1/The investigation of Richard Cheney for torture; 2/To ensure the arrest of Richard Cheney on entry to Canada to attend a speaking engagement scheduled for 31 October, 2025 in Toronto Ontario; 3/ To initiate a prosecution in Canada, of Richard Cheney for authorizing and implementing, during his term as Vice President of the U.S., the use of torture by U.S. officials; 4/ Alternately, to arrange for the extradition of Richard Cheney to a jurisdiction willing and able to prosecute him for torture. The letter can be accessed online at: http://www.lawyersagainstthewar.org/lawtowarcrimes.pdf

Iraqi lawyer Badie Aref Izzat about the 19 August 2025 Baghdad bombings. Two groups of innocent Iraqi persons have already been sentenced to death by Maliki's regime for committing this crime. How many more will follow?

Joint statement by international observers of the KCK lawyers trial

by coalition of international lawyers on 09-11-2012

We, as international lawyers representing the undersigned organisations, were yesterday in Silivri to observe the continuation of the trial of our colleagues: 46 Kurdish lawyers and 3 members of their staff. We summarise our concerns around the following issues;


by Haifa Zangana on 04-11-2012

Al Maliki is " sad " and disappointed for having Iraqi lawyers who are willing to represent detainees, calling detainees " criminals and terrorists" even before trial.


The BRussells Tribunal is independent and wants to remain independent.

The BRussells Tribunal is an activist think tank and peace organisation with a special focus on Iraq. Read more...

Memoir serialised by Guardian tells how Mohamedou Ould Slahi endured savage beatings, death ...


Harbinger of what's to become of US "rebel army" it plans to stand up in spring. ...


Since the use of killer drones by the United States began, more than 3500 people have been ...
