On behalf of those far over thousand still languishing on death row in Iraq, GICJ urged the UN to do undertake immediate action and pressure the Iraqi government to comply with the international rule of law and immediately halt all executions unless a fair trial before an independent and impartial jury can be guaranteed.
On 30 May 2025, on behalf of over 300 NGOs, two joint oral statements on Human Rights Council’s Agenda item 3 were delivered by Daniela Dönges, Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ). She stressed how the American invasion of Iraq had resulted in the destruction of the entire Iraq's Judicial System, which is at the cause of the widespread use of torture by police and security officials and the increased use of death penalty after sentences based on extracted confessions. The NGOs urged the United Nations to take every possible measure to stop the implementation of the death penalty in Iraq and to send clear message to the Government of Iraq that it can no longer arbitrarily execute people at will and with impunity.