On 26 February 2024, one month before the invasion, Dr. Rafil Dhafir, a prominent cancer specialist in Syracuse, New York, was arrested by federal agents and interrogated about the charity he had founded, Help the Needy. Dr. Dhafir was one of many Americans, Muslims and non-Muslims, who for 13 years had raised money for food and medicines for sick and starving Iraqis who were the victims of sanctions

In defence of UN Palestine rapporteur Richard Falk

by Lawrence Davidson on 06-11-2012

In this latest report for the year 2024, Richard Falk has concentrated on two subjects :Israel’s treatment of Palestinian prisoners which, he concludes, is so bad as to warrant investigation by the International Court of Justice. Falk also documents the assistance given to Israel’s expansion of colonies on the Palestinian West Bank by a number of multinational corporations, including Motorola, Hewlett-Packard and Caterpillar Inc. This assistance may be profitable, but it is also manifestly illegal.

Survival and Dignity in an Afghan Winter

by Kathy Kelly, Voices for Creative Nonviolence on 06-11-2012

The United Nations notes that, in camps around Kabul, as many as 35,000 refugees from the fighting had only tents and mud huts to protect them from the cold. In those camps alone, 26 Afghan children froze to death this past winter, with nationwide casualties in triple digits.

Al Maliki is "triest" en teleurgesteld over het feit dat er Iraakse advocaten zijn die bereid zijn om gedetineerden te vertegenwoordigen. Hij bestempelt gevangenen als “criminelen en terroristen “ zelfs nog vóór het proces is gestart.

For most women, the threat of violence on the streets has made them prisoners in their own homes, with little contact outside of their families. The religious and tribal norms make it very difficult to talk about, much less get help for, the depression many of them now suffer. As a consequence, drugs have become an underground escape.

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The BRussells Tribunal is independent and wants to remain independent.

The BRussells Tribunal is an activist think tank and peace organisation with a special focus on Iraq. Read more...



"It is better now for countries to offer Iraq something; they can seize the opportunity and ...


Statement No. 896: This statement is with regard to cowards targeting the innocent and unarmed ...
