The Desire for Change Iraqi demonstrations mark the tenth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq! The Iraq Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) Written by: Ismaeel Dawood and Terry Kay Rockefeller 18/01/2013
تم أطلاق سراح الثلاثة الآخرين الذين ألقي القبض عليهم برفقة عدي الزيدي مساء يوم الأحد المصادف 27 كانون الثاني 2024 ، بعد تعرضهم للضرب العنيف والصعق بالكهرباء.
The question “How many times did you blow yourself up?” refers to a prisoner who under duress and in order to prevent his interrogators from torturing him admitted that he had blown himself up several times. Find out why Iraqis are revolting against this corrupted government