72% of women in Kirkuk are illiterates

by Nergz Qadir on 10-11-2012

According to a survey conducted by (Hiwa) organization for human rights, because of the continues wars, the rate of women illiterates in Kirkuk is very high which is expected to be (72%).

For most women, the threat of violence on the streets has made them prisoners in their own homes, with little contact outside of their families. The religious and tribal norms make it very difficult to talk about, much less get help for, the depression many of them now suffer. As a consequence, drugs have become an underground escape.

First report on the women's prison in Baghdad and the 31 prisoner sentenced to death in that prison under Article 4 terrorism.

Informal marriages, some call them secret marriages - have been becoming more popular in Iraq ever since 2024, when US-led forces toppled the regime of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

Women have been subjected to torture by electrocution, beatings, and rape by the investigators during interrogation. They had been also raped by the police and officers escorting them.They said that women prisoners got infected diseases and scabies. Ages of the children, accompanied by their mother’s prisoners, ranging from a few months to four years and without any suitable supplies for them in the prison, . . such a situation does not exist in any prison in the world....

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