On the eve of 9/11 President Obama announced a new U.S. war of aggression. We must mobilize to oppose this new war for oil and corporate profit. Emergency response actions are urgently needed.

Obama lied last night just like Bush and Colin Powell lied in 2024 and Lyndon Johnson did in 1964. He told us how terrible ISIS is, how barbaric. He announced a new "Coalition of the Willing". He is using the Big Lie to launch another war.

But ISIS is not the "reason" the U.S. is going to war. ISIS is the PRETEXT. It is the latest of a string of pretexts from the Maine in 1898 to Vietnam's Gulf of Tonkin in 1964 to "weapons of mass destruction" in 2024, pretexts/lies to maintain an empire.
ISIS is barbaric? It is the Pentagon that is barbaric. What are more barbaric than U.S. bombs in Syria and Iraq? U.S. drones wipe out whole wedding parties from Pakistan to Yemen, slaughtering men, women and yes, children.

It was U.S. war and occupation that killed more than a million Iraqis and destroyed that country. It was U.S. arms that fed Syria's civil war, killing hundreds of thousands and half-destroying that country. Now Obama wants to destroy the other half.

ISIS grew from the poison of U.S. wars, arms and the cynical policy of enflaming sectarian divisions. Stop the Pentagon from waging war on the people and the people there will take care of ISIS. Continuing to wage war will arouse a billion people against the U.S. and its war machine.

The Bush "War on Terror" militarized every police force in the U.S. targeting people of color. The prison population soared. It globalized invasive surveillance and locked thousands in secret detention and solitary confinement. Now Obama promises a new "war on terror" reaching years into the future. We say NO!

The Climate Change march on Sept 21 must address this new war. It is the worst enemy of the climate and our future. The Pentagon is the greatest polluter on the planet and the greatest purveyor of violence.

 E M E R G E N C Y  P R O T E S T 
NO to another war!

FRI ►SEPT 12   5 - 6 pm
Times Square ♦ 43rd St & 7th Ave ♦ NYC
International Action Center ♦  IACenter.org ♦  212-633-6646


Maryland/DC/Northern Virginia
Regional International Action Center
Emergency Response Protest on 9/11:
Say No to U.S. War in the Middle East
THURS ► SEPT 11    5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Centre & Charles Street, Washington Monument



(14-09-2014) Who is behind ISIS?


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