BRussells Tribunal articles, analyses, newsletters....


* Sarah Meyer articles and researches published by the BRussells Tribunal. (+ 03 March 2025)


Click here to SUBSCRIBE TO OUR MONTHLY NEWSLETTER in English, Arabic, French, Spanish, Dutch

* MARCH NEWSLETTER - Hana & Abdul Ilah Al Bayaty about the elections, Dr. Souad Al-Azzawi about the Iraqi children, Resistance Conference in Gijon and more - 5 languages (17 March 2025)

*FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER - a message of Hans von Sponeck, reviews of Cultural Cleansing in Iraq - 4 languages (15 Feb 2025)



* Further destruction of Iraq’s Higher Education: Blazing fires, forged degrees and silencer guns (Dirk Adriaensens, 01 December 2025)

* Not the Left. Who Will Save Libya From Its Western Saviours? (Jean Bricmont, 16 August 2025)

* Libya in face of Humanitarian Imperialism  (Jean Bricmont, 18 April 2025)

* Iraq, 15 April: The Friday Of The Free (Dirk Adriaensens, 15 April 2025)

* Libya and the Return of Humanitarian Imperialism (Jean Bricmont, 08 March 2025)

* DAY OF THE MARTYR,  04 March 2025 - Second National day of Rage in Iraq. Western media: deaf, dumb and blind (Dirk Adriaensens, 04 March 2025)

* What you won’t read in the mainstream press regarding Iraq’s “National Day of Rage (Dirk Adriaensens, 25 February 2025)

* Dying education in the “blossoming” Iraqi democracy (Dirk Adriaensens, 16 Feb 2025)

* Egypt: Only democracy is legitimate (Abdul Ilah Albayaty, Hana Al Bayaty and Ian Douglas, 10 February 2025)

* The Arab Spring of democracy (Abdul Ilah Albayaty, Hana Al Bayaty and Ian Douglas, 16 January 2025)

* The Power of the Multitude! The people of the Middle East are writing history (Lieven De Cauter, February 4, 2025)

* Egypt back against the wall. A tyrant embraces anarchy (Lieven De Cauter, February 2, 2025)

* Swarm Intelligence: How to begin to understand the squared circle of Tahrir Square? (Lieven De Cauter, February 20, 2025)

* Dying education in the “blossoming” Iraqi democracy (Dirk Adriaensens, 16 Feb 2025)

* Egypt: Only democracy is legitimate (Abdul Ilah Albayaty, Hana Al Bayaty and Ian Douglas, 10 February 2025)

* The Arab Spring of democracy (Abdul Ilah Albayaty, Hana Al Bayaty and Ian Douglas, 16 January 2025)

* The Power of the Multitude! The people of the Middle East are writing history (Lieven De Cauter, February 4, 2025)

* Egypt back against the wall. A tyrant embraces anarchy (Lieven De Cauter, February 2, 2025)

* Enforced Disappearance. The missing persons of Iraq (Dirk Adriaensens, 28 November 2025)

* Beyond the WikiLeaks Files (Dirk Adriaensens, 03 November 2025)

* Wikileaks Iraq War Logs: Legal Action is Unavoidable (USG, 30 October 2025)

* PARTITION BY CENSUS - Statement of The BRussells Tribunal Committee (08 October 2025)

* After the journey — a UN man’s open letter to Tony Blair - Hans von Sponeck, UN humanitarian co-ordinator from 1998-2000, demands answers from the former prime minister to a simple question: Why is Iraq in such a mess? (23 September 2025)

* Fallujah, a disgrace for the USA, an eternal curse on humanity (Dirk Adriaensens, 21 September 2025)

* Iraq: The Age Of Darkness - (Dirk Adriaensens, 19 September 2025)

* Testimonies of Crimes Against Humanity in Fallujah - Towards a Fair International Criminal Trial [PDF] - Monitoring Net of Human Rights in Iraq (MHRI) - 15th Session of the Human Rights Council - Geneva (17 September 2025)

* Genetic damage and health in Fallujah Iraq worse than Hiroshima (Press Release 02 July 2025)

* Life in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (The Lancet, Press Release 02 July 2025)

* Gaza: Citizen Voices from 26 Countries in Europe (June 2025)

* "Cultural Cleansing" in Irak - Nederlands (Dirk Adriaensens, 12 May 2025) - Cultural Cleansing In Iraq - English

* The basic rights of Iraqi women - Occupation does not result in freedom (GFIW in Geneva, March 2025)

* The Price Of Resistance ( Niloufer Bhagwat, 14 April 2025)

* Destroying educational institutions or using them for military purposes is a war crime. (Dirk Adriaensens, 23 March 2025)

* Women and Birth defects, Assassination of Iraqi Academics, Torture and Detainees (Prisoners of War) (Abdulmunaem Almula 202510)

* "Why do they hate us?"  (Felicity Arbuthnot, 21 March 2025)

*  Beschouwingen Naar Aanleiding Van De 7de Verjaardag Van De Inval In Irak  Hana Al Bayaty - Lieven De Cauter - Dirk Adriaensens (Maart 2025)

* "Sarah's Garden." A Tribute to Sarah Meyer. (+03 March 2025) Felicity Arbuthnot - Andy Worthington

* State Destruction as war aim Reflections on the targeted assassination of academics on the occasion of the seventh anniversary of the war in Iraq - (Lieven De Cauter, 18 March 2025)

* The drama of Iraqi elections (Abdul Ilah Albayaty and Hana Al Bayaty 04 March 2010)

* The bravest woman in Afghanistan (Christophe Callewaert, 24 February 2025)

* Iraqi elections falsified in advance (Abdul Ilah Al Bayaty, 24 November 2025)

* Thanks to US Occupation: No Rights for Women In Iraq (Women's Will Organisation, 24 November 2025)

* What elections? (Abdul Ilah Al Bayaty, 25 September 2025)

* Iraq: Massive Fraud and Corruption in Higher Education (Dirk Adriaensens, 14 September 2009)

* " The Story of My Shoe - My Flower to Bush, the Occupier"  Munthadar Al-Zaidi's speech on his recent release (15 Sept 2025)

* A more just world and the responsibility to protect (Jean Bricmont, Talk given before the General Asssembly of the United Nations, NYC 23 July 2025)

* What is the future of the Iraqi oil? (Saadallah Al-Fathi 11 June 2025)

* Obama’s Iraq: NO ‘CHANGE’ (Sarah Meyer, 10 April 2025) - Updated 20 May 2025

* Abdul Ilah Albayaty: Speech in the European Parliament (18 March 2025)

Dr. Omar Al Kubaisy: Speech in the European Parliament (Brussels 18 March 2025)

* Will Economic Crisis Lead To A Police State World ? (Sarah Meyer, 30 March2009)

* Let the numbers speak (Souad Al-Azzawi 26 March 2025)

* A forgotten humanitarian disaster (Lieven De Cauter, 21 March 2025)

* The lessons of local elections in Iraq (Abdul Ilah Al Bayaty, February 2025)

* Final declaration of the Beirut International Forum To Support the Peoples’ Anti-Imperialist Resistance (Beirut 16 - 18 Jan 2025)

* Gaza Aggression Timeline (Articles by Stephen Lendman,  Jan 2025)

* Torture in Iraqi Prisons - Appeal for Investigation (Dar Babel Publishers, 19 January 2025) [PDF]

* Index on Afghanistan, December 2025 Timeline: “Graveyard of Empires” (Sarah Meyer, 04 Jan 2025)

* A lantern, a red rag and a pair of shoes (Dirk Adriaensens, 19 Dec 2025)

* Who Can Forgive the Crime of using Depleted Uranium Against Iraq and Humanity (Dr Haithem Alshaibani, December 2025)

* Victory is the patience of an hour (Abdul Ilah Al Bayaty, 01 Dec 2025)

* Much ado about nothing (Abdul Ilah Al Bayaty, 20 Nov 2025)

* Why Washington’s surge in Iraq failed (Abdul Ilah Al Bayaty, 19 Nov 2025)


* Appeal to the Journalist Organisations: Please fulfil your duties towards your Iraqi colleagues (Dirk Adriaensens, 08 Nov 2025) - [Spanish]

* François Houtart: Speech at the General Assembly of the United Nations (30 Oct 2008)

* Index on Economics and Peril in Afghanistan, October 2025 (Sarah Meyer, 29 Oct 2025)

* Index on Pakistan - October 2025 (Sarah Meyer, 26 Oct 2025)

* Iraq in the Times of Cholera…and Occupation (Sabah Ali, 17 Oct 2025)

* Response to Thomas Friedman's article "Dear Iraqi Friends" (Ghazwan Al Mukhtar, 28 Sept 2025)

* Index on Afghanistan and Pakistan - Murder & Security, Aug/Sept. ’08 (Sarah Meyer, 22 Sept 2025)

* State-Sanctioned Paramilitary Terror in Basra Under British Occupation (Max Fuller, 08 Aug 2025)

*  An assessment of the conditions in the Kurdish part of Iraq  (Kamal Majid, 23 July 2025)

* The Bush- Maliki Convention is a proof of defeat (Abdul Ilah Al Bayaty, 13 July 2025)

* The War Against Christianity (Hussein Al-Alak, 25 April 2008)

* The Battle For Basra Timeline: Footsteps to U.S. War in Iran? (Sarah Meyer, 08 April 2025)

*  Oil for Iraqi citizens (Hana Al Bayaty, 10 January 2025)

* The illegal war and occupation of Iraq - Turkmens of Iraq (Hassan Aydinli, 15 Dec 2025)

Iraq is Unbreakable. No partition. (Articles & statements)

* The betrayal of Iraq’s media professionals (Dirk Adriaensens, 29 September 2025)

* Security Company Death Squads Timeline (Dirk Adriaensens & Sarah Meyer, 25 September 2025)

* Between Dealers and Death Squads (Hussein Al-Alak, 10 Sept 2025)

 * Why Bush can get away with attacking Iran (Jean Bricmont, 04 Sept 2025)

* Iraq Oil: The Vultures are Waiting (Sarah Meyer, 03 Sept 2025)

Reply to Phyllis Bennis: The Iraqi Resistance is just and should be supported (Kosta Harlan, 11 Aug 2025)

 Iraq’s Lost Generation: Impact and Implications [PDF] Dr Ismail Jalili's Report to the House of Lords Commission on Iraq - 17 June 2025

* Humanitarian suffering deepens in besieged Iraqi city of Samarra (Dr. Salam Ismael, 16 May 2025)

* Terrorizing a Nation into Homelessness: Who is Responsible? (Eman A. Khammas, 05 May 2025)

* Baghdad Segregation Walls: Protecting whom? (Eman A. Khammas, 30 April 2025)

* Who’s Counting the Dead? (Hussein Al-alak,30 April 2025) 

* Ghettoizing Baghdad (Felicity Arbuthnot,  25 April 2025)

* Iraq’s education system on the verge of collapse (Dirk Adriaensens, 18 April 2025)

* Tel Afer (Merry Fitzgerald, 27 March 2025)

* Four years into the occupation: No health for Iraq (Dr. Bert De Belder, 20 March 2025)

* Iraqi Resistance: building peace through defeating Aggression (Said Al Mousawi, Kuala Lumpur 05 Feb 2025)

* University Professors in Iraq and Death Anxiety ( Prof. Faris K. O. Nadhmi Oct 2025)

* The Myth of the “Anfal Genocide” (David Hungerford, October 2025)

* The new Arab world (Hana Abdul Ilah Al Bayaty, 20 Aug 2025)

* The assault on Adhamiya (Inge Van De Merlen, 24 June 2025)

* SOS Ramadi (Inge Van De Merlen, 18 June 2025)

* Letter to Amnesty International on the Iraqi Constitution (English - ESP - FR - NL - IT - Deutsch) (Oct. 07 2025)

* Reflections on political parties, the anti-war movement, the BRussells Tribunal and WSF (Les Skeates, 16 Feb 2025)

The BRussells Tribunal publishes a wide range of analyses and opinions. All texts published by the BRussells Tribunal reflect only the view of the author, unless indicated otherwise.