Iraqi MP Ali Shubbar, member of the Parliamentary Human Rights Committee, accused Iraqi female inmates in Iraqi prisons of "sexual lust" and continued by claiming that they “expose themselves to the police”. He also said that “some prisoners have sexual thirst. So they present themselves to the police to have sex with them and then they later claim that they have been raped.”

Ali Shubbar stated that “some prisoners have sexual thirst. So they present themselves to the police to have sex with them and then they later claim that they have been raped.”


Iraqi Member of Parliament Ali Shubbar accused Iraqi female inmates in Iraqi prisons of "sexual lust" and continued by claiming that they “expose themselves to the police”.

Ali Shubbar, an MP of the Citizen Bloc, is a member of the Parliamentary Human Rights Committee. This says something about the Human Rights standards in the new “democratic” Iraq.

He further argued that “the incidents that occur in the prisons are not rape, but consensual sex between inmates and policemen”.

And that’s not all….. Ali Shubbar also stated that “some prisoners have sexual thirst. So they present themselves to the police to have sex with them and then they later claim that they have been raped.”

Shubbar went on to say there was “no evidence or proof of rape cases that were presented”. This honourable member of the Committee of Human Rights nevertheless acknowledged the existence of rape cases, saying that: “individual cases may occur here and there, but it is certainly not a phenomenon.”

Question: has this man actually conducted an investigation into all claims of rape, or is he simply chattering what comes up in his head? Did he read the reports of Iraqi Human Rights Organisations?

The Parliamentarian Human Rights Committee in Iraq is clearly a farce. Recently so many rape cases in Iraqi prisons came to the surface and numerous reports have been issued. 

Further information can be found on the BRussells Tribunal website:

Iraq: General Prosecutor Confirms Torture and Rape of Detained Women. European Court of Human Rights Labels CIA Interrogation Procedures as “Torture” and The dark and secret dungeons of Iraq. Horror stories of female prisoners

Ali Shubbar dismisses all these incriminating reports.

Who will protect the Iraqi women from their rapists…. and who will protect the Iraqi women from the criminal creatures in the Iraqi “Parliamentarian Human Rights Committee”?


Translation: Tahrir Swift

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