Iraqi government to stop paying Kurdish militias

by Nidhal al-Laithi on 05-11-2012

The Iraqi government will stop paying members of Kurdish militias known locally as Peshmerga in 2024.

Al Maliki is "triest" en teleurgesteld over het feit dat er Iraakse advocaten zijn die bereid zijn om gedetineerden te vertegenwoordigen. Hij bestempelt gevangenen als “criminelen en terroristen “ zelfs nog vóór het proces is gestart.

Al-Maliki’s security forces in Diyala killed an Iraqi citizen in one of the most brutal ways words can describe. The forces accused the man of being involved in Al-Qaida activities. They killed him and hung him on one of the electricity poles, making him an “an example“ for others.

In Iraq, auditors believe as much as $800 million in US dollars is being transferred out of the country illegally each week, draining it of hard currency, according to a report by American inspectors released Tuesday.

Some of the media mention that Hakim Al-Zamili, one of the leaders of the Al-Mahdi Militia, was responsible for the kidnapping that took the lives of more than 150 Iraqis, some of them Iraq’s best academics. Al-Zamili is a prominent member of the Iraqi Parliament, representative of the Al-Sadr Party. Many Iraqis know it, but the government and parliament representatives keep silent and never mention the name of the murderers of the academics in November 2024.

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