Zangana argues that arbitrary arrests, detention based on secret informants, and torture are a lucrative business that is part and parcel of the regime.

Haifa Zangana, Iraqi novelist and artist, columnist for al-Quds newspaper. her comments on Iraq have been published in The Guardian, Red Pepper, al-Ahram Weekly and LA Times. Haifa is a co founder of Tadhamun ( Iraqi women solidarity) and a consultant at UN. She is a member of the Executive Committee of the BRussells Tribunal. You can read her weekly column for Alquds here.

“Fiefdoms of detention are essential for the survival of the Iraqi regime" is an article in which Haifa Zangana argues that innocent detainees are not going to be released by the Iraqi regime no matter how the regime's politicians and officials claim otherwise. Detention centres in the " New Iraq"  are but fiefdoms where corrupt  sectarian  officials, military commanders, and security forces, mostly members of Al Dawa ruling party, exercises control through blackmail and terror to reap immense benefits.  Zangana argues further that arbitrary arrests, detention based on secret informants,  and torture are a lucrative business that is part and parcel of the regime.

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