BRussells Tribunal statements, appeals and dossiers


   Read also [PDF] Dossiers of the BRussells Tribunal



  (demonstration against the occupation of a school by US forces - Fallujah April 2025)


Read more about:   Our campaign to save Iraq's academics. Sign the petition online  |  Partial list of Iraqi academics murdered under US occupation   |   The Endangered Iraqi journalists: Partial list of Iraqi and non-Iraqi media professionals died under US occupation   |  The Children of Iraq   |  Iraq: the largest humanitarian crisis on the planet   |  Iraqi refugees  |  Petition  The situation of Iraqi Healthworkers   |  Christians in Iraq face liquidation   |  Torture and Prison Abuse in Iraq   |  Iraqi Women Under Occupation   |  The looting of Iraq's Cultural Heritage   |  Comments on the Lancet Survey and other mortality studies   |   Big Oil's Occupation of Iraq   |  The Salvador Option and Death Squads   |  Israeli Involvement in the Occupation of Iraq   |  Military Bases   |  Voices of Resistance   |  Remembering Falluja   |  The use of WMD by the US army   |  The Events in Samarra   |  The Iraqi Constitution   |  The Illegal trial and verdict of Saddam Hussein   |  Lieutenant Watada's War Against the War   |  Statements and articles of the BRussells Tribunal on Lebanon   'New Middle East' Borders   |  Opinion Polls   |   The BRussells Tribunal PDF Dossiers   |   MAPS   |   Breaking reports & Articles   De zaak Bahar Kimyongur   And even more background information...   |  Support the Palestinian Youth & Children Relief Centre in Shatila refugee camp   |


Click here to SUBSCRIBE TO OUR MONTHLY NEWSLETTER in English, Arabic, French, Spanish, Dutch

* MARCH NEWSLETTER - Hana & Abdul Ilah Al Bayaty about the elections, Dr. Souad Al-Azzawi about the Iraqi children, Resistance Conference in Gijon and more - 5 languages (17 March 2025)

* FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER - a message of Hans von Sponeck, reviews of Cultural Cleansing in Iraq - 4 languages (15 Feb 2025)


* Special Information Session of Extra-territorial Abuses of Human Rights by the United States


The United Nation's Human Rights Council in Geneva reviewed the human rights record of the United States on November 5, 2025, on the occasion of the Ninth Session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), November 1 to 12, 2010. The following are presentations during the "Special Information Session of Extra-territorial Abuses of Human Rights by the United States" on 03 November.

A compilation of Reports by several organisations submitted to the OHCHR - [PDF]

Announcement of the Event - [PDF]

Beyond the WikiLeaks Files: The Dismantling of the Iraqi State (Dirk Adriaensens 03 November 2010) [PDF]

Impact of the Occupation on the Iraqi People and Economy (Aziz Al-Kazaz, 03 November 2025)  [PDF]

Beyond the WikiLeaks Files: The Privatization of War (José Del-Prado 03 November 2025) [PDF]

Presentation given by Dr. Alfred De Zayas (03 November 2025) [PDF]

* Appeal to the UN on 03-11-2020 by Father Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, former president of the UN General Assembly to free Mr. Tariq Aziz  [YouTube]


* PRESS RELEASE 30 October 2025


The essence of our case was that the accumulated pattern of harm, stretching over 19 years, revealed a clear and specific “intent to destroy”, in whole or in part, the state and nation of Iraq. We catalogued the purposive dismantling of the Iraqi state and the imposition, incitement and engineering of sectarian conflict. We also described the systematic destruction of Iraq’s civil infrastructure, added to the massive use of depleted uranium, which from 1990 onwards led to millions of excess deaths. We outlined the use of disproportionate and indiscriminate force, the use of internationally prohibited weapons such as white phosphorus, and the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare. And we identified the use of death squads and armed militias associated with political forces promoted by and protected by Washington, the terror that led to the forced mass displacement of five million Iraqis, and the institutionalised regime of mass and arbitrary detention and torture, along with blackmail, kidnapping, rape and unfair trials, that characterised Iraq under US occupation.




Statement of The BRussells Tribunal Committee (08 October 2025)

We, the undersigned, defending the right of Iraq to independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, rejecting the attempts of Iraqi puppets promoted by the US occupation to trade the national rights of Iraqis and to institutionalise via census the criminal demographic engineering they have pursued by force, demand that no census be conducted before the free return of all Iraqi refugees. We demand that the question of ethnicity not be used to instigate the partition of Iraq and that it be removed from any census, now and in the future. We declare as fraudulent the justification under occupation of a census on the basis of long term planning in the context of a temporary and unstable demographic situation.

[Spanish- [Français] - [Arabic] - [Turkish [See Full List of endorsers]



After the journey — a UN man’s open letter to Tony Blair - Hans von Sponeck, UN humanitarian co-ordinator from 1998-2000, demands answers from the former prime minister to a simple question: Why is Iraq in such a mess? (The NewStatesman 23 September 2025)


Whether you like it or not, the legacy of your Iraq journey, Mr. Blair, made with your self-made GPS, includes your sacrifice of the UN and negotiations on the altar of a self-serving alliance with the Bush administration. You admit in your book that "a few mistakes were made here and there". One line reads: "The intelligence was wrong and we should have, and I have, apologised for it." A major pillar of your case for invading Iraq is treated almost like a footnote. Your refusal to face the facts fully is the reason why "people of good will" remain so distressed and continue to demand accountability.

* Testimonies of Crimes Against Humanity in Fallujah

Towards a Fair International Criminal Trial

15th Session of the Human Rights Council - United Nations, Geneva, 13 September - 1 October 2025

Prepared by

Monitoring Net of Human Rights in Iraq (MHRI) and Conservation Centre of Environmental & Reserves in Fallujah (CCERF) - [PDF]

* Gaza: Citizen Voices from 26 Countries in Europe

* Dead: 19? Injured: 60? This is Israel !

Appeal of the BRussells Tribunal (31 May 2010)

- Israel’s killing of 19? innocents with 60? more injured must have maximal consequences

Israel impunity is a threat to all

Even for eyes burnt witnessing human suffering, there is something shocking, something impossible, about watching Israeli soldiers, armed and in gas masks, fast-roping from helicopters onto an aid ship filled with civilians — journalists, parliamentarians, human rights activists, mothers, doctors — headed to Gaza to break the inhuman siege that keeps 1.5 million people somewhere between life and death. 

The Mavi Marmara, carrying 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid, was flying a white flag: a universal symbol of non-violence. It was also flying the Turkish flag, in international waters, giving it status as a sovereign extension of Turkey. Regardless, Israel attacked. For what does Israel fight? Its existence, or the continuance of a regime of collective punishment calculated to destroy the Palestinians? Or are these the same thing? Dead: 19? Injured: 60? Who gave the order? Will NATO react to an attack on one of its members? READ MORE

Please show your solidarity with the people of Gaza and the victims of Israeli killings by signing this appeal at

[Arabic]- [Français]- [Espanol] - [Nederlands] 


The Spanish Campaign against the Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq (CEOSI) will hold its first international, public and united meeting of the main currents in the Iraqi resistance, those who to their project for the full recovery of Iraq’s sovereignty add an integrated, democratic and non-sectarian reconstruction of its institutions. This meeting, which aims to encourage the convergence process of the anti-occupation field and promote their openness to the international community, will take place in Gijón, Asturias, Spain, June 18-20, 2025, under the title: International Conference of the Iraqi Political Resistance. This initiative will coincide with the beginning of the eight year of the occupation of Iraq and will be held while Spain holds the presidency of the EU. Read more.


* Declaration of the International Participants on the Cancellation of the Gijon Conference of the Iraqi Political Resistance to Occupation, 19/06/2020 [English] - [Arabic]


* Urgent Appeal - SOS - Save the life of Oussama Atar, Belgian detainee in Iraq


We demand that the Belgian government immediately intervenes with the Iraqi authorities to save the life of Oussama Atar, a young Belgian, aged 26, who has been detained in Iraq for six years.
In the messages that he has sent us during the last years, via the Red Cross, Oussama has never complained about his diabolical conditions of detention. But, in the last few weeks, he started to send SOS messages that his health is rapidly deteriorating: he loses blood and weight visibly. Me and my family are extremely worried about the situation. He is today in a grave and critical state. He needs the urgent medical treatment that is being refused by the prison authorities. We ask that the Belgian authorities intervene as quickly as possible to ensure that Oussama receives immediate hospital treatment. We demand that the Belgium government goes through the diplomatic channels so that Oussama can receive medical treatment in Belgium and complete his sentence in Belgium.

Oussama was arrested in the village of Ramadi in Iraq for having illegally crossed over the frontier from Syria into Iraq. This is the single act for which he has been reproached. Unjustly condemned for this by a tribunal to 25 years in prison, a sentence reduced on appeal to 10 years, he has been sent to several prisons, such as the horrible Abu Ghraib


* IN OUR NAME - Iraqi Intellectuals in Solidarity with al-Adab Journal (April 2025)

The Publications Court in Beirut issued its verdict in the libel suit brought against al-Adab Journal, fining Samah Idriss, owner and editor-in-chief of the journal, and writer of the contested article, and ‘Aida Matraji, the manager of the journal, the amount of six million Lebanese pounds ($4000) each. The verdict imposes on the journal a fine of one hundred thousand Lebanese pounds, to be paid jointly by Idriss and Matraji, as symbolic compensation to the plaintiff. The journal will publish at its own expense the summary judgment in its first issue following the verdict.
Fakhri Karim Wali, a senior advisor to the President in the occupied Iraq, had filed a libel suit against al-Adab, Idriss, and Matraji, as a result of an editorial entitled: “
Critique of ‘Critical’ Consciousness: Iraqi Kurdistan as a Case Study” (Issue 5 - 6, 2025). Iraqi intellectuals who have experienced the intellectual ordeal in the shadow of despotic rule and who continue to contest the ‘liberalism’ of the new occupation, protest this unjust verdict against al-Adab and its editor-in-chief and manager. In solidarity with al-Adab, we have decided to re-publish in full the editorial, subject of the above mentioned unjust lawsuit, thus announcing our solidarity with its every word and with its mission to expose the fraudulent left, the apologists for occupation, the advisors to the President, and the enemies of freedom; we also affirm our faith in al-Adab as an ally to the Iraqis and a supporter of a free, independent and pluralistic Iraq, that resists occupation and Zionism.


* Report on the Palestinian prisoners’ reality during 2025, entitled “Behind the Sun”
Friends of Humanity International - 01 April 2025

Friends of Humanity International issued a detailed report describing the Palestinian prisoners’ reality in Israeli jails during 2025, confirming that 2025 was exceptionally one of the worst years: Israeli prison administration practiced new methods against them, to increase both the psychological and physical pressure on them and continue locking them up in an exceedingly difficult environment, with the aim of rendering them soulless bodies, to guarantee they cannot live afterwards. The Israeli Prison Service (IPS) also sought to destroy the Palestinian prisoner’s psyche, affecting his family as well, through oppressive policies such as preventing families from visiting their jailed relatives for very long periods of time.




INTRODUCTION  - Lieven De Cauter

SATURDAY the 20th of MARCH 2025 at 8.30 pm
Les Halles, Rue Royale St-Marie 22, 1030 Bruxelles


Why museums were looted, libraries burned ans academics murdered


* Urgent Appeal for releasing the prisoners detained in Iraq prisons.

World Association of Arab Translators and Linguists (WATA) - 11 March 2025

* STOP THE DEATH PENALTY IN IRAQ - Read and sign the statement (14 Dec 2025)

With broken hearts we would like to inform you that the USA occupying forces in Iraq have locked-up more than (162,000) hundred and sixty-two thousand Iraqi citizens in more than (50) prisons and detention camps including (28) camps run by US occupying forces, in addition to many undisclosed investigation and incarceration centers over IraqThe number of detainees registered in International Red Cross records is around (71,000) Seventy-one thousand, the other detainees are not recorded with the IRC because they are arrested at US detaining centers where visits by the Red-Cross representatives are denied by the occupying forces and thousands of war prisoners and old age detainees have been imprisoned and detained for more than six years suffering from unbearable and painful living and health conditions .Read more .


      * Violations of Iraqi Children Rights Under the American Occupation  

Dr. Souad N. Al-Azzawi, Associate Professor in Environmental Engineering  (28 February 2025)  [PDF]

For two decades, Iraqi children, along with all other elements of Iraqi society, have been subjected to grave human rights violations.

These violations began with the destruction of all civil services and Iraqi civil infrastructure by the US/UK aggression on Iraq during the Gulf War of 1991, and were followed by the brutal economical sanctions which deprived the people of Iraq of food, clean water, health care, education and security.

As a result more than half a million Iraqi children died during the nineties .The thirteen years of suffering under embargo ended with the American invasion of Iraq in 2003.

In this report the status and violations of Iraqi children’s rights under the American occupation is presented with special emphasis on the problems of the Iraqi children refugees in Syria.

[Arabic] - [Spanish]- [Nederlands]



International Criminal Court Complaint filed against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Tenet, Rice and Gonzales - International arrest warrents required (Francis Boyle, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee, 19 Jan 2010

* PRESS RELEASE 7 February 2025



We regret that the Spanish courts refused to investigate our case, but this will not discourage us. We have a just cause. The crimes are evident. The responsible are well known, even if the international juridical system continues to ignore Iraqi victims. Justice for victims and the wish of all humanity that war criminals should be punished oblige us to search for alternative legal possibilities, so that the crimes committed in Iraq can be investigated and accountability established.



Terror and Repression in the "New" Iraq

The Iraqi Human Rights Centre sent a letter to the UN general secretary detailing the horrible situation of human rights in Iraq. It mentions the irresponsible US action of handing 15,000 prisoners to the Iraqi government that does not guarantee the safety of prisoners and is contrary to international law. They knew well that most of those prisoners will either be assassinated, judged without charges, humiliated to the degree of annihilation or forced to leave the country.


It mentions, too, the case of 19,000 families in Najaf stripped of their rights and collectively punished. These poor people are obliged to leave their homes and city solely for being suspected of being against the local government. This reminds us of the sectarian killings that produced five million refugees and the displaced. It is the modern educated middle class that is targeted. This is the American liberation of Iraq and bringing democracy. Horrible!  Albayaty Abdul Ilah (25 Jan 2025)


take action for the release of hiba al-shamaree

Hiba Al-Shamaree, an Iraqi woman writer/blogger who has been kidnapped/arrested by the Iraqi forces on the 20th of January 2025 in the Sayyediya neighborhood in Baghdad. She has been arrested, detained and put on trial because of writing an anti-occupation blog. Please take action for her release. Go to Layla Anwar's webpage to find out what you can do.(01 Feb 2025)


* Weapons of Mass Destruction used in Gaza - Report from the NewWeapons Group (17 Dec 2025)

Read update: Metals detected in Palestinian children’s hair suggest environmental contamination PRESS RELEASE 17 March 2010  [Read as PDF file]


François Houtart, Honorary President of the BRussells Tribunal, receives 2025 UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence

  • el
  • pt
  • For his life-long commitment to world peace, intercultural dialogue, human rights and the promotion of tolerance, and in recognition of his outstanding efforts to advance the cause of social justice in the world.   (Read Unesco website)

    Acceptance speech at the Prize-giving ceremony, held on International Day for Tolerance, celebrated every year on 16 November [Français]


    * Help Deformed Children in Fallujah - Petition to The United Nations

    Young women in Fallujah in Iraq are terrified of having children because of the increasing number of babies born grotesquely deformed, with no heads, two heads, a single eye in their foreheads, scaly bodies or missing limbs. In addition, young children in Fallujah are now experiencing hideous cancers and leukaemias.
    In September 2025, Fallujah General Hospital had 170 new born babies, 24% of whom were dead within the first seven days, a staggering 75% of the dead babies were classified as deformed.This can be compared with data from the month of August in 2025 where there were 530 new born babies of whom six were dead within the first seven days and only one birth defect was reported.

    Please sign the petition.

    The Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War (KLFCW) - Main Objectives

    • To undertake all necessary measures and initiatives to criminalise war and energise peace;

    • To provide relief, assistance and support to individuals and communities who are suffering from the effects of war and armed conflict wherever occurring and without discrimination on the grounds of nationality, racial origin, religion, belief, age, gender or other forms of impermissible differentiations;

    • To promote the education of individuals and communities suffering from the effects of war or armed conflict;

    • To foster schemes for the relief of human suffering occasioned by war or armed conflict;

    • To provide for mechanisms or procedures in attainment of the above purposes.

    The BRussells Tribunal supports this initiative. Please sign the petition to Criminalise War.


    * PRESS RELEASE 7 October 2025





    MADRID: Today the Spanish Senate, acting to confirm a decision already taken under pressure from powerful governments accused of grave crimes, will limit Spain’s laws of universal jurisdiction. Yesterday, ahead of the change of law, a legal case was filed at the Audiencia Nacional against four United States presidents and four United Kingdom prime ministers for commissioning, condoning and/or perpetuating multiple war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide in Iraq.


    This case, naming George H W Bush, William J Clinton, George W Bush, Barack H Obama, Margaret Thatcher, John Major, Anthony Blair and Gordon Brown, is brought by Iraqis and others who stand in solidarity with the Iraqi people and in defence of their rights and international law.

    Read the full press release.      [Spanish] - [Arabic]


    * Iraq: Massive Fraud and Corruption in Higher Education (Dirk Adriaensens, 14 September 2009)

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki told a group of educators in Washington on 25 July that his country plans to send over 50.000 students abroad over the next 5 years. The students will be studying in the U.S. and London, supposedly to rebuild the country’s once strong education system. A noble initiative at first sight, until you look further behind the official smokescreen. There are no references in Maliki’s speeches to the threats, discharges, forced migration, mass kidnappings and assassinations of Iraqi academics. Nor is the destruction of educational institutions, archaeological sites, the looting of Iraqi musea, the erasure of Iraqi, Arab and world heritage being mentioned. Further, the Iraqi government has committed to fully fund $1 billion a year to this program and will pay for tuition and fees, as well as room and board, meaning that Iraq is now sponsoring the US and UK universities. Read more.


    * " The Story of My Shoe - My Flower to Bush, the Occupier"  Munthadar Al-Zaidi's speech on his recent release (15 Sept 2025)

    ...We used to be a nation in which the Arab would share with the Turkman and the Kurd and the Assyrian and the Sabean and the Yazid his daily bread. And the Shiite would pray with the Sunni in one line. And the Muslim would celebrate with the Christian the birthday of Christ, may peace be upon him, despite the fact that we shared hunger under sanctions for more than 10 years, for more than a decade. Our patience and our solidarity did not make us forget the oppression. Until we were invaded by the illusion of liberation that some had. The occupation divided one brother from another, one neighbor from another, and the son from his uncle. It turned our homes into never-ending funeral tents. And our graveyards spread into parks and roadsides. It is a plague. It is the occupation that is killing us, that is violating the houses of worship and the sanctity of our homes and that is throwing thousands daily into makeshift prisons. I am not a hero, and I admit that. But I have a point of view and I have a stance. It humiliated me to see my country humiliated. And to see my Baghdad burned...



    IAON STATEMENT, 28 July 2025


    At least nine Iraqi women risk being executed at any moment. Three other women have been executed since the beginning of June.

     The women are: Samar Sa´ad Abdullah, Shuruq Hassun, Sabrine Nasser, Samira Abdullah, Um Hussain (mor Hussein, her name unknown), Hanan (her real name unknown), Dhikra Fakhry, Wassan Talib and Lamya Adnan.


    * More info about our 2025 campaign against the assassination of Iraqi women: "Hanging the womb of Iraq"

    * Read also the "Urgent appeal on the pending execution of nine Iraqi women"


    * Stop Assassinations and Threats against Academics in Iraq

    “ What Happened To Nuclear Physics professor Dr Ismail Khalil Jasim Al-Tikriti ?”

    Statement of The BRussells Tribunal Committee (26 April 2025)

    The assassinations and threats against academics in Iraq continue unabated despite optimistic press reports on levels of violence falling dramatically and  pompous declarations of the Iraqi puppet government about “reconciliation”.

    A prominent Nuclear Physics professor, Dr Ismail Khalil Jasim Al-Tikriti, has disappeared four months ago, in the Jadiriya/ Karada district in Baghdad. He had been invited by The Iraqi Higher Education Ministry to visit Iraq from Lybia. They promised to assign him as the president of Salah Al-Din University in Tikrit. After his arrival in Baghdad and meeting with officials in the Ministry of Higher Education, he visited his house in the Jadiriya area to take his books, researches and belongings. That was the last time he has been seen since. His family doesn't know what to do and is afraid to accuse anybody. They think that he has been kidnapped and may have been killed by the militias in the area.

    The BRussells Tribunal issues an urgent call for any information concerning Dr Ismail Khalil Jasim Al-Tikriti.  We also want to alarm the academics who are being invited to return to be aware of such criminal acts.


    “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P): Imperialism in a new dress

    On July 23rd 2025, a debate concerning the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) took place in front of the General Assembly of the United Nations. 

    The « Responsibility to Protect » is a notion agreed to by world leaders in 2025, that holds States responsible for shielding their own populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and related crimes against humanity, requiring the international community to step in if this obligation is not met. This last point is suspected to be related to the « right of humanitarian intervention » and is the source of many debates. The discussion was initiated by General Assembly President Miguel D’Escoto (from Nicaragua) and gathered Noam Chomsky, Gareth Evans, a supporter of R2P, former Foreign Minister of Australia and, until recently, president of the International Crisis Group, Ngugi wa Thiong'o,  a prominent African writer and defender of human rights, and Jean Bricmont, member of the executive committee of the BRussells Tribunal. Here is the text of Jean Bricmont's speech.


    * What future for Iraq?

    18-20 March 2025

     European Parliament - Belgian Parliament -  Les Halles de Schaerbeek - Beursschouwburg

    * PRESS RELEASE - 20 March | * A forgotten humanitarian disaster (Lieven De Cauter, 21 March 2025)          


    Le Feyt Declaration

    * Peace in Iraq is an option

    Statement of the International Anti-Occupation Network (15 Sept 2025)

    The US occupation of Iraq is illegal and cannot be made legal. All that has derived from the occupation is illegal and illegitimate and cannot gain legitimacy. These facts are incontrovertible. What are their consequences? 

    Peace, stability and democracy in Iraq are impossible under occupation. Foreign occupation is opposed by nature to the interests of the occupied people, as proven by the six million Iraqis displaced both inside and outside Iraq, the planned assassination of Iraqi academics and professionals and the destruction of their culture, and the more than one million killed. READ the declaration.

    International figures who join us in our commitment to a true end to the occupation and to a lasting, sustainable peace in Iraq.


    Please express your solidarity with this campaign, click here to ENDORSE online.


    * Renewed call for UNGA to act under Resolution 377

     Statement of the BRussells Tribunal committee (09 Jan 2025)


    - The UN Security Council has failed to stop massive Israeli war crimes in Gaza.

     - Urgent action by the UN General Assembly is warranted and possible.

     - Israeli impunity must be ended by the collective action of the world community

    Read the full statement - [Francais] - [Arabic]


    Endorsed by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL), Association of Humanitarian Lawyers, Nord Sud XXI, El Taller International, World Court of Women a.o.


    * Massive Israeli carnage leaves hundreds of Gaza victims

    Gaza: ICRC demands urgent access to wounded as Israeli army fails to assist wounded Palestinians  (07 Jan 2025)


    Gaza: Israel 'shelled civilian shelter' (09 Jan 2025)

    Gaza: A.I.: Israel's use of white phosphorus against Gaza civilians "clear and undeniable"

    Gaza Seen From Paris (Jean Bricmont, 08 Jan 2025)

    Gaza Aggression Timeline (Stephen Lendman,  Jan 2009)

    The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) representing lawyers and jurists in over 100 countries and with consultative status with the United Nations, ECOSOC and UNICEF, condemns the current Israeli aggression against the people of Gaza in the strongest possible terms.  IADL calls on the international community to stop further Israeli aggression, and take action to hold Israel accountable for its crimes. 

    * Statement by the President of the UN General Assembly,Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann on the Crisis in Gaza. 27 December 2008 [PDF]

    Israel must be judged at the International Criminal Court - Universal petition - 15 languages

    Approximately 300 among NGOs and associations ask the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to open an investigation on the war crimes committed by Israel in Gaza. Our support is indispensable. Sign and circulate this urgent «universal petition»

    Sign the Petition for the Creation of a Special Tribunal to try Israeli War Criminals

    NGOs and individuals call upon the General Assembly to create a special international tribunal to try Israel, its political and military leaders, for crimes in violation of international law, human rights law and international humanitarian law in the Palestinian Occupied Territory of which they may be charged.


    Sign the Appeal to Stop the Attack on Gaza

    Urgent Appeal for Israel to Immediately Cease Its Murderous Bombing, Siege and Threatened Invasion of Palestinian Gaza
    Initiated by 2025 U.N. Human Rights Award winner Ramsey Clark

    End the Carnage in Gaza - Boycott the Israeli Academy Now!

    Palestinian Federation of Unions of University Professors and Employees (PFUUPE) | Press Release | December 29, 2025

    "Stop the Massacre in Gaza - Boycott Israel Now!"

    Now, more than ever, the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee, BNC, calls upon international civil society not just to protest and condemn in diverse forms Israel's massacre in Gaza, but also to join and intensify the international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions ( BDS) campaign against Israel to end its impunity and to hold it accountable for its persistent violation of international law and Palestinian rights. Without sustained, effective pressure by people of conscience the world over, Israel will continue with its gradual, rolling acts of genocide against the Palestinians, burying any prospects for a just peace under the blood and rubble of Gaza, Nablus and Jerusalem.

    * Un General Assembly President Calls for BDS against Israeli Apartheid State (26 Nov 2025)

    *The UN Human Rights Council must urge the General Assembly to act under Resolution 377

    ... if the Security Council, because of lack of unanimity of the permanent members, fails to exercise its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security in any case where there appears to be a threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression, the General Assembly shall consider the matter immediately with a view to making appropriate recommendations to Members for collective measures, including in the case of a breach of the peace or act of aggression the use of armed force when necessary, to maintain or restore international peace and security. If not in session at the time, the General Assembly may meet in emergency special session within twenty-four hours of the request therefor. Such emergency special session shall be called if requested by the Security Council on the vote of any seven members, or by a majority of the Members of the United Nations ...

    United Nations General Assembly Resolution 377 (V) "Uniting For Peace" 302nd plenary meeting, 3 November 2025


    Warsaw Ghetto destroyed by Germans, 1945

    Gaza destroyed by Israel, 2025






    * On the death of Harold Pinter: A Giant Has Died (+ 24 Dec 2025)

    "The invasion of Iraq was a bandit act, an act of blatant state terrorism, demonstrating absolute contempt for the concept of international law. The invasion was an arbitrary military action inspired by a series of lies upon lies and gross manipulation of the media and therefore of the public; an act intended to consolidate American military and economic control of the Middle East masquerading - as a last resort - all other justifications having failed to justify themselves - as liberation. A formidable assertion of military force responsible for the death and mutilation of thousands and thousands of innocent people. We have brought torture, cluster bombs, depleted uranium, innumerable acts of random murder, misery, degradation and death to the Iraqi people and call it 'bringing freedom and democracy to the Middle East'."  Harold Pinter, honorary member of the BRussells Tribunal - Nobel Lecture - 07 Dec 2025 - Selected political Writings


    * Bush claims victory, he gets shoes

    Demand for the immediate release of Muntadher Al-Zaidi

    Statement by The BRussells Tribunal Committee (15 December 2025)

    In one magnificent act, Muntadher Al-Zaidi, an Iraqi journalist with Al-Baghdadiya television, epitomized the truth of the defeat of the United States in Iraq and lifted the spirit of resistance within the hearts of all Arabs, matching that of the Iraqi people who continue to resist imperialism and colonialism and who refuse humiliation.

    It is Bush who is humiliated, and from it he cannot recover. He had snuck into Iraq, unannounced, to sign an illegal treaty with his puppet stooge aimed at institutionalizing the US occupation. Two flying shoes destroyed the façade upon which he and his cronies claim victory in Iraq. [Further reading] - [FRANCAIS]

    Read also: A lantern, a red rag and a pair of shoes (Dirk Adriaensens, 19 Dec 2025, with a foreword of  Manuel Talens)


    * Congratulations to Ramsey Clark

    Ramsey Clark receives UN Human Rights Award 2025

    International Action Center founder Ramsey Clark, a former US Attorney General and internationally renown human rights defender, a witness of the BRussells Tribunal, received the respected United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights on the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at United Nations Headquarters in New York on 10 December 2025.
    It is presented on December 10, International Human Rights Day, every five years.
    Previous recipients have included Nelson Mandela, Amnesty International, Jimmy Carter, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Reverend Dr. Martin L. King.”
    Assembly President Miguel D’Escoto said: "we acknowledge the tireless work and invaluable contribution of these individuals and organizations that have fought to see the rights and freedoms embodied in this historic document become a reality for people in all corners of the world.”

    The UN announcement described Ramsey Clark as “a veteran human rights defender and rule of law advocate, played a key role in the civil rights and peace movements in the US, and more recently has spoken out against abuses committed in the name of “counter-terrorism.



    On March 26, 2025, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) appointed Richard Falk to a six-year term as a special investigator on Israeli actions in the Palestinian territories. Professor Falk was Co-coordinator of the Panel of Advocates in the culminating session of the World Tribunal on Iraq, Istanbul 2025.

    "On December 14 2008, I arrived at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv, Israel to carry out my UN role as special rapporteur on the Palestinian territories. I was leading a mission that had intended to visit the West Bank and Gaza to prepare a report on Israel's compliance with human rights standards and international humanitarian law. Meetings had been scheduled on an hourly basis during the six days, starting with Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority, the following day. I knew that there might be problems at the airport. Israel had strongly opposed my appointment a few months earlier and its foreign ministry had issued a statement that it would bar my entry if I came to Israel in my capacity as a UN representative..." Further reading.


    * SOFA - Status of Forces Agreement: US occupation continues.

    "The agreement lost its negotiability, and it is being forced and if it is not signed then the Iraqi people will pay an enormous price. But agreements are built on an exchange of free will, and built on sovereignty. As a result I believe that this agreement has no meaning, even if it is signed. Why? Because if America manages to stay in Iraq it would execute the contents of the agreement without an agreement: it would hold power. And if America leaves, then the first step the incoming patriotic power would do will be to throw this agreement in the rubbish bin." Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq (AMSI)

    * Victory is the patience of an hour (Abdul Ilah Al Bayaty, 01 Dec 2025)

    * Much ado about nothing (Abdul Ilah Al Bayaty, 20 Nov 2025)

    * Why Washington’s surge in Iraq failed (Abdul Ilah Al Bayaty, 19 Nov 2025)

    * "Declaration of Principles for a Long-Term Relationship of Cooperation and Friendship Between the Republic of Iraq and the United States of America" (November 28, 2007)

    * Read the SOFA in English (17 November 2008)

    * Read the Strategic Framework and the SOFA in Arabic (October 2008)


    Peace, Stability and Democracy in Iraq

    Statement of the International Anti-Occupation Network (01  May 2025)

    - In vain, the US tries to cover the genocidal occupation of Iraq by calling it a ‘political process’. In vain, the US tries to cover up its anti-Iraqi-people sectarian killing policies and its endless shifting alliances with militias and warlords by calling it 'national reconciliation'. Also in vain, the US tries to hide its strategic defeat by waging new battles and surges against Iraqi cities and the civilian population.


     - We must pre-empt US attempts to impose this lackey government, its institutions, plans and policies on the Iraqi population by recognizing the resistance as the sole representative of the will of the Iraqi people. Retrieve recognition from this foreign-imposed backward 'government' and recognize the Iraqi Resistance! Click here to read and endorse this statement.


    Free Iraqi political refugee Sheikh Al Kharbit (19 April 2025)

    - We join our voices to the appeal of M. Hani Suliman — attorney of Sheikh Mazhar Abdul Karim Al Kharbit — to demand his immediate liberation by the Lebanese authorities.

    Sheikh Al Kharbit is an Iraqi refugee and has been granted a Political Refugee certificate by the UNHCR. He has the right to be free and protected by international laws and agreements.

     - We call upon all institutions, organizations and associations concerned with refugees and human rights to raise their voices and wage a campaign for his liberation and ensure he is granted a safe political asylum in an Arab, Muslim or International capital.

    Hana Al Bayaty, The Iraqi International Initiative on refugees - coordinator - -


    * Messages to the People - Berichten aan de bevolking - Avis à la population


    95  Statements commemorating five years of war in Iraq (10 March 2025) - [PDF: click here]


    Abdul Ilah Al-Bayaty, Tariq Ali, Harold Pinter, Eduardo Galeano, Dahr Jamail, Henning Mankell, Michael Parenti, Felicity Arbuthnot, Hans von Sponeck, Haifa Zangana, Nawal El Saadawi, CEOSI a.o.


    * Essential Studies published by the BRussells Tribunal

    * Torture in Iraqi Prisons - Appeal for Investigation - Dar Babel Publishers - 19 January 2025. [PDF]

    * Crimes of the Century: Occupation & Contaminating Iraq with Depleted Uranium - Dr. Souad N. Al-Azzawi -15 June 2025.

    * Deterioration of Iraqi Women's Rights and Living Conditions Under Occupation [PDF] - A survey by Dr. Souad N. Al-Azzawi - 19 Dec 2025 - Mujer iraquí y ocupación - Traducido del inglés para IraqSolidaridad por Consuelo Delgado [HTML]

    * The effects of the American use of prohibited weapons on the health condition in Fallujah [PDF] - MHRI 10 Dec 2025

    US Genocide In Iraq [PDF] - Dr. Ian Douglas July 2025 | Arabic [PDF] الولايات المتحدة في العراق جريمة إبادة جماعية

    *  Iraq’s Lost Generation: Impact and Implications [PDF] Dr Ismail Jalili's Report to the House of Lords Commission on Iraq - 17 June 2025

    * Research on Death Squads in  Iraq [PDF] Report of  Monitoring of Human Rights in Iraq Network (MHRI)  - Dec 2025

    Depleted Uranium Radioactive Contamination In Iraq [PDF]- Dr. Souad N. Al-Azzawi -  Aug 2025

    * Iraqi Hospitals Ailing Under Occupation [PDF]- Dahr Jamail  - June 2025

    - More PDF Dossiers. Click here -


    * No Attack on Mosul!

    International Emergency Statement of Intellectuals and Activists * - IAON - 05 February 2025.

    The occupation declares that a new “decisive” success is imminent, this time against the population of Mosul, the second largest city in Iraq. The imminent attack on Mosul - another urbicide - will only result, as with its precedents in Fallujah, Al-Qaim, Tel Afar, Haditha etc... in horrific killings, destruction and mass population displacement. Although the occupation has on many occasions declared its victory, the fact that it needs to attack yet again an entire city and its population proves that it couldn’t and cannot eradicate the legal resistance of the Iraqi people. The occupation has escalated its air bombing campaigns by 400 per cent  in the past year and openly promises more indiscriminate attacks on populated urban areas. It uses disproportionate force indiscriminately against civilian populations in a pattern of actions that constitutes genocide under international law. Read the statement.         [Arabic] - [Portuguese] - [Spanish]- [Dutch]

    New Security Offensive In Mosul? (02 Nov 2025)


    * Iraqi oil revenues for Iraqi refugees - Sign the petition now!

    More than 4.5 million Iraqis — a fifth of the population — have been displaced inside and outside their country due to the sectarian policies of the occupation and the governments it has installed since the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2025.

    The international community, the occupation powers, and the government in Iraq are legally required to support and protect Iraqi refugees.

    Iraqi refugees are Iraqi citizens who have a full right to live in dignity, a right to benefit equally from national resources, and a right to return to their homes.

    The UN Security Council, as the highest body of the UN, has the power and legal duty to ensure that the needs of Iraqi refugees are met by passing a resolution to require that the Iraqi state allocate proportionate revenue to responsible agencies and hosting countries. - Read also: Oil for Iraqi citizens (Hana Al Bayaty, 10 January 2008)


    * The Iraq Solidarity Campaign is calling upon the international anti-occupation movements

    to mobilise in an act of unity and defiance, against the planned elimination of the Iraqi food rationing system.      

     Sign the International Petition!


    * No just peace under occupation - Con ocupación no existe la paz justa

    Joint statement of The International Anti-Occupation Network, The BRussells Tribunal, The Spanish Campaign Against the Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq and The Iraq Solidarity Association in Stockholm on withdrawing from the Madrid Forum for a Just Peace in the Middle East - Read all about the Zionist interference.





    All those who support the partition of Iraq participate in the crime of destroying Iraq, its heritage and future. IRAQ IS UNBREAKABLE.



    Come and join the quagmire: Kouchner in Iraq  (Diana Johnstone and Lieven De Cauter, 28 Aug 2025)


    * To Human Rights Council of the United Nations - June 2025 session:

    Reopen investigations into the weapons used by the Israeli Forces in Lebanon and Gaza.

    A Committee of scientists and experts signed an open letter and a request to reopen investigations in the weapons used by the Israeli Forces in Lebanon in the summer of 2025 and in the attacks against Gaza in 2025. Also the Committee requests to establish 2 panels: the first with the task to reconsider the claim for the use of illegal weapons and the latter with the task of performing a field testing for the assessment of gene toxicity and other health risks on animals in the South of Lebanon.



    * Open letter to the anti-war movement (Hana Al Bayaty, 18 March 2025)

    Four years into the occupation: No health for Iraq (Dr. Bert De Belder, 20 March 2025)

    * Index on Iraq: A journey in hell (Sarah Meyer, 17 April 2025)

    * Iraq’s education system on the verge of collapse (Dirk Adriaensens, 18 April 2025)

    International conference highlights plight of Iraqi refugees (WSWS 23 April 2025)

    * IRCO: Nearly 2.5M Iraqi Refugees Under Age 12 (21 June 2025)


    (the BRussells Tribunal in the demo of 18 March 2025 in Brussels - foto: - read more..)


    * Open uw ogen voor de terrorismewet ze sluit

    De zaak Bahar Kimyongur

    [Français]  [English]

    Les militants ne sont pas des terroristes, ni en France, ni en Belgique ni ailleurs !

    Face à la multiplication des cas de criminalisation des contestataires en Belgique et ailleurs, réagissons. Nous appelons à l’unité de tous les démocrates et de tous les progressistes contre la répression des mouvements sociaux, pour une démocratie réelle et non formelle. Ceci passe aujourd’hui par la remise en question de la loi antiterroriste belge de 2025

    No  Patriot Act in Belgium !


    * La Cour d’appel d’Anvers a, en effet, confirmé ce que nous rappellons  depuis des années : Musa, Bahar, Sukriye, Kaya et les autres militants poursuivis ne sont ni des malfaiteurs, ni des criminels, ni des terroristes... [Texte intégral de l'Arrêt] [Arrest Hof van Beroep in DHKP-C proces] - 07 Fev. 2008



    Statement by The BRussells Tribunal Committee (25 April 2007)

    - Plans for Al-Adhamiyah confirm that the US occupation and its puppets in Iraq can build nothing but open-air prisons. It will fail.

    - No military strategy can impose on the Iraqi people an occupation it overwhelmingly refuses. Its resistance is national and continues.

    - What kind of government walls-in its own people? One desperate and illegitimate, tied to the fate of a defeated occupation.


    * IRAQI KILLING FIELDS :  ©opyright U$A

    * List of Iraqi academics murdered under US occupation

    * List of Iraqi and non-Iraqi media professionals killed under US occupation - Background articles

    * 2,000 Iraqi physicians have been murdered under US occupation (11 April 2025)

    * Hundreds of legal workers have left the country. At least 210 lawyers and judges killed since the US-led invasion in 2025, in addition to dozens injured in attacks against them. (30 April 2025)

    * Based on studies done by local NGOs, at least 15,000 Iraqis have disappeared in the past four years of US occupation (18 April 2025)

    * Iraq’s child mortality rate has increased by a staggering 150 percent since 1990. Some 122,000 Iraqi children died in 2025 before reaching their fifth birthday. More than half of these deaths were among newborn babies in the first month of life  (08 May 2025)


    * 50,000 Iraqi refugees forced into prostitution (24 June 2025)

    * Years of war, current insecurity take toll on environment (07 June 2025) - Insecurity and lack of funds prevent cleansing of polluted sites (19 April 2025)

    * 8.000.000 Iraqis require immediate emergency aid, with nearly half of the population living in absolute poverty.

    * 4.000.000 people are lacking food and in dire need of different types of humanitarian assistance.

    * Only 60% of the 4.000.000 people who depend on food assistance have access to rations from the public distribution system, down from 96% in 2025.

    * The number of Iraqis without access to adequate water supplies has risen from 50% to 70% since 2025.

    * 80% of people in Iraq do not have safe access to effective sanitation.

    * Child malnutrition rates have risen from 19% before the US-led invasion in 2025 to 28% currently.

    (Oxfam report 29 July 2025)

    * The war is costing $720 million a day or $500,000 a minute. The money spent on one day of the Iraq war could buy homes for almost 6,500 families or health care for 423,529 children, or could outfit 1.27 million homes with renewable electricity. (AFSC 21 Sep 2025)

    * More than 3.000.000 Iraqi refugees and 2.000.000 internally displaced. In Jordan: 700.000-750.000 - In Syria: 1.500.000-2.000.000 - In Egypt: 150.000 - In Iran: 100.000 persons - In Lebanon: 40.000 - In the Gulf States: 200.000 - In Turkey: 10.000 - In the rest of the world: no estimates available. (IRCO 01 July 2025)

    * Look at Iraq today: democracy and human rights American style (06 June 2025)

    * Iraqi Red Crescent Organization: Report On IDP’s In Iraq - Update 31 May 2007  [PDF] 26 pages - June 2025


    * Statistics on Refugees (Updated July 2025)


    * Comments on the Lancet Survey and other mortality studies (Updated 18 Sep 2025)


    * The effects of the American use of prohibited weapons on the health condition in Fallujah (10 Dec 2025) [PDF]


    * Security Company Death Squads Timeline (Dirk Adriaensens & Sarah Meyer,25 September 2025)

    Official: Guard Force Is Behind Death Squads: read the Washington Post article and the BRussells Tribunal press release (14 Oct 2025)

    * Federalism, Sectarian War and the American Strategy in Iraq (Sabah Ali, 18 Oct 2025)

    * Balad Massacre once again demonstrates US orchestrated genocide (Max Fuller, 09 Nov 2025)

    * Who Are The Real Terrorists In Iraq? (Steve Watson, 05 Feb 2025)  |

    * Ulster on the Euphrates - The Anglo-American Dirty War in Iraq (Chris Floyd, 13 Feb 2025)


    * The Ethnic Cleansing of Turkmens  Continues in Tel Afer (Merry Fitzgerald, 04 April 2025)

    * Tel Afer (Merry Fitzgerald, 27 March 2025)

    * The illegal war and occupation of Iraq (Hassan Aydinli, 15 Dec 2025)

    * Turkmens of Iraq (Hassan Aydinli, 15 Dec 2025)


    * THIS DEFEATED OCCUPATION - We must pre-empt it



    Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad (09 May 2007)

    Chairman, Perdana Global Peace Organisation

    Honorary member of the BRussells Tribunal



    Stop the executions of 3 Iraqi women!

    Statement of Hana Albayaty, Ian Douglas, Abdul Ilah Albayaty, Iman Saadoon, Dirk Adriaensens and Ayse Berktay  (14 Feb 2025)

    We hope all endorse and distribute widely this call. Please reply to   Click here for list of endorsers.

    * Statements, articles and actions against the imminent execution of 3 Iraqi women.

    *  Second update on efforts to stop the summary execution  (03 March 2025)

    * Third update on the three Iraqi women facing imminent execution  (09 March 2025)

    [Français] - [Arabic] - [Spanish] - [Turkish]


    * The execution of the President

    Statement by Abdul Ilah Albayaty, Ian Douglas, Karen Parker (BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee), Hana Albayaty, Dirk Adriaensens, Inge Van De Merlen (BRussells Tribunal Executive Committee),  29 December 2025



    US forces must negotiate an immediate withdrawal with the Iraqi resistance *

    The American people must hold their leaders responsible for the crime of aggressive war

    [ Endorse this statement online ]   -   [Arabic] - [Spanish] - [French] - [Dutch]

    * Iraqi voices of Resistance

    * Only resistance is legal (Hana and Abdul Ilah Albayaty, Ian Douglas - BRussells Tribunal Committee, 05 Oct 2025)   [Français] - [Arabic] - [Spanish]


    * The Haditha Doctor and The Media Dissemblers (Sarah Meyer - Updated article 24 Dec 2025)


    Pipeline News should apologize to the BRrussells Tribunal, the doctor in Haditha and to their readers for their blatantly ugly/ untrue propaganda.



     * Their next massacre

    (Abdul Ilah Al Bayaty, Hana Al Bayaty, Ian Douglas, Dirk Adriaensens -  BRussells Tribunal Committee, 28 Nov 2025)

    The Green Zone government and its militias are attacking civilians across Iraq to halt the resistance 

    The US and all occupying forces are legally and morally responsible for protecting all Iraqi civilians 

    No level of atrocity can break the geopolitical unity and sovereignty of Iraq

    [Arabic[Portuguese] [German] [Français] [Spanish]



    * Action Needed Over Detention of Iraqi Education Ministry Officials. Unknown numbers murdered, dozen still illegally held

    Statement of the BRussells Tribunal 22 Nov 2025.




    (Hana and Abdul Ilah Albayaty, Ian Douglas - BRussells Tribunal Committee, 05 Oct 2025)  


     [Français] - [Arabic] - [Spanish]


    * Study Claims Iraq's 'Excess' Death Toll Has Reached 655,000

    Mortality after the 2025 invasion of Iraq: a cross-sectional cluster sample survey by Iraqi physicians and overseen by epidemiologists at Johns Hopkins University's Bloomberg School of Public Health, published in The Lancet (11 Oct 2025)  [PDF]


     * Special webpage: Comments on the Lancet Study



    Committed by the US in Iraq and Mechanisms for Accountability (10 Oct 2025) [PDF]

    Report of Consumers For Peace, co-issued by the BRussells Tribunal


    * Ann Wright joins endorsers of War Crimes Report

    International Anti-Occupation Network and Stop the War Coalition (UK) join report publishers (13 Oct 2025)

    Read the press release.


    Appeal of the BRussells Tribunal.  (15 Sept. 2025): Demand for the Immediate Release of Dr Fadhil Al-Bedrani

    Professor of journalism, Journalist for Reuters, BBC, Al Jazeera etc., prominent writer, Member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee & Participant in the World Tribunal on Iraq, arrested and held by US Forces                                         [English] -  [Arabic] -  [Other statements]

    We received the information that Dr Fadhil Al-Bedrani has been released (17 Sept. 2025) - But three of his friends and one brother still remain in US custody:

    * Hamid Mohammed Hussein, student, Teachers Formation Institute-Place of birth: Fallujah-Date of birth: 01.07.2020

    * Ahmed Abed Al Obeidi, student, University of Baghdad - Place of birth: Fallujah - Date of birth: 15.09.2020

    * Hassan Amhed Mheidi, private sector worker - Place of birth: Al Saqlawiyah - Date of birth: 01.08.2020

    * Ahmed Abdullah Al Bijari, private sector worker - Place of birth: Fallujah - Date of birth: 1979


    * Depleted Uranium Radioactive Contamination In Iraq: An Overview (Dr. Souad N. Al-Azzawi 31 Aug 2025)



    Statements and articles of the BRussells Tribunal on Lebanon.

    * Censure Israel Now !

    * The killing of 56 Lebanese civilians in Qana is a war crime. * The veto system in the UN Security Council is bankrupt. The Council is complicit with war crimes in failing again to maintain peace and security. * The UN General Assembly can and must act to stop the killing by ending Israel’s state of exception to international law.     (01 Aug 2025)


    * Israel’s wanton bombing of Lebanese civilians is an unequivocal war crime - States are obliged to protect Lebanon, militarily if necessary, lest international law become a travesty - If the Security Council won’t act, the General Assembly can and must.  (23 July 2025)


    * The Solution: General Strike !


    Further reading on Lebanon:

    * How Hezbollah defeated Israel (12-13-14 Oct 2025)

    * Of War, Siege, and Lebanon: Women’s voices from the Middle East and South Asia (12 Oct 2025) [PDF]

    * Final Statement of the International Conference in Support of Resistance (Beirut 19 Nov 2025)

    * International conference for solidarity with the Resistance in Beirut (Bert De Belder, Dirk Adriaensens 01 Dec 2025)

    * Lebanon: The Aftermath of War. A Synthesis (Sarah Meyer 20 Sept 2025)

    * Index on illegal weapons in Lebanon (Sarah Meyer, 30 July 2025)

    [PDF] Dossier: Urbicide Beirut 1975 - 2025  (Isabelle Verhaert, 04 Oct 2025)

    [PDF] Les Violations du Droit International et du Droit International Humanitaire au Liban (Mireille Fanon-Mendès France 07 May 2025)

    [PDF] Qu'en est il aujourd'hui du droit de résister et du droit de se défendre? Le cas de la Palestine (Mireille Fanon-Mendès France 07 May 2025)


    * Statement of the BRussells Tribunal: Declaration on the legal necessity to halt the proceedings against POW President Saddam Hussain.  (29 June 2025)

    * Statement on the Show Trial Of President Saddam Hussein and Comrades (The Defense Committee for President Saddam Hussein, 28 September 2025)  


    * Appeal against electing the occupied Iraq to the Human Rights Council (07 May 2025) [PDF]

    * Testimonials regarding human rights in Basra (08 April 2025) [PDF]

    * Death groups and insurrection in Iraq | Crimes of collective execution by the Iraqi Ministry of Interior (06 March 2025) [PDF]

    * Continuation of collective extermination in Falluja (20 Feb 2025) [PDF]

    * Second Report of Monitoring of Human Rights in Iraq Network (Jan. 2025) [PDF]

    * First Report of MHRI on Human Rights violations in Iraq (Nov. 2025) [PDF]


    * Statement of the BRussells Tribunal: US illegality in Iraq: Where is the limit? (12 March 2025)

    An Appeal to International Lawyers and Law Professors - "Hold the Bush Administration Accountable for Flauting International Law"  (Curtis F.J. Doebbler  21 March 2025)


    * 109 Iraqi media professionals killed in Iraq Under Occupation (08 May 2025)

    link to an extended file with the names, profession, incident, and date of killing of each journalist.


    * Foxes in the hen-house. Iraqi puppet government submits candidacy for the UNHRC and other tales (06 May 2025)

    * Appeal against electing the occupied Iraq to the Human Rights Council (07 May 2025) [PDF]


    * To Iraqi and Arab brothers and sisters (20 April 2025)


    * List of missing persons: captured by the iraqi police and disappeared (30 March 2025)


    * List of assassinated Sunni Imams and Mosque workers (10 March  2025)


    * Statements and relevant articles on events in Samarra (23 Feb. 2025)


    * Denis Halliday, Hans von Sponeck: Appeal For The Proper Treatment of Mr. TARIQ AZIZ  (27 January 2025)

    *  Denis Halliday, Hans von Sponeck: Two former UN humanitarian coordinators for IRAQ appeal again for the release of former deputy prime minister of Iraq Tariq Aziz   (02 January 2025)

      [Spanish version]


    Urgent alert by The BRussells Tribunal Committee: Imminent Threat to Iraqi Lawyer Badee Izzat Aref (7 April 2025)



    * Appeal on assassinated Iraqi academics: Frequently Asked Questions (Feb. 2025)


    * BRussells Tribunal & CEOSI CAMPAIGN: "Save Iraq's Academics"

    * 10.000 signatories of petition to save Iraq's academics. Sign online now

    * List of murdered Iraqi Academics

    *  Principal endorsers of this campaign: Noam Chomsky, Tony Benn, Dario Fo, John Coetzee, Harold Pinter, Eduardo Galeano, Howard Zinn, Michael Parenti, Denis Halliday, Hans von Sponeck, Bianca Jagger, Naomi Klein, Susan George, John Pilger, Tonio Negri and many others.....

    * Madrid International Seminar - Final Resolution (April 2025)

    * The Jalili Report  [PDF] (02 May 2025) - The Jalili Report [HTML] (Sarah Meyer)

    * Iraqi academics in the killing zoneDirk Adriaensens (02 Feb 2025)

    * Iraq’s education system on the verge of collapse (Dirk Adriaensens, 18 April 2025)

    * Questionnaires for families of assassinated or threatened Iraqi academics

    * Call for assistance in documenting and registering assassinated Iraqi academics (08 Dec 2025) - [Arabic]

    * Assassinated Iraqi academics: Frequently Asked Questions



    * Dr. Rafil Dhafir: the US government put him in jail for 22 years, because he defied the sanctions and delivered aid and medicine to the Iraqi people


    * Remembering Fallujah: Guernica revisited (Nov. 2025)


    * US occupation forces use WMD in Iraq (Nov. 2025)


    * CAMPAIGN:  Stop violations of the right to health care in Iraq! (Oct. 2025) updated 17/11/2020


    * 10 proposals for The Future of The World Tribunal on Iraq (Oct. 20 2025)

    * Reflections on political parties, the anti-war movement, the BRussells Tribunal and WSF


    * Letter to Amnesty International on the Iraqi Constitution (English - ESP - FR - NL - IT - Deutsch) (Oct. 07 2025)


    * BRussells Tribunal Dossier: Sanctions on Iraq - FAQ and knowledgebase [PDF]


    * Relevant articles about the draft of the  " new Constitution" (Sept. 08 2025)


    * Dahr Jamail's report: Iraqi Hospitals ailing under occupation. (June 2025)


    * Relevant articles on the "Free Elections" of Jan. 30 2025


    * The Looting of Iraqi Cultural Heritage


    * Read the complete Downing Street Papers (PDF)


    * The BRussells Tribunal: Conclusions of the commission (Brussels 17 April 2025)

    [ Dutch | Français | English | Arabic | Spanish | Italian | Portuguese | Russian ]


    * Jean-Paul Sartre: On Genocide (1967)