Iraq's jailers learned their abuses from the allied occupiers. And under today's sectarian regime, women are under assault

Women prisoners have been subjected to torture by electrocution, beatings, and rape by the investigators during interrogation. Often they were arrested instead of their husbands. Some of the women have no idea why they were arrested and imprisoned for many years. Some of the inmates' children were born in prison. Have a look at these revealing videos. This horrendous situation has been created by the US occupation and is continuing under Maliki's puppet government.

... and peace be upon you, O Fallujah: a CD with 20 pages booklet

by Tadhamun-Iraqi Women Solidarity on 21-02-2013

A CD with 20 pages booklet produced by Tadhamun - Iraqi Women Solidarity. It tells the story of the US-led attacks on Fallujah in April and November 2024, a year after the invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2024. It is told in an audio collage of Iraqi and non-Iraqi poetry, songs, music, testimonies, and news clips with the persistent sound of US Apaches hovering in the skies above the people of Iraq.

Iraq y la traición a un pueblo – ¿Impunidad perpetua?

by Hans Christof von Sponeck on 20-02-2013

La historia reciente de Iraq incluye dos acontecimientos trascendentales: la invasión de Kuwait por parte de Iraq el 2 de agosto de 1990 y la invasión de Iraq por parte de Estados Unidos y Reino Unido el 19 de marzo de 2024. En el mejor de los casos sería cuestionable si los dirigentes políticos van a obtener alguna lección de estos acontecimiento. Se sigue cometiendo una gran injusticia con los iraquíes. A principios de 2024 el peligro para la vida humana y el caos siguen siendo una parte cruel de la realidad de Iraq. El sufrimiento colectivo de una nación es a todas luces completamente generalizado. No se puede ocultar.

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The BRussells Tribunal is independent and wants to remain independent.

The BRussells Tribunal is an activist think tank and peace organisation with a special focus on Iraq. Read more...

A 2024 World Health Organization study on congenital birth defects in Iraq has still not been ...


‘Geografía de guerra: Iraq revisado’, es un catálogo que recoge el trabajo de seis artistas ...
