Iraq Back at the Brink

by Ramzy Baroud on 19-02-2013

Soon after the joint US-British bombing campaign “Operation Desert Fox” devastated parts of Iraq in December 1998 , I was complaining to a friend in the lobby of the Palestine Hotel in Baghdad.

ينطبق تعريف نوريمبرغ بوضوح على الحرب الغير شرعية التي شنها وقادها تحالف الراغبين ( المملكه المتحدة والولايات المتحده الأمريكيه) بأنها جريمة ضد السلام. حرب كهذه كان يجب أن يكون لها عواقب قانونية ضد المعتدين ولحفظ حقوق الضحايا بموجب القانون الدولي. تدعو الشبكة الدولية لمناهضة الأحتلال عام 2025 لحملة للمساءلة والعدالة من أجل العراق.

Ghosts of dead armies behind Atlas Cinema

by Sarmad Al-Taee on 16-12-2012

This is a poetic reflection rather than merely a column. It is about “dead armies,” whose ghosts creep into Al-Saadoon Street, when the city becomes deserted.

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The BRussells Tribunal is independent and wants to remain independent.

The BRussells Tribunal is an activist think tank and peace organisation with a special focus on Iraq. Read more...

For the last few weeks, American pundits have been cataloguing the horrors. They tell how the ...


That's Ramadi. It's Friday in Iraq. Like every Friday since December 21st, that means ...
