Obama has overseen the largest military budget since WWII; an eight-fold increase in drone strikes; special forces operations in at least 134 countries, twice as many as under Bush
Even if the bombs bursting over Iraq or elsewhere don’t solve anything, even when they make things worse, they still make a president look, well, presidential.
It is equally disheartening to see how the concepts of “culture” and “diversity” are being abused and deployed by those who run the multi-national corporations that not only do not give a damn about culture and diversity, but in fact would do everything in their power to exploit such concepts to normalize the cancerous culture that is destroying everything meaningful and colorful in our world.
merica and Britain destroyed Iraq for them, lynched the country's President for them, created five million orphans, five million displaced, over a million widows and now upper figures of over one and a half million dead for them. They created mass graves on an industrial scale for them, with people's beloveds buried in car parks, gardens, patios and football pitches - but now they are in the hands of ISIS (the self proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) they pose barely a "minimal risk" say US government spokespeople. We are talking of course, chemical weapons.
69 Palestinians Killed, of Whom 60 Are Civilians, Including 22 Children and 13 Women, and 469 Others Wounded, Mostly Civilians, Including 166 Children and 85 Women; Driver of Press Vehicle Killed; 70 Houses Destroyed