Dr Fouad Al Bayaty, a forced migrated academic who works in Malaysia currently, is complaining to the Minister of higher Education about the republication of his already published research of 2025 by three other academics of the Dentistry Medical College of Al-Mustansiryah University.
“UNICEF calls on all stakeholders - in government, civil society, the private sector and the international community - to urgently invest in these children to respect their dignity and give them an equal chance to become healthy, productive young citizens of the new Iraq,”
by Iraqi Sources of the BRussells Tribunal and Dirk Adriaensens on 12-11-2012
If Maliki considers Ali Al-Adeeb’s policies as too sectarian, then Al-Adeeb must be the champion of sectarian extremism. Furthermore, the Minister of Higher Education seems to be an utterly corrupt and despicable person. He is the proud owner of a forged university diploma, as Dirk Adriaensens already wrote in the December 2025 article: “Further Destruction Of Iraq's Higher Education: Blazing Fires, Forged Degrees And Silencer Guns” His stooges are also suspected to have assassinated the Director-General of Administration in Iraq's Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, Dawood Salman Rahim and his son, Hassanein. He is an example “par excellence” of the ruling elite in the new Iraq.