The question “How many times did you blow yourself up?” refers to a prisoner who under duress and in order to prevent his interrogators from torturing him admitted that he had blown himself up several times. Find out why Iraqis are revolting against this corrupted government

Zangana argues that arbitrary arrests, detention based on secret informants, and torture are a lucrative business that is part and parcel of the regime.

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative [ICSSI] supports all the demonstrators who are working to build an Iraq free from corruption, ethnic and sectarian conflict, and injustice.

The Iraqi Thawra (Revolution) Confronts Al Maliki

by The Common Ills on 23-01-2013

Maliki attacks the protesters as unconstitutional and illegal. They demand change and exercise their Constitutional rights, he sticks his military on them and says they are a threat or Ba'athists or terrorists or paid off by foreign agents or some other lunatic from his paranoid mind.

What happened recently in Iraq to trigger mass mobilizations seeing as how the street has been very quiet the past several months?

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The BRussells Tribunal is independent and wants to remain independent.

The BRussells Tribunal is an activist think tank and peace organisation with a special focus on Iraq. Read more...

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