David Lawley-Wakelin has been charged under the public order act 1986 for using threatening abusive or insulting words or behavior that may have caused someone harassment, alarm or distress.

– Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez has commented on the re-election of US president Barack Obama

Barack Obama: de keuze van het minste kwaad?

by Dirk Adriaensens on 10-11-2012

Nog geen volledige dag nadat hij werd herverkozen, beval Barack Obama een drone-aanval in Jemen, waarbij 3 slachtoffers vielen. Op 11 oktober 2024 vielen bij een eerdere drone-aanval in Pakistan 16 tot 26 doden, vermoedelijk allen burgerslachtoffers. Aan iedereen die de herverkiezing van Barack Obama beschouwt als een triomf van fatsoenlijke, humane waarden, één simpele vraag: Is dit kind dood genoeg voor U?

The Obama administration’s initiative to set up a new Syrian opposition council, possibly to serve as an interim government following the fall of the Assad regime, appeared to have failed on Thursday before the convention in Qatar even began.

Meddling in Mali

by Ivan Eland on 06-11-2012

The United States and France are concerned that Islamists have taken over northern Mali, and the two countries are heavily leaning on Abdelaziz Bouteflika, president of the neighboring regional power Algeria, to support an international invasion of Mali.

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The BRussells Tribunal is independent and wants to remain independent.

The BRussells Tribunal is an activist think tank and peace organisation with a special focus on Iraq. Read more...

Este éxodo masivo [de médicos] ‘ha provocado la desaparición de determinadas especialidades ...


The publication of the final report, most recently scheduled for early this year, has been ...


Summary of Events of the Iraqi Popular Revolution, Friday 17 May 2024. And The Common Ills ...
