Read also the
Urgent appeal on the
pending execution of nine Iraqi women
Statement of
Albayaty [Français] - [Arabic] - [Spanish] - [Turkish] - Click here for list of endorsers. We hope all endorse, distribute widely, organize and act. Please reply to
* Take Action ! Now ! Click here to read what you can do. * Selected statements and actions against the imminent execution of 3 Iraqi women. * Update on actions to stop the execution of three Iraqi women (01 March 2025) * CALL FOR WORLDWIDE INTENSIFYING MOBILIZATION - Second update on efforts to stop the summary execution of three Iraqi women (03 March 2025) * Third update on the three Iraqi women facing imminent execution - Dernières informations sur les condamnées à mort irakiennes - Situación actual de las tres condenadas a muerte iraquíes - İdam Cezası verilen Üç Iraklı Kadının Durumu Hakkında Son Bilgiler (09 March 2025)
Wassan Talib, 31 years old, Zainab Fadhil, 25 years old, and Liqa Omar Muhammad, 26 years old, face imminent execution in Iraq, all
charged with “offences against the public welfare” by a government that
cannot even provide electricity but fills the streets with dead bodies. All
are in Baghdad’s Al-Kadhimiya Prison. Two have small children beside them.
The 1-year-old daughter of Liqa was born in prison. All women deny the
charges for which they face hanging.
In a country where it is evident there is no state or judicial system, the occupation and its puppet government use, as all repressive regimes in history, fake tribunals to exterminate those who oppose them. No legal judgement can be issued while there isn’t the civilised conditions of due process, at least the presence and security of lawyers.
Hana Albayaty
Abdul Ilah Albayaty
Iman Saadoon
Dirk Adriaensens
Ayse Berktay
First endorsers:
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, former Prime Minister of Malaysia, chairman of the Perdana Global Peace Organisation, honorary member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
Ramsey Clark, former attorney general of the United States, founder of the International Action Center – USA |
Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat, former
Chief of Naval Staff — India
Hans Von Sponeck, former UN assistant secretary general & UN humanitarian coordinator for Iraq, 1998-2000 – Germany, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
Susan George, director of the Transnational Institute – France |
Eduardo Galeano, Essayist, journalist, historian, and activist – Uruguay, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
Ahmed Manai, director of the Tunisian Institute for International Relations – France |
Aida Seif El Dawla, founding member and chairperson of the Egyptian Association Against Torture, El–Nadim Centre for the Psychological Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence – Egypt |
Ali Al-Sarraf, author – Iraq |
Amalia Pereira, dirigente de Promepar Irene Celis, dirigenta del Sindicato del Arzobispado de Santiago, |
Amy Bartholomew, professor of law – Canada, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
Anna Karamanou, former member of the European Parliament, former chairwomen of the Committee of Women’s Rights of the European Parliament |
Carlos Varea, coordinator and Spanish Campaign against Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq, CEOSI – Spain, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
Corinne Kumar, Secretary General of El Taller International - Tunesia / India, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
Dahlia Wasfi, Anti-war activist, speaker, Global Exchange – Iraq / USA, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
Dr Barbara Nimri Aziz, executive producer, “Tahrir”, Pacifica WBAI Radio, NY – USA |
Dr Chris Busby, Scientific Secretary to the European Committee on Radiation Risk. Expert and author on DU – UK |
Dr Curtis Doebbler, international human rights lawyer, professor of law at An–Najah National University – Palestine, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
Dr Esmail Nooriala, Iranian-American writer and Lecturer on Islam University of Denver – USA |
Dr Fadhil Bedran, author – Iraq |
Dr Herman De Ley, emeritus professor, Department of Philosophy and Moral Science, Ghent University – Belgium, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
Dr Jean Bricmont, scientist, specialist in theoretical physics, U.C. Louvain-La-Neuve – Belgium, member of the BRussells Tribunal Executive Committee |
Dr Lieven De cauter, initiator of the BRussells Tribunal, philosopher, K.U. Leuven / Rits – Belgium |
Dr Paola Manduca, Professor of Genetics, Anti–war movement – Italy, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
Dr Suhair Abbas, senior lecturer at the University of Sains, Malaysia – Iraq |
Eman Ahmed Khammas, former co-director of Occupation Watch, journalist, translator – Iraq, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
Fabio Marcelli, Vice secretary of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers – Italy |
Fatma Salah Uthman, Spokeswoman Makhmour Organization for Human Rights and Social Questions, Baghdad, Iraq |
Felicity Arbuthnot, Journalist - UK, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
Gilles Munier, secrétaire général des Amitiés franco-irakiennes – France |
Graciela Álvarez, Presidenta Rama de la Asociación de Juristas Latinoamericanos |
Hussein Al-Alak, chair of The Iraq Solidarity Campaign – UK / Iraq, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
John Catalinotto, International Action Center – USA, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
José Reinaldo Carvalho, Brazilian Center for Solidarity with the Peoples’ in Struggle for Peace – Brazil, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
Karen Parker, Attorney, Association of Humanitarian Lawyers – USA, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
Khaled Mouammar, National President of the Canadian Arab Federation – Canada |
Laith Saud, journalist, college lecturer in social sciences - Iraq / USA, member of the Brussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
Ludo Abicht, University of Antwerpen – Belgium |
Magdalena Castillo, dirigenta Central Autónoma de Trabajadores, CAT |
Maria Ligia Centurion Prieto, member of La Unión de Mujeres Paraguayas (Paraguay-Sud América) – Paraguay |
María Rozas, Vicepresidenta Central Unitaria de Trabajadores de Chile, CUT |
Michel Chossudovsky (Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa, founder of Centre for Research on Globalisation - Canada), member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
Michel Collon, writer, journalist, Belgium |
Mireya Baltra, ex Ministra del Gobierno del presidente Salvador Allende, Chile |
Mona Baker, professor of translation studies, University of Manchester – UK |
Mondher Adhami, research fellow at Kings College London – Iraq / UK, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
Nilofer Bhagwat, vice president of Indian Lawyers Association – Mumbai / India, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
Paola Pisi, founder of Uruknet, Italy |
Patricia Coñoman, Presidenta Confederación de Trabajadores Textiles, CONTEXTIL |
Petros Constantinou, national coordinator, Campaign Genoa 2025 – Greece |
Saadallah Al-Fathi, former head of the Energy Studies Department at OPEC – Iraq |
Sabah Al Mukhtar, President of the
Arab Lawyers Association — UK, member of the Brussells
Tribunal Advisory Committee
Salah Omar Al Ali, former representative of Iraq at the UN, Al-Wifaq – Iraq |
Samia Mehrez, professor of Arabic studies – Egypt |
Sara Flounders, International Action Center – USA |
Sarah Meyer, independent researcher – UK, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
Sigyn Meder, member of the Iraq Solidarity Association – Sweden, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
Socorro Gomes, president of the Brazilian Center for Solidarity with the Peoples’ in Struggle for Peace – Brazil, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
Sr Anne Montgomery, Christian Peacemakers Team, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee |
Wafaa Al-Natheema, founder of the Institute for Near Eastern and African Studies – USA |
Yiannis Sifakakis, coordinator, Stop the War Coalition Greece – Greece |
AFFI-Associazione Federativa Femminista Internazionale
Agir Contre la Guerre (ACG)
Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return
Coalition - NY
Americans Against War (AAW)
Arab Women's Solidarity Association-Belgique/
Asian Women’s Human Rights Council, India
associaçaõ de favelas em são josé, Brazil
Association of Humanitarian Lawyers – USA
Australian Peace Committee (SA Branch) Inc. |
Black people Union for Equality - UNEGRO, Brazil |
Tribunal Committee
Campaign Genoa 2025 –
Canadian Arab Federation
– Canada
Centre for Development Studies, India
Centro Brasileiro de Solidariedade aos Povos
e Luta pela Paz Cebrapaz
– Brazilian Center for Solidarity with the
Peoples’ in Struggle for Peace – Brazil
Coalition de Quebec pour la paix, Canada |
Comite de lutte contre la barbarie et
l’arbitraire – France
Comité pour l'Annulation de la Dette du Tiers
Monde (CADTM)
Comité pour une Paix Juste au Proche Orient, Luxembourg |
Communist Party of Brazil |
Conlutas - National Coordination of Struggles, Brazil |
Coordination des Groupes de Femmes Egalité,
Current The Work, from the Workers Party (PT) , Brazil |
El Taller International, Tunis
Gender Equity Unit, University of the Western
Cape, South Africa
Gerald and Maas
Institute of Philosophy, Cuba
International Action Center – USA
International Anti-Occupation Network
International Movement for a Just World (JUST)
Intersindical – Inter Trade Unions Association, Brazil |
Iraq Solidarity Association – Stockholm
La Unión de Mujeres Paraguayas –
le comité de la femme/cnops (Maroc)
le comité de la femme/redal, (Maroc)
les organisations de femmes de l'umt/rabat (Maroc)
Lola Kompanyera, Phillipines
l'organisation de la femme du secteur agricole,
l'organisation de la femme ouvriere, Maroc
l'union des femmes fonctionnaires, Maroc
Makhmour Organization for Human Rights and Social Questions Baghdad, Iraq |
New Jersey Solidarity- Activists for the Liberation of
Planète Non-Violence
Radical Women, USA
RAND Group of Consultants Nablus — Palestine
Representatives of the PSOL, Socialism and Liberty Party, Brazil |
Representatives of the PSTU, Unified Workers Socialist Party, Brazil |
Resistance & Alternative
Spanish Campaign against Occupation and for the
Sovereignty of Iraq, CEOSI
Stop The War Coalition –
StopWar Coalition, Vancouver, Canada
The Women in black of Portland Or |
Tunisian Institute of International Relations – France |
UEE – SP – São Paulo State Students Union, Brazil |
Women in Black - Seattle Washington USA
Women in black from Caen ( Normandy ) France
Tres mujeres iraquíes se enfrentan a la horca tras un juicio sin garantía legal alguna
No a las ejecuciones
Declaración Internacional *
Tribunal BRussells (, 14 de febrero, 2025
IraqSolidaridad (, 18 de febrero, 2025
Traducido del inglés por Paloma Valverde
“A ninguna de estas tres mujeres se le ha permitido el derecho a un abogado. Los juicios a los que las sometieron eran ilegales de acuerdo con la legalidad internacional. Las tres son prisioneras de guerra con estatuto protegido según la Tercera Convención de Ginebra. Su ejecución sería no sólo ilegal y sumaria, sino completamente inmoral. La civilización del mundo repudia la pena de muerte al tiempo que los dirigentes feudales en Iraq hacen un espectáculo público de las ejecuciones.”
Wassan Talib, de 31 años, Zeynab Fadil, de 25 y Liqa Omar Muhammad de 26, todas ellas acusadas de “delitos contra la sociedad” por un gobierno que ni siquiera es capaz de suministrar electricidad a la población pero que llena las calles de cadáveres, se enfrentan a una ejecución inminente en Iraq [1]. Todas ellas están en la prisión de Kadimiya de Bagdad. Dos de ellas tienen hijos pequeños. La hija de Liqa, de un año, nació en la cárcel. Todas las mujeres niegan las acusaciones por las que se enfrentan a la horca.
El párrafo 156 del Código Penal iraquí, según el cual se las juzgó, señala que “[…] cualquier persona que cometa intencionadamente un acto con la pretensión de violar la independencia de su país o su unidad, o la seguridad de su territorio y que ese acto, por su naturaleza, implique tal violación es punible con la pena de muerte”. El gobierno títere acusa a esas mujeres de sus mismos crímenes.
Falsos tribunales
A ninguna de estas tres mujeres se le ha permitido el derecho a un abogado. Los juicios a los que las sometieron eran ilegales de acuerdo con la legalidad internacional. Las tres son prisioneras de guerra con estatuto protegido según la Tercera Convención de Ginebra. Su ejecución sería no sólo ilegal y sumaria, sino completamente inmoral. La civilización del mundo repudia la pena de muerte al tiempo que los dirigentes feudales en Iraq hacen un espectáculo público de las ejecuciones.
En un país en el que es evidente que no hay un sistema estatal o judicial, la ocupación y su gobierno marioneta utiliza, como en todos los regímenes represivos de la Historia, tribunales falsos para exterminar a quienes se le oponen. No se puede celebrar ningún juicio legal mientras no se den las condiciones para un proceso debido, al menos la presencia y la seguridad de los abogados.
Las mujeres iraquíes son la memoria de la vida de la nación de Iraq. Por el contrario, el gobierno nombrado por EEUU impone en su atraso únicamente una cultura de muerte. Mientras Iraq era el Estado más progresista de la región respecto a los derechos de la mujer, con la invasión estadounidense se abolió la legislación protectora [de la mujer]. EEUU y sus conspiradores locales, al provocar cientos de miles de viudas y reducir la vida en Iraq a la lucha por la mera supervivencia, colocaron a la mujer en el punto de mira y ahora en la horca.
Resistencia de las mujeres
Las mujeres son siempre las primeras y las últimas víctimas de la guerra. Aplaudimos los incontables actos de resistencia de la mujer iraquí, ya sea su resistencia frente a la cultura de la violación, de la tortura y del asesinato por parte de las fuerzas estadounidenses e iraquíes, su fortaleza en seguir dando vida en medio de un genocidio patrocinado por el estado, su dignidad al enterrar a sus maridos, hijos, hijas o hermanos, o sus acciones directas contra una ocupación militar, ilegal y fracasada.
Exigimos la puesta en libertad de Wassan, Zeynab y Liqa y de todos los presos y presas políticos en Iraq. Apelamos a todas las personas, organizaciones, parlamentos, trabajadores, sindicatos y Estados a retirar el reconocimiento a este gobierno iraquí pro-ocupación y sectario. Llamamos a realizar protestas de forma inmediata frente a cada embajada iraquí en el mundo. No hay honor alguno en asesinar a mujeres. La ocupación es la mayor dictadura. No son estas tres mujeres a las que se debe juzgar; sino a este gobierno y a sus pagadores extranjeros.
* Esta declaración ha sido promovida por Hana Albayaty, Ian Douglas, Abdul Ilah Albayaty, Iman Saadoon, Dirk Adriaensens y Ayse Berktay.
Además de las adhesiones individuales, la declaración cuenta con los primeros apoyos de Iraq Solidarity Association (Estocolmo), Centro Brasileiro de Solidariedade aos Povos e Luta pela Paz Cebrapaz, BRussells Tribunal Committee, International Action Center (EEUU), International Movement for a Just World (JUST), Gerald and Maas, Canadian Arab Federation, Tunisian Institute of International Relations (Paris), además de la CEOSI
Texto original en inglés en:
Nota de IraqSolidaridad:
1. Véase en IraqSolidaridad: .
Irak'ın Rahmini Asmak
İdamları Durdurun!
Irak'ta, 31 yaşındaki Wassan Talip, 25 yaşındaki Zeynep Fadıl, ve 26
yaşındaki Liqa Ömer Muhammed, yakın tarihte infazı beklenen ölüm
cezasıyla karşı karşıyalar. Üçü de, elektrik hizmeti vermeyi bile
başaramayan, ancak sokakları ölülerle dolduran bir hükümet
tarafından "kamu refahına karşı suç" işlemekle suçlanıyorlar. Üçü de
Bağdat'taki Al-Kadimiye Hapishanesi'ndeler. İkisinin yanında küçük
çocukları da var. Liqa'nin 1 yaşındaki kızı hapishanede doğdu. Üç
kadın da idam cezası yemelerine yol açan suçlamaları reddediyor.
Yargılandıkları Irak Ceza Kanunu'nun 156. Maddesine göre "ülkenin
bağımsızlığına, birliğine veya ülke topraklarının güvenliğine halel
getirmek kastıyla kendi iradesiyle eylemde bulunan herkes, bu eylem
doğası gereği böyle bir ihlale yol açtığında, ölümle cezalandırılır."
Irak'taki "kukla" hükümet bu kadınları kendi işlediği suçla
Üç kadının da avukatla bağlantı kurmasına izin verilmemiştir.
Yapılan duruşmalar, uluslararası hukuka göre, yasa dışıdır. Üç kadın
da, Cenevre Sözleşmesi kapsamında korunan haklara sahip savaş
esirleridir. İdam edilmeleri yasa dışı ve yargısız infaz olmakla
kalmayıp, aynı zamanda ahlak dışı olacaktır. Tüm dünyada uygarlık
ölüm cezasını lanetlerken Irak'ın feodal liderleri idamları teşhir
gösterileri haline getirmektedirler.
Bir devletin ya da yargı sisteminin olmadığı aşikar olan bir ülkede
işgal yönetimi ve onun kukla hükümeti, tarih boyunca bütün baskıcı
rejimlerin yaptığı gibi, muhalifleri ortadan kaldırmak için sahte
mahkemeleri kullanmaktadır. Uygar adil yargılama koşullarının
olmadığı, en azından avukatların bulunmadığı ve avukat güvencesinin
olmadığı koşullarda yasal karara varılamaz.
Iraklı kadınlar Irak ulusunun yaşama bağlılığının canlı kanıtıdır.
Oysa ABD tarafindan kurulan hükümetin, tüm geriliğiyle dayattığı
sadece ölüm kültürüdür. Bir zamanlar, bölgede, kadın hakları
açısından en ileri ülke olan Irak’ta, ABD işgaliyle birlikte
koruyucu yasalar kaldırılmıştır. Ülkede yüzbinlerce dul yaratan ve
Irak'ta yaşamı salt bir ölüm kalım mücadelesine indirgeyen Amerika
Birleşik Devletleri ve onun yerel suç ortakları önce hedef tahtasına
koydukları kadınları, şimdi de darağacına çıkartmaktadırlar.
Kadınlar her zaman savaşların ilk ve son kurbanlarıdırlar. Iraklı
kadınların, ABD ve Irak güçleri tarafindan maruz bırakıldıkları
tecavüz, işkence ve cinayetler karşısında yıkılmayarak, devlet
destekli soykırım ortasında yaşam vermeye devam etmek metanetini
göstererek, çocukları ve aileleri için, görünüşte de olsa, normal
yaşamı onurlu bir şekilde devam ettirmeye çalışarak, kocalarını,
oğullarını, kızlarını ve erkek kardeşlerini cesaretle gömerek ya da
yasa dışı ve başarısız bir askeri işgale karşı cesaretle doğrudan
eyleme geçerek gerçekleştirdikleri sayısız direniş eylemini
Wassan, Zainab ve Liqa ve Irak'taki bütün siyasi mahkumların
salıverilmesini talep ediyoruz. Bütün bireyleri, örgütleri,
parlamentoları, işçileri, sendikaları ve devletleri mevcut, işgal
yanlısı ve mezhepçi Irak hükümetini tanımaktan vaz geçmeye
çağırıyoruz. Herkesi dünya genelinde, bütün Irak elçilikleri önünde
acilen protesto eylemleri düzenlemeye çağırıyoruz. Kadınları
öldürmenin onurlu bir yanı yoktur. İşgal, diktatörlüğün en üst
biçimidir. Yargılanması gereken bu üç kadın değil mevcut hükümet ve
eline baktığı dışarıdaki patronudur..
Hana Albayaty
Ian Douglas
Abdul Ilah Albayaty
Iman Saadoon
Dirk Adriaensens
Ayşe Berktay
Statement by Hana Albayaty, Ian Douglas, Abdul Ilah Albayaty, Iman Saadoon, Dirk Adriaensens and Ayse Berktay (1 March 2025)
Update on actions to stop the execution of three Iraqi women
On 14 February we launched an appeal to halt the summary execution of three Iraqi women. Hundreds signed our statement, including numerous organizations, and demonstrations have taken place in Istanbul, Ankara, Rabat, Berlin and Stockholm, among other cities.
Wassan Talib (31), Zainab Fadhil (25) and Liqa Omar Muhammad (26) were reportedly sentenced to death on charges that amount to supporting the legitimate and legal popular resistance to occupation in Iraq.
We issue this statement now to highlight that the situation in Iraq inaugurated and sustained by a defeated occupation and its local sectarian puppet forces makes the defence of human rights practically impossible.
In Baghdad in particular, some individuals that we are regularly in contact with, and others that were contacted for this specific case, report facing the same situation, one so volatile that they cannot even verify the whereabouts or wellbeing of their own families. Unable to move, or else fleeing for their lives en masse amidst the murderous Bush-Maliki “surge”, Iraqis are enduring waves of military repression and violence.
We tried to reach the families of the three women and their lawyer. We tried to verify their convictions, the charges on which they were convicted, and their wellbeing or status. We tried to verify the date of their prospective executions, and ascertain if an appeals process is underway. Until now, despite efforts along numerous channels (including contacting legal organizations in Iraq directly, along with human rights practitioners), no information has been forthcoming from within or outside Iraq.
We continue to work on the assumption that our information is credible: that the women may be executed as early as Saturday, 3 March 2025. We ask people of conscience everywhere to continue their mobilization and bring pressure on detaining authorities - both the Iraqi government and the occupation- to release information on the three women and free them. We call for similar pressure to be placed on human rights actors to intervene.
Summary executions and arbitrary detention are high crimes under international law for which the occupation must be held accountable. We should intensify our protests and support all actions against this occupation in order to be millions in the street by 20 March 2007. It is our moral duty to end this crime now!
Hana Albayaty
Ian Douglas
Abdul Ilah Albayaty
Iman Saadoon
Dirk Adriaensens
Ayse Berktay
Statement by Hana Al Bayaty, Ian Douglas, Abdul Ilah Albayaty, Iman Saadoon, Dirk Adriaensens and Ayse Berktay (2 March 2025)
Second update on efforts to stop the
summary execution of three Iraqi women
Twenty-four hours ago we issued an urgent alert, stating that the defence of human rights in Iraq, as a result of US occupation and its sectarian puppet forces, is practically impossible. But the awareness by thousands of this fact explains the overwhelming mobilization we are witnessing in defence of three Iraqi women facing the gallows.
Individuals, intellectuals, women’s organizations, lawyers’ associations, human rights groups, trade unions and political movements effectively networked and took initiative worldwide. The popular pressure that has been built from everywhere, via numerous routes, impelled, among others:
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, on Friday 2 March, to place a direct call to Nouri El-Maliki, expressing Turkey’s alarm at the proposed execution of Wassan Talib, Zainab Fadhil and Liqa Omar Muhammad
Ann Clwyd MP, special envoy to war criminal Tony Blair on human rights in Iraq, to write to Iraqi authorities outlining her opposition to the death penalty in all cases and calling for investigations into the circumstances of the trials of the three Iraqi women
Abdullah Gul, foreign minister of Turkey, to announce that he would raise the issue of executions in Iraq in his 3 March meetings with foreign ministers of the Arab League
Luisa Morgantini, vice-president of the European Parliament, to remind the Iraqi government that no state has the right to kill and that Wassan, Zainab and Liqa are prisoners of war with protected status under the Geneva Conventions
Martin Shultz, president of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament, to remind Jalal Talabani that the European Union opposes the death penalty
Today we received information via the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention that the three Iraqi women will not be executed until an appeals court has ruled on their cases. This assurance came from Iraqi authorities. It is not enough. We demand to know the charges on which these three Iraqi women stand convicted. We demand to know the date of their appeal hearings. We demand that a public statement is made. We demand that they be afforded all due protections under international human rights and humanitarian law. If charged with resisting foreign occupation and aggression, we declare this charge illegal.
While Wassan, Zainab and Liqa are no longer anonymous, 20 million other Iraqis face imminent threats in towns and cities where occupation-sponsored death squads continue to operate with impunity and where rape and torture by US and Iraqi puppet forces is endemic. Over one million have been arbitrarily deprived of the right to life and tens of thousands more arbitrarily detained. Backward and sectarian forces have been installed in power and the achievements of the Iraqi people over the past 100 years have been reduced to ashes.
The end of oppression, of summary executions and assassinations, of arbitrary detentions, rape and torture, of mass murder, civil strife and genocide, and the destruction of civilization, culture and history, comes with the end of the occupation.
The occupation of Iraq is no less than the concrete implementation of the ideology driving the so-called war on terror; permanent war, the denial of civil liberties and the exclusion of international law from international relations that prevents the peaceful coexistence and reciprocal advancement of peoples and cultures. The depth of solidarity and defence of human dignity, justice and most basic human rights expressed in the case of these three Iraqi women is proof that humanity refuses this regression.
From Berlin to Baghdad, we salute all those that through public demonstrations, personal moral conviction, or resistance in their given situation, have linked the lives of three Iraqi women — indeed, all Iraqi women — to the dignity and resilience of the nation of Iraq under the hammer of a defeated occupation.
As 20 March 2025 — the fourth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq — approaches, we hope all stay mobilized to secure the wellbeing of Wassan, Zeinab and Liqa. We demand the liberation of all political prisoners in Iraq.
We also call for worldwide, intensifying mobilization to stop this illegal blood-soaked occupation, struggle to uphold international law by retrieving recognition from the criminal sectarian puppet Iraqi government, recognizing the Iraqi Resistance as the sole representative of the will of the Iraqi people, and demanding the unconditional and immediate withdrawal of all occupation forces.
The only solution in Iraq is the sovereignty of the Iraqi people.
We stand with millions in defence of justice. We stand with millions in defence of Iraq. Our hearts are Iraqi.
Hana Al Bayaty
Ian Douglas
Abdul Ilah Albayaty
Iman Saadoon
Dirk Adriaensens
Ayse Berktay
A short update on the status of Wassan Talib, Zainab Fadhil and Liqa Omar Muhammad, the three Iraqi women who face imminent execution:
1. This week we received from Iraq an account of a prison visit to the three women one person was able to make. We believe there is credibility to this account. The account corroborates initial information that these women were subject to unfair trials. We are trying to get precise detail on their trials in order to formally petition the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has expressed willingness to take up the case, and indeed did some checking of its own. If we gain a more detailed account, we can push the Working Group to go further. An accomplished international human rights lawyer is willing to work with us on behalf of the three women.
2. The account of the prison visit leads us to believe that the women are still alive. Another mail came to us from another source relaying that the executions have been postponed. However, we can not confirm either detail. Despite the immense response to our appeal, and all the letters and emails sent to the holding authorities, no official statement has reached us that addresses the case of these three women. We continue to seek further information.
3. The trial of Wassan and Zeinab allegedly lasted 25 minutes with no evidence or witnesses presented. Wassan, Zeinab and Liqa deny the charges brought against them.
4. The account of the prison visit confirms that the three women are held in an unsafe location, Al-Kadhimiya Prison.
5. The account of the prison visit also mentions that 16 children are in Al-Kadhimiya Prison, some of which are the children of Zainab and Liqa.
6. We cannot yet confirm what exact article of the Iraqi Penal Code the three Iraqi women were convicted under. However, the fourth woman mentioned in Amnesty International's appeal, allegedly convicted on criminal charges and facing imminent execution, is mentioned in the prison visit account as being in Al-Kadhimiya Prison and having also been subject to an unfair trial.
We believe it very necessary for all to continue in their mobilization in solidarity with Iraqi women and the struggle of the Iraqi people for independence, freedom, justice and the right to life.
The theme of this year's International Women's Day -- "Ending Impunity for Violence against Women and Girls" -- allows us to recall what is happening without censure every day in occupied Iraq: sexual abuse, humiliation, rape and torture, as well as murder. Our mobilization stands to expose the abyss between the occupation and its puppet government and the directive of the United Nations, which reads: "States have an obligation to protect women and girls from violence, to hold perpetrators accountable and to provide justice and remedies to victims. The failure to meet these obligations is unacceptable."
There is no national jurisdiction under occupation. This puppet government is in no situation to pass sentences and is unwilling and incompetent to protect these women. We call for the end of this criminal occupation and the release of Wassan, Zeinab and Liqa along with all political prisoners held illegally.
We congratulate the protests and campaigns thus far initiated against these imminent executions. We salute our Moroccan sisters and activists who staged on 5 March a 24-hour hunger strike and a sit-in outside the UN office in Rabat. It is time for us all, in our actions, to push mandated authorities, including the UN, to end their hypocrisy and complicity in the horrendous crime that is the occupation of Iraq.
We remind holding authorities that it is prohibited under international law to hold prisoners in an unsafe place, and that an international movement of solidarity is awaiting confirmation of the well being of Wassan Zeinab and Liqa.
We will update all endorsers as and when we have additional significant information. The situation in Iraq is extremely volatile and we are conscious at all times of the security and safety of those on the ground in Iraq who are assisting in our efforts.
Please keep us informed of all actions and progress you are making.
Ian Douglas
Hana Al Bayaty
Abdul Ilah Albayaty
Dirk Adriaensens
Iman Saadoon
Ayse Berktay
Amnesty International appeal:
Sayın çağrı imzacıları,
İdam tehdidiyle karşı karşıya olan üç Iraklı kadının, Wassan Talib, Zeynep
Fadıl ve Liqa
Ömer Muhammed’in durumlarıyla ilgili son bilgileri kısaca iletmek istedik.
1. Bu hafta Irak’tan, üç kadını hapishanede ziyaret etme olanağı bulan bir
kişiden haber aldık. Bilginin inanılır olduğu kanaatindeyiz. Haber üç
kadının adil olmayan bir şekilde yargılandığı bilgisini doğruluyor. BM Keyfi
Yargılamalar Çalışma Grubuna (UNWGAD) resmi başvuru yapmak için
yargılanmalarıyla ilgili kesin ayrıntılara ulaşmaya çalışıyoruz. UNWAGD
konuyu ele almaya hazır olduğunu ifade etmiş ve kendisi de duruma ilişkin
tetkikler yapmaya başlamıştır. Daha ayrıntılı bilgiler alırsak, UNWGAD’nu
daha ileri adımlar atmaya zorlamamız mümkün olacak. Tanınmış bir
uluslararası insan hakları hukukçusu üç kadın adına çalışmaya hazır olduğunu
2. Hapisane ziyaretine ilişkin bilgilere göre , üç kadının da hayatta. Bir
başka kaynaktan idamların ertelendiğine ilişkin bir mektup aldık. Ancak her
iki bilgiyi de teyid edemiyoruz. Çağrımıza gelen büyük desteğe ve sorumlu
makamlara gönderilen elimize bu üç kadının durumuyla ilgili resmi bir
açıklama ulaşmadı. Daha fazla bilgi edinmek için çalışmaya devam ediyoruz.
3. Wassan, Zeynep ve Liqa’nın duruşmasının 25 dakika sürdüğü, duruşmada hiç
bir kanıt veya tanık sunulmadığı söyleniyor. Wassan, Zeynep ve Liqa
kendilerine yöneltilen suçlamaları reddediyorlar.
4. Hapisahane ziyaretiyle ilgili bilgi üç kadının güvenli olmayan koşullar
altında, Al Kazimiye Hapishanesinde tutulmakta olduğunu doğruluyor.
5. Hapishane ziyaretiyle ilgili bilgide Al Kazimiye’de Zeynep ve Liqa’nın
çocuklarıyla birlikte 16 çocuk bulunduğundan söz ediliyor.
6. Üç kadının Irak Ceza Kanununun tam olarak hangi maddesinden hüküm
giydiğini henüz teyid edemedik. Ancak hapishane ziyaretinden gelen bilgide,
Uluslararası Af Örgütü’nün çağrısında cinayetle suçlandığı söylenen ve her
an idam edilebileceği bildirilen dördüncü kadının da Al Kazimiye
Hapishanesinde olduğunu ve onun da adil olmayan bir şekilde yargılandığı
Iraklı kadınlarla ve Irak halkının bağımsızlık, özgürlük, adalet ve yaşama
hakkı için verdiği mücadeleyle dayanışmak için girişilen bütün çaba ve
eylemliliklerin sürdürülmesinin çok gerekli olduğuna inanıyoruz.
Bu yıl için belirlenen Uluslararası Kadınlar Günü’nün teması -- “Kadına
ve kız çocuklarına karşı şiddetin cezasız kalmasına son” – bize işgal
altındaki Irak’ta her gün hiç engellenmeden nelerin meydana gelmekte
olduğunu bir kez daha hatırlamamıza neden oluyor: cinsel taciz, aşağılanma,
tecavüz ve işkence ve cinayet. Giriştiğimiz çabalar işgal ve kukla hükümeti
ile Birleşmiş Milletler talimatı arasındaki uçurumu ortaya koyuyor. BM
talimatı şöyle diyor: “(Üye) Devletler kadınları ve kız çocuklarını şiddete
karşı korumak, bu suçu işleyenleri yargılamak, mağdurlara adalet ve tazminat
sağlamakla yükümlüdür. Bu yükümlülüklerin yerine getirilmemesi, hiç bir
gerekçeyle kabul edilemez.”
İşgal altında ulusal yargı sistemi yoktur. Bu kukla hükümet cezaya
hükmedecek konumda değildir, bu kadınları korumak konusunda isteksiz ve
acizdir. Çağrımız bu işgalin sona ermesi, Wassan, Zeynep ve Liqa ve hukuk
dışı bir şekilde tutulmakta olan bütün siyasi tutukluların serbest
bırakılması çağrısıdır.
Bu idamlara karşı şu ana kadar yapılmış protesto ve kampanyaları
selamlıyoruz. 5 Mart’ta Rabat’taki Birleşmiş Milletler temsilciliği önünde
24 saatlik bir oturma eylemi ve açlık grevi yapan Faslı kızkardeşlerimizi
selamlıyoruz. Şimdi hepimizin, her türlü çaba ve eylemlerimizle, Birleşmiş
Milletler de dahil tüm yetkili otoriteleri, ikiyüzlü davranışlarına son
vermeye, korkunç bir suç olan Irak’ın işgaline suç ortaklığı yapmaya son
vermeye zorlamalıyız.
Tutukluları elinde tutan makamlara, tutukluları güvenli olmayan yerlerde
tutmanın uluslararası hukukça yasaklanmış olduğunu ve uluslararası bir
dayanışma hareketinin Wassan, Zeynep ve LiQa’nın iyi olduğunun teyit
edilmesini beklediğini hatırlatırız.
Elimize anlamlı yeni bilgiler ulaştıkça, çağrı imzacılarını
bilgilendireceğiz. Irak’ta insanların güvenlikten yoksun olduğu ve her an
her şeyin olabildiği bir ortam egemen. Çabalarımıza Irak’tan destek
olanların güvenliğini ve emniyetini hep hesaba katmak durumundayız.
Lütfen giriştiğiniz çabalar, eylemler ve kaydettiğiniz ilerleme konusunda
bizleri haberdar edin.
Ian Douglas
Hana Al Bayaty
Abdul Ilah Albayaty
Dirk Adriaensens
Iman Saadoon
Ayşe Berktay
Uluslararası Af Örgütü’nün Çağrısı (İngilizce):
July 28, 2025
to Amnesty International. at least nine Iraqi women risk being executed at
any moment. Three other women have been executed since the beginning of
June. The women, whose execution may be immanent, have been moved to a
special section of the Khadimya women´s prison. One of the women, Samar
Sa´ad, maintains that she was forced to ”confess” to the murder of relatives
after torture by electric chock in the Hay-al-Khadra police station in
Baghdad. Her testimony resulted in two hearings, but no investigation was
carried out. For more details see Amnesty International´s information about
the women:
The women are:
the first half of 2025 there was a broad international campaign against the
execution of 4 women, three of whom were accused of “offences against the
public welfare”. It was pointed out that none of the women had been able to
consult with lawyers and that none of them admitted to having committed the
crimes they were accused of at sham trials. The campaign was successful in
stopping the executions. Two of the women, Wassan Talib and Samar Sa ád
Abdullah, are now again facing execution.
More than 1000 executions are
estimated to have been carried out in
We are deeply shaken and
angered about the absence of rights in
Stop the executions of the Iraqi women! Make public all information
about the women!
Recognize all the legal rights of the women! Guarantee a stop for the rapes
and torture!
Stop all executions in
We encourage political parties, parliamentarians, organisations and
individuals to protest
immediately to the Presidential
Council in Iraq (consisting of President Jalal Talabai, Vice-Presidents
Tariq al-Hashimi and Vice-President Adil 'Abdul Mahd), the Prime Minister
Nuri al-Malaki as well as the US President Barrack Obama and Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton.
contact: - Web site:
(Written For the International Anti-Occupation Network)
Sigyn Meder
Translation: Mike Powers
Read also the "Urgent
appeal on the pending execution of nine Iraqi women"
On July 29 and 30, a delegation organized by the group "Woman Solidarity for an Independent and Unified Iraq" delivered an urgent appeal to a number of Arab League countries through their embassies in London. They were received by diplomats in Syrian and Qatari embassies and by officials in the Egyptian, and Saudi Arabian embassies. Copies of the appeal were sent to members of the British and European parliaments and to American human rights organisations. The appeal is for an urgent intervention to stop the imminent execution of nine Iraqi women.
Nidhal al-Tabatabai (Engineer), Maha al-Shakarchi (Researcher), Dr. Nawal al-Obeidi (Geologist), Dr. Beatrice Boctor (Doctor), Intisar Ubaydi (Pharmacist), Rana Al-Shabibi (Lawyer), Henriette Khoury (Pharmacist), Malak Hamdan (Engineer), Tahrir Numan (activist), Thuraya Mohamed (Teacher), Sawsan Assaf ( Academic), Lamees Ibrahim ( Microbiologist), Haifa Zangana (writer)