Obama has overseen the largest military budget since WWII; an eight-fold increase in drone strikes; special forces operations in at least 134 countries, twice as many as under Bush

Classifying the photos does not change the fact that the atrocities happened.

Ruling, which was attacked by the defence secretary and chief of the defence staff, leaves MoD open to compensation claims

America's military adventures have fueled a global explosion of terrorism and a historic breakdown of law and order.


by Eric Margolis on 09-12-2013

Afghanistan’s US-installed current ruler, Hamid Karzai, a former CIA “asset,” may stay on after 2025 or be replaced by another US-designated president. Change the title of president to king, and, voila!, Iraq’s puppet king, Faisal.

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The BRussells Tribunal is independent and wants to remain independent.

The BRussells Tribunal is an activist think tank and peace organisation with a special focus on Iraq. Read more...

Killed 28 civilians and seven others were injured as a result of government air raid targeted homes ...


AMSI condemned this action, and sees it as a step of incremental steps being taken to the ...


All this makes the current war a preventive one, which international law tends to consider ...
