Hawija investigation results revealed

by Shafaq News on 01-05-2013

The parliamentary investigative committee in Hawija incident revealed on Tuesday, that 90% of the dead in the army’s’ storming incident to the Sit-in Square were shot in the head, abdomen and chest areas, while made it clear that the weapons that were stolen from the army were outside the Sit-in Square.

Burying the Martyrs of the Hawija Massacre

The parliamentary investigative committee in Hawija incident revealed on Tuesday, that 90% of the dead in the army’s’ storming incident to the Sit-in Square were shot in the head , abdomen and chest areas, while made it clear that the weapons that were stolen from the army were outside the Sit-in Square.

The parliament has formed an investigative committee of the various parliamentary blocs on the back ground of Iraqi army storming the Sit –in square in Hawija in Kirkuk.

The Iraqi army commanders said that the raid came after an attack by unknown gunmen on a nearby military check point of the Sit-in square as a soldier was killed and the army’s’ weapons were confiscated.

The raid operation left dozens killed and others wounded in the Sit-in square, especially in Anbar (110 km west of Baghdad) , the center of the protest in Iraq.

A member of the investigative committee in Hawija events, Muthehar al-Janabi told “Shafaq News”, that “The committee’s report was handed over to the Presidency of the parliament yesterday, waiting to include it on the agenda to read it”.

Al-Janabi, MP of al- Iraqiya List, which is one of the most prominent supporters of the protests existing in the country, said that “90% of those killed in Hawija were exposed to shots in the head, chest and abdomen areas, and this is contrary to the humanitarian treatment with armed people so how is the case with unarmed  people “.

The Iraqi army is preparing apparently to a similar storming operation towards the Sit-in Square in Anbar, after the execution of five Iraqi soldiers near them.

He added that “The report confirms that the Sit-in Square was free of weapons”.

However, the Iraqi Ministry of Defense announced after the raid, that they found large quantities of arms.

Fears of the return to sectarian violence have increased after these events, as car bombs attacks targeted on Monday Shiite majority cities, while the Sit-in squares in the country are located in Sunni areas.

Footage from Hawija









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