by BRussells Tribunal on 03-09-2011

PART 1: Assassinated Iraqi Media Professionals: 1 - 200

PART 2: Assassinated Iraqi Media Professionals: 201 - 352: click here

PART 3: Journalists Killed Non-Iraqi: click here

PART 4: Journalists who died of non-violent causes: click here

PART5:  Kidnapped journalists: click here

more details here


Nr Name Profession Date Incident Age G Source
1 Qomran Abdul Razzaq translator in the BBC 6/04/2003 killed when the American troops bombed a Kurdish convoy in the north of Iraq  25 M 06.04.2003 - Kamaran Abdurazaq Muhamed, translator, BBC
2 Unknown interpreter Iraqi interpreter working for Malaysian journalists 12/04/2003 killed when gunmen ambushed and kidnapped the group in Baghdad.   M  
3 Waleed Khalifa Hassan Al-Dulami Elisabeth Neuffer's translator 9/05/2003 died in the accident where Elisabeth Neuffer died, near Samarra.   M  
4 Aqeel Mohammad Rasheed Al-Janabi editor in chief of Al-Faiha newspaper 24/06/2003 killed by knife stabs in his town Hilla   M  
5 Ahmad Kareem reporter , Kurdistan Satellite Channel 25/08/2003 shot and killed by U.S. forces outside the bureau's office along the Tigris River.    M 02.07.2003 - Ahmad Karim, Kurdistan Satellite TV
6 Ahmad Shawkat editor in Bila-Itijah weekly 28/10/2003 killed by two armed men who raided his house and shot him   M 28.10.2003 - Ahmed Shawkat, Bila Ittijah
7 Ali Adnan Security Guard Al-Arabiya 30/10/2003 A car bomb exploded in front Al-Arabiya's Baghdad bureau, killing Ali Adnan, a security guard; Hassan Alwan, an engineer; kitchen staff members Ramziya Moushee and Alahin Hussein; and Nabil Hussein, a gardener. Al-Arabiya said 14 other bureau employees, a   M  
8 Hassan Alwan Engineer Al-Arabiya 30/10/2003 A car bomb exploded in front Al-Arabiya's Baghdad bureau   M  
9 Ramziya Moushee Kitchen staff member Al-Arabiya 30/10/2003 A car bomb exploded in front Al-Arabiya's Baghdad bureau   V  
10 Alahin Hussein Kitchen staff member Al-Arabiya 30/10/2003 A car bomb exploded in front Al-Arabiya's Baghdad bureau   V  
11 Nabil Hussein Gardener Al-Arabiya 30/10/2003 A car bomb exploded in front Al-Arabiya's Baghdad bureau   M  
12 Doraid Issa Mohamad translator and producer in CCN 27/01/2004 shot in an ambush in Baghdad outskirts 27 M 27.01.2004 - Duraid Isa Mohammed, producer and translator, CNN
13 Yassir Khattab driver with CNN 27/01/2004 shot in an ambush in Baghdad outskirts 25 M 27.01.2004 - Yasser Khatab, driver, CNN
14 Abdul Sattar Abdul Kareem photographer 1/02/2004 killed in Arbeel when the offices of the Kurdistan National Union and the Kurdistan Democratic Party were attacked   M  
15 Ayoob Mohamad Salih cameraman, Kurdistan Satellite Channel 1/02/2004 killed in Arbeel when the offices of the Kurdistan National Union and the Kurdistan Democratic Party were attacked   M  
16 Ghareeb Mohamad Salih cameraman KSC 1/02/2004 killed in Arbeel when the offices of the Kurdistan National Union and the Kurdistan Democratic Party were attacked   M  
17 Heiman Mohamad Salih cameraman in Qulan TV 1/02/2004 killed in Arbeel when the offices of the Kurdistan National Union and the Kurdistan Democratic Party were attacked   M  
18 Kamiran Mohamad Omar freelancer 1/02/2004 killed in Arbeel when the offices of the Kurdistan National Union and the Kurdistan Democratic Party were attacked   M  
19 Mahdi Khashnaw Nassree, Kurdish newspaper, editor in chief 1/02/2004 killed in Arbeel when the offices of the Kurdistan National Union and the Kurdistan Democratic Party were attacked   M  
20 Mahdi Saad Abdulla Thiraeei newspaper editor-in-Chief 1/02/2004 killed in Arbeel when the offices of the Kurdistan National Union and the Kurdistan Democratic Party were attacked   M  
21 Nassih Saleem freelancer 1/02/2004 killed in Arbeel when the offices of the Kurdistan National Union and the Kurdistan Democratic Party were attacked   M  
22 Safeer Nadir camera man in Qulan TV (KDP),  1/02/2004 killed in Arbeel when the offices of the Kurdistan National Union and the Kurdistan Democratic Party were attacked   M  
23 Salah Saidak Itihad editor–in-Chief 1/02/2004 killed in Arbeel when the offices of the Kurdistan National Union and the Kurdistan Democratic Party were attacked   M  
24 Shawkat Sheikh Yazdeen  publisher 1/02/2004 killed in Arbeel when the offices of the Kurdistan National Union and the Kurdistan Democratic Party were attacked   M  
25 Simko Kareem Mohiddeen free Lance cameraman 1/02/2004 killed in Arbeel when the offices of the Kurdistan National Union and the Kurdistan Democratic Party were attacked   M  
26 Mahmood Awad Hamadi Al-Jazeera newspaper editor-in-Chief 2/03/2004 killed by the American troops in Falluja 33 M  
27 Selwan Abdelghani Medhi al-Niemi freelance translator working for the U.S.-funded Voice of America  5/03/2004 fatally shot while driving home from a relative's house. His mother and 4-year-old daughter were also killed. VOA said a motive had not been established. Al-Niemi's wife, Ban Adil Serhan, a former translator for the U.S.-based media company Knight-Ridder, told CPJ that she believes she was also an intended target _ and that the assailants mistook al-Niemi's mother for her.   M  
28 Majeed Rasheed technician in IMN  18/03/2004 shot by armed men in Diyala (Baquba)   M 18.03.2004 - Majid Rachid, technician, Diyala Television
29 Mohamad Ahmad Sarhan Security agent with IMN 18/03/2004 shot by armed men in Diyala (Baquba)   M 18.03.2004 - Mohamad Ahmad, security agent, Diyala Television
30 Ali Abdul Azziz cameraman, Al-Arabiya Satellite  18/03/2004 shot by the American troops 35 M 18.03.2004 - Ali Abdel Aziz, Al-Arabiya
31 Ali Al-Khateeb Al-Arabiya correspondent 18/03/2004 shot by the American troops in Baghdad 32 M 18.03.2004 - Ali Al-Khatib, Al-Arabiya
32 Nadia Nasrat announcer in the Iraqi Media Net  18/03/2004 shot by armed men in Diyala (Baquba)   F 18.03.2004 - Nadia Nasrat, Diyala Television
33 Burhan Mohamad Mazhoor cameraman, ABC  26/03/2004 shot by the American troops in Falluja 34 M 26.03.2004 - Bourhan Mohammad al-Louhaybi , ABC News
34 Omar Hashim Kamil reporter, Time magazine  26/03/2004 shot by armed men in Baghdad   M 26.03.2004 - Omar Hashim Kamal, translator, Time
35 As'ad Kadim Iraqiya TV reporter  19/04/2004 shot by the American troops In Samarra, with his driver   M 19.04.2004 - Assad Kadhim, Al-Iraqiya TV
36 Husein Salih driver, Al-Iraqiya  19/04/2004 shot by the American troops in Samarra    M 29.04.2004 - Hussein Saleh, driver, Al-Iraquiya TV
37 Rasheed Hamid Wali cameraman in Al-Jazeera news channel  21/05/2004 shot by unknown fire source, in Karbala   M 21.05.2004 - Rachid Hamid Wali, cameraman assistant, Al-Jazira
38 Unknown Translator 25/05/2004     M 25.05.2004 - Unknown, translator
39 Muhammad Aldin interpreter working for Japanese freelance journalists Shinsuke Hashida and Kotaro Ogawa 27/05/2004 killed along with the two journalists when their car was attacked by gunmen in Mahmoudiya, 20 miles (30 kilometers) south of Baghdad, according to news reports. (Agence France-Presse (AFP) listed the interpreter as Mohamed Najmedin   M 27.05.2004 - Muhammad Aldin, translator, Le Soir
40 Mahmood Ismael Dawood reporter, Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed newspaper 29/05/2004 shot by armed men in Baghdad   M 29.05.2004 - Mahmoud Ismael Daood, bodyguard, Al-Sabah al-Jadid
41 Samiya Abd al-Jabir administrator and technician, Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed 29/05/2004  shot by unknown armed men in Baghdad    F 29.05.2004 - Samia Abdeljabar, driver, Al-Sabah al-Jadid
42 Sahar Saad  Al-Noaimi reporter in Meezan and Al-Hayat Al-Jadida  3/06/2004 killed when a grenade was thrown on his car in Kerkuk   F 03.06.2004 - Sahar Saad Eddine Nouami, Al-Mizan, Al-Khaima, Al-Hayat Al-Gadida
43 Abdel Karim Jassem technician of Al-Iraqiya TV station 12/06/2004 Killed in Al Qaim [source: IBC]   M  
44 Jawad Kassem Hamadi driver of Al-Iraqiya TV station 12/06/2004 Killed in Al Qaim [source: IBC]   M  
45 Husam Ali freelance cameraman  15/08/2004 killed in Falluja by unknown armed men   M 15.08.2004 - Hossam Ali, freelance
46 Mahmood Hamid Abbass cameraman, German TV  15/08/2004 shot by unknown armed men in Fallujah 32 M 15.08.2004 - Mahmoud Hamid Abbas, ZDF
47 Isam Hadi Muhsin Al-Shumary Cameraman Südost Media 15/08/2004 Still missing, probably killed   M 
48 Ali Jabir Iraqi journalist accompanying the Italian journalist Enzo Baldini 21/08/2004 killed by armed men near Najaf, after the Italian journalist was kidnapped   M  
49 Jamal Tafeeq Salman photographer, Gazeta Wyborcza August 25, 2025 25/08/2004 shot by unknown armed men in Baghdad    M 25.08.2004 - Jamal Tawfiq Salmane, Gazeta Wyborcza
50 Ghareeb driver working for freelance journalist Enzo Baldoni 28/08/2004 The driver and Baldoni were ambushed by gunmen while traveling outside Baghdad, accordinmg to news reports and CPJ sources. The two were reported missing on August 20. They were believed to be heading to the southern city of Najaf, where U.S. forces had battled with Shiite insurgents for several weeks   M  
51 Ismael Tahir Mohsin reporter for AP  2/09/2004 shot near his house by unknown armed men   M 02.09.2004 - Ismaïl Taher Mohsin, Associated Press
52 Ahmad Jasim reporter, Al-Iraqiya  7/10/2004 shot by unknown armed men   M 7.10.2004 - Ahmad Jassem, Nivive television
53 Dina Mohamad Hassan reporter to Al-Huriya TV 14/10/2004 killed in Adhamiya by armed men 38 F 14.10.2004 - Dina Mohamad Hassan, Al Hurriya Television
54 Karam Hussein photographer  14/10/2004 Pressphoto, killed in Mosul   M 14.10.2004 - Karam Hussein, European Pressphoto Agency
55 Liqa' Abdul Razzaq newsreader in Al-Sharqiya TV  27/10/2004 killed by unknown armed men in Baghdad   F 27.10.2004 - Liqaa Abdul-Razzaq, Al-Sharqiya
56 Unknown translator translator 27/10/2004 Gunmen killed Liqaa Abdul-Razzaq, an Iraqi news reader, and her translator on their way home from work at al-Sharqiya television in Baghdad.    M  
57 Nasralla Al-Dawoodi editor-in-chief of Al-Iraq Daily  30/10/2004 killed by unknown armed men in Baghdad 55 M  
58 Ali Adnan technician, Al-Arabiya  30/10/2004 car bomb targeted Al-Arabiya office   M  
59 Hassan Alwan Al Dehlegi Al-Arabiya  30/10/2004 car bomb targeted Al-Arabiya office 30 M  
60 Nabeel hassan Al-Arabiya  30/10/2004 car bomb targeted Al-Arabiya office   M  
61 Ramziya Moushi Al-Arabiya  30/10/2004 car bomb targeted Al-Arabiya office   F  
62 Alahin Hussein Al-Arabiya  30/10/2004 car bomb targeted Al-Arabiya office   F  
63 Wadallah Sarhan editor-in-chief Akhbar Al-Mosul 1/11/2004 killed by unknown armed men near his home   M  
64 Dhia Najim cameraman, Reuters 1/11/2004 shot by an American sniper in his head when he was covering the fighting between armed men and the American troops 47 M 01.11.2004 - Dhia Najim, Reuters
65 Maisoon Abdul Hafidh editing designer, in Al-Jumhoriya newspaper  10/01/2005 killed near her office in Baghdad   F  
66 Muayd Sámi editor-in-chief of the Parliament news paper in Baquba  13/01/2005 killed by unknown armed men   M  
67 Ali Dhia Hassan reporter in al-Nahdha newspaper  16/01/2005 shot by unknown armed men in Baghdad 27 M  
68 Huda Dhia Hassan Ali Dhia Hassan's sister, reporter in Nahdha newspaper  16/01/2005 shot by unknown armed men in Baghdad    F  
69 Fadhil Hussein Al-Khafaji reporter in Al-Da'wa newspaper  30/01/2005 killed by unknown armed men in Baghdad   M  
70 Dawod Qassim reporter, The German Radio  4/02/2005 killed with his wife and father by unknown armed men in Baghdad   M  
71 Abdul Hussein el-Fayath Al-Hurra satellite channel reporter 9/02/2005 killed with his son,3, by unknown armed men in Basra 40 M 09.02.2005 - Abdel Hussein Khazaal, Al-Hurra TV
72 Dler Karam Ali  Kurdish journalist working for the Al-Ittihad Al-Isalmi and Al-Ofoq Al-Islami newspapers 12/02/2005 shot and injured by US forces on the road between Baghdad and Darbandikhan, in Northern Iraq. He died 3 days later in hospital. He was passing through a US military checkpoint on his way to cover the elections when US soldiers on duty asked the car to stop, the driver refused and the soldiers started shooting at the car, seriously injuring Karam Ali.   M  
73 Unidentified driver driver working for Mohammad Sherif Ali, an Iraqi journalist working for Al-Hurra, a U.S.-funded Arabic television station 25/02/2005 killed when gunmen attacked their car in Iskandiriyah, a town about 50 kilometers (31 miles) south of Baghdad. Ali was seriously injured in the attack.   M  
74 Raida Al-Wazzan announcer in Al-Iraqiya satellite TV  28/02/2005 killed by unknown armed men in Mosul 35 F 25.02.2005 - Raeda Mohammed Wageh Wazzan, Iraqiya
75 Laiq Ibrahim Nowruz Al-Kakaie reporter in Kurdistan radio  10/03/2005 killed by unknown armed men in Kerkuk   M 10.03.2005 - Laik Ibrahim, Kurdistan-TV
76 Husan Hilal Sarsam cameraman in Kurdistan TV  14/03/2005 killed by unknown armed men in Mosul 27 M 14.03.2005 - Houssam Hilal Sarsam, Kurdistan-TV
77 Ali Ibrahim Issa cameraman, Al-Hurriya TV  14/04/2005 killed in an explosion near the interior ministry in Baghdad   M 14.04.2005 - Ali Abrahim Aissa, Al-Hurriya TV
78 Fadhil Hazim Fadhil Al-Hurriya TV reporter   14/04/2005 killed in an explosion near the interior ministry in Baghdad 35 M 14.04.2005 - Fadel Hazem Fadel, Al-Hurriya TV
79 Ahmad Abdul Jabbar Hashim reporter in Al-Sabah Daily  1/04/2005 kidnapped and killed by unknown armed men   M 01.04.2005 - Ahmed Jabbar Hashim, Al Sabah
80 Shadman Abdullah Izzedine  a prominent personality on Kirkuk TV 15/04/2005 Unidentified assailants gunned down Izzedine and Abdullah, as they were driving on the main highway from Kirkuk to Baghdad. Kurdish journalists in Kirkuk said that their car was fired on by a group of armed men driving in a black Nissan. Local journalists also said that Kirkuk TV's anti-insurgent stance has made it vulnerable to attack from armed groups, and they believe Izzedine was targeted for his work with the station.   M 15.04.2005 - Shamal Abdallah Assad, Kirkuk TV, Kurdsat
81 Laiq Abdullah  assistant of Shadman Abdullah Izzedine 15/04/2005 Unidentified assailants gunned down Izzedine and Abdullah, as they were driving on the main highway from Kirkuk to Baghdad. Kurdish journalists in Kirkuk said that their car was fired on by a group of armed men driving in a black Nissan. Local journalists also said that Kirkuk TV's anti-insurgent stance has made it vulnerable to attack from armed groups, and they believe Izzedine, a prominent personality on Kirkuk TV, was targeted for his work with the station.   M  
82 Ahmed Al Rubai'i  reporter and editor at the U.S.-backed daily Al-Sabah who also worked in the media department of the Iraqi National Assembly  15/04/2005 disappeared in mid-April and is presumed dead. No body has been found. However, his press pass was found in the possession of several criminals arrested in June, and they told authorities that he had been beheaded because he was a "traitor." his newspaper work, al-Rubai'i became a media officer for the National Assembly a few months before his disappearance.   M  
83 Salih Ibrahim AP reporter  23/04/2005 killed in an explosion targeting the American troops in Baghdad   M 23.04.2005 - Saleh Ibrahim, Associated Press
84 Najat Mohamad Karim administrator, in Dijla radio  26/04/2005 targeted by a sniper in his office in Baghdad   M  
85 Qasim Mohamad guard, Dijla radio 26/04/2005 targeted by a sniper in his office in Baghdad   M  
86 Ahmad Adam Mostafa journalist and writer in Al-Mada Daily  15/05/2005 slaughtered by unknown armed men in Yousfiya   M 15.05.2005 - Ahmad Adam, Al-Madaa and Sabah
87 Ali Jassem Al Rumi freelance reporter 15/05/2005 slaughtered by unknown armed men in Yousfiya   M  
88 Najim Abid Khudheir freelance reporter 15/05/2005 slaughtered by unknown armed men in Yousfiya   M 15.05.2005 - Najem Abed Khodair, Al-Madaa and Tariq al-Shaab
89 Jerges Mohammed Sultan journalist of Al-Iraqiya 31/05/2005 killed near his house by unknown armed men   M  
90 Haydar Al-Jourani reporter of Al-da'wa newspaper In Najaf 1/06/2005 killed by the American troops in the fighting with the Mahdi Army   M  
91 Muhammad Khalaf Reporter 10/06/2005 Saadi Khalaf, an Oil Ministry employee; Muhammad Khalaf, a reporter, Esam Fadhil, their cousin, found bound, tortured, gunshot wounds in Dora, Baghdad.[source: IBC]   M  
92 Ahmad Khalid Sultan reporter of Al-Sad newspaper, member of Young Journalists Association   17/06/2005 killed by unknown armed men west of Baghdad   M  
93 Jasim Al-Qaissi reporter in Al-Siyada newspaper  22/06/2005 killed in his car with his son north of Baghdad   M 22.06.2005 - Jassim Al Qais, Al Siyada
94 Jasim Al-Sheikhly freelance journalist  22/06/2005 killed by unknown armed men   M  
95 Maha Ibrahim editor-in-chief, Baghdad TV  26/06/2005 shot by the American troops in Baghdad   F 03.07.2005 - Maha Ibrahim, Baghdad TV
96 Ahmad Wa'il Al-bakri TV director in Al-Sharqiya TV 28/06/2005 shot by the American troops in Baghdad   M 28.06.2005 - Wael Al Bakri, Al Charkiyah
97 Yassir Al-Salihi reporter to an American media group Night Ridder 30/06/2005 shot in his car by the American troops 30 M 22.06.2005 - Yasser Al Salihy, Knight Ridder
98 Hadi Hassan Al-Shamari editing secretary Biladi magazine  1/07/2005 killed by unknown armed men   M  
99 Khalid Sabih Al-Attar producer and presenter in Al-Iraqiya TV  1/07/2005 kidnapped and killed by unknown armed men in Mosul 43 M 01.07.2005 - Khaled Sabih al Attar, al-Iraqia
100 Haider Karim Azawi INNA journalist  2/07/2005 Journalist shot dead by US forces in Baghdad [source: IBC]   M  
101 Adnan Al-Bayati producer and presenter in the Italian TV  23/07/2005 killed in his house in Baghdad by unknown armed men   M 23.07.2005 - Adnan Al Bayati, Rai, Mediaset, TG3 and Panorama
102 Nouriya Itais translator of Steven Vincent 2/08/2005 kidnapped and shot down by unknown armed men   F  
103 Abdul Qadir Mohamad Al-Badrani reporter in Iraqiyoon News Agency, worked also for Reuters, was married and had 3 children. 8/08/2005 shot by the US and Iraqi troops in Falluja 31 M  
104 Unknown Iraqi journalist Unknown 10/08/2005 In another development, an Iraqi journalist was shot dead by Iraqi soldiers as he was driving his car near their patrol on a main road in Fallujah, local residents said.   M  
105 Zaid Mohamad Salloom Al-Zubaidi driver in Al-Hurra news channel  12/08/2005 killed by unknown armed men south of Baghdad   M  
106 Rafed Al Rubaii Al Irakiya 27/08/2005     M 27.08.2005 - Rafed Al Rubaii, Al Irakiya
107 Rafid Mahmood Said al-Anbagy radio presenter in Diyala, IMN  27/08/2005 killed by unknown armed men in Al-Gatoon area   M  
108 Raed Mahmud TV director/journalist in Baquba 27/08/2005 Shot down in Baquba [source: IBC]   M  
109 Hayder Kadhim reporter, Reuters  29/08/2005 shot by the American troops in Hay Al-Adil in Baghdad while he was covering the fighting   M  
110 Walid Khaled Ibrahim reporter, Reuters  29/08/2005 shot by the American troops in Hay Al-Adil in Baghdad while he was covering the fighting 35 M 28.08.2005 - Waleed Khaled, Reuters TV
111 Firas Al-Ma'adhidi Al-Safeer newspaper reporter  16/09/2005 killed by unknown armed men in Mosul  40 M 21.09.2005 - Firas Al-Maadhidi, Al-Safir
112 Sabah Mohssin Al-Iraqiya 17/09/2005     M 17.09.2005 - Sabah Mohssin, Al-Iraqiya 
113 Haydar Fakhir Al-Tamimi New York Times reporter and director of Al-Mirbad News Channel  19/09/2005 kidnapped and killed in Basra 38 M 19.09.2005 - Fakher Haydar Al-Tamimi, New York Times
114 Hind Ismael Al-Safeer newspaper reporter in Mosul  20/09/2005 killed by unknown armed men 28 F 20.09.2005 - Hind Ismail, Al-Safir
115 Ahlam Yousif Tv engineer, Al-Iraqiya TV  22/09/2005 killed in Mosul by unknown armed men   F 21.09.05 - Ahlam Youssef , Al-Iraqiya TV 
116 Bassem al-Fadli manager of Al-Iraqiya TV station 22/09/2005 killed in Mosul by unknown armed men   M  
117 Sabah Salmane journalist 1/09/2005   M  
118 Mohamad Haroon Al-Fatlawi secretary general of Iraqi Journalists Union, editor-in-chief of Al-Qadhiya Daily 19/10/2005 killed by unknown armed men in Baghdad 37 M 19.10.2005 - Mohamed Haroun, Union of Iraqi Journalists general secretary
119 Ahmad Hussein Al-Maliki reporter in Tallafar newspaper  7/11/2005 kidnapped for two months then killed by unknown armed men in Musol   M 07.11.2005 - Ahmed Hussein Al Maliki, Tall Afar
120 Akeel Abdul Ridha Al-Iraqiya 28/11/2005 killed by unknown armed men 55 M 28.11.2005 - Akeel Abdul Rwdha, AL-Iraqia
121 Muqdad Muhsin Al-Iraqiya 28/11/2005 killed by unknown armed men   M  
122 Abdul Salaam Ahmad reporter in Al-Soumariya TV  10/12/2005 killed by unknown armed men in Baghdad    M  
123 Khalid Muhammad Al-Iraqiyah TV station employee 27/12/2005 killed by unknown armed men in Baghdad   M  
124 Alan Anoi translator, Christian Science Monitor 7/01/2006 killed when the American journalist Jill Carol was kidnapped in Baghdad 33 M 10.01.2006 - Allan Enwiyah, American journalist Jill Carroll’s interpreter
125 Sarmad Salman freelance sports reporter  10/01/2006 kidnapped and killed by armed men in Baghdad   M  
126 Mahmood Za'al reporter  Baghdad TV  14/01/2006 killed by the American troops in Khaldiya 35 M 25.01.2006 - Mahmoud Zaal, Television cameraman at Baghdad TV satellite channel
127 Luaay Salam Radeef Al-Baghdadia 16/01/2006     M 16.01.2006 - Luaay Salam Radeef, Al-Baghdadia Cameraman
128 Hamza Hussein sports reporter, Al-Diyar TV 22/01/2006 killed in a car bomb in Baghdad 18 M 23.01.2006 - Hamza Hussein, sport journalist at private TV station Al-Diyar
129 Abdul Razzaq A-Na'as writer and professor of journalism in Baghdad university  29/01/2006 shot by unknown armed men, in Baghdad   M  
130 Mohammad Siddik driver and security guard who worked part time with the Voice of America 17/02/2006 shot and killed by an unknown assailant near his home in the Doura section of Baghdad. The attack took place shortly after Siddik dropped a VOA correspondent at Baghdad airport. The assailant approached Siddik and shot him in the head and torso while Siddik waited in line to buy cooking oil at a shop near his home   M  
131 Raeda Wazzan news anchor with the Iraqi state TV channel Al-Iraqiya  20/02/2006 kidnapped on February 20, was found dead five days later on a roadside in Mosul, where the journalist had lived and worked, according to press reports citing her husband. She had been shot in the head repeatedly. Gunmen had also kidnapped Wazzan's 10-year-old son, but he was released days later   F  
132 Adnan Kheiralla tv engineer, Al-Arabiya 23/02/2006 kidnapped and killed by unknown armed men in Salahddeen 36 M 23.02.2006 - Adnane Kahïnallah, sound recordist Al-Arabiya
133 Atwar Bahjat Al-Arabiya correspondent  23/02/2006 kidnapped and killed by unknown armed men in Salahddeen 30 F 23.02.2006 - Atwar Bahjat, al-Arabiya TV
134 Khalid Mahmood Al-Falahi Al-Arabiya cameraman 23/02/2006 kidnapped and killed by unknown armed men in Salahddeen 39 M 23.02.2006 - Khaled Mahmoud Al-Falahi, cameraman Al-Arabiya
135 Khaled Mohsen Al-Arabiya sound technician 23/02/2006 kidnapped and killed by unknown armed men in Salahddeen   M  
136 Monsif Abdulla Al-Khalidi news director in Baghdad TV 7/03/2006 killed by unknown armed men in Mosul 35 M 07.03.2006 - Monsef Al-Khalidi, Baghdad TV Sat Channel
137 Amjad Hamid Mohsin Al-Iraqiya TV director  11/03/2006 killed by unknown armed men in Baghdad, including his driver   M 11.03.2006 - Amjad Hameed, Al-Iraqiya
138 Anwar Turky driver, Al-Iraqiya TV  11/03/2006 killed by unknown armed men in Baghdad   M 11.03.2006 - Anwar Turky, Amjad Hameed’s driver, Al-Iraqiya
139 Mohsin Khodeir editor-in-chief, Alefba' magazine 13/03/2006 killed by unknown armed men   M 13.03.2006 - Muhsin Khudhair, Alef Ba
140 Ali Hamid Al-Mayahi reporter in Al-Da'wa newspaper 19/03/2006 killed by the American-Iraqi joint troops when he was covering a military raid on a mosques in Baghdad   M  
141 Kamil Manahi Anbar reporter in Al-Nahar and correspondent of the  Institute of War and Peace Journalism 19/03/2006 killed by the American-Iraqi joint troops when he was covering a military raid on a mosques in Baghdad   M 26.03.2006 - Kamal Manahi Anbar, Institute for War and Peace Reporting 
142 So'oud Muzahim al-Shoumari correspondent for the Egypt-based satellite channel Al-Baghdadia 4/04/2006 found shot in Baghdad's southern district of Doura on April 4 by Iraqi police and taken to Yarmouk hospital morgue.   M  
143 Abdul Jalil Jasim Al-Mahamadawi reporter in Al-Risala newspaper  8/04/2006 killed in a suicide explosion while he was covering a Friday prayer in a mosque in Baghdad   M  
144 Qusai Al-Amiri media coordinator in Al-Bilad radio  22/04/2006 killed by unknown armed men in Baghdad   M 22.04.2006 - Qussay Kahdban, radio Al-Bilad
145 Sa'd Shammari TV journalist who hosted a show on the Al-Iraqiyah channel 5/05/2006 found wrapped in a blanket and dumped on the side of a road in Baghdad. The journalist was apparently strangled.   M  
146 Sa'ud M'Zahim Al Hudaythi working for Baghdadiyah TV 5/05/2006 Circumstances are unknown.   M  
147 Abdel Majid al-Mehmedawi reported on social issues 5/05/2006 murdered by unidentified gunmen in Baghdad’s center, according to local sources. The motive for his killing was unknown.   M  
148 Ismail Mohammad Khalal Al Sabah 7/05/2006 killed in a car bomb attack in Baghdad    M 7.05.2006 - Ismail Mohammad Khalaf, Al Sabah
149 Laith Mishan al-Dulaimi Iraqi journalist, Al-Nahrain TV, a private station 8/05/2006 found dead south of Baghdad, a day after they were stopped by men wearing police uniforms   M 7.05.2006 - Leith Al-Doulaïmi, Al-Nahrain 
150 Muazaz Ahmed Barood Iraqi journalist, Al-Nahrain TV, a private station 8/05/2006 found dead south of Baghdad, a day after they were stopped by men wearing police uniforms 28 M 7.05.2006 - Mouazaz Baroud, Al-Nahrain 
151 Abed Shaker al Delaimi Photographer for Jumhureyya and al Qadeseyya newspapers and occasional freelance for Reuters 8/05/2006 killed in Basra by unknown armed men 29 M 5.05.2006 - Abdel Chaker Al Dalimi, Independant photographer
152 Saud M’Zahim Al-Hedaithi Baghdadiyah TV 8/05/2006 killed by unknown armed men in Baghdad   M 5.05.2006 - Saoud Mazahem Al-Hadithi, Al-Baghdadia 
153 Abbas Ahmed Kadhem journalist at al Adaalah (Justice) newspaper 10/05/2006 was found dead in al Madaen. This is the same district where Laith Mashaan and Muazaz Ahmed were murdered on Sunday May 7th.    M  
154 Muzahim al-Hadithi worked for a pro-Sunni Iraqi television station 11/05/2006 Baghdad (Dora) A reporter who  was gunned down in Baghdad…He was found dead - shot repeatedly in the head - in Baghdad's notorious Dora neighborhood last week   M  
155 Sadek al-Shammari  of the German-based news organization, Iraqi News Network 18/05/2006 shot dead by insurgents in Jisr Diyala, south of the Iraqi capital.   M  
156 jafaar Ali TV Sports presenter of Al Iraqiya 31/05/2006 11th Al-Iraqiya employee gunned down in Baghdad   M  
157 Mohammed Jassim cameraman for Al-Iraqiya TV, , May 31, 2025 31/05/2006 killed by unknown gunmen north of Baghdad 27 M  
158 Ibrahim Seneid Journalist Al Bashara 13/06/2006   M  
159 Alaa Hassan Iraqi journalist, who reported for the international news agency IPS (Inter Press Service), was shot and killed in Baghdad. 28/06/2006 Hassan was killed on Jun. 28 by armed men as he drove to work. It appears he was not targeted, but was just in the wrong place at the wrong time 35 M  
160 Ossama Qadeer Cameraman, Fox News 29/06/2006   M  
161 Adel Naji Al Mansouri Journalist Al Alam TV 1/08/2006 35 M killed in the western Baghdad's district of al-Ameriya. Naji was kidnapped on Monday by unknown gunmen in al-Atifiya neighborhood in Baghdad's district of al-Karkh. The police found his body inside his car with multiple gunshots in al-Ameriya.
162 Abdul Wahab Abdul Razeq Ahmad Al Qaisie Journalist, editor-in-chief of Kul Al-Dunya magazine 31/07/2006 Monday night, Iraqi journalist Abdul Wahab Abdul Razeq Ahmad Al Qaisie was found dead 10 days after he was kidnapped by masked gunmen in Baghdad   M  
163 Riyad Muhammad Ali a reporter for the local weekly Tal Afar al-Yawm 31/07/2006 Riyad Muhammad Ali was shot by unidentified assailants in Mosul on Sunday.    M  
164 Riyad Atto Talafar al Youm  1/08/2006   M  
165 Ismail Amin Ali / Ismael Mohammad freelance journalist 7/08/2006 Late Monday, police found the bullet-riddled body of Ismail Amin Ali, 30, about a half mile from where he was abducted two weeks ago in northeast Baghdad. The body showed sign of torture. 30 M  
166 Mohammed Abbas Hamad a journalist for the Shiite-owned newspaper Al-Bayinnah Al-Jadida 7/08/2006 Mohammed Abbas Hamad, 28 was shot by gunmen at he left his home Monday in the Adil section of western Baghdad, police Lt. Mohammed Khayoun said. 28 M  
167 Unidentified A guard employed by the state-run daily newspaper Al-Sabah  27/08/2006 killed when an explosive-packed car detonated in the building’s garage at about 8:30 a.m. The blast killed another, unidentified person, injured 20 others, and caused severe damage to the newspaper building in Baghdad’s northern Waziriya district   M  
168 Iyad Nassif al-Mousawai Journalist, editor at Al-Ameen and Al-Ra’i newspapers 29/08/2006 The Journalistic Freedoms Observatory said on Tuesday that Iraqi journalist Iyad Nassif al-Mousawai was found killed after he was kidnapped by an armed group in Palestine Street in east Baghdad last month.  34 M  
169 Abdel Karim Al-Roubai senior technician with the government daily Al-Sabah 9/09/2006 41 M  
170 Hadi Anawi al-Joubouri representative of the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate 12/09/2006 Hadi Anawi al-Joubouri, 56, was ambushed as he was driving 125 miles northeast of Baghdad, according to the Journalistic Freedoms Observatory. His body was found riddled with bullets. CPJ is investigating the circumstances surrounding his death. 56 M  
171 Safaa Ismail Inad journalist at al-Watan Newspaper 12/09/2006 Police found the body of Safaa Ismail Inad shot in the head near Sadr city in eastern Baghdad, police said 31 M  
172 Alaa Adel assistant to Isam Rasheed, a "videoblogger" or "correspondent" based in Baghdad 15/09/2006 KILLED by US troops when he was on the way to Isam Rasheed's house. They shot him in the head with a special bullet.   M  
173 Ahmed Riyadh al-Karbouli correspondent for Baghdad TV 18/09/2006 25 M  
174 Jassem Hamad Ibrahim driver for the Iraqi state television channel Al-Iraqiya 4/10/2006 shot by unidentified gunmen in Mosul. The assailants ambushed Ibrahim at about 2 p.m. as he was running errands for the station, according to a source at Nineveh TV, the local affiliate of Al-Iraqiya. His body was found riddled with bullets   M  
175 Jassim Aarif Hassan Al-Charkiya TV  7/10/2006   M  
176 Azad Mohammed Hassan correspondent to Dar al-Salam Radio 10/10/2006 found killed after he was kidnapped by an armed group a week ago. Dar al-Salam Radio is run by the Sunni Muslim Clerics Commission 29 M  
177 Abdel Rahim Nasrallah Al Shumari Director of "Shabiyaa" television station 11/10/2006 The death toll in the attack on the local TV station reached 11, with two people seriously wounded.Kamil said some of the gunmen wore police uniforms, and all were masked. According to news reports the gunmen's cars resembled police vehicles.   M  
178 Dhakir Hussein Al Shuwaili Producer of "Shabiyaa" television station 11/10/2006 The death toll in the attack on the local TV station reached 11, with two people seriously wounded.Kamil said some of the gunmen wore police uniforms, and all were masked. According to news reports the gunmen's cars resembled police vehicles.   M  
179 Ahmad Shaaban  Producer "Shabiyaa" television station 11/10/2006 The death toll in the attack on the local TV station reached 11, with two people seriously wounded.Kamil said some of the gunmen wore police uniforms, and all were masked. According to news reports the gunmen's cars resembled police vehicles.   M  
180 Nawfal Al Shumari Deputy Director of "Shabiyaa" television station 11/10/2006 The death toll in the attack on the local TV station reached 11, with two people seriously wounded.Kamil said some of the gunmen wore police uniforms, and all were masked. According to news reports the gunmen's cars resembled police vehicles.   M  
181 Hussein Ali Technician of "Shabiyaa" television station 11/10/2006 The death toll in the attack on the local TV station reached 11, with two people seriously wounded.Kamil said some of the gunmen wore police uniforms, and all were masked. According to news reports the gunmen's cars resembled police vehicles.   M  
182 Sami Nasrallah Al Shumari Head Administrator of "Shabiyaa" television station 11/10/2006 The death toll in the attack on the local TV station reached 11, with two people seriously wounded.Kamil said some of the gunmen wore police uniforms, and all were masked. According to news reports the gunmen's cars resembled police vehicles.   M  
183 Maher  Security Guard of "Shabiyaa" television station 11/10/2006 The death toll in the attack on the local TV station reached 11, with two people seriously wounded.Kamil said some of the gunmen wore police uniforms, and all were masked. According to news reports the gunmen's cars resembled police vehicles.   M  
184 Ahmed  Security Guard of "Shabiyaa" television station 11/10/2006 The death toll in the attack on the local TV station reached 11, with two people seriously wounded.Kamil said some of the gunmen wore police uniforms, and all were masked. According to news reports the gunmen's cars resembled police vehicles.   M  
185 Hassan  Security Guard of "Shabiyaa" television station 11/10/2006 The death toll in the attack on the local TV station reached 11, with two people seriously wounded.Kamil said some of the gunmen wore police uniforms, and all were masked. According to news reports the gunmen's cars resembled police vehicles.   M  
186 Ali Jabber  Security Guard of "Shabiyaa" television station 11/10/2006 The death toll in the attack on the local TV station reached 11, with two people seriously wounded.Kamil said some of the gunmen wore police uniforms, and all were masked. According to news reports the gunmen's cars resembled police vehicles.   M  
187 Bashir electric generator operator of Shabiyaa TV station 11/10/2006 The death toll in the attack on the local TV station reached 11, with two people seriously wounded.Kamil said some of the gunmen wore police uniforms, and all were masked. According to news reports the gunmen's cars resembled police vehicles.   M  
188 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Radio announcer of Radio Dijala  12/10/2006 He was kidnapped in mid-September in the western Baghdad neighbourhood of Mansour, where he had moved after receiving threats. 55 M  
189 Ali Hlayel security guard for Atyaf 13/10/2006   M  
190 Raed Qais al-Shammari al-Iraqiya channel...government-run TV 14/10/2006 killed in a drive-by shooting in southern Baghdad. 28 M  
191 Ali Halil Al Irakiya journalist 16/10/2006 murdered by gunmen yesterday in the Baghdad district of Al Hurriye   M  
192 Saad Mehdi Shalash prof in journalism, director of the editing board at Rayat Al Arab newspaper  25/10/2006 killed along with his wife in their home in Baghdad   M  
193 Nakshin Hama Rashid presenter on the Kurdish-language TV station Atiaf  29/10/2006 murdered in her car along with her driver, Anas Kassim Nejm, in the centre of Baghdad    F  
194 Anis Qassem driver for the Iraqi state television channel Atyaf 29/10/2006 murdered in her car along with her driver, Anas Kassim Nejm, in the centre of Baghdad    M  
195 Sherin Hamid TV presenter Al Iraqiya TV 29/10/2006   M  
196 Abdelmajid Ismael Khalil Freelance journalist, worked for several national dailies 31/10/2006 kidnapped on 18 October in the east Baghdad neighbourhood of Jamila by gunmen who surrounded his car and forced him to go with them. Local police found his body 13 days later in the same neighbourhood 67 M  
197 Ahmed al-Rasheed reporter with al-Sharqiya, an Iraqi satellite TV channel 3/11/2006 killed in Adhamiya around 6:30 p.m. Friday, according to an official with the Iraqi Journalistic Freedoms Observatory. The reporter was in his car when he was killed. Al-Rasheed, 29, started working at the station in September. He previously worked with al-Diyar TV.  29 M  
198 Qussai Abass Tariq Al Shaab, a newspaper affiliated to the Communist Party 2/11/2006 gunned down with his driver in a similar fashion as he was travelling to the newspaper’s office in Baghdad    M  
199 Unknown Driver Tariq Al Shaab newspaper 2/11/2006 gunned down with journalist Qussai Abass as he was travelling to the newspaper’s office in Baghdad       
200 Mohammed al-Ban cameraman for the TV station al-Sharqiya  13/11/2006 Gunmen in Mosul kill him. He also worked for local newspaper Al Masar. 58 M  


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