No Attack on Mosul!

An International Emergency Statement of Intellectuals and Activists * - 05 February 2025.

International Anti-Occupation Network


The Security Situation In Mosul (10 Aug 2025)


Further reading


Bush’s failure in Iraq requires a new “success”. While the blood-soaked US occupation in Iraq declares one victory after another since nearly five years, it stages massacre after massacre of the people of Iraq.


Now the occupation declares a new “decisive” success is imminent, this time against the population of Mosul, the second largest city in Iraq. Its pretext is always the same: to eradicate “Al-Qaeda”, while Al-Qaeda from its mouth means Sunnis, Baathists, Arabs and all patriotic Iraqis.


Although the occupation has on many occasions declared its victory, the fact that it needs to attack yet again an entire city and its population proves that it couldn’t and cannot eradicate the legal resistance of the Iraqi people. The only thing decisive is that the occupation by its tactics announces its defeat.


The occupation has escalated its air bombing campaigns by 400 per cent [1] in the past year and openly promises more indiscriminate attacks on populated urban areas. It uses disproportionate force indiscriminately against civilian populations in a pattern of actions that constitutes genocide under international law.


The imminent attack on Mosul — another urbicide following the ones of holy Najaf, martyred Fallujah, Al-Qaim, Tel Afar, Haditha, and whole neighbourhoods of Baghdad, among others — will only result, as with its precedents, in horrific killings, destruction and mass population displacement, thereby changing the historical, sociological and demographic makeup of the city.


This imminent attack is a pre-announced genocide. It is blood, death and destruction for oil. As the spreading of the resistance to Southern and Northern provinces proves, this new attack is in vain. The Iraqi people rejects — and will always reject — the criminal US occupation.


This imminent attack should raise condemnation, disgust and protest from peace loving people and human rights defenders worldwide. Five years of destruction and death should have taught the Bush administration that its litany of killing serves no purpose and leads only to moral suicide for the United States.


Humanity is in distress in Iraq. Our role and duty is to save it.


Act to stop the massacre in Mosul!


5 February 2025 

Abdul Ilah Albayaty, member of the BRussells Tribunal Executive Committee – Iraq / France.
Hana Al Bayaty, coordinator, Iraqi International Initiative on refugees – Iraq / Egypt.
Margarita Papandreou, Former First Lady of Greece, Peace activist and honorary president of Center for Research and Action on Peace  - Greece. 
Dr. Naji Sabri  al-Hadithi, Iraq's Foreign Minister (before occupation)
Issam Chalabi, former Iraqi Oil Minister, Iraq/Jordan
Dr. Saadallah Al-Fathi, former head of the Energy Studies Department at OPEC - Iraq.
Salah Al Mukhtar, former Iraqi ambassador to Vietnam and India.
Naji Haraj, former Iraqi diplomat.
Faruq Ziada, Former Iraqi Ambassador.
Wajdi A. Mardan, Former Iraqi diplomat.
Ghanim Anaz, Ex head of oil projects / kirkuk.
Dr. Imad Khadduri, former nuclear scientist - Iraq.
Prof. Dr. Zuhair Al Sharook - Former President of Mosul University
Buthaina Alnasiri, Iraqi writer and activist.
Jasim Arraseef, Iraqi Novelist & Journalist.
Hassan Khalil Gharib, writer - Lebanon.
Wafaa' Al-Natheema, independent journalist, activist, founder of the Institute of Near Eastern & African Studies (INEAS)
Prof. Em. François Houtart, Director of the Tricontinental Center - Cetri, co-founder of the World Social Forum.
Sr. Anne Montgomery RSCJ, Christan Peacemaker Teams - USA
Mohammed Aref , Science writer - Iraq / UK 
Sara Flounders, Co-Director, International Action Center - USA. 
Dr. James E. Jennings, PhD, President Conscience International – USA.
David Swanson, Co-Founder AfterDowningStreet coalition - USA.
Sid Lacombe, coordinator, on behalf of the 150 member groups of the Canadian Peace Alliance which represent 4 million Canadians.
Dr. Gerri Haynes, past president, Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility, Kirkland, Washington. 
Dr. Hassan Aydinli, President, Committee for the Defence of the Iraqi Turkmens’ Rights.
Muhamad Tareq Al-Deraji, Director of Monitoring net of human rights in Iraq - Executive Director of Studies Center of human rights and Democracy in Fallujah.
Riad El-Taher, Chair of FAF Organisation - UK.
Hans-Peter Richter, chair, German Peace Council.
Socorro Gomes, president, Cebrapaz - Centre Bresilien de Solidaritré avec les peuples et de lutte pour la Paix.
Niloufer Bhagwat, Vice President of Indian Lawyers Association - Mumbai / India. 
Dr. Curtis F.J. Doebbler, International Human Rights Lawyer - USA.
Karen Parker, Attorney, Association of Humanitarian Lawyers - USA.
Jennifer Van Bergen, journalist, author writing about civil liberties, human rights and international law - USA.
Jan Fermon, Lawyer of Court case against General Tommy Franks in Brussels, Progress Lawyers Network - Belgium.
Prof. Em. Peter d'Errico, Legal Studies Department, University of Massachusetts / Amherst - USA
Matthias Chang, Law specialist, Malaysia.
Prof. Kazashi Nobuo, Faculty of Letters, Kobe University, NO DU Hiroshima Project - Japan.
Ali Mallah, Canadian Peace Alliance, Canadian Arab Federation, Canadian Union of Public Employees.
Jan-Erik Lundström,  photographic historian and director of the BildMuseet in Umea, Sweden 
Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa, founder of Centre for Research on Globalisation - Canada
Prof. Dr. Lieven De Cauter, philosopher, K.U. Leuven / Rits, initiator of the BRussells Tribunal - Belgium.
Carlos Varea, Coordinator of  CEOSI - Spanish Campaign against Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq – Spain.
Marion Küpker, International Coordinator against nuclear-and uranium weapons for GAAA and DFG-VK, Germany.
Dr. Ian Douglas, editor and correspondent for the Cairo-based Al-Ahram Weekly and visiting professor in the Department of Political Science at An-Najah National University in Nablus, Palestine. 
Felicity Arbuthnot, Journalist - UK. 
Dirk Adriaensens, member of the BRussells Tribunal Executive Committee, Coordinator SOS Iraq.
John Catalinotto, International Action Center - USA.
Dr. Dahlia Wasfi, M.D., Anti-war activist, speaker, Global Exchange - Iraq / USA.
Laith Al Saud, journalist, college lecturer in social sciences - Iraq / USA
Adel Samara,  Palestinian Arab in the occupied Palestine.
Merry Fitzgerald, Committee for the Defence of the Iraqi Turkmens’ Rights.
Nermeen Al-Mufti, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee - Journalist. 
Michael Parenti, Author and scholar – USA.
Prof. Em. Edward S. Herman, writer, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Prof. Stephen Soldz, Director, Center for Research, Evaluation, and Program Development Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysts for Peace and Justice - USA. 
Prof. Em. Gideon Polya, retired senior biochemist, author: biochemical scientific publications and global avoidable mortality – Australia. 
Prof. David Miller, Professor of Sociology at Strathclyde University, co-founder of Spinwatch – UK.
Prof. Paola Manduca, Geneticist, University of Genoa, Newweapons working group - Italy. 
Prof. Glen D. Lawrence, Long Island University, USA.
Prof. Dr. Jean Bricmont, scientist, specialist in theoretical physics, U.C. Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.
Prof. Stephen Eric Bronner, Professor of political science, Rutgers University - USA. 
Prof. Jim Harding, Past Director, School of Human Justice, University of Regina - Canada.
Dr. Thomas M. Fasy, MD PhD, Clinical Associate Professor, Mount Sinai School of Medicine – USA.
Dr. Pol De Vos, Public Health Researcher, chair,  Stop USA – Peace movement, Belgium.
Mujbil Al-Marsumi, Iraqi nationality, Professor, Applied Science University, Amman, Jordan
Prof. Em. Marc Pilisuk, Ph.D., The University of California, Professor, Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center
Anne Burns, U.S. Academics For Peace / Conscience International - USA.
David Peterson, writer and researcher, Chicago, USA.
Eman Ahmed Khammas, Former co-director of Occupation Watch - Journalist - translator - Iraq.
Comaguer, Anti-war Committee Marseille - France.
Sigyn Meder, Iraq Solidarity Association in Stockholm - Sweden.
Joachim Guilliard, Journalist, Anti-war movement - Germany.
Sarah Meyer, Independent researcher living in Sussex – UK.
Cynthia Banas, Iraq Peace Team member, 2025-2003 - USA.
José Reinaldo Carvalho, Cebrapaz, Brazil.
Ludo De Brabander, chair, Vrede – Peace Movement, Belgium.
Hans Lammerant, chair, Vredesactie - Peace movement, Belgium.
Paul Rafferty, chair, UNObserver.
Frank Vercruyssen, Actor, TG Stan - Belgium.
Luc Pien, filmmaker - Belgium.
April Hurley, MD - USA.
John LaForge, Nukewatch - USA.
Karen Hoover, USA.
Frans Dumortier / Charles Ducal, Poet - Belgium.
David Hungerford, Iraq support activist - USA.
Hassène Kassar, Université de Tunis.
Suror Merza
Zuhair Alkadiri
Othman Al-Rawi - Iraq.
Marika Lohi, Finland.
Mahmud Saeed
Fakhri Alaimiri, Ph.D., USA
Seab Al Khedairy
Dr Abdul-Hadi H Jiad Al-Timimi, Editor/Broadcaster, London, UK
Dr Alaa Q Al-Sheikh, Doctor Consultant, London, UK
Dr Lara Abdul-Hadi Al-Timimi, Senior Engineer, London, UK
Miss Hola Abdul-Hadi Al-Timimi, Premium, Banking Manager, London UK
Mr. Mohammed Abdul-Hadi A-Timimi, Engineer, London, UK
Dr. B Nimri Aziz, author and scholar, Fulbright Fellow 2025-08
Rand Hadi Alubaidi - Science teacher/ Dubai Arab American Shool- UAE
Malak Abdel-Hadi, Palestinian Arab, Artist in Painting and Sculpture.
Shahira Mehrez, Egyptian, Islamic Art Specialist.
Iman Badawi, Activist
Arab Abdel-Hadi, Palestinian, Counselor in Palestinian Art.
Sirwan Anwar - Iraqi artist
Iman Abdul Adhim Mohammed - writer / Cairo
Abdulwahab Al Hani
Anis Al-Kilani - Iraqi / Cairo
Assem Alfaiad - Iraqi writer
Dr. Emad Mohammed Dhiab Hafeez 
Riyadh raouf uk consultant eng
Wafaa Aldibouni /  Engineer
Faris Khudairi    /  Manager
Husam Khudairi  / Engineer 
May Khudairi     / Animator
Tamara Khudairi / Engineer  
Insaf Kalaji , a writer ,Jordan  
Rafid M. Yaseen Iraqi Engineer
mohammed faidi alfaidi, Iraqi student. Mosul
M. Naji Mahmoud Awad Obaidi Engineer
Al-Khalidi, citizen Saudi Arabia
Firas Moussalli , Press and media Mosul - Iraq
Nasser Al-Yasiri / writer and journalist Iraqi press
BOUDA  Ahmed  Président de Radio Al Manar arabe Bruxelles


[1] - - -

 Further reading:


- Iraq says Mosul to be "cleansed" of al Qaeda  (IHT 30 Jan 2025)

- Mosul, between hammer and anvil (04 Feb 2025)

- Letter to the Editor of the Independent (Ismail Al Jalili)

- The repeated threats made by both the US occupation and its installed government of their planned imminent attack against the 3rd largest Iraqi town of Mosul (Hana Al Bayaty)

- U.S. troops erect walls in Mosul as inhabitants flee (17 Feb 2025)

- Mosul Army commander asks Baath Party for help (18 Feb 2025)



An Urgent Call to save Mosul - Action 4 Mosul Group:

We wish to draw the attention of all the world to the deteriorating situation in Mosul and the considerable threats the City facing. We call upon all those with conscious all over the world to this ongoing onslaught on the City , its people and the grave facing this ancient city. There is an apparent indifference to the plight of the people of Mosul. We need your support to form an action group to raise the profile of the city and the crisis it is facing. Please pass this information and our contact details to your friends and colleagues. We need enthusiastic dynamic volunteers to lead this Action Group. We are looking particularly for people with media, journalists and lobbying experience but all help is sought urgently.

Please let me know if you wish to help in coordinating the Action for Mosul in your area/country.

Dr Ismail Jalili, UK
Action for Mosul
action(AT) (please replace (AT) with @

Quinquireme of Nineveh

'Quinquireme of Nineveh, from distant Ophir, rowing home to haven in sunny Palestine, with a cargo of ivory and and apes peacocks, sandalwood, cedar wood and sweet white wine'. wrote John Masefield (b.1878)  


In Mosul irrigation is believed by some to have been developed nearly twelve thousand years ago. The nearby golden temples at Hatra were built at the same time as Petra: 'rose red city, half as old as time.' The winged bulls - humanity's heritage, which guard the palace at Nimrud; archeological pearls abound, strewn before the occupation-born swine. The imagination of the inspired thrown aside with the people whose forbears gifted the world with beauty, academia and that we call civilised.  Under the west's watch, their descendents are disenfranchised,slaughtered, kidnapped, raped, displaced, degraded.    

Am I emotional, as sometimes accused? You bet I am. Just when it seems our shame can be plumbed no deeper another horror in the name of those chilling, nauseating words :'freedom and democrocy' - which should be banned forthwith from dictionaries, speech and school books - rears its head.That two headed monster, 'Freedom and Democrocy' seems to translate directly into state or state condoned terrorism.

Felicity Arbuthnot


لا للعدوان على الموصل

يحتاج فشل بوش في العراق الى "نجاح" جديد. وفي حين يعلن الاحتلال الامريكي المنقوع بالدم في العراق، نصرا بعد آخر منذ مايقرب من خمس سنوات، فإنه يقيم مذبحة بعد اخرى لشعب العراق.

الان يعلن الاحتلال عن نجاح "حاسم" وشيك جديد ، وهذه المرة على سكان الموصل ثالث اكبر مدينة في العراق. والحجة هي نفسها دائما: القضاء على "القاعدة" ، والقاعدة بلسان الاحتلال تعني السنة والبعثيين والعرب وكل العراقيين الوطنيين .

ورغم ان الاحتلال في مناسبات كثيرة اعلن نصره ، فإن واقع حاجته الى المزيد من الهجمات مرة اخرى على مدينة كاملة وسكانها يعني انه لم يستطع ولن يستطيع القضاء على المقاومة الشرعية لشعب العراق. والشيء الوحيد الحاسم هو ان الاحتلال بأساليبه هذه يعلن عن هزيمته.

لقد صعد الاحتلال من حملة القصف الجوي بنسة 400 بالمائة في العام الماضي ويتعهد علانية بالمزيد من الهجمات العشوائية على المناطق الاهلة بالسكان. انه يستخدم قوة مفرطة بشكل عشوائي ضد سكان مدنيين وهو نمط من الافعال الذي يعتبر جريمة ابادة بموجب القانون الدولي.

يأتي الهجوم الوشيك على الموصل - وهو جريمة ابادة اخرى ، بعد جرائم الحرب في كل مكان بما فيها النجف الاشرف والفلوج الشهيدة والقائم وتلعفر وحديثة وكل احياء بغداد - وكانت النتيجة الوحيدة في كل مرة هو القتل المرعب والدمار وتشريد مجاميع سكانية كاملة، وبهذا يتغير الشكل التاريخي والاجتماعي والديمغرافي للمدينة .

ان الهجوم الوشيك هو جريمة ابادة معلنة مسبقا. انها دماء وموت وخراب من اجل النفط. وكما يبرهن انتشار المقاومة في الجنوب والشمال، فإن هذا الهجوم بلا جدوى. ان الشعب العراقي يرفض - وسوف يرفض دائما - الاحتلال الامريكي المجرم.

ينبغي ان يثير الهجوم الوشيك الادانة والاشمئزاز والاحتجاج من المحبين للسلام والمدافعين عن حقوق الانسان في كل العالم. كان يجب على خمس سنوات من الدمار والموت ان تعلم ادارة بوش بان القتل لا يخدم اي هدف وانما يؤدي الى الانتحار الاخلاقي للولايات المتحدة .

ان الانسانية في العراق في محنة ودورنا ان ننقذها .

تدخلوا لايقاف المذبحة في الموصل

شباط 2025

Geen aanval op Mosul!

Een verklaring van Intellectuelen en Activisten * - 05 Februari 2025.

De mislukking van Bush in Irak heeft nu behoefte aan een nieuw "succes". Terwijl nu al bijna vijf jaar lang de bloedige Amerikaanse bezetting in Irak de ene overwinning na de andere verkondigt, stapelen de slachtingen op het volk van Irak zich torenhoog op.

Nu verklaren de bezetters dat er een nieuw "beslissend" succes op handen is, dit keer tegen de bevolking van Mosul, de tweede grootste stad van Irak. Het voorwendsel blijft hetzelfde: het uitroeien van "Al-Qaeda". Voor de bezetters betekent Al-Qaeda de soennieten, Baathisten, Arabieren en alle vaderlandslievende Irakezen.
Hoewel de bezettingsmacht haar overwinning keer op keer luid heeft rond gebazuind, is een aanval op nog eens een volledige stad en haar bevolking het bewijs dat zij niet in staat was en is om het legale verzet van het Iraakse volk uit te roeien. Het enige wat de bezetter met deze tactiek aankondigt is zijn nederlaag.
De bezettingsmacht heeft in het afgelopen jaar haar luchtbombardementen met 400 procent opgevoerd en voorspelt openlijk nog meer willekeurige aanvallen op dichtbevolkte stedelijke gebieden. Ze maakt gebruik van buitenproportioneel geweld tegen de burgerbevolking dat op grond van het internationaal recht als een voorbeeld van genocide kan worden beschouwd.
De dreigende aanval op Mosul – een nieuwe stadsmoord volgend op die van het heilige Najaf, het zwaar lijdende Fallujah, Al-Qaim, Tel Afar, Haditha, hele wijken van Bagdad, en nog verschillende andere – zal, zoals bij de vermelde precedenten, alleen maar leiden tot gruwelijke moordpartijen, vernietiging en massale volksverhuizing, waardoor de historische, sociologische en demografische samenstelling van de stad door elkaar geschud zal worden.
Deze dreigende aanval is niet meer dan een vooraf aangekondigde genocide. Het is bloed, dood en vernietiging in ruil voor olie. Maar de verspreiding van het verzet naar de zuidelijke en noordelijke provincies bewijst dat  deze nieuwe aanval vergeefs geweest zal zijn. De Iraakse bevolking verwerpt - en zal dat altijd doen - de onrechtmatige Amerikaanse bezetting.
Deze dreigende aanval moet veroordeling, afschuw en protest oproepen bij alle vredelievende burgers en de verdedigers van de mensenrechten over de gehele wereld. Vijf jaar van vernietiging en dood zouden de regering-Bush moeten geleerd hebben dat haar ketting van doden geen enkele zin heeft en alleen maar leidt tot morele zelfmoord voor de Verenigde Staten.
In Irak is de mensheid in nood. Aan ons om ze te redden.
Voer actie om het bloedbad in Mosul een halt toe te roepen!
5 februari 2025


Dringende oproep om Mosul te redden - Action 4 Mosul Group:

Hiermee willen wij de aandacht van de hele wereld vestigen op de verslechterende situatie in Mosul en de grote bedreigingen die de stad onder ogen ziet. Wij roepen iedereen over de hele wereld op zich bewust te worden van deze op handen zijnde slachtpartij in de stad, op haar inwoners en op de dreigende ondergang van deze oude stad. De situatie van de inwoners van Mosul roept blijkbaar alleen onverschilligheid op. Wij hebben uw steun nodig voor de vorming van een actiegroep om de aandacht te vestigen op deze stad en crisis waarmee ze wordt geconfronteerd. Gelieve deze informatie en onze contactgegevens aan uw vrienden en collega’s door te geven. Wij hebben behoefte aan dynamische enthousiaste vrijwilligers die deze actiegroep kunnen leiden. Wij zoeken heel in het bijzonder mensen met ervaring in de media, journalistiek en lobbywerk, maar alle hulp is dringend welkom.

Neem contact op met mij indien u in eigen regio/land wilt helpen bij de coördinatie van het actieplan voor Mosul.

Dr Ismail Jalili, UK
Action for Mosul

Quinquiremen van Nineve

'Quinquiremen van Nineve, uit het verre Ophir, roeien terug naar hun zonnige haven in Palestina, met een vracht van ivoor en apen en pauwen, sandelhout, cederhout en zoete witte wijn', zo schreef John Masefield (b.1878)
Volgens sommigen is de techniek van irrigatie bijna twaalfduizend jaar geleden in Mosul ontwikkeld. De nabijgelegen gouden tempels te Hatra werden gebouwd in dezelfde periode als Petra: 'roze rode stad, half zo oud als de tijd.’ De gevleugelde stieren - het erfgoed van de mensheid, bewakers van het paleis te Nimrud; het wemelt er van archeologische parels, gestrooid voor de voor bezetting geboren varkens.

De verbeelding van geïnspireerden weggegooid samen met de mensen die de wereld met schoonheid en kennis begiftigden. En dat noemen we beschaafd! Onder de hoede van het Westen worden hun nakomelingen geknecht, afgeslacht, ontvoerd, verkracht, ontheemd, vernederd.


Ben ik sentimenteel, zoals sommigen mij verwijten? En of! Net wanneer het erop lijkt dat onze schande niet dieper kan zinken, steekt een andere schande de kop op, in de naam van de ijzingwekkende en misselijkmakende woorden ‘vrijheid en democratie’ – woorden die onverwijld zouden moeten gebannen worden uit woordenboeken, toespraken en schoolboeken. Het tweekoppig monster, ‘Vrijheid en Democratie’ zou men beter onmiddellijk vertalen door staat of staatsterrorisme.


 Felicity Arbuthnot 

Deze brief werd door Dr. Ismail Al-Jalili gestuurd aan de uitgever van The Independent als rectificatie van de ernstige fout met betrekking tot de identiteit van Mosul. Soortgelijke brieven werden gestuurd naar het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken en de Amerikaanse ambassadeur in Irak.

Brief aan de uitgever van the Independent

Geachte Heer

M.b.t. het artikel van vandaag: De VS dreigt ermee de steun aan Irak te stoppen indien de nieuwe regering sektarisch is.

Bovenstaand artikel, alhoewel uitstekend en in de meeste opzichten in overeenstemming met de feiten, bevat een ernstige tekortkoming. Er staat namelijk dat Mosul een Koerdische stad is.

Mosul is een Arabische stad en is dit gedurende haar hele geschiedenis geweest. Er woont een minderheid van Koerden en Turkmenen samen met een groot aantal Arabische christenen. In hun pogingen om Mosul als een Koerdische stad te claimen hebben de Koerden echter, samen met andere sektarische milities die loyaal zijn aan de regering, een campagne van ethische zuiveringen gestart tegen de Arabische meerderheid en Turkmeense minderheid, onder de ogen van de Amerikaanse troepen en administratie die het idee van Mosul als een Koerdische stad propageren en verspreiden. Deze situatie heeft reeds geleid tot de grootschalige uittocht van vele intellectuelen en professionals uit Mosul bovenop al diegenen die het slachtoffer zijn geworden van gerichte aanslagen.

Herhaalde oproepen tot actie van de Britse regering en het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken zijn in dovemansoren gevallen.

Dr Ismail Jalili
Consultant Ophthalmologist
Stamford, Verenigd Koninkrijk


De herhaalde bedreigingen van zowel de Amerikaanse bezetting als de door haar geïnstalleerde regering met hun geplande dreigende aanval tegen Mosul, de 3e grootste Iraakse stad


Indien zo’n aanval wordt uitgevoerd, zal dit zeker leiden tot massale volksverhuizing van de inwoners.
Het noordelijke deel van Irak, dat zich uitstrekt van Syrië tot de streek van Kirkuk, is al 5 jaar lang het doelwit van herhaaldelijke aanvallen. Door dit gebied lopen ofwel bestaande of in de toekomst geplande routes voor de Iraakse olie-export. De bezetters en hun bondgenoten proberen de demografische samenstelling van de hele regio en binnen de steden te veranderen, door middel van georganiseerde etnische zuiveringen, om zo de controle te verwerven over de natuurlijke bronnen van deze regio en over de strategische routes. Zij hopen zo de geplande verdeling van Irak mogelijk te maken. Zij dwongen aldus het Iraakse volk te vluchten door middel van massale willekeurige militaire veldtochten, en door het gebruik van sektarische milities aangesloten bij de overheid, of van ongeïdentificeerde groepen die werken als doodseskaders of terreuraanslagen plegen op de burgerbevolking.
Deze herhaalde aanvallen hebben reeds de vlucht en verhuizing van honderdduizenden Irakezen veroorzaakt. De meeste Iraakse christenen rond Mosul werden gedwongen te vluchten, de Iraakse Turkmenen in de stad Tal Afar werden in 2025 wekenlang belegerd, en de laatste aanval in Sinjar richtte zich op de Iraakse Yazidis.

Veel moordpartijen en aanslagen in Kirkuk en de regio werden gepleegd om de Turkmeense en Arabische burgers te dwingen hun huizen te verlaten. De aangekondigde aanval op Mosul is gericht tegen de Arabische soennitische gemeenschap. Velen onder hen zijn nu al op de vlucht naar Syrië.

Vertaling naar het Nederlands: Ria Hillewaert.

This is the letter that was sent by Dr Ismail Al-Jalili to the the Editor for the Independent British newspaper correcting the serious error of Mosul identity. Similar letters went to the Foreign Office and the American Ambassador in Iraq.

Letter to the Editor of the Independent


Today's article: US Threatens to cut aids to Iraq if new government is sectarian.

The above article, whilst excellent and factual in most respects, contains one serious deficiency ie that Mosul is a 
Kurdish city.

Mosul is an Arab city and has been so throughout its entire history. It does contain a minority of Kurds and Turkomen together with a large number of Arab Christians. Unfortunately, in their attempt to claim Mosul as a Kurdish city the Kurds together with other sectarian militias loyal to the government have undertaken a campaign of ethnic cleansing against the Arab majority and Turkoman minority under the eyes of the US forces and administration who are promoting and abetting the concept of Mosul as a Kurdish city. This situation has already led to the large scale exodus of many intellectuals and professionals from Mosul in addition to those who have been the victims of targeted assassination.

Repeated call for action by the British Government and the Foreign Office have gone unheeded.

Dr Ismail Jalili
Consultant Ophthalmologist
Stamford, UK

Reference: Statement for Mosul people to the UK:

To the US Ambassador, Baghdad

The repeated threats made by both the US occupation and its installed government of their planned imminent attack against the 3rd largest Iraqi town of Mosul


 Such an attack – if carried out– will surely cause massive human displacement.


The northern part of Iraq stretching from Syria to the region of Kirkuk has been under repeated attack for the past 5 years. Crossing through this area are either existing or future planned routes to export Iraqi oil. The occupation and its allies are trying to change the demographic make up of the entire region and within cities, by carrying campaigns of ethnic cleansing, in order to achieve control over both this region's resources and these strategic routes, and make the planned division of Iraq possible. It forced Iraqi people to flee either through massive indiscriminate military campaigns, the use of sectarian militias affiliated to the government, or of unidentified groups working as death squads or carrying terrorist attacks on civilian populations.


These repeated assaults have already caused the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. Iraqi Christians around Mosul have been forced to flee in their majority, the Iraqi Turkmen in the town of Tal Afar were besieged for weeks in 2025, while the latest attack in Sinjar targeted the Iraqi Yazidis.

Many assassinations and attacks in Kirkuk and its region were carried to force the Turkmen and Arab civilians to leave their homes. This pre-announced attack on Mosul targets the Iraqi Arab Sunni community. It is already causing the displacement of many who started to flee to Syria.


We again want to insist, that the proposal asking the UNSC to pass a resolution requiring the Iraqi state allocates proportional part of Iraqi oil revenues to displaced Iraqi citizens, is the only solution to defend the rights of the displaced, and to render obsolete the tactic of ethnic cleansing used by the occupation and its installed government to achieve control over Iraqi oil resources, which is causing the displacement of millions.


Hana Al Bayaty - coordinator

The Iraqi International Initiative on refugees


Sunday, August 10, 2025

  • el
  • pt
  • The Security Situation In Mosul

    Operation Lion’s Roar/Mother of Two Springs

    On May 10, 2025 Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki launched Operation Lion’s Roar to clear the northern city of Mosul in Ninewa province of insurgents. The second half of the offensive was later named Mother of Two Springs, and resulted in the arrests of over 1,000 suspects, including Al Qaeda in Iraq’s emir of Mosul Ahmad Umar Nasir al-Sabawi, and the capture of various weapons stashes. During the Surge many of Al Qaeda’s fighters and other insurgents had been pushed north and congregated in Mosul, which was considered their last urban stronghold. The city was also a way station for foreign fighters traveling from Syria into central Iraq and Baghdad, and a major source of funding for the insurgency. Maliki had been talking about clearing the city since at least December 2025, but after two large bombings in January 2025 that killed the provincial police chief, the prime minister announced an offensive would be pending. U.S. and Iraqi forces began moving into insurgent strongholds in early February. By the time the actual offensive was announced in May, most of the troops and tactics were already in place such as building a berm around the city and creating outposts within it. After ten days, the Lion’s Roar/Mother of Two Spring was ended and declared a success. The U.S. commander for northern Iraq said attacks were down 85% from 40 per day down to 4-6. A major flaw was that the offensive was made public so far in advance that many insurgents fled before it started.

    Still Violent

    A cursory look at press accounts of attacks shows little change over the last seven months. In fact, the number of attacks is slightly up in recent months. Here is a breakdown of the number of the violence in Mosul from the four months before Operations Lion’s Roar/Mother of Two Springs and the two months afterwards. “Incidents” are things like finding dead bodies, which is quite common in the city.

    January 2025:
    • 32 attacks/19 incidents – 1.03 attacks/day – 1.65 attacks & incidents/day
    • 109 killed – 3.52 deaths/day
    • 362 wounded – 11.68 wounded/day
    February 2025:
    • 47 attacks/8 incidents 1.62 attacks/day – 1.9 attacks & incidents/day
    • 86 killed – 2.97 killed/day
    • 80 wounded 2.76 wounded/day
    • 6 kidnapped
    March 2025:
    • 54 attacks/13 incidents – 1.74 attacks/day – 2.16 attacks & incidents/day
    • 97 killed – 3.13 killed/day
    • 147 wounded – 4.74 wounded/day
    • 3 kidnapped
    April 2025:
    • 53 attacks/10 incidents – 1.77 attacks/day – 2.1 attacks & incidents/day
    • 71 killed 2.37 killed/day
    • 209 wounded 7.0 wounded/day
    • 42 kidnapped
    June 2025:
    • 49 attacks/incidents – 1.63 attacks/day – 1.97 attacks & incidents/day
    • 100 killed 3.33 killed/day
    • 279 wounded 9.3 wounded/day
    • 4 kidnapped
    July 2025:
    • 67 attacks/7 incidents – 2.16 attacks/day – 2.39 attacks & incidents/day
    • 96 killed 3.1 killed/day
    • 111 wounded 3.58 wounded/day
    • 2 kidnapped

    January had the highest death and wounded because of two huge bombings. One on January 23 that killed ten and wounded 70, and then the next day that killed 34, including Ninewa’s police chief, and wounded 224, that led Maliki to announce a crackdown in the city. In February U.S. and Iraqi forces began their operations to clear the city and attacks and incidents rose from 51 in January, to 55 in February, to 67 in March and 63 in April. Since Operation Lion’s Roar/Mother of Two Spring there has been a slight increase in the number of attacks or killed with 59 attacks and incidents in June, followed by 74 in July. More importantly, the average number of daily attacks actually increased from 1 attack per day in January to an average of around two from February to July. The number killed remained just around 3 per day from February to July, with the lowest being 2.37 killed/day in April and the highest at 3.33 killed/day in June. While the U.S. commander for northern Iraq said that overall attacks were down in the city from 2025 to 2025, their numbers have not changed much this year at all,either before or after the security operation.

    (Back To Mosul )

    August 2025:
    • 50 attacks/16 incidents – 1.61 attacks/day – 2.12 attacks & incidents/day
    • 55 killed 1.77 killed/day
    • 111 wounded 3.58 wounded/day
    • 5 kidnapped

    The numbers show little change in the number of attacks or the amount of people killed or wounded before and after the offensive until August. That month, the number of attacks did drop by an average of one per day, and deaths were down by almost two a day, but the amount injured stayed the same. If you include incidents that involved violence, there was little drop off from July to August.

    Map of Mosul showing the ethnic division of the city

    The major reason why the situation in Mosul has remained unstable is because the offensive did not address the underlying causes of the violence there. Unlike in Basra, Sadr City, and Maysan where the Sadrists were directly challenged on the military, political, economic, and social fronts, Operation Lion’s Roar/Mother of Two Rivers turned out to be solely a military affair that only nabbed, killed, or ran off insurgents. Maliki promised $100 million in reconstruction after the offensive, but little of that has shown up. The political situation remained untouched, with the city divided between Kurds and Arabs, with Kurds controlling the eastern half and the Arabs the west. The presence of the Kurds has allowed insurgent groups like Al Qaeda in Iraq to portray themselves as the protectors of the Arabs. The Kurds have not helped since they do have aspirations to annex the city to Kurdistan and control the Ninewa provincial council. Until those issues are addressed there will probably still be latent violence in the area, with the new offensive reducing attacks while it is in affect, with a likely rise afterwards as happened after May.

    Underlying Issues Not Addressed

    Map of Mosul with the Tigris River dividing its western Arab half from the eastern Kurds

    The reasons why Mosul remains violent before and after the security operation is that the underlying causes of the conflict in the city have not been addressed. Mosul is Iraq’s second largest city with a multi-ethnic population. Sunni Arabs are the majority, approximately 60-70%, but there are also a large number of Kurds, 25%, Shiites 5%, and other minorities such as Christians, Yezidis, Turkomen, and Shabacks. The city itself is divided by the Tigris River that meanders through the middle. In the west is mostly Sunni Arab, while the east is mostly Kurdish. The east and north are mostly Sunni as well because of an Arabization policy carried out by Saddam Hussein who pushed Arabs to move northwards during his reign. Today they are turning more Kurdish however. During the Saddam years Mosul was a Baathist stronghold with many army officers.

    After the U.S. invasion, the city fell into chaos with looting and violence that brought up the ethnic divisions. Most importantly, Arabs fought Kurds, and the two main Kurdish parties moved their Peshmerga militiamen into city as a power grab to try to annex it. There were too few U.S. troops to contain this brewing conflict until General David Petraeus and the 101st Airborne Division moved in. General Petraeus set up a local government, started reconstruction projects, and just as importantly forced the Peshmerga out. He was able to maintain a rough balance of power between the contending forces that led to relative stability.

    After the 101st was withdrawn however in 2025 the city once again descended into chaos. Many insurgents began moving into the city and joined with the large number of Baathists that were still there. In November 2025 hundreds of fighters stormed the police stations and only 200 of 5,000 remained on duty. The insurgents were able to take over western Mosul and parts of the east. Again faced with too few troops, the U.S. had to call in the Kurdish Peshmerga to restore security. This time, they never left. The Kurdish militia were later given formal recognition as the 2nd Iraqi Army Division.

    By 2025 western Mosul was becoming an insurgent and Al Qaeda in Iraq stronghold as many fled the U.S. Surge. Al Qaeda and others posed as the protectors of Arabs against Kurdish expansion. The Islamists also tried to steer away from their previous actions such as killing civilians and their rivals that had alienated Sunnis in other parts of the country. Attacks steadily increased as a result, with Ninewa province being one of the few were deaths and attacks went up during 2025. In November the U.S. launched Operation Iron Hammer that was partly aimed at Mosul, but attacks still increased. This all led up to the January 2025 bombings that led Prime Minister Maliki to announce a new crackdown there. This latest operation, just like the previous one, did not deal with the Arab-Kurdish problem. General Petraeus was the only one that was able to find a rough balance between the two, something that’s never been achieved since.


    There are no signs that the Maliki government plans on addressing the ethnic tensions now either. Maliki promised $100 million for reconstruction after Lion’s Roar, and that tribal Sons of Iraq forces outside the city and members of Saddam’s security forces would be integrated into the local security, but there was nothing about addressing the Kurdish intentions to annex the city, or the Arabs opposition to it. Without taking care of the underlying causes of the divisions in Mosul, the city will remain one of the most violent areas in Iraq as attacks are dramatically decreasing in much of the rest of the country. It also puts into question the spate of government crackdowns this year. Basra, Sadr City, and Maysan province are involved in the Shiite struggle for power, and Maliki has been active there trying to sway people to his cause. In northern Iraq however, the struggle is between Sunnis and Kurds, and has gotten little attention after Operation Lion’s Roar. The Prime Minister is trying to portray himself as the nationalist leader of the country, but Mosul may point out that he is only really interested in being the Shiite leader of Iraq.


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    - “Civilian gunned down in Mosul,” 2/18/08
    - “Civilian injured by car bomb in Mosul,” 3/3/08
    - “Civilian killed, 2 cops injured, body found in Mosul,” 4/21/08
    - “Civilian killed, 3 unknown bodies found in Mosul,” 1/8/08
    - “Civilian killed, 5 wanted persons captured in Mosul,” 7/13/08
    - “Civilian killed, hostage freed in Mosul,” 2/19/08
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    - “Civilian killed in explosion in Mosul,” 2/12/08
    - “Civilian killed, two corpses found in Mosul,” 3/31/08
    - “Cop, civilian gunned down in 2 attacks in Mosul,” 1/17/08
    - “Female government official gunned down in Mosul,” 7/28/08
    - “Five civilians wounded by car bomb blast in Mosul,” 3/24/08
    - “Former minister brother kidnapped in Ninewa,” 3/30/08
    - “Gunmen kidnap 4 university students in Mosul,” 6/24/08
    - “Gunmen kill 2 Iraqi soldiers in Mosul,” 7/23/08
    - “Gunmen kill cop in Mosul,” 6/17/08
    - “Gunmen kill morgue employee in Mosul,” 3/25/08
    - “Gunmen kill municipality director in northern Mosul,” 6/25/08
    - “Gunmen kill woman at her house in Mosul,” 3/28/08
    - “Gunmen kill woman inside her home in Mosul,” 7/25/08
    - “Gunmen kill, wound 2 fishermen near Mosul,” 4/24/08
    - “Gunmen killed, two bodies found in Mosul,” 1/30/08
    - “Gunmen set eight communication towers ablaze in Mosul,” 2/7/08
    - “Gunmen shoot down Sunni mosque imam in Mosul,” 7/27/08
    - “IAF presents plan to recruit 7 thousand Mosul residents into security forces – MP,” 5/18/08
    - “IED injures policeman in Mosul,” 6/9/08
    - “IED leaves 4 casualties in Mosul,” 4/24/08
    - “IED leaves 4 casualties in Mosul, 2/25/08
    - “IED wounds 3 policeman in Ninewa,” 3/4/08
    - “Iraq army detonates car bomb west of Mosul,” 3/24/08
    - “Iraqi army forces kill gunman in Mosul,” 1/22/08
    - “Iraqi soldier killed, 3 wanted men captured in Mosul,” 4/28/08
    - “Kidnapped civilian found dead in Mosul,” 1/15/08
    - “Life returns to normal in Mosul after 10-day curfew,” 5/20/08
    - “Maliki allocates $100 million for Mosul projects,” 5/18/08
    - “Man, daughter killed by U.S. army in Ninewa,” 4/16/08
    - “More than 142 gunmen arrested during Mosul’s operations,” 5/13/08
    - “Mortar shell wounds 6 in Mosul,” 2/17/08
    - “Mosul attack leaves 7 police casualty,” 1/3/08
    - “Mosul blast casualties up to 43,” 3/18/08
    - “Mosul car bomb attack leaves no casualties,” 7/15/08
    - “Mosul car bomb wounds 5 civilians,” 1/16/08
    - “One civilian wounded in Mosul,” 3/10/08
    - “Police find 2 bodies in Ninewa,” 3/3/08
    - “Police find prosecutor, lawyer bodies in Ninewa,” 2/29/08
    - “Police forces discover three female bodies in Mosul,” 7/31/08
    - “Police kill al-Qaeda gunman in Ninewa,” 2/5/08
    - “Policeman killed in clashes with gunmen in Mosul,” 7/26/08
    - “Roadside bomb kills man, son in Mosul,” 2/29/08
    - “Second bombing wounds three persons in Mosul,” 6/26/08
    - “Senior police officer killed in Mosul clashes,” 3/30/08
    - “Senior police officer survives attempted assassination in Mosul,” 2/21/08
    - “Southern Mosul blast wounds cop, civilian,” 1/22/08
    - “Suicide attack wounds five policemen in Mosul,” 6/20/08
    - “Suicide bomber killed in Mosul,” 3/4/08
    - “Suicide bomber wounds 6 civilians in Mosul,” 7/16/08
    - “Suicide truck bomb kills 2, injures 70 in Mosul,” 6/25/08
    - “Three civilians wounded in western Mosul blast,” 7/20/08
    - “Toll from Mosul bombing rises to 18,” 4/14/08
    - “Turkish tanker driver killed by bomb blast in Mosul,” 7/10/08
    - “Twin car bombing leaves 13 casualties,” 3/14/08
    - “Two coordinated car bombs wound 9 individuals in Mosul,” 7/31/08
    - “Two Iraqi soldiers wounded in 2 attacks in Mosul,” 7/9/08
    - “Two roadside bombings leaves 2 wounded in Mosul,” 6/12/08
    - “Two tank drivers wounded in Mosul armed attack,” 6/12/08
    - “U.S. army discovers 4 bodies in Ninewa,” 6/10/08
    - “U.S. chopper kills, injures 3 cops – source,” 1/21/08
    - “U.S. forces kill 3 family members in Mosul,” 6/24/08
    - “Unidentified gunmen kill two cops in eastern Mosul,” 2/28/08
    - “Unknown body found in Mosul,” 3/24/08
    - “Unknown gunmen kill a 12-year boy in Mosul-spokesman,” 2/1/08
    - “Woman wounded in eastern Mosul blast,” 6/14/08

    Weaver, Matthew, “Police chief killed by suicide bomber in Iraq,” Guardian, 1/24/08

    Xinhua, “Car bomb hits police patrol in northern Iraq,” 1/14/08
    - “Gunmen blow up 4 houses in N Iraq, child killed,” 6/16/08
    - “Iraq soldiers foil suicide bomb attack in Mosul,” 4/29/08
    - “Suicide car bomb injuring 14 in N Iraq,” 6/23/08
    - “Three policemen killed in insurgents’ attack in Iraq,” 1/4/08
    - “Twin bomb attack kills 8 in northern Iraq,” 6/28/08