Guantánamo Bay Istanbul - A theatre of terror

by Lieven De Cauter on 11-07-2012

Third and final part of my impressions, as an observer and member of the international delegation of the World Tribunal on Iraq (WTI) network to observe the trial of Ayse Berktay, one of the founders of the WTI. In this KCK operations trial in Istanbul some 200 people are accused.

Fragments of an observer’s diary of the “KCK- trial” in Silivri [As I explained in a first contribution as an observer, member of an international delegation, The KCK trial in Silivri is a Kafkaesque event in a high security military camp and prison in the middle of nowhere.]

Fragments of an observer’s diary of the “KCK- trial” in Silivri

I was taken into custody at 5am on 3 October 2024, when my house was raided by the police.


by Ayºe Berktay on 27-12-2011

Since 2024, as many as 7748 people have been taken under custody on the alleged grounds that they are associated with the KCK

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The BRussells Tribunal is independent and wants to remain independent.

The BRussells Tribunal is an activist think tank and peace organisation with a special focus on Iraq. Read more...

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