No just peace under occupation - Con ocupación no existe la paz justa


Joint statement of The International Anti-Occupation Network, The BRussells Tribunal, The Spanish Campaign Against the Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq and The Iraq Solidarity Association in Stockholm on withdrawing from the Madrid Forum for a Just Peace in the Middle East

* Palestinian Delegation Withdraws from Madrid Just Peace Forum Protesting Serious Violations

* Why I Will Not Participate in the Madrid Social Forum for a Just Peace in the Middle East


* Komite Internazionalistak declaration

* Press release from the assembly of arab, israeli, international organizations

* Comunicado de Opinión General (PNGO-NETWORK)

* Further relevant notes of Health Work Committees/ Palestine (English - Spanish) 


The International Anti-Occupation Network (IAON), along with the Palestinian, Arab and Spanish delegations, condemns and rejects the interference of the Spanish Foreign Ministry and the Madrid Social Forum (FSM) and its cowardice in the face of attempts by Israel to impose Zionist forces on the civil society “Forum for a Just Peace in the Middle East”. These forces cannot and do not subscribe to the Forum’s Reference Document that affirms the inviolability of international law.


The IAON, who organized an Iraqi delegation to this Forum, had agreed to participate on the basis of international law, which guarantees the right to resist foreign occupation by any means, and the individual and unalienable right of refugees to return. The defence of the right of Palestinian refugees to return was clearly stated in the Reference Document of the Forum. Its endorsement was a precondition for the participation of any panelist or participant in the Forum’s workshops.


The IAON withdrew its participation from the Forum alongside all other organizations. Iraqis are not only in solidarity with the Palestinian people; Iraqis are victims of the same US-Israeli agenda to partition the region into smaller entities — that could not threaten Israel’s role as an offensive spearhead and US proxy in the Arab world — in order to control the region’s resources and prevent the sovereignty, independence, development and freedom of its people.


Iraq has been invaded, occupied and destroyed as a state by the United States with Israeli participation. The same US-Israeli offensive has attempted to destroy the nation of Iraq. There will be no just peace in the Arab world without the withdrawal of all occupation forces from Arab land, the return of all refugees to their homes, the cancellation of all laws, agreements, treaties or contracts passed under occupation, and the payment of reparations for all the human and material losses caused by these criminal, sectarian and racist occupations.


US imperialism is being defeated in Iraq. The result of this defeat will undoubtedly change the status quo in the entire region. To support the Iraqi Resistance is to support justice rather than force, humanity rather than plunder, and the restitution of the people’s rights in Palestine, Iraq and to all people living under occupation.


We salute the unity of civil society in this critical moment and the solidarity it unequivocally expressed with the just cause of the Palestinian people, along with its rejection of state manipulation and interference.


Immediate end to the occupation of Palestine and Iraq

Recognize the resistance of the Palestinian and Iraqi people

Defend the unalienable right of refugees to return and enjoy their rights in their homeland

Freedom, independence and sovereignty for the Iraqi and Palestinian people


Justice is on our side; our resistance is continuous.


The International Anti-Occupation Network


This statement, has been redacted by the following persons, in representation of their organizations:


Dirk Adriaensens, BRussells Tribunal Executive Committee

Hana Al Bayaty, BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee

Ian Douglas, BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee

Paloma Valverde, CEOSI (the Spanish Campaign Against Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq)

Sara Sanchez, CEOSI (the Spanish Campaign Against Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq)

Sigyn Meder, Iraqi solidarity Association in Stockholm

Hassan T. Walli Aydinli, Committee for the defense of Iraqi Turkmen’s rights

Souad Al Azzawi, BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee

Dahlia Wasfi, BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee

Hana Ibrahim, Woman’s Will Association


Madrid, 17 December 2025


Con ocupación no existe la paz justa


Comunicado de la Red Internacional Antiocupación sobre la retirada del Foro por una Paz Justa en Oriente Próximo


La red internacional antiocupación (IAON, en sus siglas en inglés, junto con las delegaciones palestina, árabe y española, condena y rechaza la interferencia del Ministerio de Exteriores y del Foro Social de Madrid (FSM) y su cobardía frente a los intentos de Israel de imponer la participación de fuerzas sionistas en el Foro por una Paz Justa en Oriente Próximo. Esas fuerzas no pueden —y no lo han hecho— suscribir el documento de referencia del Foro que reafirma la inviolabilidad de la legalidad internacional.


La IAON, que coordinó una delegación iraquí para el Forum, acordó su participación en el Foro sobre la base de la legalidad internacional, que garantiza el derecho a resistir contra la ocupación extranjera por cualquier medio, así como el inalienable derecho de retorno de los refugiados. La defensa del derecho al retorno de los refugiados palestinos estaba claramente establecida en el documento de referencia del Foro. La adhesión a este documento era una condición previa para la participación de cualquier persona [u organización] en los talleres del Foro.


La IAON renunció a su participación en el Foro junto con otras organizaciones puesto que los iraquíes no sólo son solidarios con el pueblo palestino sino que son víctimas de los mismos planes de Estados Unidos e Israel para dividir la región en pequeñas entidades, que no puedan amenazar el papel de vanguardia de Israel —y de EEUU como su representante— en una ofensiva contra el mundo árabe, con la finalidad de controlar los recursos de la región e impedir la soberanía, la independencia, el desarrollo y la libertad de sus pueblos.


Iraq ha sido invadido, ocupado y destruido como Estado por EEUU con la participación de Israel. La misma ofensiva israelo–estadounidense ha intentado destruir la nación de Iraq. No habrá paz justa en el mundo árabe sin la retirada de todas las fuerzas de ocupación de suelo árabe, el retorno de todos los refugiados a sus hogares, la derogación de todas las leyes, acuerdos, tratados o contratos aprobados por la ocupación y sin el pago de las indemnizaciones por todas las pérdidas humanas y materiales causadas por esas ocupaciones criminales, sectarias y racistas.


El imperialismo estadounidense está siendo derrotado en Iraq. El resultado de esta derrota cambiará de manera indudable el statu quo de toda la región. Apoyar a la resistencia iraquí es apoyar la justicia en lugar de la fuerza, a la humanidad en lugar de los saqueos, y es apoyar a la restitución de los derechos de los pueblos en Palestina, Iraq y de todos aquellos que viven bajo la ocupación.


Reconocemos la unidad de la sociedad civil en este momento crítico y la solidaridad, expresada de manera inequívoca, con la justa causa de pueblo palestino, junto con su rechazo de la manipulación e interferencia estatal.


Fin inmediato de la ocupación de Palestina e Iraq

Reconocimiento del derecho a la resistencia del pueblo palestino e iraquí

Defensa del inalienable derecho de retorno de los refugiados y de disfrutar de sus derechos en sus naciones.

Libertad, independencia y soberanía para los pueblos iraquí y palestino


La justicia está de nuestra parte; nuestra resistencia continúa      


Red Internacional antiocupación (IAON)


Esta declaración ha sido confeccionada por las siguientes personas en representación de sus organizaciones:


Dahlia Wasfi, miembro del comité asesor del Tribunal BRussells

Dirk Adriaensens, miembro del Comité ejecutivo del Tribunal BRussells

Hana Al Bayaty, miembro del comité asesor del Tribunal BRussells

Hana Ibrahim, Asociación Woman’s Will

Hassan T. Walli Aydinli, Comité por la defensa de los derechos de los turcomanos iraquíes

Ian Douglas, miembro del comité asesor del Tribunal BRussells

Paloma Valverde, CEOSI (Campaña Estatal contra la Ocupación y por la Soberanía de Iraq)

Sara Sánchez, CEOSI (Campaña Estatal contra la Ocupación y por la Soberanía de Iraq)

Sigyn Meder, Asociación Iraq Solidaridad, Estocolmo

Souad Al Azzawi, miembro del comité asesor del Tribunal BRussells


Madrid, 17 de diciembre de 2025


For immediate release                                                                                                         13 December 2025


Palestinian Delegation Withdraws from Madrid Just Peace Forum

Protesting Serious Violations


The Palestinian civil society delegation to the Forum for a Just Peace in the Middle East, planned for December 14 to 16 in Madrid, has decided not to participate in the Forum due to serious last-minute violations.  Coordinators of the delegation, which was to be led by the Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO), learned last night that due to unprecedented pressure from the Israeli establishment, a substantial Israeli delegation (different from the progressive civil society Israeli delegation led by the Alternative Information Center, AIC, scheduled to participate in the Forum) was undemocratically and underhandedly “invited” to participate in the Forum without endorsing the Forum's Reference Document [1].  This is not only a significant breach of the key rule of participation; it is a contravention of the express will of the overwhelming majority of the International Committee, the decision-making steering committee of the conference. 


The International Committee, which includes representatives of PNGO, AIC, and other key Arab and international civil society networks, decided as far back as July that any group that wishes to take part in the Forum must first endorse the Reference Document as a necessary condition of participation.  This Reference Document articulates the consensus principles agreed upon by the diverse international groups organizing the Forum, and projects an alternative vision for justice and peace based on international law and universal human rights.  We, and virtually all of our partners, view the violation of this basic criterion as an undemocratic, unprofessional and utterly unacceptable attempt by some to impose governmental will on a distinguished civil society initiative.  Protesting this infringement of democratic principles and recognizing that it effectively opens the door to the possibility of imposing an agenda at odds with the Forum’s vision, several of our local and international partners have also decided to withdraw.  These include the Israeli delegation led by AIC, the Occupied Syrian Golan-Heights delegation, as well as many Arab and international figures and institutions.


We are deeply disappointed, saddened and surprised by this not-so-innocently-timed turn of events.  We sincerely regret that an otherwise truly inspiring and democratically-organized initiative advocating peace based on justice and solidarity between nations has been hijacked by outside groups that, after failing to influence the progressive and visionary political platform of the Forum, resorted to an undemocratic coup to impose their will.  Their political agenda essentially contradicts the basic principle that only peace built on justice, international law and human rights, as outlined in the Forum’s Reference Document, can be viable, equitable and sustainable.


We deeply appreciate the Spanish civil society organizations' noble and untiring efforts in organizing this Forum in the most professional, progressive and inclusive way.  They are our partners for the long haul in the struggle against the forces of occupation, racism and imperial hegemony.  We share with them our aspirations for a just peace.


Contact: PNGO, the Palestinian NGO Network – Tel. XXXXX Email: XXXXX





Why I Will Not Participate in the Madrid Social Forum for a Just Peace in the Middle East  


Written by Michael Warschawski, Alternative Information Center (AIC)    

Thursday, 13 December 2025 


I have no problem in taking part in a conference where Zionist spokespersons are invited too, for debates are part and parcel of a healthy political arena. As well, I have no problem being invited to official public meetings, initiated by government agencies, including Israeli ones. I need, however, to know exactly what kind of gathering I am supposed to participate.


By its own definition, the Madrid Social Forum for a Just Peace in the Middle East belongs to the family of “social forums,” as defined in the Porto Allegre Charter, i.e. a forum of grassroots and popular organizations, without any involvement of State’s agencies, political parties (or armed-organizations). The Alternative Information Center (AIC), together with PNGO (Palestinian NGOs coordination), Ittijah, the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) and the Israeli Women Coalition for a Just Peace were much involved in the International Committee that was established in order to assist the local committee in shaping the forum and fixing the list of the invited organizations. Whoever has been involved in Middle East progressive politics is aware that the list is a major political issue: most Arab organizations, including Palestinian ones, do not participate in political gatherings with Israeli organizations that don’t support Palestinian rights, as defined by the United Nations and international law, including, obviously, the Right of Return of the Palestinian refugees. This excludes most of the Israeli Zionist organizations.


In order to avoid any misunderstanding, the Madrid organizing committee and the international committee issued, at an early stage, a Declaration of Principles that defined the political framework of the Madrid Social Forum. On the basis of that Declaration of Principles, the Israeli delegation was designed and the speakers for the various plenaries were selected. In a nutshell, Madrid is the first big international Anti-Annapolis conference, and this is why it is so important.


The composition of the delegations, however, especially the Israeli one, didn’t satisfy the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs… or the Peres Peace Center. Obviously, the Spanish government has the right to sympathize more with Zionist organizations, and it can organize its own conference. Nevertheless, it cannot interfere in the Social Forum. Two months ago, I wrote on the AIC website:


The involvement of a government ministry in a social forum is, in and of itself, a serious violation of the Porto Alegre charter, which established the absolute independence of the social forums from the government. Yet the problem is not only statutory but absolutely political: what are bodies that openly support neoliberalism and the war doing with a conference that is entirely in opposition to neoliberalism and the war??!!! This is not the first time that this quasi-governmental entity attempts to sneak into a conference of non-governmental organizations, and we have reviewed other attempts in the past […]. However, this time the matter is more serious, as a majority of the participants perceive the forum in Madrid as being anti-Annapolis, and it is unacceptable that blatant supporters of Annapolis will be present to seek converts for their plan of war, a plan being created right before our eyes (“Anti-Annapolis in Madrid,” 29 November 2025).


In an unacceptable procedure, the Spanish Foreign Ministry established a parallel Israeli delegation, bigger than the official one, aimed to change the agenda of the Madrid Social Forum from an Anti-Annapolis conference to an “all inclusive” gathering, discussing the pro and against of the war plans shaped in Annapolis by George W. Bush and Ehud Olmert. The procedure is unacceptable, the content is outrageous.


As a result, the Palestinian delegation decided, at the last moment, to boycott the Forum, as did participants from other parts of the Arab world. One can object that the protest should have done in Madrid itself, at the site of the Forum, including boycotting it. This was, however, the decision of PNGO, and, while driving to the airport on my way to Madrid, I got the information and took the decision to return to Jerusalem, in solidarity with the Palestinian civil society organizations.


One should not underestimate what is at stake. It is not a matter of this or that person or organization being present at the Madrid Social Forum; it is not even the question of the heavy involvement of the Spanish government in a Social Forum. It is the question of War and Peace in the Middle East, what George W. Bush calls World War III, the core political issue of the moment!


In Annapolis, the United States and their allies have finalized the plans of the next war, not hesitating even to speak about nuclear strikes. It is a war against Iran, against Lebanon and Hezbollah, against Hamas and the Palestinian people, part of the global war planned by the neoconservatives of Washington and Tel Aviv.


The world today is divided between the supporters of such a war and those who oppose it: the line that divides them should be hermetic, because it is the line separating freedom from oppression, peaceful coexistence from aggression, life from death.


Some of the newly-invited Israeli organizations to Madrid are, to say the least, not fully opposed to the war plans of their government or their US godfather. To mention only two: Shimon Peres (founder of the Peres Peace Center) is calling for a preemptive war against Iran after having supported the last aggression against Lebanon; Peace Now supported the war in Lebanon in summer 2025—that is, until it became a military fiasco. It is a matter of private ethics: I do not want, today, to be in the same forum with such people. The blood of the martyrs of Tyre and Bint Jbail is not dry yet, and the noises of the next war, a war that they will undoubtedly support, are already in our ears.





Post Scriptum: We must emphasize how unacceptable the role played by some of our Israeli colleagues has been in this. They have crossed the lines, back and forth, between the civil society organizations and the Spanish Foreign Ministry, creating the whole mess and provoking the decision of the Palestinian organizations to boycott the Forum.





The Solidarity Network Against the Occupation of Palestine, which gathered in Alcorcón, Madrid, 14 December 2025 and in Leganés, Madrid, 15 December 2007, to participate in the Forum for a Just Peace in the Middle East, has decided to withdraw from the Forum and to suspend all the activities it had organized for the following reasons: 


Since the beginning of the Forum, our Network voiced its concern over the lack of transparency and the way in which the Forum was developing. The Network considers that governments are obliged to respect and comply with international law and work towards a just peace for the Arab world, the end of all foreign occupation and colonial wars, instead of the manipulation of Forums proposed and developed by civil society.


Despite the opacity in the development of the Forum, the urgent need to advance towards a just peace led us to embrace the call of  Palestinian organizations who asked us to participate in the Forum. Despite the Forum´s refusal that the Solidarity Network be part of the Permanent Committee, charged with organizing and administering the Forum, the Network continued working, and promoting the event, and organized three workshops.  


Subsequent events have made it clear that the final objectives to which the Forum’s organisation has adhered to no longer correspond to the initial objectives and expectations  that inspired it in the first place and that were directed at achieving a just peace for the Middle East.

Proof of this has been the inability to react to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which has promoted the participation of Zionist delegations that were not included in the initial programme and that do not subscribe to the principles contained in the Reference Document of the Forum, thus leading to its cancellation.


The Network considers that the only solution to perpetual conflict and occupation in the Arab world rests in the application of International Law, Human Rights and United Nations resolutions.  


We therefore require the international community, and concretely the Spanish government, to urgently adopt the following measures, aimed at restoring stable sociopolitical and economic conditions for the Palestinian people and ensuring Israel comply with International Law: 


1. The suspension of the European Union-Israel association agreement.

2. A total halt to all trade and military exchanges with Israel. 

3. The suspension of EU member states and the World Bank funding used by Israel in the construction of infrastructure necessary to the completion of the Apartheid Wall.

4. The end of the Israeli siege on Gaza, which counts with the support of its inconditional ally, the US, and the EU’s permissivity. The end to the economic sanctions imposed on the Palestinian people, and the recognition of the democratically elected and legal government in Palestine.


In these demands we express our solidarity with the principled decision taken by the Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese delegations, as well as other international representatives, to not attend the Forum and participate in the normalization of the racist and colonial regime of Israel.



Solidarity Network Against the Occupation of Palestine



Komite Internazionalistak declares that, having lent its support from the start to the Forum for a Just Peace in the Middle East at the request of its Palestinian and Israeli counterparts, it has finally taken the decision not to participate because of the not planned presence of a Zionist delegation at the event. Komité Internazionalistak understands that Zionism, through its chauvinist, racist and imperialist nature, is the original source of all the current conflicts in the Middle East region. Zionism has amply demonstrated over the years that it is fundamentally at odds with the principles of peace and justice. For that reason Komité Internazionalistak will not participate in any event under the banner of "a just peace" in which there is a Zionist presence.


Our action is also an expression of support for the decision taken by our Palestinian and Israeli colleagues to abandon the Forum and we reject any attempt to normalise relations with the state of Israel and with its representatives whether they be politicians, NGOs or singers. We issue a call for the boycott of Israel as the principal means by which civil society can fight for the cause of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Komite Internazionalistak



Cancelled the Forum for a Just Peace in the Middle East


Press release from the assembly of arab, israeli, international organizations and from the State of Spain gathered in Leganés, Madrid (Spain).



Gathering in a extraordinary meeting in Leganes, the International Committee of the Forum for a Just Peace in the Middle East, express the following points:


-          After the celebration, yesterday, of an extraordinary Steering Committee meeting, all delegations decided by consensus, to express their solidarity with representatives of civil society from Palestine, Lebanon and Siria, who decided to boycott the Forum after knowledge that invitations had been cursed for non official zionist delegation, which was not discussed neither agreed upon in the International Committee of the Forum, breaking the rules and mechanisms established during the previous months.

-          We urge the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Spain, to order an independent investigation of all external interferences in the preparatory process of the Forum, aimed at imposing speakers and participants not agreed upon by the International Committee, body responsible for organizing the delegations, neither by the extraordinary Steering committee gathering in Alcorcon. We require the depuration of all responsabilities related with these interferences. 

-          Due to last hour pressures, all official delegations decided not to admit the final agenda which was imposed on them, bringing to the shut down of the Forum by the Social Forum of Madrid. Delegations decided to meet on an alternative way, with the realization of workshops and debates in the hall opened by the Assocation Haydee Santa María in Leganes.


Declarations are being redacted by this assembly and will be mailed.


15th december 2025.



بيان للرأي العام


         في تطور لاحق ارتباطاً يمنتدى السلام العادل في مدريد، قامت الحكومة الإسبانية، وفي خطوة مستهجنة، بمحاولة فرض حضور مندوبين إسرائيليينة من وزارة الخارجية الإسرائيلية للجلسة الافتتاحية للمؤتمر، الامر الذي أثار غضب واستهجان اللجنة الدولية المنظمة لمؤتمر المنتدى لسلوك الحكومة الإسبانية في فرض أجندتها وتدخلها السافر وسلوكها غير الديموقراطي. وتالياً، ورداً على موقف اللجنة المنظمة طلبت الحكومة الإسبانية من كافة المندوبين مغادرة قاعات المؤتمر وإغلاق أبواب القاعات، الأمر الذي حدا باللجنة المنظمة للمنتدى للدعوة للاعتصام والتظاهر امام القاعات المغلقة بقرار الحكومة الإسبانية.

إن شبكة المنظمات الأهلية الفلسطينية ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني، تعبر عن استهجانها ورفضها الواضح للسلوك الحكومي الاسباني، وتعده سلوكاً منافياً لأبسط قواعد الديموقراطية التي تقرر أن من حق اللجنة المنظمة وحدها التقرير في تمثيل الحضور. إن سلوك الحكومة الإسبانية والمتمثل بإغلاق قاعات المؤتمر ضد إرادة اللجنة المنظمة إنما يشكل استهانة واعتداء على الحق في التعبير عن الرأي ومحاولة فرض أجندة سياسية حكومية على المؤتمرين.

إننا ننوه أخيراً ان شبكة المنظمات الأهلية الفلسطينية ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني ومعها الشبكة العربية للمنظمات الاهلية والعديد من المنظمات الدولية كانت قررت مقاطعة المؤتمر إحتجاجاً على التدخل الحكومي الإسباني في فرض الحضور الصهاينة ، وعليه يأتي الموقف الأخير ليؤكد حقيقة المخاوف التي كانت تساورنا من أن هناك موقفاً لحرف مسار المؤتمر من وجهة التضامن مع شعبنا لوجهة التطبيع والترويج لسياسات حكومية مرفوضة. إننا نعبر عن تضامننا مع مؤسسات المجتمع المدني والحركات الاجتماعية الإسبانية في وقفتها ضد التدخلات الحكومية وفي معاداة سياسات التطبيع مع الصهاينة.

اللجنة الفلسطينية المنسقة للمنتدى


Comunicado de Opinión General



En acontecimientos posteriores relacionados con el Foro por la Paz en Madrid, el Gobierno español, ha llevado a cabo un intento de imposición de delegaciones israelíes del Ministerio de Exteriores israelí durante la apertura de la conferencia; un hecho que ha provocado el enfado del Comité Internacional de Organización de la Conferencia, por las actuaciones del Gobierno español de imponer sus condiciones y actitudes antidemocráticas. Por consiguiente, y en respuesta a la posición del Comité de Organización del Foro, el Gobierno español exhortó a todos los delegados al abandono de la sala de conferencias y el cierre de las puertas de las salas. Un hecho que a su vez fue respondido por el Comité de la Organización del Foro con la invitación a resistir y manifestarse frente a las salas cerradas, por orden del Gobierno español.


La red de organizaciones No-gubernamentales palestinas y las instituciones de la sociedad civil, afirma su desacuerdo y su rechazo sin paliativos por la conducta del Gobierno español; por ser una conducta contra las normas democráticas que atestiguan acerca del derecho del Comité del informe de los asistentes. El comportamiento del Gobierno español por medio del cierre de las salas de la conferencia, sin el consentimiento del Comité de Organización, supone una agresión al derecho de expresión y un intento de imponer una agenda política gubernamental a los dos Congresos.


Por último, la red de organizaciones No-gubernamentales palestinas y las instituciones de la sociedad civil, y con ellas la red de organizaciones No-gubernamentales árabes, así como numerosas organizaciones internacionales, decidieron boicotear el Foro en protesta por las intrusiones del Gobierno español al obligar a la participación de los sionistas; en estos hechos, se basa la realidad de nuestros recelos y nuestro rechazo, por tratar de orientar la dirección del Foro hacia la normalización y la concesión política gubernamental. Queremos expresar nuestra solidaridad con las organizaciones de la sociedad civil y los movimientos populares de la sociedad española, así como su posicionamiento en contra de las intromisiones gubernamentales y la aceptación de políticas de normalización con el sionismo.



El Comité Palestino para la Coordinación del Foro





Dear Friends,


Please find attached the statement of the Palestinian networks and coalitions about the Just Peace Forum\ Madrid.

Today at 12:00 pm, a press conference will be conducted in Ramallah to clarify the danger of the forum which was transformed from a lobbying tool for the Middle East issues into another Annapolis Conference.

In Madrid, another press conference will be conducted tomorrow by the Spanish, European, and Arab organizations.


We expect your solidarity and support.



Dr. Ahmad Maslamani







Following are points relevant to our stand with regard to this Madrid Forum:

1.            There was boycott of the forum and withdrawal of many coalitions and networks (Palestinian, Lebanese, Syrian, Jordanian, Belgium, and most importantly Spanish). Solidarity for this boycott was also from hundreds of people.

2.            The negotiations with this regard with the International Committee were steered that the roots of the problem are with the Spanish government which faced tremendous pressure from the Israeli Zionist lobby and resulted in confiscating the Spanish civil society role and that of the Preparatory Committee too.

3.            The forum aimed at mobilizing the Spanish civil society and the Euro-Spanish Social Movement towards more support and mobilization for Middle Eastern issues especially the Palestinian issue with emphasis on the unbending rights of the Palestinian people, and that Annapolis conference is very harmful and will increase the rift and fuel wars and conflicts.

4.            The government acted in a non democratic way by denying and bypassing the rights of the International Committee.

5.            Apology for this bad situation was given to the delegations who withdrew from the Forum, especially the Palestinian delegation. From our side, we have asked for an apology from the Spanish government for its severe interference in the Forum works.

6.            We called for a press conference to explain our stand that this was not and we are not participating in a conference for negotiations with official and civil Israeli Zionist delegations. This is not our territory nor our specialty here and we are not authorized to negotiate and we, as Palestinian and Spanish and International civil society institutions, do not accept to be used in this way and our stand was completely clear and understood.

7.            Several meetings and connections were made, and the Palestinian community and supportive delegations were mobilized and the Forum was stopped. The decision was just to have a workshop to explain the reasons and to show support of the boycott and withdrawals.

8.            We stressed our sand that our fight is for the right of free and independent decisions taken by the civil society institutions against the domination of the power of governments.

9.            We stressed that the fact that this Forum is supported financially by the Spanish government does not mean nor gives the right to control and affect the well of the committee. We also pointed that these are lessons to learn for the future so as to have finance covered by the non-governmental institutions and not by governments so as democracy and freedom of decisions is guaranteed.

10.         We also stressed that our case is not that between the Spanish and Palestinian civil society institutions, but it is our joint issue of facing this matter and we have to fight together for our right of freedom of expression and independence.

11.          We called for having a protest and solidarity picket in front of the Spanish Foreign Affairs and we received support and response for this.

12.         The last update states that the Spanish government dictated and forced the presence of two Israeli Zionists in the first panel. The International Committee stood against this decision to which the Spanish government decided to cancel the conference and Police forces evacuated the halls. At this hour, demonstrations are taking place outside the buildings.



We will keep you posted in the coming days about the final developments.   



Dr. Ahmad Maslamani

General Director

Health Work Committees/ Palestine  



Estimados amigos,




Health Work Committees se adhirió orgullosamente a la  propuesta de una iniciativa tan significativa como fue el Foro por la Paz, en un esfuerzo colectivo por maximizar el rol y la movilización de la sociedad civil respecto de los principios de la democracia, los derechos humanos y el hacer justicia a la causa palestina.

Lamentablemente, se ejercieron presiones externas, ajenas a la espiritualidad del Foro, que nos sorprendieron por su carácter impositivo, vinculadas al Lobby judío. Este hecho es sumamente perjudicial porque pone en duda y contradice la credibilidad de las instituciones, asociaciones y organizaciones comprometidas con la justicia, en su movilización y actos de sensibilización dirigidos a la consecución de la justicia y la paz en Palestina y en el mundo en general.



Valoramos y agradecemos enormemente el esfuerzo litigante que, nos consta, han realizado las organizaciones españolas que tan duramente han trabajado y han persistido en sus principios, en la defensa a ultranza de los derechos del pueblo palestino por medio del Foro y combatiendo esas fuertes y antidemocráticas presiones externas; dedicando grandes esfuerzos en acciones de sensibilización e influencia para que el Foro no perdiera su espíritu inicial. Queremos dejar constancia de que reconocemos su incuestionable papel en impulsar la lucha justa del pueblo palestino.



Seguiremos con ellos en la misma posición, defendiendo a ultranza los valores y principios compartidos. Lejos de alejarnos y dividirnos, esta experiencia nos reforzará más y unirá nuestros esfuerzos en conseguir los mutuos objetivos y esperanzas de conseguir el respeto de los derechos humanos, la democracia y  justicia para el pueblo palestino.



Recibid un cordial y amistoso saludo,



Dr. Ahmad Maslamani

Director General

Health Work Committees