز القارات الثلاث (Cetri) ، الأب الروحي وعضو اللجنة الدولية للمنتدى الاجتماعي العالمي في بورتو اليغري ، السكرتير التنفيذي لمنتدى العالم البديل ، رئيس الرابطة الدولية لحقوق وتحرير الشعوب ، والرئيس الفخري لمحكمة بروكسل ، وكبير مستشاري رئيس الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة ميغيل ديسكوتو بروكمان ، حائز على جائزة اليونسكو (مادانجيت سينغ) لتعزيز التسامح واللاعنف لعام ٢٠٠٩

    الأستاذ الدكتور ليفين دى كاتو, الفيلسوف, بادئ K‪.‬U Leuven‪ / Rits‬ لمحكمة بروكسل

    البروفيسور باتريك دى بووزر, ديموغرافى, جامعة VUB, عضو اللجنة التنفيذية لمحكمة بروكسل

    الأستاذ جان بريكمونت, العالم المتخصص فى الفيزياء النظرية, جامعة كاليفورنيا لوفان, لوس انجليس لانوف, عضو اللجنة التنفيذية لمحكمة بروكسل

    وارد تريونين, منتج تلفزيوني سابق -- عضو اللجنة التنفيذية محكمة بروكسل

    هوجو فانّر, من شبكة VZW Netwerk Vlaanderen -- عضو اللجنة التنفيذية محكمة بروكسل


    التشريد القسرى, وإنشاء الأحياء المعزولة جدارياً والأنظمة المصاحبة لها, من خلال المساهمة فى التغيُرات الديموغرافية بالعراق تتعارض مع القانون الإنسانى الدولى, بما فى ذلك المادة ٤٩ ، الفقرتين ١ و ٥ من اتفاقية جنيف الرابعة لحماية الأشخاص المدنيين في وقت الحرب لعام ١٩٤٩ ، وعلى هذا النحو فهى تشكل جرائم حرب.

    المادتين ٤٣ و ٥٥ من لائحة لاهاي الرابعة المتعلقة بقوانين وأعراف الحرب البرية ، ١٩٠٧ (الموارد البشرية) ، والمادتان ٥٤ و ٦٤ من اتفاقية جنيف الرابعة المتعلقة بحماية الأشخاص المدنيين في وقت الحرب ، المعقودة عام ١٩٤٩. وتلتزم سلطات الاحتلال بإدارة موارد الأراضى المحتلة وفقا لقانون الانتفاع فقط. وهذا يعني أنه في حين أنها قد تستخدم الموارد الوطنية حيث يلزم الأمر لضمان سلامة السكان في الأراضي المحتلة (اتفاقية جنيف الرابعة ، المادة ٦٤) فإنها لاتستطيع الاستفادة من استخدام هذه الموارد أو منح نفسها ملكية جزئية أو كاملة لأى من هذه الموارد. الولايات المتحدة لا تزال محتلا غاصباً للعراق.

    المادة السابعة (١) (د) من عناصر جرائم المحكمة الجنائية الدولية


    Brüksel Tahkim Komitesinin Beyanı (08 Ekim 2025)

    Altında imzası bulunanlar bizler Irak’ın bağımsızlık hakkını, egemenlik, birlik ve toprak bütünlüğü haklarını savunuyoruz ve Iraklıların ulusal haklarını  peşkeş  eden ve zorla yaptırdıkları yasadışı demografik manevraları sayım vasıtasıyla kurumlaştırmaya çalışan, ABD işgali ile teşvik edilen  Iraklı kuklaları reddediyoruz ve aşağıdaki hususları beyan ediyoruz:

    Irak’ın ABD-Birleşik Krallık tarafından işgal edildiği ilk günlerde doğrudan veya yerli müttefikleri vasıtasıyla başlatılan önlemler serisinin amacı Irak’ı etnik köken ve mezheplere göre ayırmak ve  devlet ve ulus olarak yok etmeye  yönelik idi.

    Bugün işgalin bıraktığı kukla hükümeti ve Kürt yandaşları Kerkük ilinde amacı işgal altında yürütülen yasa dışı sosyal mühendislik, etnik temizlik ve demografik değişimlere yasal ve daimi bir özellik kazandırmak olan bir nüfus sayımı yapmaya çalışıyorlar. [1] Bu hareketin sonucunda Irak kontrol edilemez bir iç savaşın içine sürüklenebilir, bölünmeye ve dolayısıyla bütün coğrafi bölgeyi içine alan bir savaşa yol açabilir. 

    Ölen bir milyondan fazla Iraklı’ya ilaveten, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Birleşik Krallık ve müttefiklerinin sürdürdüğü etnik temizlik çalışmaları ve diğer yöntemlerle Irak’a, şehirlerine ve bölgelerine yönelik bölme çalışmaları nedeniyle 2.5 milyon Iraklı zorla Irak dışına göç ettirilmiş ve yine 2.5 milyon insan evlerini terk ederek iç göçe zorlanmıştır.

    Musul, Diyala, Selahaddin, Bağdat ve özellikle Kerkük illerinde ve “tartışmalı bölgeler” de etnik temizlik çalışmalara maruz kalan nüfus, sistematik suikastlarla, sivillerin bombalanması, toplu cezalandırma, transfer, yerinden etme, sınır dışı edilme ve insanlık suçu olan diğer unsurlar kullanılarak zorla göç ettirilmiş ve yerlerine başka illerden ve hatta Irak dışından gelenlerin yerleştirilmesi açıkça bir yıkım suçu ve Irak’ı bölme amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. 

    Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Birleşik Krallık ve müttefikleri Irak’a karşı yasa dışı saldırı savaşı yürüterek topraklarını işgal ettiler. Böyle bir savaş başlı başına uluslar arası hukuk nezdinde cezalandırılabilir bir husustur. Uluslar arası hukuk, özellikle 1907 tarihli Lahey Yönetmeliği, Cenevre Antlaşmaları ve ek protokoller ve Soykırım Antlaşması açık bir şekilde işgal güçlerinin, işgal edilen toprakların yapısını kalıcı olarak değiştirmeye yönelik yaptırımlarını yasaklamaktadır; bu kapsama yargı, ekonomi, siyasi kuruluşlar ve toprakların sosyal dokusu da dahil.[2]

    Uluslar arası hukuk nüfusun sistematik transferini, yurt dışı veya yurt içi göçe zorlamayı insanlık suçu olarak addetmektedir. [3] Etkilenen bölgelerde ikamet edenler, Iraklı ulusal güçler, yerlerinden göç ettirilenler ve Irak nüfusun çoğu işbu sayımın geçersiz ve hükümsüz olduğunu haykırmaktadır. Sayımın bağlayıcı yasal hükümleri olmadığından Irak’ı bölmek için destek veya gerekçe olarak kullanılamaz ve kullanılmamalıdır.

    Biz tüm Iraklı mülteciler dönene kadar nüfus sayımın yapılmamasını talep ediyoruz. Etnik kökenin Irak’ı bölmek üzere ne şimdi ne de gelecekte bahane edilmesini ve etnik kökenle ilgili hususların sayımla ilgili belgelerden çıkartılmasını talep ediyoruz. Biz uzun dönemli planlama kapsamında geçici ve istikrarsız demografik yapılanmayı işgal altında yapılacak sayım gerekçelerini yanlış buluyoruz.

    Birleşmiş Milletler’ini ve Arap Birliği’ni ve tüm hükümetleri, kurum ve kuruluşları sayım sonuçlarını kabul etmeyerek ve sayımın yürütülmesini desteklemeyerek Irak halkının taleplerini destekleme çağrısında bulunuyoruz. Bu sayım suç işleyenleri mağdurlar pahasına ödüllendirmeye yöneliktir.

    İşbu beyanı desteklemek için lütfen imzalayınız. e-posta adresine mail gönderiniz.


    Dr. Ian Douglas, Irak’ta yapılan soykırımdan dolayı ABD’ye dava açılması ile ilgili uluslar arası  girişim koordinatörü ve Brüksel Hukuk Komitesi Yürütme Komitesi üyesi

    Abdul Ilah Albayaty, Iraklı siyasi analisti ve Brüksel Hukuk Komitesi Yürütme Komitesi üyesi

    Hana Al Bayaty, Brüksel Hukuk Komitesi Yürütme Komitesi ve Irak’ta yapılan soykırımdan dolayı ABD’ye dava açılması ile ilgili uluslar arası girişimin üyesi

    Dirk Adriaensens, Brüksel Hukuk Komitesi Yürütme Komitesi üyesi

    Prof. Em. François Houtart,  1967 yılında ABD tarafından Vietnam’da işlenen Bertrand Russell Savaş Suçları Mahkemesi katılımcısı, Tricontinental Center (Cetri) Yöneticisi, Porto Alegre Dünya Sosyal Forum Uluslar arası Komitesinin ruhani babası ve üyesi, , Alternatif Dünya Forumu Yönetici Sekreteri, Uluslar arası Halkın Hakları ve Kurtuluş Birliği Başkanı, Brüksel Hukuk Komitesi Onursal Başkanı ve Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Kurulu Başkanı Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann’ın kıdemli danışmanı, Hoşgörü ve Eylemsizliğin Teşvik edilmesi ile ilgili 2025 UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Ödülü sahibi 

    Prof. Dr. Lieven De Cauter, filozof, K.U. Leuven / Rits, Bruksel Mahkemesinin başlatıcısı

    Prof. Patrick Deboosere, Demografi uzmanı, VUB – Brüksel hukuk Komitesi Yürütme Kurulu üyesi

    Prof. Dr. Jean Bricmont, Bilim adamı, kuramsal fizik uzmanı, U.C. Louvain-La-Neuve, Brüksel Hukuk Komitesi Yürütme Kurulu üyesi

    Ward Treunen, eski TV yapımcısı – Brüksel Hukuk Komitesi Yürütme Kurulu üyesi

    Hugo Wanner, VZW Netwerk Vlaanderen – Brüksel Hukuk Komitesi Yürütme Kurulu üyesi




    [1] Zorla yerinden edilme ve duvarlarla çevrili gettoların inşa edilmesi ve ilgili rejimlerin Irak’taki demografik değişimlere katkı sağlaması uluslar arası insani hukukun, 49. maddesi 1 ve 5 paragraflara, 1949 tarihli Savaş Ortamında Sivillerin Korunması ile ilgili dördüncü Cenevre Sözleşmesi şartlarına aykırı olup savaş suçları kategorisine girmektedir.

    [2] 1907 tarihli Karada yapılan Savaşlarla ilgili Kanunlar ve Gelenekler Lahey IV. Yönetmeliğin 43. ve 55 maddeleri, (HR); 1949 tarihli Savaş Ortamında Sivillerin Korunması ile ilgili dördüncü Cenevre Sözleşmesi. İşgal güçleri işgal edilen toprakların kaynaklarını sadece intifa hukuku çerçevesinde yönetmek zorundalar. Bu durumda her ne kadar işgal edilen topraklarda yaşayan nüfusun refahını sürdürmek için gerekli olan ulusal kaynakları kullanabilirlerse de  (Dördüncü Cenevre Sözleşmesi 64. madde) kendi menfaatleri için işbu kaynakların bir kısmını veya tamamını kullanarak kendilerini ödüllendiremezler veya bu kaynakların mülkiyetine tenezzül edemezler. ABD halen Irak’ta saldırgan işgalci durumunda bulunmaktadır.

    [3] Uluslar arası Ceza Mahkemesi madde 7 (1) (d) Suç Öğeleri.



    Rev. Miguel d’Escoto-Brockmann Nikaragua Dışişleri eski Bakanı ve Katolik din adamı, Bakan seviyesinde Başkan Daniel Ortega Saavedra’nın Dışişleri konusunda kıdemli Danışman. Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Kurulunun 63. oturum Başkanı

    Denis Halliday, Irlanda , BM eski Genel Sekreter Yardımcısı & Birleşmiş Milletler İnsani işler Irak Koordinatörü 1997-98, 2025 Gandhi uluslar arası Barış Ödülü sahibi

    Niloufer Bhagwat,  Hindistan Barolar Birliği Başkan Yardımcısı

    Matthias Chang, Malezya, Savaşı Yasa dışı eylem haline getirme Vakfı, Kuala Lumpur

    Dr. Curtis F.J. Doebbler, ABD, Uluslar arası İnsan Hakları Avukatı

    Karen Parker, ABD, Avukat, İnsani Hukukçular Birliği, Brüksel Mahkemesi ortaklarından

    Salah Omar Al Ali, Irak, Iraklı bakan/BM Irak eski büyükelçisi

    Abdulkarim Hani, Irak, Sağlık eski Bakanı

    Ahmed Mania, Tunus, BM eski uzman, Uluslararası İlişkiler Tunus Enstitüsü, Tunus

    Naji Haraj, Irak, eski diplomat, İnsan Hakları Savunucusu

    Sabah Al Mukhtar, Irak/Birleşik Krallık Arap Hukukçular Birliği Başkanı

    Eduardo Galeano, Uruguay, Deneme yazarı, gazeteci, tarihçi ve aktivist

    Jan Myrdal, İsveç, Yazar

    Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Kanada, Küreselleşme Araştırmaları Merkezi Müdürü (CRG)

    Dr Zulaiha Ismail, Irak/Malezya, Perdana Küresel Barış Organizasyonu

    Dr Souad Al Azzawi, Irak, Irak’ta DU kullanımını araştıran Araştırmacı, Yardımcı Doçent Env. İngiltere – Bağdat Üniversitesi

    Gideon Poyla, Avustralya, emekli kıdemli biyokimyacı, yazar: biyokimya ile ilgili bilimsel yayımlar ve küresel bazda önlenebilir ölümler

    Paola Manduca, İtalya, Bilim adamı, Yeni Silahlar Komitesi

    Stephen Lendman, ABD, Yazar, analist, Küresel Araştırma Haber Saati sunucusu

    Felicity Arbuthnot, Birleşik Krallık, Gazeteci

    Dahr Jamail, ABD, Gazeteci

    Nicolas Davies, ABD, Yazar, “Elimizdeki Kanlar: Amerika’nın Irak’ı işgal ve imha etmesi”

    Max Fuller, Birleşik Krallık, Yazar “Irak için, Salvador seçeneği gerçek oluyor” ve ‘Yalancı Çobanı Oynamak, Irak’taki ölüm mangaları’

    Merry Fitzgerald, Belçika, Avrupa-Irak Türkmenleri Dostluk Derneği

    Sigyn Meder, İsveç, Stokholm Irak Dayanışma Derneği üyesi

    Joachim Guilliard, Almanya, Gazeteci, savaş karşı hareketi

    Inge Van De Merlen, Belçika, Brüksel Mahkemesi üyesi