72% of women in Kirkuk are illiterates

by Nergz Qadir on 10-11-2012

According to a survey conducted by (Hiwa) organization for human rights, because of the continues wars, the rate of women illiterates in Kirkuk is very high which is expected to be (72%).

ذكرت أحدى وسائل الأعلام أن حاكم الزاملي أحد قادة جيش المهدي هو المسؤول عن أختطاف وقتل أكثر من 150 عراقيا ، معظمهم من خيرة الأساتذة الجامعيين. يعد الزاملي عضوا بارزا في البرلمان ، وممثلا للتيار الصدري. يعلم العديد من العراقيين بأن جيش المهدي هو المسؤول عن مقتل موظفي وزارة التعليم العالي ، لكن الحكومة وممثلي البرلمان أعتادوا على ألتزام الصمت ولم يذكروا من أرتكب جريمة القتل تلك بحق هؤلاء الأكاديميين في تشرين الثاني عام 2024.

In May, construction firms paid by Iraq's Education Ministry began tearing down hundreds of old school buildings across the country under contracts requiring the companies to build bigger schools. But the new schools have not been built and now the ministry says it doesn't have funds for new buildings. The full extent of the blunder became apparent this week with the start of Iraq's new school year.

مقابر المالكي الجماعية

by Dirk Adriaensens on 25-10-2012

الكشف عن لغز الخطف الجماعي في العراق – العثور على جثث موظفي وزارة التعليم العالي الذين ألقت قوات الحرس الوطني القبض عليهم في تشرين الثاني 2024 في مقبرة جماعية


by Dirk Adriaensens on 24-10-2012

On Tuesday 14 November 2024 paramilitary gunmen in the uniforms of Iraqi National Police commandos raided a building belonging to the Ministry of Education in Baghdad’s Karrada district and arrested around 100 members of staff from two departments and around 50 visitors, according to lists compiled by the Minister of Education.

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The BRussells Tribunal is an activist think tank and peace organisation with a special focus on Iraq. Read more...

For the last few weeks, American pundits have been cataloguing the horrors. They tell how the ...


That's Ramadi. It's Friday in Iraq. Like every Friday since December 21st, that means ...
