International action weekend: No war - No occupation - Brussels 18 March 2025



5000 people marched in the streets on sunday 18 March

(the BRussells Tribunal in the demo)

(the BRussells Tribunal in the demo)

(all pictures: courtesy

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  • International action weekend: No War, No Occupation
    Brussels 18 March 2025

    Call from the anti-war platform
    International anti-war day
    Brussels, Sunday 18th March 2025

    No war, no occupation
    No Belgian Complicity
    Peace in the Middle-East

    Text of the call for action:
    Four years of war in Iraq: "No war and occupation, peace in the Middle East"

    The "war against terrorism" waged by the US and allies, and the related political position of "enforced democratisation" is not only politically unacceptable, but has also further destabilised the Middle East.

  • In Iraq, the illegal invasion and occupation has caused hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties. The country is further than ever from peace, prosperity and democracy.
  • In the Palestinian territories, the situation is deteriorating further, as a result of the US and European boycott of the democratically elected government. The civilian population has been the biggest victim of the Israeli military agression, and the international economic sanctions
  • Lebanon has been heavily affected by the Israeli military invasion that, according to the UN rapporteur of the UN Human righs council and various human rights organisations, was in breach of international law and international humanitarian law
  • The international non-proliferation policy in the region is not believable if the arsenal of Israel is not taken into account, and if there is military cooperation agreed between Israel and NATO.

    The undersigned organisations demand the shift from a policy based on military threats or violence, that shows its uselessness every day. War and violence are no solution.
    The policy of Belgium and the EU in the region must be based on the following principles:

  • the respect for international law, international humanitarian law, the charter of the United Nations and human rights
  • respect for the sovereignty of states and the right of self-determination of people
  • dialogue with all political actors, and the aim of a political solution to the conflicts

    The undersigned organisations of the anti-war platform demand:

  • the immediate and unconditional wihdrawal of all occupying troops in Iraq and the Palestinian territory
  • condemnation of all violence directed against civilians
  • an end to the direct and indirect Belgian cooperation with the occupation forces, the end of the US transports of military material over Belgian territory, and the end of the accords with the US that allow this
  • stopping the arms trade and all military cooperation by Belgium (bilateral or in NATO context) with Israel, as long as UN resolutions are being ignored
  • no arms race and militarisation of the region; ban on cluster munitions and weapons with depleted uranium; a nuclear weapon free zone in the Middle-East

    First signatories of the platform text (8th February 2025)
    11.11.11 - Koepel van de Vlaamse NZ Beweging
    Amitié et Fraternité Belgique Irak
    Artsen voor Vrede
    Association Belgo-Palestinienne
    Association Culturelle Joseph Jacquemotte
    Attac Liège
    Attac Vlaanderen
    AWSA (Arab Women Solidarity Association)
    Brussels Tribunal
    Centre Avec
    Christenen voor het socialisme
    CNCD - 11.11.11
    CoCABe (composante de la Communauté Arabe de Belgique
    Comité Afrique Australe
    Comité de Surveillance Otan
    Comité pour une Paix Juste au Proche-Orient - Luxembourg
    Commission Justice et Paix
    Coordination Zapatiste Indigène
    Démocratie Plus
    FC Poppesnor
    Forum Nord Sud
    Friends of the Earth Belgium
    Jeunes CSC
    Kif Kif
    Kommunistische Partij
    LCR (Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire)
    LEF (Links Ecologisch Forum)
    Magasins du monde
    MIR - IRG
    Mouvement Citoyen Palestine
    Mouvement Chrétien pour la Paix
    Mouvement des Jeunes Socialistes
    Oxfam Solidariteit/Solidarité
    Oxfam Wereldwinkels
    Pax Christi Wallonie-Bruxelles
    Pro Paz Colombie
    PVDA, Partij van de Arbeid van België
    Radio Al Manar
    SAP (Socialistische Arbeiderspartij)
    Steungroep Voor Rechtvaardigheid en Vrede in Guatemala
    UCOS (Universitair Centrum voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking)
    t Uilekot
    ULDP (Union Liégeoise pour la Démocratie et la Paix)
    Une Autre Gauche
    Vlaams Overleg Duurzame Ontwikkeling
    Vlaams Palestina Komittee
    Vlaamse Jeugdraad
    VRAK (Actie Vredesbelasting)
    Vrede vzw
    Vredeshuis Aalst
    Vrouwen Overleg Komitee
    Werkplaats voor Theologie en Maatschappij
    Wereldcentrum vzw
